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Overview - Legacy (Integration)

You can find this section under Integration > Overview - Legacy in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

The page presents you with an overview of ‘legacy’ integrations on the IRP. The page also provides you with summary log files that show what integration actions have been carried out and when they occurred, whether or not those actions were successful and details such as the name and IP address of the IRP Admin users who performed the integrations.

This is useful information because, if you notice that some data has been incorrectly formatted or that it is wrong in some way or other on your website, you need to know when the integration was carried out and by whom. You can then proceed to contact the user for more details, if necessary. You can then go on to correct the errors.

The overview page (UniversalIntegrationOverview.aspx) for legacy integrations appears as follows:

IRP Admin image

The information is grouped into the following sections:

Product integration overview

You use Product Integration to format and create recurring bulk imports of product data. This section includes the following summary information:

  • Is Integration Active: (Yes or No) This indicates whether product integration is ready to run, based on field mapping prerequisites and the presence of a product integration SQL query. If Integration is active, you will see a summary of information displayed in the lower part of the section (see ‘Integration Details’) below.
  • Product Data Last Integrated: This shows the date and time when the product integration was last performed. If not applicable, this will state ‘Not Integrated’. Click the Edit button to go to the Product section.

When setting up your Legacy Custom Integration for the first time you should follow these steps:

  • Set Data Manipulation Steps using the Manipulate Imported Data tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit Data Manipulation Steps article for details.
  • Set Data Field Mappings using the Map Imported Fields tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Edit Field Mappings for Product Integrations article for details.
  • Create Integration SQL Query using the Integration Query tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit an Integration Query article for details.
  • Perform the integration as described in the Legacy Integrations: How To Perform an Integration article.

After these steps have been completed, you do not need to perform them again unless the import file format changes.

Stock integration overview

Stock Integration is used to format and create recurring bulk imports of stock data. The section can also be used to update any value contained in the Stock table of your IRP database including Part Codes, EAN Codes, Postage Weights, prices, RRPs, etc. This section includes the following summary information:

  • Is Integration Active: (Yes or No) This indicates whether stock integration is ready to run, based on field mapping prerequisites and the presence of a stock levels integration SQL query. If Integration is active, you will see a summary of information displayed in the lower part of the section (see ‘Integration Details’) below.
  • Stock Data Last Integrated: This shows the date and time when the stock integration was last performed. If not applicable, this will state ‘Not Integrated’. Click the Edit button to go to the Stock section.

When setting up your Legacy Custom Integration for the first time you should follow these steps:

  • Set Data Manipulation Steps using the Manipulate Imported Data tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit Data Manipulation Steps article for details.
  • Set Data Field Mappings using the Map Imported Fields tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Edit Field Mappings for Stock Integrations article for details.
  • Create Integration SQL Query using the Integration Query tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit an Integration Query article for details.
  • Perform the integration as described in the Legacy Integrations: How To Perform an Integration article.

After these steps have been completed, you do not need to perform them again unless the import file format changes.

Custom integration overview

You can use this section for any type of custom integration, for example you may want to use it for Orders Integration — you could upload a file to the IRP from your EPOS system then run SQL on it to update your Order statuses. This section includes the following summary information:

  • Is Integration Active: (Yes or No) This indicates whether custom integration is ready to run, based on the presence of a stock integration SQL query. If Integration is active, you will see a summary of information displayed in the lower part of the section (see ‘Integration Details’) below.
  • Custom Data Last Integrated: This shows the date and time when the custom integration was last performed. If not applicable, this will state ‘Not Integrated’. Click the Edit button to go to the Custom section.

When setting up your Legacy Custom Integration for the first time you should follow these steps:

  • Set Data Manipulation Steps using the Manipulate Imported Data tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit Data Manipulation Steps article for details.
  • Create Integration SQL Query using the Integration Query tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit an Integration Query article for details.
  • Perform the integration as described in the Legacy Integrations: How To Perform an Integration article.

After these steps have been completed, you do not need to perform them again unless the import file format changes.

Legacy integration details

If Integration is active, you will see a summary of information displayed in the lower part of the section. The details include:

  • File Last Uploaded: The date and time of the last Integration File Upload.
  • Number of Rows in Import Table: The Number of Rows in the Integration Import table following the Upload of a delimited file.
  • Data Last Staged: The last date and time that Integration data was staged prior to Integration.
  • Number of Rows in Staging Table: The Number of rows in the Integration staging table.
  • Pre-Requisite Field Mappings Assigned: Have the Pre-Requisite Field Mappings been set up for the Integration (Yes/No)?
  • Field Mappings: The Number of Field Mappings between Integration Import Fields and Integration Staging Fields (including the Pre Requisite Field Mappings).
  • Data Manipulation Steps: The Number of Active Manipulation Steps to be performed on Imported Integration data prior to it being Staged.
  • Integration SQL Query Set Up: Is there a Integration SQL Query set up for the Integration (Yes/No)?

Integration log

The Integration Log section includes the following summary information. You can use the search bar to find particular files and if you expand Other Options under the Search bar, you can search by Integration Type (Product, Stock or Custom):

  • Username: This shows the username of the IRP Admin user who carried out a stock levels integration.
  • Type: This shows the type of integration — Product, Stock or Custom.
  • Detail: This shows the action that the user carried out, for example, “Field Mappings Deleted”.
  • Success: This shows whether the action was successful (True) or unsuccessful (False).
  • IP Address: This shows the user’s IP address.
  • TimeStamp: This shows the date and time when the user carried out the action.

You can add Integrations by clicking the Add Product Integration, Edit Stock Integration, Add Custom Integration or Add New Dynamic Integration buttons at the top of the screen.

Also you can click the Dynamic Integrations button to go to the main IntegrationOverview.aspx screen where you can see an overview of dynamic integrations, as described at the start of this topic.

How To Guides (5)

Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit Data Manipulation Steps
Legacy Integrations: How To Edit Field Mappings for Product Integrations

Field Mappings are used to link the fields in the import file to fields in your IRP database. Setting the Field Mappings will ensure that the correct fields and values are updated and stored within your IRP database when a file is integrated.

Required Field Mappings

There are a number of required Field Mappings which must be set:

SettingDescription & Data Type
CategoryExternal / CategoryID CategoryExternal - An alphanumeric identifier for a Category, external to the IRP. CategoryID - A unique numeric identifier for a Category within the IRP.
Data Type: Nvarchar(30) / Int
ExternalStockID / StockID ExternalStockID - A unique alphanumeric identifier for a Stock Item, external to the IRP. StockID - A unique numeric identifier for a Stock Item within the IRP.
Data Type: Nvarchar(20) / Int
ModelExternal / ModelID ModelExternal - An alphanumeric identifier for a Model, external to the IRP. ModelID - A unique numeric identifier for a Model within the IRP.
Data Type: Nvarchar(250) / Int
Brand An alphanumeric identifier for a Brand, e.g. Brand Name.
Data Type: Nvarchar(30)
Category An alphanumeric identifier for a Category, e.g. Category Name.
Data Type: Nvarchar(50)
Model An alphanumeric identifier for a Model, e.g. Model Name.
Data Type: Nvarchar(250)

After these have been added, click the Update Pre-Requisites button to save them.

Optional Field Mappings

After the required fields have been added, new functionality will appear in the Set up Field Mappings section. This will allow you to add the following optional Field Mappings via drop down:

SettingDescription & Data Type
BrandExternal An external alphanumeric identifier for a Brand, e.g. Industry abbreviation for brand used by suppliers, etc. The North face - TNF.
Data Type: Nvarchar(30)
CategoryID A unique numeric identifier for a Category within the IRP.
Data Type: Int
CategoryExternal An alphanumeric identifier for a Category, external to the IRP.
Data Type: Nvarchar(50)
Description Model Description.
Data Type: Nvarchar(max)
EAN13PartCode EAN13PartCode/Barcode value for the Stock Item.
Data Type: Nvarchar(20)
ExternalStockID An alphanumeric identifier for a Stock Item, external to the IRP.
Data Type: Nvarchar(50)
ImageUrlsModel The URL for the Model Image.
Data Type: Nvarchar(max)
ImageUrlsStock The URL/s for Stock Image/s.
Data Type: Nvarchar(max)
InStock The Web (total available) Stock Level for the Stock Item.
Data Type: Nvarchar(Int)
ISBNNumber ISBN Number for the Stock Item.
Data Type: Nvarchar(20)
KitStatus Numeric value which represents the Model's Kit Status:
0 Not A Kit
1 Not A Kit
2 Kit Item Only
Data Type: SmallInt
LocalPrice The Price of a Stock Item for the Stock Location set in the Integration. This price will be used if the user logs in to the EPOS system.
Data Type: Money
LocalStockLevel The Stock Level of a Stock Item at the Stock Location set in the Integration.
Data Type: Int
ModelExternal An alphanumeric Name for a Model, external to the IRP.
Data Type: Nvarchar(250)
ModelID A unique numeric identifier for a Model within the IRP.
Data Type: Int
Offer The Offer Status for the Model and associated Stock Items:
0 Not On Offer
1 Sale
2 Clearance
3 Sale & Clearance
4 Back In Stock
100 New
Data Type: SmallInt
Option The Stock Option - Size and/or Colour, e.g. XL/Black, 12/Red, 150ml, etc.
Data Type: Nvarchar(36)
OutOfStockStatus The Out of Stock Status for a Stock Item:
0 Normal - Allows Customer to set up a Stock Notification for when the Stock Item comes back in Stock.
500 Special Order -
1000 Discontinued - Stock Item cannot be ordered when the Web Stock Level reaches zero. This stock Item can only be purchased if the Stock level is greater than zero.
Any Positive Integer Available In - Available In x-y days. The value entered here will be the y value. The x value will be y divided by 2. This will be rounded up when odd numbers are used. For example, If you set the value to 10, the Stock Option listing on the Model's page will read: Available in 5 - 10 days. If you set the value to 7, the Stock Option listing on the Model's page will read: Available in 4 - 7 days.

Data Type: SmallInt
PartCode Manufacturers PartCode for a Stock Item.
Data Type: Nvarchar(20)
PostageWeight Weight of an Item in grams.
Data Type: Int
Price The Website Price of a Stock Item.
Data Type: Money)
RRP The RRP of the Model and associated Stock Items.
Data Type: Money
StockID A unique numeric identifier for a Stock Item within the IRP.
Data Type: Int
StockLocation The Stock Location Name for the Stock Location which you are updating/adding Stock Items to.
Data Type: Nvarchar(50)
SupplierCostPrice The Supplier Cost price for a Stock Item.
Data Type: Money
SupplierName The Name of the Supplier for this Model/Stock Item.
Data Type: Nvarchar(50)
UPCAPartCode The Universal Product Code for this Stock Item.
Data Type: Nvarchar(20)
VatRate The Vat Rate for this Stock Item as a decimal, e.g. 0.05, 0.20, etc.
Data Type: Decimal (18,2)
ImportedTimeStamp Set DateTime value when this integration was performed. Will be automatically generated if not included.
Data Type: DateTime

Add Field Mappings

To add Field Mappings, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Integration > Overview in the IRP left navigation menu.
  2. Click the Edit button for the Product legacy integration that you want to work with.
  3. Click the Map Imported Fields tab.
    > There are three sections here:
    Set up Field Mappings Allows you to add a new Field Mapping.
    Edit Field Mappings Allows you to edit an existing Field Mapping.
    Sample of Imported Stock Data Displays a sample data set of the previously imported data.
  4. Enter the Required Field Mappings values (column headers) from your import file:
    Required Field Mappings
    Please note that the first three options also require the relevant data type to be set by selecting the corresponding radio button.
    Click the Update Pre-Requisites button to add the Required Field mappings.
  5. Add any Optional Field Mappings you can provide data for:
    Optional Field Mappings
    Click the Add Field Mapping button after entering a Field name to add the Optional Field mappings. Repeat this step for each additional Optional Field Mapping.

Edit Field Mappings

To edit Field Mappings, simply change the Import Field value to the correct value and click the Update Field Mappings button to save the changes.

Legacy Integrations: How To Edit Field Mappings for Stock Integrations
Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit an Integration Query
Legacy Integrations: How To Perform an Integration
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