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Inactive Elements

You can find this section under Products > Inactive Elements in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

Inactive Elements refer to Brands, Categories or Models that are no longer active yet have been searched for by customers on the front end of the website, possibly due to search engines indexing pages that no longer exist.

InactiveElements.aspx page

Search filter

You can use the search filter to limit the elements displayed in the grid on the InactiveElements.aspx page to a particular type — All, Brands, Categories or Models.

Main grid

The main grid on the InactiveElements.aspx page appears as follows:

This shows the following details:

  • ID: This is the Brand ID, Category ID or Model ID of the inactive element.
  • Element Type: This indicates whether the inactive element is a Brand, Category or Model.
  • Name: This is the name of the Brand, Category or Model.
  • Redirect Count: This is the number of times that an inactive Model, Brand or Category has been unsuccessfully searched for and enables you to see which inactive Brands, Categories and Models are searched for most.
  • Action: You can set up redirects to ensure that the customer does not visit a ‘dead link’ and instead is redirected somewhere more appropriate, such as a newer version of the now-inactive Model or a similar Brand or Category. You can apply the following redirects:
    • No Redirect: No redirect occurs.
    • Redirect To ID: A search is performed based on the ID value entered in the text box. This should be a valid numeric ModelId, BrandID or CategoryID.
    • Redirect To Search: A search is performed based on the search term value entered in the text box, for example bikes, shirts, shorts, jackets and so forth.
    See Applying redirects below for more information.
  • Edit: Click this button to make edits to the Brand, Category or Model configuration. See Making edits below for more information.

Applying redirects

To apply a redirect, select the relevant redirect option in the Action from the drop-down list and enter a valid redirect parameter in the text box. Apply redirects to all elements that require one and click the Update All Inactive Elements button to save all entries.

Note that any redirects you configure here will be reflected in the 'Advanced Information' section of the relevant ModelsEdit.aspx, BrandsEdit.aspx or CategoriesEdit.aspx page, specifically in the Inactive Redirect Type and Inactive Redirect Parameter settings. If you have already configured these settings in the 'Advanced Information' sections (as opposed to leaving them set to 'No Redirect'), the inactive Model or Brand or Category will not be listed on the InactiveElements.aspx page.

Making edits

Click the Edit button at the right side of an inactive element will take you to its corresponding edit page. For example, if the Element is a Model, you will be taken to the ModelsEdit.aspx page for that particular Model, and so forth. If you click the 'View Model Page' button (assuming you are on ModelsEdit.aspx), you will see the 404 message (if you have set that page up) that customers see if the product is inactive. You can enable an Application Setting called 'Enable 404 Redirect For Inactive Elements' - when enabled, customers will be redirected to the 404.aspx page whenever they visit a Model, Brand or Category that is now inactive on the website. Also see the 404 Error Handler help topic for more information.

Live Market Data
Today v Yesterday 0.10%
March 2025 v March 2024 17.83%
YTD 2025 v 2024 14.37%
Arts and Crafts 0.32%
Baby & Child 0.17%
Cars and Motorcycling 1.14%
Electrical & Commercial Equipment 0.28%
Fashion Clothing & Accessories 0.33%
Food & Drink 0.39%
Health and Wellbeing 0.32%
Kitchen & Home Appliances 0.69%
Pet Care 0.43%
Sports and Recreation 0.03%
Toys, Games & Collectables 0.21%

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A Deloitte Fast 50 Company eight times: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018, 2019 & 2020