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API - Error Messages

There are numerous error messages that may be generated when you use the API functionality. These are explained in the following table.

Code Message
General API Errors
200 Http module error.
201 Unexpected error occurred.
300 Requested API could not be found.
301 Requested method could not be found in the API.
302 Validation criteria could not be found for requested method.
303 Requested method is only available in newer versions of the API.
304 Could not determine MethodSettings subtype.
CheckTokenTime Errors
1000 Authentication Token has just expired.
General Authentication Errors
2000 Could not find validation criteria.
2001 TimeStamp is not within permitted timespan.
2002 No API Key was found to be associated with the provided Authentication Token.
2003 Could not authenticate Signature.
2004 Required value not present.
2005 Value is shorter than the minimum length.
2006 Value is longer than the maximum length.
2007 Value could not be converted to required type.
2008 Value is less than the minimum value.
2009 Value is more than the maximum value.
2010 Error reading the values. Ensure object is the correct format.
2011 API Key is not active.
2012 API Key associated with provided Authentication Token is not active.
2013 IP Address is not permitted to use API Key.
2014 The provided API Key does not exist.
2015 The API Key associated with this Authentication Token does not exist.
2016 Requests From This Domain Are Not Permitted.
Baskets AddItem / AddItemTrade Errors
3000 You must supply either IRPStockID, IRPPartCode or IRPExternalStockID.
3001 IRPStockID is not active in the IRP, and cannot be added to baskets.
3002 IRPStockID does not exist in the IRP.
3003 IRPPartCode not unique in IRP.
3004 IRPExternalStockID not unique in IRP.
3005 CurrencyISO is not active on IRP.
3006 BasketID is not present in the IRP. Use AddAsNewOnBasketMissing=true to create a new basket when this occurs.
3007 A CustomerGUID is required when a BasketID is provided.
3008 CustomerGUID does not match that which is held in the IRP against BasketID.
3009 The selected basket StockID does not match the StockID of the item you are updating it with. To replace that item with the new one, set OverwriteStockID=true.
3010 Basket Insert error.
3011 Basket Update error.
3012 Edit URL is not a valid URL.
3013 Image URL is not a valid URL.
3014 Additional Information Type was not valid.
3015 Additional Information could not be decoded from base64. Please ensure that the Additional Information is provided encoded in the base64 format.
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IRP Commerce Limited, Concourse 3, Catalyst, BT3 9DT, UK. Company Number: NI 041856. VAT Number: GB 888249658
A Deloitte Fast 50 Company eight times: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018, 2019 & 2020