You can find this section under Admin Users > Admin User Groups in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
All access to IRP Admin is granted through the Admin Users section. Initially you should set up an administrator user group. This will be the parent group of all subsequent groups.
You use user groups primarily to group employees and set access rights within the system. You could group users into areas such as website administrators, content administrators, order processors, customer service representatives, warehouse staff, and so forth. You can enable or disable access to each section of IRP Admin for each user group.
You can only grant access to user groups that are at a lower level than your own user group.
If your company is small, you may need only one user group. If you have a larger company, you might want to create more than one user group so that members of staff have differing access to IRP Admin sections. You can add as many user groups as you want or need.
For example, you might want only certain members of staff to have access to the Programming Utilities or Orders sections of IRP Admin.
Overview video
Note: Currently videos are not maintained in line with each software release and therefore features may work slightly differently from the way they are shown.