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Card Types

You can find this section under Payment Processing > Card Types in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use this section to define the types of card that can be used by your customers to make purchases on your website. A list of currently-available card types is normally imported into your IRP during deployment.

You can also enable 3D Secure for individual card types using this section.

CardTypes.aspx page

The CardTypes.aspx page appears as follows:


This shows the following details:

  • Accepted: This indicates whether or not you accept this card type on the website. If you check or uncheck this box, be sure to click the Update Card Types button to save your changes.
  • Display Order: This defines the order in which the card type are shown on the website in the Payment Details section. We suggest that you put your most popular card types first. A lower number indicates a higher priority. For example, a card type with Display Order of 1, will appear before a card type with Display Order of 2. If you make any changes here, be sure to click the Update Card Types button to save your changes.
  • Card Type: This shows the card type name that will be displayed on the website.
  • RealEx Code: This is the payment method code that will be sent to Realex in a payment request. If you need to adjust these, you can check them against the Realex (Global Payments) support page. If you make any changes here, be sure to click the Update Card Types button to save your changes.
  • WorldPay Code: This is the payment method code that will be sent to Worldpay in a payment request. If there is no value set here, CARD-SSL will be sent as the payment method code. If you need to adjust these, you can check them against the Worldpay support page. If you make any changes here, be sure to click the Update Card Types button to save your changes.
  • Apple Pay Supported Network: This value will be based on the Realex code and will be added to your system automatically. For example, for a Visa card, this value will be 'visa', for Amex, it will be 'amex' and so forth.
  • Google Pay Supported Network: This value will be based on the Realex code and will be added to your system automatically. For example, for a Visa card, this value will be 'visa', for Amex, it will be 'amex' and so forth.
  • 3D Secure Enabled: 3DSecure is the overall name given to Visa's 'Verified By Visa' and MasterCard's 'SecureCode' schemes. Its benefit is additional security for you that the cardholder's identity has been verified at the checkout. Enabling 3DSecure at this time is a trade-off. On one hand when customers use it, you can be greatly more confident that the transaction is not fraudulent, but on the other, there has not been widespread adoption by some of the much bigger online merchants, as it can cause confusion and result in less sales. Please note that you will also have to enable the Enable 3DSecure Application Setting in the Card Processor Settings section, as well as the 3D Secure Enabled setting against each individual card type (as described in How To Add or Edit a Card Type).
  • Edit: Click this button to edit the configuration details of a card type. For more information, see How To Add or Edit a Card Type.

At the top of the page you can use the following buttons:

  • Live Charging 3D Secure: Click this button to enable Live Charging 3D Secure. If enabled, 3D secure will be requested on registered cards.
  • Add New Card Type: Click this button to add a new card type. For more information, see How To Add or Edit a Card Type.

How To Guides (1)

How To Add or Edit a Card Type

To add or edit a card type, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Payment Processing > Card Types in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. To create a new card type, click the Add New Card Type button at the top of the page.
    To edit an existing card type, click the Edit button at the right side of the card type you wish to update.
  3. Enter or edit the following details in the Card Type Details section:
    Accepted Check this box if you want to accept this card type on your website.
    Card Type The card type name that will be displayed on your website.
    Display Order This sets the order in which the card types are shown on the website in the Payment Details section. We suggest that you put your most popular card types first. A lower number indicates a higher priority. For example, a card type with Display Order of 1, will appear before a card type with Display Order of 2.
    RealEx Code This is the payment method code that will be sent to Realex in a payment request. If you need to adjust these, you can check them against the Realex (Global Payments) support page.
    WorldPay Code This is the payment method code that will be sent to Worldpay in a payment request. If there is no value set here, CARD-SSL will be sent as the payment method code. If you need to adjust these, you can check them against the Worldpay support page.
    Apple Pay Supported Network This value will be based on the Realex code and will be added to your system automatically. For example, for a Visa card, this value will be 'visa', for Amex, it will be 'amex' and so forth.
    Google Pay Supported Network This value will be based on the Realex code and will be added to your system automatically. For example, for a Visa card, this value will be 'visa', for Amex, it will be 'amex' and so forth.
    TradeTalk Card Type (NOTE: TradeTalk is not currently used.) TradeTalk has the option to take the payment details on your behalf, and pass them onto you. They will pass down their card type, and this value is so you can match their values to one of your own card types.
    TradeTalk card types are:
    • Visa
    • MasterCard
    • Maestro
    • Solo
    You only need to have one of your card types set up to match each value.
    3D Secure Enabled 3DSecure is the overall name given to Visa's 'Verified By Visa' and MasterCard's 'SecureCode' schemes. Its benefit is additional security for you that the cardholder's identity has been verified at the checkout.
    Enabling 3DSecure at this time is a trade-off. On one hand when customers use it, you can be greatly more confident that the transaction is not fraudulent, but on the other, there has not been widespread adoption by some of the much bigger online merchants, as it can cause confusion and result in less sales.
    Please note that you will also have to enable the Enable 3DSecure Application Setting in the Card Processor Settings section, as well as the 3D Secure Enabled setting against each individual card type.
    Issue Number Required Enabling this setting will mean that when this card type is selected on a Payment Details page, an Issue Number text box will be displayed for value entry.
    Security Digit Information This is the text displayed on Payment Details pages next to the Security Digit Image, explaining where the user can find the Security Digits on their card. Click the Translate button to enter text for a different active language in your system.
    Card Processor ECI Value For Liability Shift The ECI Values are used only for 3D Secure transactions and are specific to your, e.g. Realex (Global Payments). These values are passed to your payment gateway to inform them of the status of our attempts to have the customer use 3D Secure. There are two values:
    • One which indicates we have done everything in our power to make the customer use 3D Secure. This means we qualify for what's called a 'Liability Shift'. i.e. the liability for any charge backs has been shifted onto the acquiring bank from you.
    • The other value indicates that we don't qualify for this and can be used for many reasons. For example, we were unable to process the 3D Secure parts of the transaction process due to an error outside our control. We generally allow these transactions to go through.
    Even if using 3D Secure, it is still necessary to review each order to make sure that it is legitimate.
    The values for Liability Shift for Realex Payments are:
    • Visa Cards - 6
    • MasterCard/Maestro/Switch - 1
    You can find further Information in Global Payment's Developers Portal.
    Card Processor ECI Value For No Liability Shift The ECI Values are used only for 3D Secure transactions and are specific to your, e.g. Realex (Global Payments). These values are passed to your payment gateway to inform them of the status of our attempts to have the customer use 3D Secure. There are two values:
    • One which indicates we have done everything in our power to make the customer use 3D Secure. This means we qualify for what's called a 'Liability Shift'. i.e. the liability for any charge backs has been shifted onto the acquiring bank from you.
    • The other value indicates that we don't qualify for this and can be used for many reasons. For example, we were unable to process the 3D Secure parts of the transaction process due to an error outside our control. We generally allow these transactions to go through.
    Even if using 3D Secure, it is still necessary to review each order to make sure that it is legitimate.
    The values for non-Liability Shift for Realex Payments are:
    • Visa Cards - 7
    • MasterCard/Maestro/Switch - 0
    You can find further Information in Global Payment's Developers Portal.
  4. Click the Insert Card Type button or the Update Card Type button to save your configuration.
    Note: The remaining settings described in the following steps are visible only if you are editing an existing card type.
  5. Enter or edit the following details in the Security Digit Image section:
    Upload Security Digit Image Upload a security digit image to be displayed alongside the security digit information text, indicating to the user where they can find their card's security digits. The image file must be in .PNG format.
  6. Enter or edit the following details in the IIN Ranges section:
    Add New Issuer Identification Number Range Add Issuer Identification Number (IIN) ranges that are valid for this card type. These will be used to identify a card type from the first 6 or 8 digits of the card number and can remove the requirement for a customer to select a card type in checkout (when this feature is enabled).
  7. Enter or edit the following details in the Valid Card Lengths section:
    Add New Valid Card Length From Card lengths can be used to confirm that a card number is valid for this card type. You can add a range of lengths or a single length by setting both the lower and upper range to the same value. Optionally you can add a pattern using '#' keys to denote where digits should appear such as "#### #### #### ####". Although patterns are optional, they can be used to enforce card length and display the card number in the given format when a customer types their number which can improve readability.
  8. Click the Insert Card Type button or the Update Card Type button to save your configuration.
  9. Back on the main CardTypes.aspx page, check the values that are shown for the Realex or Worldpay Codes. If you need to adjust these, you can check them against the Worldpay or Realex (Global Payments) support pages:
    Worldpay Code This is the payment method code that will be sent to Worldpay in a payment request. If there is no value set here, CARD-SSL will be sent as the payment method code.
    Realex Code This is the payment method code that will be sent to Realex in a payment request.
  10. Click the Update Card Types button to save any changes you have made.
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