You can find this section under Interface & Design > Interface Folder in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
You use the Interface Folder to upload, download and edit interface files on your website. This includes files that control the look and feel of the website, e.g. backgrounds, buttons, interface imagery, PDFs, word documents, CSS style sheets, etc.
The InterfaceManager.aspx page appears as follows:
You can upload the following file types:
- bmp
- css
- doc
- docx
- gif
- ico
- jpg
- jpeg
- pdf
- png
- swf
- webp
- xls
- xlsx
You can upload the following Web Fonts to the 'Fonts' folder:
- .eot
- .otf
- .ttf
- .woff
- .woff2
The URL for the file is displayed in the File URL section when you highlight a file. This allows you to display the file in the various HTML content areas on your site. For example, in Model Descriptions, Large Translations, Bottom Navigation, etc.
The IRP has support for a mobile favourites icon. This is a very useful feature which you are encouraged to use as it allows customers to add your website to the home screen of their smartphone where it will be displayed as an app-like icon showing the image you have created. Customers can then access your site directly by clicking the icon. When you create a suitable icon for your mobile site you can add it under Interface/Icons/FavoritesIconMobile.png in the Interface & Design section of IRP Admin. The image should be a PNG image with a width and height of 192 pixels.