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You can find this section under Promotions > Promotions in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

The IRP Promotions Engine is a world-class promotions system containing all the necessary features to maximise your sales using promotional offers, discounts and vouchers, for example, ‘Buy 3 for 2’, ‘Buy one, get one free’ and so forth. You can create a promotion that examines basket requirement rules to determine if Free Shipping is available for items. You can to do this by brand or category only. You can configure promotions in multiple ways, including by shipping country and by the contents of a customer’s basket.

The main Promotions.aspx page is where you use the innovative IRP Promotions Engine to configure rule-based promotions as incentives for your visitors and customers. The feature is very easy to use — the promotions Engine has the potential to be a great revenue generator for your business.

Promotions.aspx page

The main promotions page under Promotions > Promotions (Promotions.aspx) appears as follows:

Promotions page

You can use the search feature to search by promotion name, IRP Admin name, active/inactive status, date range or promotion type. Expand Other Options under the search bar to see the full range of options, including filtering by currency, shipping country and Start date / End Date (Before, After or Any).

You can also export the promotion details by clicking the spreadsheet icon under the filtering options.

The main page shows the following details for each promotion:

  • ID: This is the unique IRP identifier for the promotion.
  • Active: Only active promotions can be applied to customer baskets. You can un-check the box to make the promotion inactive. If you make a change, click the Update All Promotions button.
  • Order: This is the order in which the promotion will be executed on the customer’s basket. If multiple product promotions are available on a particular customer’s basket, only products that have not been used as part of another promotion can be used in further promotions. You can change the order by typing directly in the box. If you make a change, click the Update All Promotions button.
  • Admin Name: This name is used specifically to identify the promotion in IRP Admin. If no Admin Name has been added, it will be automatically set to the English front end Name/Title.
  • Currency: Should this Promotion Type require a Currency to be set against it, this is the Currency that any Promotional Price or Discount Amount will be in. Note that this value also will also filter down to Basket Restrictions if any exist.
  • Type: This is the type of promotion as described in the Promotion Types section below.
  • Details: This shows details such as the number of models and stock items offered as part of the promotion.
  • Start Date: The date and time that the promotion will, or did, start at.
  • End Date: The optional end date for the promotion. If no end date is set, the promotion will be ongoing from the start date.
  • Orders: This field shows the current numbers of orders made through the promotion.
  • Value: This field shows the current total value of orders generated by the promotion.
  • Countries: This field shows the countries where the promotion is available. The default is to allow the promotion in all countries.
  • Delete: If you want to delete a promotion, check the box to the right of the relevant row and click the Delete Selected Promotions button.
  • Copy: If you want to replicate a promotion, click the Copy button. The replicated promotion is inactive initially. You can then go on to edit the details and make the promotion active. For details, see the How To Add or Edit a Promotion topic in this section.
  • Edit: If you want to edit a promotion, click the Edit button. For details, see the How To Add or Edit a Promotion topic in this section.
  • Preview: Click the desktop monitor icon in this column to view the promotion on your desktop site. Click the mobile icon to view the promotion on your mobile site.

You can see the following buttons along the top of the page:

  • View Promotions On Website: Click this button to see the CurrentPromotions.aspx page on the front end of the website. This is where your customers can see all the promotions in one place. When customers go from here to view the product listings, they can choose to view in-stock only items, in which case only Promotional Products that have a positive Website Stock Level or have been set to 'Stock Held Externally' will appear in the Product List.
    Note on Promotional Pricing In Listings: all listings throughout Desktop and Mobile sites will display the Promotional Price for products that are part of current active Promotions as long as they have no Basket Conditions and also that the setting 'Apply Only When Customer Has Items In Their Basket' is not enabled in the Promotion. If a Promotion does have Basket Conditions, the products will not display as being part of a Promotion within the listings. (Note also that EPOS Promotional Price displays are not included.) For example, if a 'Get Product at 10% Discount' Promotion was set up with no Basket Restrictions and with the Product Restriction Rule that the Brand called 'Wychwood' was included, the front end brand page for Wychwood would appear as follows:
    Promotion Listings
    You can clearly see the promotional prices, the RRPs and the saving text. If you were to click in to one of the models, the promotional price would also be shown on the model page:
    Promotion Listings
  • Loyalty Schemes: Click this button to view any Loyalty Schemes that you have configured in the system. This takes you directly to the LoyaltySchemes.aspx page where you can view, create and edit Loyalty Schemes. For details, see the Loyalty Schemes help topic.
  • Product Discounts: Click this button to view any country-based Product Discount percentage uplifts that you have configured in the system. This takes you directly to the ProductDiscounts.aspx page where you can view, create and edit Product Discounts. For details, see the Product Discounts help topic.
  • History Log: Click this button to view the Promotion Audit History Log. This takes you directly to the PromotionHistoryLog.aspx page where you can view details of the actions carried out by IRP Admin users using the Promotions Engine. For details, see the How to View the Promotion History Log article in this section.
  • Add New Promotion: Click this button to create a new promotion. For details, see the How To Add or Edit a Promotion article in this section.
  • Show All Promotions: Click this button to display all promotions in the grid, if they are not already displayed.

Promotion Types

There are several types of promotion available:

  1. Buy [‘x’ number of products] & Get [‘y’ number of products] for a Fixed Amount Off
    For example, ‘Buy 2 get 1 for £5 off’.
  2. Buy [‘x’ number of products] & Get [‘y’ number of products] for a Percentage Discount
    For example, ‘Buy 1 get 1 half price’.
  3. Buy [‘x’ number of products] & Get [‘y’ number of products] for a Set Price
    For example, ‘Buy 1 get 1 Free’, ‘Buy 4 get for the price of 3’, ‘Buy 2 get 1 for £50’.
  4. Buy [‘x’ number of products] Get them for a promotional price
    You can opt to include the following types of promotional price:
    • Money Off Each: This takes a set amount of money off each of the ‘X’ qualifying products. For example: Buy 2 products, get £5 off each of them.
    • Set Percentage (%) Off Each: This takes a set percentage off each of the ‘X’ qualifying products. For example: Buy 4 products, get 10% off each of them.
    • Each for a Set Price: This means that each of the ‘X’ qualifying products are given a set price. For example: Buy 3 products, get them for £3 each.
    • Set Combined Total for ‘X’: This means that the combined total of the ‘X’ qualifying products is equal to the set value. For example: Buy 3 for £10.
  5. Free Gift With Purchase
    For example, ‘Get a free book with this product today’.
    1. This Promotion Type restricts the Customer to one Free Gift per order . You cannot use this Promotion Type to offer multiple Free Gifts with an order. If you want to do this, you should instead use the ‘Get Product At Set Price’ Promotion Type and set the price to zero.
    2. Free Gifts are removed if there is nothing else in the customer's basket. You can add a restriction rule that the Basket Sub Total must be, for example, at least £0.01.
  6. Free Shipping
    For example, ‘Free shipping for this product today’
  7. Get Fixed Amount Of Loyalty Points At Basket Sub Total – This promotion functions similarly to auto-discount promotions where the promotion can be configured with a minimum basket sub total to allow qualifying baskets to reward a fixed amount of additional loyalty points on purchase as bonus points.
  8. Get Fixed Amount Of Loyalty Points For Products – This promotion functions similarly to basket promotions where the promotion can be configured with basket and product-restriction rules to allow qualifying baskets containing specific products to have those products reward a fixed amount of loyalty points on purchase. If the applicable product would reward a higher amount of points than the promotional value, the default reward points will be rewarded instead.
  9. Get Multiple Of Loyalty Points At Basket Sub Total – This promotion functions similarly to auto-discount promotions where the promotion can be configured with a minimum basket sub total to allow qualifying baskets to reward a multiple of the final total reward points which would normally be rewarded for the basket as bonus points. For example, a basket that complied with a designated minimum basket sub total of a configured promotion with a multiplier of 2.5, which consisted of products that resulted in a final total of 300 points to be rewarded, would reward an additional 450 points as bonus points. This would result in a grand total of 700 points being rewarded.
  10. Get Multiple Of Loyalty Points For Products – This promotion functions similarly to basket promotions where the promotion can be configured with basket and product-restriction rules to allow qualifying baskets containing specific products to have those products reward a multiple of the loyalty points they normally would on purchase. For example, a qualifying product that would normally reward 100 points with a promotional multiplier of 2.5 would instead reward 250 points on purchase.
  11. Get Product At Fixed Discount
    For example, ‘Get £10 off this product today’
  12. Get Product At Percentage Discount
    For example, ‘Get 10% off this product today’
  13. Get Product At Set Loyalty Point Cost – This promotion functions similarly to basket promotions where the promotion can be configured with basket and product-restriction rules to allow qualifying baskets containing specific products to have those products be purchasable for a set promotional loyalty point cost. If the applicable product would cost less points than the promotional value by default, the item will instead be purchasable for the default redemption points amount.
  14. Get Product At Set Price
    For example, ‘Get this product today for £10’
  15. Money Off Basket Sub Total
    For example, ‘£5 off all orders with no minimum spend required’
  16. Money Off Total Above Minimum Spend
    For example, ‘£10 off all orders over £50’
  17. Percentage Off Basket Sub Total
    For example, ‘10% off all orders with no minimum spend required’
  18. Percentage Off Total Above Minimum Spend
    For example, ‘10% off all orders over £50’

Managing orders placed using Promotions

When a customer uses one of your promotions to order items, you can see the promotion information in the order details on the Orders.aspx page. For example:

Promotion showing on Orders page in IRP Admin

From here you can click the name of the promotion to see the front end view of the product using its non-promotional price.

When you click the Manage button, you can see a Promotions tab that provides details of the promotion:

Promotion details tab

Here you can see some of the key details of the promotion and edit it if necessary.

Small Translations for use with Promotions

For details, see the How To Work With Small Translations for Promotions article in this section.

Application Settings for Promotions

You can use the following Application Settings for Promotions (these are located in the 'Promotions And Vouchers' grouping):

  • Auto Generated Voucher Code Length: The default length of auto-generated voucher codes.
  • Enable Voucher Codes: If enabled, customers will be able to add promotional voucher codes at the basket stage for discount on their orders. If disabled, the entry text box for voucher codes will not be available on the basket page.
  • Promotion Popup Height: The height, in pixels, of the promotion popup lightbox (generated when only one model is offered as part of the promotion).
  • Promotion Popup Width: The width, in pixels, of the promotion popup lightbox (generated when only one model is offered as part of the promotion).
  • Promotions Add Invalid Basket Items As Standard Items: If this setting is set to true, any promotional items in a customer's basket will be added as standard items at their non-promotional price when the promotion becomes invalid. If this setting is set to false, any promotional items in a customer's basket will simply be removed when the promotion becomes invalid. Note: a promotion can become invalid for various reasons:
    - The product is no longer being offered as part of the promotion.
    - The promotion has been deactivated in the IRP back end.
    - The date range has been exceeded.
    - The basket requirements are no longer met.
    - The country restrictions have changed.
  • Promotions Basket Position: The position of advertised Promotions in the Customer's Basket. If set to top, advertised Promotion rows will appear above the Basket Items in the Customer's Basket. If set to bottom, advertised Promotion rows will appear below the Basket Items in the Customer's Basket.

How To Guides (3)

How To Add or Edit a Promotion

To add or edit a promotion, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Promotions > Promotions in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. To add a promotion, click the Add New Promotion button, then select from the generic types of promotion in the drop-down list:
    • Add ‘Buy One Get One Free’ (this is the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] & get [‘y’ number of products] for a Set Price’ Promotion Type).
    • Add ‘Buy 3 for £10’ (this is the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] for [promotional price]’ Promotion Type).
    • Add ‘Buy 3 For Price of 2’ (this is the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] & get [‘y’ number of products] for a Set Price’ Promotion Type).
    • Add ‘Buy One Get One Half Price’ (this is the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] & get [‘y’ number of products] for a Percentage Discount) Promotion Type).
    • Add ‘Free Gift With Purchase’ (this is the ‘Free Gift With Purchase) Promotion Type).
    • Add Other Promotion (use this option for all other Promotion Types).
  3. To edit a promotion, click the Edit button at the right side of the row containing the promotion that you want to edit.
  4. NOTE that if you want to END an Active Promotion, click the button at the top of the PromotionEdit.aspx page called End Promotion Now. This button is displayed only if the selected Promotion is currently Active and either has no set End Date or the specified End Date has not yet passed. Clicking this button will set the current Promotion to Inactive and set the End Date of the Promotion to the time of the button click, ending the Promotion on the site.
  5. Enter or edit the details on the tabs described below. If you see an asterisk (*) beside a setting it means that the setting is required.
    Note: The settings that you see depend on the Promotion Type that you are working with, therefore you may not see all of the settings described below.

Promotion Information tab

Basic Promotion Details
Promotion ID The unique IRP identifier for this promotion.
Active Only active promotions will be applied to customer baskets. You can edit this setting only after you have added the promotion (this is for safety purposes as, for example, if you add a ‘Buy 1 Get 1 Free’ promotion, you will be offering every single product as ‘Buy 1 Get 1 Free’ until you add basket restrictions).
Promotion Type The type of this promotion. For a description of each of the options, see the main Overview article in this section.
Currency Should this Promotion Type require a Currency to be set against it, this is the Currency that any Promotional Price or Discount Amount will be in. Note that this value also will also filter down to Basket Restrictions if any exist.
Fixed Amount (Points) This differs according to the type of points-based loyalty scheme promotion you are configuring:
•  For 'Get Fixed Amount Of Loyalty Points At Basket Sub Total' promotions: Enter the fixed amount in loyalty points to be rewarded to the overall order as bonus points.
•  For 'Get Fixed Amount Of Loyalty Points For Products' promotions: Enter the fixed amount in points to be rewarded on purchase of offered products.
Multiplier This differs according to the type of points-based loyalty scheme promotion you are configuring:
•  For 'Get Multiple Of Loyalty Points At Basket Sub Total' promotions: Enter the Multiplier to be applied to the total points being rewarded for an order. For example, an order consisting of items which would normally reward a total of 50 points on purchase would reward 125 loyalty points with a multiplier of 2.5 (50 standard points + 75 bonus points).
•  For 'Get Multiple Of Loyalty Points For Products' promotions: Enter the multiplier applied to the points being rewarded on purchase of the offered products. For example, a product which would normally reward 10 points on purchase would reward 25 loyalty points with a multiplier of 2.5.
Set Cost (Points) (Applies only to the 'Get Product At Set Loyalty Point Cost' promotion.) Enter the set cost in loyalty points for the offered products.
Money Off (£) For the ‘Money Off Basket Sub Total’ Promotion Type, this is the money off the basket sub total.
For the ‘Money Off Total Above Minimum Spend’ Promotion Type, this is the money off the sub total above the minimum threshold.
Gift must be Active For the ‘Free Gift With Purchase’ Promotion Type, check to ensure that the products offered as part of this free promotion are all active on the website. If unchecked, inactive products may also be selected as part of this promotion. This setting is included so that gifts that are not available on standard purchase on the front end of the website can be added as part of the Free Gift promotion.
Promotional Price Type For the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] Get them for a promotional price’ Promotion Type, you can opt to include the following types of promotional price:
  • Money Off Each: This takes a set amount of money off each of the ‘X’ qualifying products. For example: Buy 2 products, get £5 off each of them.
  • Set Percentage (%) Off Each: This takes a set percentage off each of the ‘X’ qualifying products. For example: Buy 4 products, get 10% off each of them.
  • Each for a Set Price: This means that each of the ‘X’ qualifying products are given a set price. For example: Buy 3 products, get them for £3 each.
  • Set Combined Total for ‘X’: This means that the combined total of the ‘X’ qualifying products is equal to the set value. For example: Buy 3 for £10.
‘X’ Number of Products For the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] & get [‘y’ number of products] for a Fixed Amount Off’ Promotion Type, this is the number of products that a customer will have to buy to get the ‘y’ number of products at the fixed discount. For example, in a ‘Buy 2 Get 1 for £5 off’ promotion, this value would be ‘2’.
For the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] & get [‘y’ number of products] for a Percentage Discount’ Promotion Type, this is the number of products that a customer will have to buy to get the ‘y’ number of products at the percentage discount. For example, in a ‘Buy 2 Get 1 Half Price’ promotion, this value would be ‘2’.
For the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] & get [‘y’ number of products] for a Set Price’ Promotion Type, this is the number of products that a customer will have to buy to get the ‘y’ number of products at the set price. For example, in a ‘Buy 2 Get 1 for £50’ promotion, this value would be ‘2’.
For the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] for [promotional price]’ Promotion Type, this is the number of products that a customer will have to buy to get the promotional price. For example, in a ‘Buy 3 for £10’ promotion, this value would be ‘3’.
‘Y’ Number of Products For the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] & get [‘y’ number of products] for a Fixed Amount Off’ Promotion Type, this is the additional number of products that will be discounted by a fixed amount when a customer buys ‘x’ number of products. For example, in a ‘Buy 2 Get 1 for £5 off’ promotion, this value would be ‘1’.
For the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] & get [‘y’ number of products] for a Percentage Discount’ Promotion Type, this is the additional number of products that will be discounted by a percentage amount when a customer buys ‘x’ number of products. For example, in a ‘Buy 2 Get 1 Half Price’ promotion, this value would be ‘1’.
For the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] & get [‘y’ number of products] for a Set Price’ Promotion Type, this is the additional number of products that will be offered at a set price when a customer buys ‘x’ number of products. For example, in a ‘Buy 2 Get 1 for £50’ promotion, this value would be ‘1’.
Promotional Price For the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] for [promotional price]’ Promotion Type, this is the total price of the ‘number of products’ in this promotion. For example, in a ‘Buy 3 for £10’ promotion, this value would be ‘10’.
Fixed Discount (£) For the ‘Get Product At Fixed Discount’ Promotion Type, this is the fixed discount on the offered products.
Percentage Discount (%) For the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] & get [‘y’ number of products] for a Percentage Discount’ Promotion Type, this is the fixed discount to be applied to the ‘y’ number of products. For example, in a ‘Buy 2 Get 1 for £5 off’ promotion, this value would be ‘5’.
For the ‘Get Product At Percentage Discount’ Promotion Type, this is the percentage discount on the offered products.
Discount Taken Off RRP For promotions where products are being individually discounted, checking this will ensure that any discount is calculated off the product’s RRP. If unchecked, discount will be calculated off the product’s price. Note, if the discounted price is greater than the actual product price, the discounted price will be set to the product price.
Percentage Off (%) For the ‘Percentage Off Total Above Minimum Spend’ Promotion Type, this is the percentage off the sub total above the minimum threshold.
For the ‘Percentage Off Basket Sub Total’ Promotion Type, this is the percentage off the basket sub total.
Min Basket Sub Total (£) For the ‘Percentage Off Total Above Minimum Spend’ Promotion Type, this is the minimum basket sub total. Discounts will be applied to sub totals above this minimum basket sub total.
For the ‘Percentage Off Basket Sub Total’ Promotion Type, this is the minimum basket sub total. If no minimum is required, leave this value blank or set to 0.
For the ‘Money Off Basket Sub Total’ Promotion Type, this is the minimum basket sub total. If no minimum is required, leave this value blank or set to 0.
For the ‘Money Off Total Above Minimum Spend’ Promotion Type, this is the minimum basket sub total. Discounts will be applied to sub totals above this minimum basket sub total.
Set Price For the ‘Buy [‘x’ number of products] & get [‘y’ number of products] for a Set Price’ Promotion Type, this is the set price of the ‘y’ number of products. For example, in a ‘Buy 2 Get 1 for £50’ promotion, this value would be ‘50’. If you want to offer the ‘y’ products for free, set this value to ‘0’.
For the ‘Get Product At Set Price’ Promotion Type, this is the set price of the offered products.
Name / Title The name of this promotion. This name will be used on the title page of the promotion product listing page or to identify discounts on the basket page. Click the Translate button to change the language you are editing.
Admin Name This name will be used specifically to identify the promotion in IRP Admin. If no Admin name has been added, it will be automatically set to the English front end Name/Title.
Execution Order The order in which this promotion will be executed on the customer’s basket. If multiple product promotions are available on a particular customer’s basket, only products that have not been used as part of another promotion can be used in further promotions.
Exclude From Display If unchecked, this promotion will appear on the Current Promotions pages (CurrentPromotions.aspx and MobileCurrentPromotions.aspx), along with its description and voucher code if it is triggered by a voucher code. If checked, nothing about this promotion will appear on the Current Promotions pages.
Start Date The date and time that this promotion will (or did) start. If you also check the ‘Has End Date’ box, fill in the date in the field that appears to the right of the check box.
Is Triggered By Voucher Code Check this box if this promotion be triggered exclusively by a voucher code. If this setting is ticked a promotion will not take effect on a valid basket unless the linked voucher code has been entered by the customer. If a customer has entered the voucher for a promotion then that promotion will take precedence for the customer over other promotions of the same type, regardless of execution order. Customers are not able to redeem vouchers for two promotions of the same type in the same order.
Single Use Only When checked, this voucher will only be able to be used on a single order by a single customer. In this case the voucher code will be disabled after the next time it's used and the promotion will no longer be able to be triggered. When a new code is entered or generated it will work one time before it becomes disabled. If unchecked, while the promotion is connected to a voucher that has already been used and disabled, that voucher will be updated so that it will work like a normal multiple use voucher from that point on.
Auto Generate Code Check this box to auto generate a unique voucher code for this promotion.
Voucher Code The Voucher Code that will trigger this promotion. If the value entered isn't already the code for an existing Voucher one will be created, otherwise this promotion and the existing voucher will be linked provided the voucher is the right type and isn't already linked to another promotion. You cannot use an existing voucher code here. Once created, the Voucher will be visible on the Vouchers page.
Items Ordered The number of orders that the promotion was applied to.
Additional Information
Number Of Times A Customer Can Claim Promotion Per Order The maximum number of times the promotion can be performed on the customer’s basket. If infinite is set as the maximum number of iterations, the promotion will be applied as many times as its contents dictate.
Apply Only When Customer Has Items In Their Basket If checked, indication of this promotion’s availability will only appear if the customer has items in their basket. If unchecked, indication of this promotion will appear both when the customer has items in their basket and when their basket is empty.
Description Translatable description for this promotion. This description will appear at the bottom of the listings page for any products that are available as part of this promotion. For non product-specific promotions, this description will be for Admin reference only.
Offer Image
New / Current Offer Image The image or icon to be displayed on Listings pages when this Promotion is available for a particular Model. Note that Offer Images must be in .gif format. Click the 'Browse' and 'Upload' buttons to add a file. The Current Offer Image for each available language can be selected and a preview is displayed. The option to delete each Offer Image is also available. The drop-down selectors will highlight the language entries in either green (to show that there is an Offer Image uploaded for that language), or red (to show that that language does not currently have an Offer Image set against it). The default Offer Image cannot be deleted until all other language Offer Images are deleted first. You can also create an Offer Image ToolTip for the image.

Note: Offer images will NOT be displayed if the promotion has basket restrictions applied to it. For more information about configuring basket restrictions, see the section below called ‘Basket Restrictions tab’.

On the main site, if the user views models currently in a promotion with an Offer Image uploaded against their currently-selected language, that Offer Image will be displayed. If there is no Offer Image uploaded against their selected language, the default Offer Image will be displayed instead.
Models displayed within relevant listings sections of the IRP should display the Offer Image of the promotion which the model is part of. The Offer Image will be able to be clicked to be taken to the relevant Promotion page. If a model is part of another offer with an image to be displayed for that offer, but is also in a promotion with an Offer Image, the promotion Offer Image will replace the model's current offer image.
The following parts of the site will display Promotion Offer Images:
  • Desktop Home Page Product Listings
  • Mobile Home Page Product Listings
  • Desktop Search Results
  • Mobile Search Results
  • Desktop Recommendations Scroller
  • Desktop Brands Page Gallery and List Views
  • Mobile Brands Page
  • Desktop BrandCategory Page Gallery and List Views
  • Mobile BrandCategory Page
  • Desktop Categories Page Gallery and List Views
  • Mobile Categories Page
  • Desktop Offers Page Gallery and List Views
  • Mobile Offers Page
  • Models Page Best Selling Scroller
  • Mobile Best Selling Scroller
  • EPOS Sale In Progress
Promotional offer images will be displayed on the Models page on both Desktop and Mobile and will link to the promotion page for that specific promotion. The promotion page itself will also display the promotional offer image against each Model, but the offer image will not link to the promotion page as the user will already be there. The 'Similar Products' scroller on the Models page will also display promotional offer images.
Basket Messaging
Basket Saving Text The message to appear in the saving cell of the basket control when a promotional offer price has been set against a basket item. If no value is set here, the message that appears will be built using small translations. The small translations that are used will depend on the Promotion Type:
  • Buy X For Y: ID 1974
  • Buy X Get Y At Fixed Discount: ID 1975
  • Buy X Get Y At Percentage Discount: ID 1976
  • Buy X Get Y At Set Price: ID 1977
  • Free Gift With Purchase: ID 1964
  • Get Product At Fixed Discount / Get Product At Percentage Discount / Get Product At Set Price: IDs 1963, 1978, 1979
Basket Message The description to appear in the basket cell of the basket control to emphasise the availability of a promotion. If no value is set here, the message that appears will be built using small translations. The small translations that are used will depend on the Promotion Type:
  • Buy X For Y: IDs 1981, 1982, 1983
  • Buy X Get Y At Fixed Discount: IDs 1984, 1985, 1986, 2040
  • Buy X Get Y At Percentage Discount: IDs 1987, 1988, 1989, 2041
  • Buy X Get Y At Set Price: IDs 1978, 1990, 1991, 1992, 2042
  • Free Gift With Purchase: IDs 1946, 1951, 1952
  • Get Product At Fixed Discount: IDs 1947, 1948, 1953
  • Get Product At Percentage Discount: IDs 1949, 1950, 1954
  • Get Product At Set Price: IDs 1955, 1956, 1957
Button Text The button text to appear in the basket row for the promotion to enable the customer to select the promotion. If no value is set here, the message that appears will be built using small translations. The small translations that are used will depend on the Promotion Type:
  • If the Promotion contains only 1 Model and only 1 Stock Option: ID 1941
  • If the Promotion contains only 1 Model but multiple Stock Options: ID 1939
  • If the Promotion contains multiple Models: ID 1940
Button ToolTip The button tooltip attached to the button in the basket row for the promotion to enable the customer to select the promotion. If no value is set here, the message that appears will be built using small translations. The small translations that are used will depend on the Promotion Type:
  • If the Promotion contains only 1 Model and only 1 Stock Option: ID 1943
  • If the Promotion contains only 1 Model but multiple Stock Options: ID 1944
  • If the Promotion contains multiple Models: ID 1942
Basket Image Optionally, you can include a unique basket image for promotions. Click the Browse button to find the image you want to use (must be in JPEG format) and then click the Upload button. Here is a front-end example:
IRP image
The images are stored under Images/Promotions/BasketImages. As with all imagery, you should test how the basket image appears before setting it live on your website.
Page Title The SEO Page Title to be used on the Listings page for any products that are available as part of this promotion. Select a language from the drop-down list to translate the text.
Page Description The SEO Page Description to be used on the Listings page for any products that are available as part of this promotion. Select a language from the drop-down list to translate the text.
Page Keywords The SEO Page Keywords to be used on the Listings page for any products that are available as part of this promotion. Select a language from the drop-down list to translate the text.

When you have entered or updated all of the details, click the Insert Promotion button or the Update Promotion button.

Country Restrictions tab

If necessary, you can then go on to restrict the offer to particular countries. To do so, click the Country Restrictions tab and use the Add and Remove buttons to define the countries where the Promotion is available. The default is to allow the Promotion in all countries.

Country Restrictions Tab

Product Restriction Rules tab

By default, promotions apply to all of your products. Therefore, if you want to restrict a promotion to particular products you need to set up ‘product rules’. New promotions will be added as ‘Inactive’ so that you can add Product Restriction Rules to them before making them ‘Active’.

To add rules, click the Product Restriction Rules tab. The Product Rules screen appears. If more than one rule has been defined, a setting will be available for defining whether products must match ‘Any’ or ‘All’ of the rules.

Product Restriction Rules Tab

From here you can use the following settings:

  1. Products on Offer must match [Any/All] Product rules: (Visible if more than one rule has been configured.) This is where you configure the filtering rules for selecting the products available as part of this promotion:
    If you select ‘Any’, if a product matches any of the conditions, it will be available as part of the promotion.
    If you select ‘All’, a product must match every one of the conditions for it to be available as part of the promotion.
  2. Click the Add New Rule button. The Add Rule lightbox window appears:
    Add Rule lightbox window
  3. Use the Build Rule drop-down list to build a rule for filtering the products or shipping methods available as part of this promotion.
    For product-based promotions, the filters available are Brands, Categories, Brand-Category combinations, Models and Stock Items. You can choose for these to be ‘In’ or ‘Not In’ the rule.
    For Free Shipping Promotions, you can select specific Shipping Methods to be Free, otherwise if no specific Shipping Methods have been set against a Free Shipping promotion, the cheapest option will be the free one by default.
  4. When you are finished, click the Add Product Rule button.
    NOTE: Make sure that any allowed combination of products comes in equal to or greater than the promotional price. For example, in a '4 for £5' promotion, you cannot include models that, when combined, total less than £5.
  5. If your promotion is for one single model only, you can view what the pop-up offer will look like on the front end. To do so, click the View Promotion Popup button. This displays what the customer will see if they place the product in their basket, for example:
    Promotion Popup Window
  6. Products Available In This Promotion: This shows you the number of models and stock items that are available as part of this promotion.

Basket Restrictions tab

You use the Basket Restrictions tab to create rules for how promotions are impacted by varying basket configurations. The screen appears as follows:

Basket Restrictions Tab

To create the rules, first click the Add New Rule button. A lightbox then appears which you use to build the basket requirements for the promotion:

Basket Requirements lightbox

Use the Build Rule drop-down lists to select one of the following options:

  • Purchased Brands: Select this option to choose the Brands that must be in, or not in, the customer’s basket. You can then select a ‘Min Quantity’ and a ‘Min Sub Total’ for the basket.
  • Purchased Brand-Category Models: Select this option to choose the Brand-Category Models that must be in the customer’s basket. You can then select a ‘Min Quantity’ and a ‘Min Sub Total’ for the basket.
  • Purchased Categories: Select this option to choose the Categories that must be in, or not in, the customer’s basket. You can then select a ‘Min Quantity’ and a ‘Min Sub Total’ for the basket.
  • Purchased Models: Select this option to choose the Models that must be in, or not in, the customer’s basket. You can enter comma-separated lists of Model IDs to add them in bulk. You can then select a ‘Min Quantity’ and a ‘Min Sub Total’ for the basket.
  • Purchased Stock Items: Select this option to choose the Stock Items that must be in, or not in, the customer’s basket. You can enter comma-separated lists of Stock IDs to add them in bulk. You can then select a ‘Min Quantity’ and a ‘Min Sub Total’ for the basket.
  • Basket Sub Total: Select this option to define what the customer’s basket sub total should be — ‘At Most’ a set amount, ‘At Least’ a set amount or ‘Between’ two set amounts.
  • Basket Item Count: Select this option to define what the number of items in the customer’s basket should be — ‘At Most’ a set number, ‘At Least’ a set number or ‘Between’ two set numbers.
  • Total Basket Weight: Select this option to define what the weight of items in the customer’s basket should be — ‘At Most’ a set weight, ‘At Least’ a set weight or ‘Between’ two set weights.

Note that for the ‘Min Sub Total’ setting, you should leave this as 0.00 if any Sub Total Value of the selection will qualify the customer’s basket for the promotion.

When you have configured your rules, click the Add Basket Requirement Rule button.

Shipping Methods in Promotion tab

For ‘free shipping’ promotions you can define the shipping methods using the Shipping Methods in Promotion tab. The screen appears as follows:

Shipping Methods Tab

NOTE: Make sure that you have all the necessary Shipping Rules and Methods set up correctly for the countries in the promotion so that you can select them on this tab for free shipping. By default, only the cheapest Shipping Method will be offered to customers as Free. If no Methods have been set up, default shipping will be used by the IRP and so you should include 'Default Shipping (No Available Method)' in the list of Methods that you want to define as free.

From here you can edit or delete the criteria.

Free Gift Rules tab

For ‘free gift’ promotions you can define the rules applicable to the gift using the Free Gift Rules tab. The screen appears as follows:

Free Gift Rules Tab

From here you can define rules in the same way as you can for product restrictions, as described previously.

Banners tab

You can — and should — choose to create banners for your website to advertise your promotions to all visitors and customers. To do so, click the Banners tab. The screen appears as follows:

Banners Tab

From here you can perform the following functions for each banner location:

  1. Desktop Heading & Basket: Click the Browse button to select a pre-existing banner, or click the Edit button to edit or create a banner that appears with others at the top of the Desktop site, just below the Top Navigation, along with any other standard (non-promotion) active Heading banners. The method for adding banners is similar to that used for other types of banner; for details, see the Banners help topic.
  2. Add To Basket: Click the Browse button to select a pre-existing banner, or click the Edit button to edit or create a banner that appears below the Add to Basket control on the Models pages. This will appear below any standard (non-promotion) active Add To Basket banners. The method for adding banners is similar to that used for other types of banner; for details, see the Banners help topic.
    Note that, if this is a Free Gift Promotion and the Free Gift Rule is a single Model, then (assuming that the customer qualifies for the offer), the Free Gift will be added automatically to their basket but NO 'Add To Basket' banner will appear (even if the banner is active in the Admin configuration for the promotion). There is no 'Add To Basket' banner displayed because the Free Gift is already in the customer's basket.
  3. Mobile Heading & Basket: Click the Browse button to select a pre-existing banner, or click the Edit button to edit or create a banner that appears at the bottom of the Basket page on the Mobile site, below the ‘Email Basket’ hyperlink. The method for adding banners is similar to that used for other types of banner; for details, see the Banners help topic.
  4. Desktop 'Current Promotions': Click the Browse button to select a pre-existing banner, or click the Edit button to edit or create a banner that appears on the desktop page showing all active promotions ( The method for adding banners is similar to that used for other types of banner; for details, see the Banners help topic.
  5. Mobile 'Current Promotions': Click the Browse button to select a pre-existing banner, or click the Edit button to edit or create a banner that appears on the mobile page showing all active promotions ( The method for adding banners is similar to that used for other types of banner; for details, see the Banners help topic.

Remember to check the Active box to activate the banner and then click the Update button. Then, when you are sure that you have all your details correct and in place, make the overall promotion Active.

Basket promotions scroller

A basket promotions scroller control displays on the desktop, mobile and trade basket pages when applicable promotions are available and have associated basket text. These will scroll automatically or manually and all promotions can be listed at once.

The promotions scroller can display at the top or bottom of the basket contents as determined by the 'Promotions Basket Position' Application Setting (in the 'Promotions And Vouchers' grouping). Note that you can customise your promotional description, button text and tooltips using the settings on the PromotionEdit.aspx page:

'Promotions Basket Position' Application Setting set to 'Top':

IRP image

'Promotions Basket Position' Application Setting set to 'Bottom':

IRP image
How To View the Promotion History Log
How To Work with Small Translations for Promotions

FAQs (1)

Where can I view all current promotions on my desktop site and my mobile site?
On your desktop site go to
On your mobile site go to
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A Deloitte Fast 50 Company eight times: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018, 2019 & 2020