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Points Loyalty Schemes


You can find this section under Loyalty Schemes > Points Loyalty Schemes in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use this section to award points to loyal customers that they can then put towards purchases on your website. The points-based loyalty scheme will help you to increase your customer loyalty and repeat purchase. In turn, this will drive up your customer lifetime value.

With the points-based loyalty scheme feature you can:

  • Set reward and redemption rates using a base currency ISO. For example, you could create a scheme with a base currency of GBP, a reward rate of 0.1 and a redemption rate of 0.01 – this would reward 50 points for the purchase of an item worth £5 and would allow the redemption of 500 points for a £5 discount.
  • Configure currency-specific reward and redemption rates for currencies other than the base currency of the scheme. (If a currency-specific base rate is not set, a conversion via exchange rate will take place from the customer's currency to the base currency of the scheme.)
  • Create either 'Basket' or 'Product' schemes:
    • 'Basket' schemes allow points to be redeemed for a header discount against the basket total, similar to a voucher discount.
    • 'Product' schemes allow points to be redeemed to pay for individual products. You can define redemption points costs per Points Loyalty Scheme that will be used instead of set redemption rates, thus allowing specific stock items to have fixed redemption points costs. (Note that customers cannot part-pay for products in 'Product' schemes – the redemption cost of a product needs to be available in its entirety for the item to be purchased for points.
  • Restrict schemes to specific billing countries. Customers from that billing country can then be enrolled automatically when they place an order.
  • Allow customers to easily check their loyalty points balance against their account, including access to a loyalty points transaction history page.
  • Display front-end product information about the number of points that will be rewarded for the purchase of each product:
    IRP Points Based Loyalty
    IRP Points Based Loyalty
  • Build specific promotions for points-based loyalty schemes, including 'Get Fixed Amount Of Loyalty Points For Products', 'Get Multiple Of Loyalty Points For Products', 'Get Product At Set Loyalty Point Cost', 'Get Fixed Amount Of Loyalty Points At Basket Sub Total' and 'Get Multiple Of Loyalty Points At Basket Sub Total'.
  • Reward and redeem points using the IRP EPOS. You can use schemes interchangeably between your website and your shop via customer accounts.

Points Loyalty Schemes page in IRP Admin

The PointsLoyaltySchemes.aspx page (under Loyalty Schemes > Points Loyalty Schemes in the IRP Admin left navigation menu) appears as follows:

IRP Points Based Loyalty page

You can use the search bar at the top of the page to find any point-based loyalty scheme in the system. You can search by loyalty scheme name or by shipping country and, if you expand 'Other Options' you can filter your results by:

  • Active status (Active, Inactive or Both)
  • Scheme Type (Product or Basket)
  • Base Currency
  • Shipping Country

In the main grid you can see view the following details:

  • ID: This is the unique ID of the scheme, created automatically by the IRP.
  • Active: This indicates whether or not the scheme is active and therefore available for customers to use.
  • Name: This is the name of the points-based loyalty scheme.
  • Base Currency: This is the base currency of the scheme, for example GBP or EUR.
  • Type: This can be either:
    • Product – This allows the purchase of individual items.
    • Basket – This allows the application of loyalty points to the basket as a header-level discount, similar to the application of a voucher.
  • Orders: This is the total number of orders resulting from the scheme.
  • Order Value: This is the total value of all orders resulting from the scheme.
  • Customers: This is the total number of customers who are enrolled for the scheme.
  • Countries: This is the list of shipping countries configured for the scheme. If you click on this list, you will go directly to the 'Country Restrictions' tab on the PointsLoyaltySchemeEdit.aspx page.
  • Edit: Click this button to make changes to an existing loyalty scheme. For more details, see To Add or Edit a Points-Based Loyalty Scheme.

At the top of the page you can use the following buttons:

  • Promotions: Click this button to go to the Promotions.aspx page where you can view your currently-running IRP promotions. For more details, see the Promotions help topic.
  • Add New Points Loyalty Scheme: Click this button to set up a new scheme. For more details, see How To Add or Edit a Points-Based Loyalty Scheme.
  • Show All Points Loyalty Schemes: Click this button to display all configured schemes in the main grid.

Promotions for points-based loyalty schemes

There are several promotion types that work with the points-based loyalty scheme functionality:

  • Get Fixed Amount Of Loyalty Points For Products – This promotion functions similarly to basket promotions where the promotion can be configured with basket and product-restriction rules to allow qualifying baskets containing specific products to have those products reward a fixed amount of loyalty points on purchase. If the applicable product would reward a higher amount of points than the promotional value, the default reward points will be rewarded instead.
  • Get Multiple Of Loyalty Points For Products – This promotion functions similarly to basket promotions where the promotion can be configured with basket and product-restriction rules to allow qualifying baskets containing specific products to have those products reward a multiple of the loyalty points they normally would on purchase. For example, a qualifying product that would normally reward 100 points with a promotional multiplier of 2.5 would instead reward 250 points on purchase.
  • Get Product At Set Loyalty Point Cost – This promotion functions similarly to basket promotions where the promotion can be configured with basket and product-restriction rules to allow qualifying baskets containing specific products to have those products be purchasable for a set promotional loyalty point cost. If the applicable product would cost less points than the promotional value by default, the item will instead be purchasable for the default redemption points amount.
  • Get Fixed Amount Of Loyalty Points At Basket Sub Total – This promotion functions similarly to auto-discount promotions where the promotion can be configured with a minimum basket sub total to allow qualifying baskets to reward a fixed amount of additional loyalty points on purchase as bonus points.
  • Get Multiple Of Loyalty Points At Basket Sub Total – This promotion functions similarly to auto-discount promotions where the promotion can be configured with a minimum basket sub total to allow qualifying baskets to reward a multiple of the final total reward points which would normally be rewarded for the basket as bonus points. For example, a basket that complied with a designated minimum basket sub total of a configured promotion with a multiplier of 2.5, which consisted of products that resulted in a final total of 300 points to be rewarded, would reward an additional 450 points as bonus points. This would result in a grand total of 700 points being rewarded.

For more information, see the Promotions help topic.

Placeholders in templates and emails

Custom Product List Templates can include the following placeholders for loyalty schemes:

  • $$RewardPoints$$

Order Sheet Templates can include the following placeholders for loyalty schemes:

  • $$LineLoyaltyPointsRedeemed$$
  • $$LineLoyaltyPointsRewarded$$
  • $$LoyaltyPointsAccountBalance$$
  • $$TotalLoyaltyPointsRedeemed$$
  • $$TotalLoyaltyPointsRewarded$$
  • $$UnitLoyaltyPointsRedeemed$$
  • $$UnitLoyaltyPointsRewarded$$

Several System Emails contain points-based loyalty scheme placeholders. For example the Order Confirmation, Order Confirmation Click And Collect, Order Update Cancelled Pending Email, Order Update Complete Pending Email, Order Update Part Shipped Pending Email and EPOS Receipt system emails can include the following placeholders:

  • $$LoyaltyPointsAccountBalance$$
  • $$LoyaltyPointsTotalRedeemed$$
  • $$LoyaltyPointsTotalRewarded$$

How customers are enrolled on loyalty schemes

There are two ways that customers are enrolled on points-based loyalty schemes:

  1. Automatically – a customer will be enrolled automatically onto a loyalty scheme when they place an order, provided that the customer:
    1. Has not been excluded from points loyalty schemes (via the 'Exclude From Points Loyalty Schemes' setting on the CustomerEdit.aspx page).
    2. Is not already enrolled onto a scheme.*
    3. Has a billing address that is part of a points loyalty scheme.
    *Note that if a customer is already enrolled onto a scheme and they change their billing address, the scheme will not be updated. For example, if the customer was enrolled onto a UK scheme and has moved to Ireland since the last time they ordered, their customer account will still be set to the UK scheme.
  2. Manually – you can manually configure a customer account to be part of a loyalty scheme. For details, see How To Award Loyalty Points to Specific Customers.

How customers view and redeem their loyalty points

Signed-in customers can see their loyalty points in various places. For example, points are displayed when the customer clicks their account icon in the header area at the top of the page:

IRP Points Based Loyalty Scheme

Customers can also see their transactions on the 'Loyalty Points History' page (/MyAccount/PointsLoyaltySchemeTransactionHistory.aspx):

IRP Points Based Loyalty page

Loyalty points are displayed on listings pages throughout the IRP front end (in both gallery and list view):

IRP Points Based Loyalty Scheme

(This applies also to search results pages, recently-viewed pages, model page scrollers, custom search pages, custom product list pages, custom content pages with custom product lists and custom content pages with custom product list templates.)

On model pages, loyalty points appear as follows (desktop image shown):

IRP Points Based Loyalty Scheme

On the basket page, loyalty points appear as follows (a simple 'basket' loyalty scheme is shown here):

IRP Points Based Loyalty Scheme

If the customer chooses to redeem some of their points, their basket will be updated:

IRP Points Based Loyalty Scheme

For a 'product' loyalty scheme, the customer will see which products they can purchase using points, for example:

IRP Points Based Loyalty Scheme

If the customer uses some points, the Sub Total is updated and the customer has the opportunity to remove their points if desired:

IRP Points Based Loyalty Scheme

If there is more than one product selected, the customer will use a different control:

IRP Points Based Loyalty Scheme

As the customer increases the number of points they want to use, the display changes accordingly:

IRP Points Based Loyalty Scheme

Note: There are multiple scenarios that effect how customers can view and use loyalty points. These include whether you have specific Promotions running, whether you have active Vouchers and whether you have Quantity Discounts set up. In addition, your exchange rates, stock prices for individual currencies and your exact configuration of Redemption Points and Reward Points (both base and override versions) will all impact on how the loyalty points are displayed.

As the customer moves into the checkout, loyalty points are displayed on the /Secure/Postage.aspx, /Secure/PaymentDetails.aspx and /Secure/OrderSummary.aspx pages:

IRP Points Based Loyalty Scheme

And again on the /Secure/OrderConfirmation.aspx page of the checkout:

IRP Points Based Loyalty Scheme

Assuming you have incorporated the correct placeholders in the system emails (as described previously), customers will also be able to view their loyalty points on each of the notifications that they receive as the order is processed.

Managing orders using loyalty points

On the Orders.aspx page, the loyalty points used to purchase the order are shown in the record:

IRP Points Based Loyalty Scheme

On the OrderManage.aspx page, more information is shown in the record:

IRP Points Based Loyalty Scheme

Note the following:

  • Loyalty Points Spent: If all items have been either cancelled or returned, the loyalty points spent will equal the sum of all points spent on items in the order, regardless of their item status. If not all items have been either cancelled or returned, the loyalty points spent will equal the sum of all points spent on non-cancelled, non-returned items in the order.
  • Loyalty Points Earned: If all items have been either cancelled or returned, the loyalty points earned will equal the sum of all points rewarded for items in the order, regardless of their item status. If not all items have been either cancelled or returned, the loyalty points earned will equal the sum of all points rewarded for non-cancelled, non-returned items in the order.

You can proceed to process the order in the usual way. If you have to cancel or refund order items, you can see on the points that will be refunded on the 'Manage Items' tab on the OrderManage.aspx page. For example:

Points Loyalty Scheme

Once the order is cancelled, any points that the customer earned for that order/cancelled item will be cancelled.

Using the EPOS with points-based loyalty schemes

Loyalty points can also be rewarded and redeemed using the IRP EPOS. In this way, loyalty schemes can be used interchangeably between your web store and your physical store. This is achieved via the use of customer accounts. For more information, see the How To Use the EPOS with Points-Based Loyalty Schemes help topic.

You can quickly create an account in the EPOS system if a customer wants to sign up for the loyalty scheme in store. You need to enter only a few personal details to create the account (first name, surname, email address and telephone number) and the customer will then be required to enter their full details during a later checkout process via IRP Shopper. For full details, see the How to Create a Customer Account Using the EPOS help topic.

Setting up points-based loyalty schemes

Read the following topics for help with setting up points-based loyalty schemes:

How To Guides (2)

How To Add or Edit a Points-Based Loyalty Scheme
How To Award Loyalty Points to Specific Customers
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