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Marketing Campaigns

You can find this section under Email Marketing > Marketing Campaigns in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use this page to set up and manage your event-driven email remarketing campaigns and mailshot campaigns.


Campaigns are managed as flows stemming from a particular event. You can add various Actions and Timing steps to the flow once you have selected an event type; some steps will be automatically generated.


The available Actions and Timing steps will vary based on the event type you select. For more details, see How to Add or Edit a Marketing Campaign.

MarketingCampaigns.aspx page

The MarketingCampaigns.aspx page appears as follows:

IRP image

There are separate tabs for Remarketing Campaigns and Mailshots. Both tabs use the same search feature where you can find any campaign by name, active/inactive status, event type (Order Placed, Dropped Basket, etc.) and archive status.

Remarketing Campaigns tab

You can see the following details in the main grid:

  • ID: The unique identifier for this remarketing campaign, added automatically by the IRP.
  • Campaign: The name of the remarketing campaign used within IRP Admin.
  • Type: The type of campaign and the events that will cause the campaign to trigger emails and to stop.
  • Recipients: The type of recipients this remarketing campaign will be sent to, for example 'everyone'. You can click on the figure to open the appropriate editing page.
  • In Flow: This is the number of sends that have been scheduled as part of the campaign. For example, when a customer drops a basket, they will go into the workflow with a send scheduled for whatever the configured delay is before the first email send; if in between time, a Stop action is triggered, the customer will be removed from the workflow.
  • Emails: Here you can view the following details:
    • Subject: The subject line of the email.
    • Sent: The number of emails that have been sent.
    • Opened: The number of times that the email has been opened.
    • Clicks: The number of times that the email has been clicked on.
    • Unsubscribes: The number of times that the email has been unsubscribed from.
    • Sales: The total value of sales generated by the email.
  • Orders: The number of orders generated by this remarketing campaign.
  • AOV: The average order value generated by this remarketing campaign.
  • Sales: The total value of sales generated by this remarketing campaign.
  • Status: This indicates the status of the campaign (e.g. Active or Inactive).
  • Update: Select 'Deactivate' or 'Archive'.
  • Copy: Click this button to make a copy of the campaign so that you can easily adapt it to use for another campaign.
  • Manage: Click this button to make changes to the campaign details, test sending the emails, check the campaign status, view stats and audit history.

Mailshots tab

You can see the following details in the main grid:

  • ID: The unique identifier for this mailshot campaign, added automatically by the IRP.
  • Campaign: The name of the mailshot campaign used within IRP Admin.
  • Recipients: The type of recipients this remarketing campaign will be sent to, for example 'everyone'. You can click on the figure to open the appropriate editing page.
  • Email Details: The Subject, 'From' Name and 'From' Address of the mailshot.
  • Sent: The number of emails that have been sent.
  • Opened: The number of times that the email has been opened.
  • Clicked: The number of times that the email has been clicked on.
  • Unsubscribes: The number of times that the email has been unsubscribed from.
  • Orders: The number of orders generated by this mailshot.
  • AOV: The average order value generated by this mailshot.
  • Sales: The total value of sales generated by this mailshot.
  • Status: This indicates the status of the campaign (e.g. Active or Inactive).
  • Sending Status: This indicates the sending status of the mailshot, for example 'Not Sent'.
  • Last Sent: The date when this mailshot was last sent.
  • Next Send: The next scheduled send date for the mailshot.
  • Update: Select 'Deactivate' or 'Archive'.
  • Copy: Click this button to make a copy of the campaign so that you can easily adapt it to use for another campaign.
  • Manage: Click this button to make changes to the campaign details, test sending the emails, check the campaign status, view stats and audit history.

Other functions

At the top of the page you can use the following buttons:

  • Remarketing Events: Click this button to switch on the master setting to enable customer remarketing events. When this box is checked, customer-triggered events will be enabled and will qualify for active remarketing campaigns that you add on the MarketingCampaigns.aspx page. This setting is also available on the Email Settings page.
  • Legacy Campaigns: Click this button to go to the EmailCampaigns.aspx page. This is where you can view legacy mailshot campaigns, legacy dropped basket campaigns, legacy re-engagement campaigns and legacy birthday campaigns. For more details, see Legacy Campaigns: Overview, Legacy Campaigns: How to Manage a Legacy Birthday Campaign, Legacy Campaigns: How to Manage a Legacy Re-engagement Campaign, Legacy Campaigns: How to Manage a Legacy Standard Mailshot Campaign and Legacy Campaigns: How to Manage a Legacy Dropped Basket Campaign.
  • Errors: Click this button to view email marketing campaign errors on the RemarketingCampaignAuditHistory.aspx page. For more details, see How to View Remarketing Campaign Audit History.
  • Segmentation: Click this button to go to the EmailSegmentation.aspx page where you can view and edit all of the email segmentation options available to you on the IRP. These include email profiles, mailing list segments, email reports and email send lists. For more details, see the Segmentation help topic.
  • Audit History: Click this button to go to the RemarketingCampaignAuditHistory.aspx page where you can view the log entries for your email campaigns, including the dates sent, campaign source, audit notes, Admin User, errors and so forth. For more details, see How to View Remarketing Campaign Audit History.
  • Add New Campaign: Click this button to set up a new email marketing campaign on the RemarketingCampaignEdit.aspx page. For more details, see How to Add or Edit a Marketing Campaign.
  • [Cogwheel]: Click this button to go to the EmailSettings.aspx page where you can view and edit all M-Cloud Settings. For more details, see the Email Settings help topic.

Other key features

Other key features of the IRP email marketing suite are described in the sections that follow.

Auditing of email sends

All email sends, including attachments, are audited within IRP Admin. This improves visibility on exactly which emails have been sent to whom. This is used mainly for statistics and advanced functionality and is enabled using two Application Settings in the 'Emails' grouping:

  • Enable Email Auditing: When enabled, every email send will be logged in the database.
  • Enable Email Content Auditing: When enabled, all sent email content will be logged in the database.

You can view email sends on the EmailSendHistory.aspx page (you can also access this page by clicking the Email Send History button on the Mailing List page, MailingList.aspx). Note that customer send records are deleted seven days after sending.

Email stylesheet

The Email Stylesheet is included in all emails. This includes existing system emails, mailshot emails and remarketing emails.

Email Alerts bar

You can see at-a-glance information about your emails using the Emails Alerts Bar at the top of your IRP Admin page (to see this bar, select 'Emails' from the drop-down menu under the search bar at the top of the page):

Emails alert bar

Small Translations for the 'Unsubscribe' link

You can use the following Small Translations for the 'Unsubscribe' link in your emails: 2503, 2504 and 2505.

'Last Engaged' timestamp

The 'Last Engaged' timestamp is recorded against Mailing List entries. This is updated when a customer clicks a link in a marketing email and also when viewing system emails. This helps with tracking the engagement of each Mailing List entry by tracking link clicks within emails. If you have SQL abilities, this would be available in reports querying the Mailing List.

Email validation

Email validation in the IRP makes use of the most up-to-date implementation recommended by Microsoft, thus allowing fully-functioning email address validation for modern addresses and domain names.

Default email address and display name in IRP Admin

You can set the default email address and display name that you see on pages in IRP Admin by setting values for the following Application Settings in the 'Emails' grouping:

  • Offer Email Address: The Offer Email Address that will appear as default on the Administration Email Edit, Private Sale Edit and front-end Email Subscription pages.
  • Offer Email Display Name: The Offer Email Display Name that will appear as default on the Administration Email Edit pages.

How To Guides (9)

How to Add or Edit a Marketing Campaign
How to View Remarketing Campaign Audit History
How to View Emails Online or Email a Friend
How to Understand Email Campaign Placeholders
Legacy Campaigns: Overview
Legacy Campaigns: How to Manage a Legacy Birthday Campaign
Legacy Campaigns: How to Manage a Legacy Re-engagement Campaign
Legacy Campaigns: How to Manage a Legacy Standard Mailshot Campaign
Legacy Campaigns: How to Manage a Legacy Dropped Basket Campaign
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