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You can find this section under Programming Utilities > Reports in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

Reports allow you to pull information from your IRP database on any aspect of your IRP instance, including Models, Stock, Orders, Admin Users, Discounts, Vouchers and so forth. You can create and run reports within the IRP or you can export them as a delimited text file which you can then open with your spreadsheet software for formatting and further analysis.

Note that to create reports, you will require:

  • Knowledge of the SQL programming language.
  • An understanding of the structure of your IRP’s database.

Some examples of reports include:

  • Best selling products over date range.
  • Customers who have ordered from a specific category over date range.
  • Orders in which a particular voucher code was used.
  • Active models with inactive stock items.
  • Update model details in bulk.

This list is in no way exhaustive — you can access and update all aspects of your IRP in this section (with a few exceptions for sensitive information such as passwords, card details and so forth). We strongly advise you to speak to your Support Team with regards to setting up and editing reports.

You can use the Reports section to:

  • Search for existing reports in the IRP
  • Add a new report
  • Edit an existing report
  • Run a newly-created or existing report
  • Download report data for subsequent processing in your spreadsheet application
  • Add reports to the ‘Quick Reports’ panel. This allows you to quickly find and run reports that you use on a frequent basis.

Note that email reports are also one of the Segmentation features in the IRP Marketing Cloud (M-Cloud) section.

Reports.aspx page

The main Reports.aspx page appears as follows:

IRP Reports page

You can use the Search bar to find any existing report. You can search by Report ID and, if one is found, you will automatically be directed to the edit page for the report. If you expand Other Options you can filter by Report Type (Unknown, Private, Public, Delete Insert Update, Correction, Email, System, TradeTalk or All).

The main grid shows any existing reports in your system. From here you can run, download or edit reports. See the How To articles in this section for more information.

Quick Access Reports page

You will not see the ‘Quick Reports’ panel until you have added your name to at least one report in the ‘Quick Access Users’ section of the ReportEdit.aspx page (see the How To Add a Report to your Quick Reports article for details). When you have added your name as a Quick Access User, the Reports button appears in the bottom nav of IRP Admin: Quick Access Reports button. When you click the button you see the main Quick Access Reports window:

Reports Quick Access Panel

SQL parameters

You can create parameters for use in your reports. This can make it easier for other Admin Users to quickly configure and update reports. For details, see How To Use Parameters In Reports.

Track when reports were processed by a third party

Functionality is included to track when the last successful processing of a report was carried out by a third party. A parameter called 'UpdateLastProcessedTime', set to true, can be added to a report Feed URL. This will update the report by setting the 'Last Successful Third Party Processing' field to the current time. A success message will be displayed on update. In the case that an error occurs, an error message will instead be displayed.

How To Guides (7)

How To Add or Edit a Report

To add or edit a report, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Programming Utilities > Reports in the IRP left navigation menu.
  2. To add a new report, click the Add New Report button on the right side of the page.
    To edit an existing report, click the Edit button at the right side of the report you want to edit.
  3. Enter or edit the following details:
    Report Details
    Report ID The unique IRP identifier for this report. This is generated automatically when adding a report.
    Report Title The title/name used to identify this report within your IRP.
    Report SQL The Microsoft SQL Code for this report. You can enter the SQL query in the SQL Editor window. Depending on user preference, you may find it easier to create the query in an external editor and paste the finished query into the SQL Editor window once finished.
    Example Query:
    The following SQL query will return the Model IDs for all Active Models in your IRP's database:
    SELECT ModelID
    FROM Models
    WHERE Active = 1
    Report Type
    Public This is the default Report Type. We advise that all reports, except email reports be set to this.
    Private As implied, this report type will be private.
    DeleteInsertUpdate Can be used to differentiate reports which use DELETE, INSERT or UPDATE commands. These reports can be created as Public if desired.
    Correction Can be used to differentiate reports which correct data. These reports can be created as Public if desired.
    Email Email Reports allow you to define a select set of email addresses to send a particular email to. More information on creating an Email Report can be found in the 'How To Add or Edit an Email Report' article.
    System Can be used to differentiate reports which perform system-related tasks. These reports can be created as Public if desired.
    TradeTalk Can be used to differentiate reports which perform TradeTalk tasks. These reports can be created as Public if desired.
    Description Description of this Report to be displayed to Admin Users.
    Report Parameters
    You can create parameters for use in your reports. This can make it easier for other Admin Users to quickly configure and update reports. For details see How To Use Parameters In Reports.
    Public Download Options
    Note that these settings should only be used if the report is to be used as a data feed, available to download by third parties with no IRP access. This allows them to access authorised and specific information relating to Customers, Products, Orders and so forth. For further details see the How To Add or Edit a Data  Feed Report article in this section.
    Allow Download Should this report be available for download through a parameterised Feed.aspx URL.
    Username If this report has been made downloadable, a username is required. This will be required in the URL.
    Password An optional password for downloading this report. If included, this will be required in the URL. The password provides an opportunity for additional security.
    Format Choose a format to generate a public Feed URL for this downloadable report.
    File Extension The file extension for the report, e.g. csv.
    File Name The name of the report file.
    Append Date to File Name Append Date to the File Name
    Include Column Names Include Column Names in the file.
    Text Qualifier The Text Qualifier, e.g. "
    Feed URL The public download URL for this Feed / Report. Note that each of the report parameters must be specified for the feed URL.
    Quick Access Users
    Note that this section is only available when editing a report. It allows you to modify which Users have access to a report in their Quick Reports panel.
    To grant a user access to this report in their Quick Reports panel, highlight their username in the Non-Added Admin Users column and click the Add >>> button.
    To remove a user's access to this report in their Quick Reports panel, highlight their username in the Added Admin Users column and click the Remove <<< button.
    Quick Reports can be accessed by clicking the button in the bottom navigation of the IRP Admin.
  4. At this point it is a good idea to test that the SQL query is valid and is returning the required information. To do this, click the Run Report button.
    Any errors with the query will be highlighted at the top of the page:
    If the query is valid, it will run and the results will be displayed in the Report Results section once finished. You can then decide if any changes need to be made to the SQL Script.
  5. When you are happy with the current SQL Script, click on the Insert Report or the Update Report button to save it.
How To Use Parameters In Reports
How To Run a Report
How To Download Report Data
How To Add a Report to your Quick Reports
How To Add or Edit a Data Feed Report
How To Add or Edit an Email Report
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