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Overview (Orders)

You can find this section under Orders > Overview in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

The screen presents you with a summary of order information. This is where to go to assess the overall, high-level status of all orders in your system. This page helps you to identify any trends in payments. You can also see where you are selling most of your products.

The OrdersHome.aspx page appears as follows:

Orders Overview page

Note: that the counts shown on the OrdersHome.aspx page reflect only the orders of the stock location of the logged-in Admin User (using their Stock Location ID). This means that the counts may be different to those shown on the main Orders page (Orders.aspx) unless you have selected your allocated stock location on the 'Fulfillment from' list on the Orders.aspx page – if you have selected 'Fulfillment from: All Locations' on the Orders.aspx page then counts will be shown for all orders in your system, not just your allocated stock location (see the Orders help topic for more information).

The information is grouped into the following sections:

  • General Info
    This shows several at-a-glance statistics for orders on your website, including orders that are new, on-hold, approved, at the picking and packing stage, dispatching, part-shipped and offline. This also shows you the average completion time of your orders (in days). All of this information complements the information on the Orders page. You can see immediately if you have a backlog of orders. If you have a lot of orders on-hold then you will need to examine what is holding up these orders and if there is a trend developing that you should be aware of.
  • Order Counts
    This shows the total numbers of orders that have occurred over the last 24 hours, 7 days and 30 days. This is useful for alerting you to any big demand developing for particular products. This in turn may indicate that you need to check the status of your stock. It is also a good place to look if have just started a sales campaign; you can see if there have been any immediate effects in the last few days and hours.
  • Payment Methods Last 30 Days
    This shows the numbers of card, PayPal, Amazon Pay (if enabled) and other payments over the last 30 days. This information could be of interest to you because any trend for one payment type to increase could mean that you should consider promoting that payment type more prominently on your website. Alternatively it could indicate that your potential customers are finding your payment methods too complicated and are turning to a competitor who has a more straightforward payment process. This would lead you to re-examine your whole payment and checkout process and could lead ultimately to you generating more sales.
  • Amazon Orders Last 30 Days
    (Note that this section is shown regardless of whether or not you sell products on Amazon.) This shows the number and total value of Amazon orders over the last 30 days. This information will naturally be of interest to you as an Amazon Marketplace seller. If you don’t see much activity in this area — or if you see a decline in the number and value of sales — then you should perhaps reconsider your Amazon strategy. Likewise, if you see a trend towards increasing sales in this area, you should consider whether to add more products to Amazon or raise your profile as a Marketplace seller. For more details about how the IRP integrates with Amazon, see Amazon Integration Overview.
  • Order Sources - Last 30 Days
    This is a pie chart showing the countries that orders have come from over the last 30 days. This could provide you with extremely valuable information. If, for example, you can see a trend for a particular product being sold in a foreign country, it could mean that you should be focusing much more on promoting that product on the foreign-language version of your website. Perhaps you should devise special offers or promote a loyalty scheme specifically for that country. Information from this section could lead you to alter your digital marketing strategy and generate many more international sales.
  • Payment Methods - Last 30 Days
    This is a pie chart showing the payment methods used by customers over the last 30 days. This might include methods such as payments by card, cheque, bank transfer, vouchers, split payments (e.g. voucher + card at till) and so forth. Amazon Pay Payments will be included only if the order count is greater than zero. This is useful to you because it could indicate that most of your sales are completed using a particular payment method and that you should promote that method more, so as to encourage more sales. Or perhaps you should discourage certain forms of payment if they account for a very small number of sales.

Order Alerts Bar

You can see at-a-glance information about your orders using the Orders Alerts Bar at the top of your IRP Admin page. To see this bar, expand the drop-down menu under the search bar and select 'Orders'. You will then see the following details in your top nav:

The Orders bar shows the following details:

IRP Admin Orders bar
  • New Orders: This shows you at a glance how many new orders you have. Click this button to go directly to the Orders.aspx?Status=New page in IRP Admin.
  • Collections: This shows you at a glance how many new Click & Collect orders you have. Click this button to go directly to the Orders.aspx?Status=ClickAndCollect page in IRP Admin.
  • On Hold Orders: This shows you how many orders that you have on hold. Click this button to go directly to the Orders.aspx?OrderStatus=OnHold page in IRP Admin.
  • Approved Orders: This shows you how many approved orders you have. Click this button to go directly to the Orders.aspx?OrderStatus=Approved page in IRP Admin.
  • Payment Issues: This shows you how many payment issues you have. Click this button to go directly to the OrdersPaymentProblems.aspx page in IRP Admin.
  • Pending Payments: Hover over this button to see a list of payments that are pending for the payment types you have in your system, for example Realex and Worldpay. Click this button to go directly to the Orders.aspx?ThirdPartyPaymentsWaitingFor= page in IRP Admin.

You can also manage orders by clicking the Administrate Orders button at the top of the screen. This takes you to the main Orders section (Orders.aspx).

Live Market Data
Today v Yesterday 0.21%
March 2025 v March 2024 17.07%
YTD 2025 v 2024 13.47%
Arts and Crafts 0.19%
Baby & Child 0.12%
Cars and Motorcycling 0.19%
Electrical & Commercial Equipment 0.04%
Fashion Clothing & Accessories 0.41%
Food & Drink 1.55%
Health and Wellbeing 0.05%
Kitchen & Home Appliances 0.59%
Pet Care 0.48%
Sports and Recreation 0.08%
Toys, Games & Collectables 0.91%

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IRP Commerce Limited, Concourse 3, Catalyst, BT3 9DT, UK. Company Number: NI 041856. VAT Number: GB 888249658
A Deloitte Fast 50 Company eight times: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018, 2019 & 2020