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Product Discounts

You can find this section under Price Adjustments > Product Discounts in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

Product Discounts page

You use the product discount section to discount products in bulk by a specified percentage.

Your product discounts can be a combination of brands, categories and countries or you can apply them to individual brands and categories. Country must always be specified therefore the possible combinations are:

  • Specific Country + Specific Brand + Specific Category
  • Specific Country + Specific Brand + All Categories
  • Specific Country + All Brands + Specific Category
  • Specific Country + All Brands + All Categories

You can also use product discounts to increase prices by entering a negative percentage e.g. -10%.

Product discounts apply to the current web price of the product, not the RRP unless you tick the box called Apply to RRP. If you do tick the Apply to RRP box, when the discount is applied, the RRP value will be decreased by positive discount rates or increased by negative discount rates.

NOTE: When prices are calculated via the Product Discounts section, the price has VAT removed from it, then the Product Discount is applied to it and the number is rounded, before finally adding the VAT back to the rounded price. This can sometimes cause the final price to look as if it has a minor anomaly (e.g. 1 penny added) due to the rounding. (By way of comparison, if the discount was being applied by an IRP Promotion, the discount amount is calculated with the VAT included, and so would produce a more consistently rounded number.

At the top of the page you can use the following buttons:

  • Loyalty Schemes: Click this button to go to the LoyaltySchemes.aspx page. For more details, see Loyalty Schemes.
  • Promotions: Click this button to go to the Promotions.aspx page. For more details, see Promotions.
  • Add New Product Discount: See the How To Add or Edit a Product Discount topic in this section for more information.
  • Show All Product Discount: Click this button to see all available Product Discounts displayed in the main grid on the ProductDiscounts.aspx page.

How To Guides (1)

How To Add or Edit a Product Discount

FAQs (1)

Can I adjust RRPs based on country?
Only if you have purchased a license for IRP Advanced Pricing. Otherwise, if for some reason you need to hide potential discounts from customers, you could refrain from setting the RRPs for the relevant products.
NOTE: The Product Discounts section relates to editing the Price and not the RRP on a Country basis unless you tick the box called Apply to RRP. If you do tick the Apply to RRP box, when the discount is applied, the RRP value will be decreased by positive discount rates or increased by negative discount rates. (Likewise the Price Adjustments section is for editing the Prices (not RRPs) of Products for a finite period of time.)
Live Market Data
Today v Yesterday 0.76%
March 2025 v March 2024 21.57%
YTD 2025 v 2024 16.09%
Arts and Crafts 0.92%
Baby & Child 1.22%
Cars and Motorcycling 1.37%
Electrical & Commercial Equipment 0.25%
Fashion Clothing & Accessories 0.51%
Food & Drink 0.01%
Health and Wellbeing 0.17%
Kitchen & Home Appliances 0.40%
Pet Care 0.97%
Sports and Recreation 0.88%
Toys, Games & Collectables 0.31%

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IRP Commerce Limited, Concourse 3, Catalyst, BT3 9DT, UK. Company Number: NI 041856. VAT Number: GB 888249658
A Deloitte Fast 50 Company eight times: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018, 2019 & 2020