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Geo Location

You can find this section under Integration > Geo Location in the IRP Admin left navigation menu. Note that the Geo Location feature is generally configured by your IRP Agency.

You can use Geo Location Import to apply Country and Currency user settings automatically when a customer visits your site. For example, if the Geo Location Import functionality has been used and a customer from Sweden visits your site, the Country setting will be set to Sweden and the Currency setting will be set to Swedish Krona.

IRP Admin image

Note that the Currency must be active on your site, otherwise the default Currency of GBP will be set. The Geo Location Import feature does not affect the Language user setting; this will be applied via the user's Language setting in their web browser.

If Geo Location data is not available, the IRP tries to apply user settings based on the customer’s browser/computer settings. As this method is not necessarily dealing with accurate information, the results may not always be correct. If these settings are not available, the default values of United Kingdom, GBP and English are set. As a result, we highly recommend this functionality for clients who experience high rates of foreign orders. The Geo Location Country Lookup button at the top of the screen should be highlighted and contain a tick mark (✔) if the feature is enabled.

IP-Country Database

To enable this feature, you will need to purchase an IP-Country Database to upload in your IRP. We recommend the DB1 IP-Country Database. Each month, an updated database is released containing the updated IP ranges, so the Geo Location Import should be performed on a monthly basis (normally this would be carried out by your Systems Integrator).

Any IP Country Database service can be used as long as it provides the following information in this order:

Column Value Data Type Description
1 IP From INT First IP address in range.
2 IP To INT Last IP address in range.
3 Country Code CHAR Country ISO Code.
4 Country VARCHAR Country Name.

Geo Location Data Upload

Once Geo Location data has been uploaded, when a customer visits your site, their IP address will be checked against the IP ranges in the Geo Location Import. From this, their Country and Currency will be determined. Languages are set by the customer’s browser settings as you cannot be certain which language a customer uses based on their Country.

The Geo Location feature is explained in further detail in the How To Import Geo Location Data article.

How To Guides (1)

How To Import Geo Location Data
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