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Shipping Rules

You can find this section under Shipping > Shipping Rules in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use Shipping Rules to define the prices and apply any cost and weight restrictions to the Shipping Zones and Shipping Methods that you have created in your IRP. Shipping Rules are a combination of Shipping Method, Shipping Zone, cost and weight restrictions (if any).

This allows you to create Shipping Rules for different scenarios. For example, ‘Free 2nd Class Shipping for Orders over £50’, ‘a charge of £7.49 for Next Day Delivery on items weighing less than 2000g’, and so forth.

You can use Shipping Rules to provide set cost or cost-by-weight Shipping options on your site. The rules allow certain services to be available based on the total value or weight of items in the customer’s basket.

ShippingRules.aspx page

The ShippingRules.aspx page appears as follows:

IRP Admin image

This shows the following details:

  • ID: The unique IRP identifier for this Shipping Rule, created automatically by the IRP.
  • Active: Active Shipping Rules will determine what Shipping Methods and prices are displayed for orders that meet their criteria. Inactive Shipping Rules will not be available for selection on the postage details page of the checkout.
  • Method: The Shipping Method associated with this Shipping Rule.
  • Zone: The Shipping Zone associated with this Shipping Rule.
  • Order Restrictions: The restrictions on orders that can use this Shipping Rule, if any.
  • Price(s): When not using price tables, this is the fixed price for this Shipping Rule that will be applied if the Orders Restrictions have been met.
  • Duration: The number of days it usually takes items that are sent using this Shipping Rule to be delivered.
  • [Delete check box]: Check this box to select a Shipping Rule for deletion. Subsequently, click the Delete Selected Shipping Rules button.
  • Edit: Click this button to make changes to a Shipping Rule configuration. For more details, see How To Add or Edit a Shipping Rule.

Overview video

Note: Currently videos are not maintained in line with each software release and therefore features may work slightly differently from the way they are shown.

For more details, see How To Add or Edit a Shipping Rule.

How To Guides (1)

How To Add or Edit a Shipping Rule

Note on prices: The settings relating to prices in the Shipping Rules section are based on your Default Currency. For more information, see the Currencies help topic.

To add or edit a Shipping Rule, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Shipping > Shipping Rules in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. To add a new Shipping Rule, click the Add New Shipping Rule button at the top of the screen.
    To edit an existing Shipping Rule, click the Edit button at the right side of the Shipping Rule that you want to edit.
  3. Enter or edit the following details:
    Shipping Method & Zone for this Rule
    Shipping Rule ID The unique IRP identifier for this Shipping Rule. This is generated automatically when adding a Shipping Rule.
    Active Active Shipping Rules will determine what Shipping Methods and Prices are displayed for orders that meet their criteria. Inactive Shipping Rules will not be available for selection on the Postage Details page of the Checkout Process.
    Shipping Method Select the Shipping Method associated with this Shipping Rule.
    Shipping Zone Select the Shipping Zone associated with this Shipping Rule.
    Currency Select the currency that you want to price this rule in. This also allows you to set Minimum and Maximum Order Value limits for assigned Shipping Methods.
    Duration (Days) The number of days that it usually takes items to be delivered that are sent using this Shipping Rule.
    Restrictions on Orders that can use this Rule
    Orders Restricted By How the Shipping Rule is restricted:
    • When you select ‘Weight and Value’, Orders that fall into a Min/Max Weight and Min/Max Order Value restriction will have this Rule applied to them.
    • When you select ‘Value’, only Orders that fall into a Min/Max Order Value restriction will have this Rule applied to them.
    • When you select ‘Weight’, only Orders that fall into a Min/Max Weight restriction will have this Rule applied to them.
    • When you select ‘Not Restricted’, all Orders that fall into the Shipping Zone restriction will have the Rule applied to them.
    The option that you select here will determine which of the following four options are available in this section.
    Use Volumetric Weight This rule will look at the Postage Weight Volumetric of the items first, and only if not set, will use the standard weight. All weights set from here on, as restrictions or price tables, should also be volumetric
    Minimum Order Value (£) The Minimum Value of an order that this Shipping Rule applies to.
    Maximum Order Value (£) The Maximum Value of an order that this Shipping Rule applies to.
    Minimum Order Weight (g) The Minimum Total Weight of an order that this Shipping Rule applies to (note that the IRP uses raw weight, not volumetric weight for shipping).
    Maximum Order Weight (g) The Maximum Total Weight of an order that this Shipping Rule applies to (note that the IRP uses raw weight, not volumetric weight for shipping).
  4. When inserting a Shipping Rule, click the Insert Shipping Rule button to save the details. If successful, the following message will appear:
    You are now able to enter details in the Pricing for this Rule section by scrolling to the bottom of the page.
  5. There are two options at this point:
    1. If there is only one Shipping Cost Value for this Shipping Rule, enter or edit the following details:
      Pricing for this Rule
      Use Price Tables Do not check this option.
      Set Shipping Cost (£) When not using Price Tables, set a fixed Price for this Shipping Rule that will be applied if the Orders Restrictions have been met. For free shipping, set this value to 0. You can also set Free Shipping using the Promotions feature in the IRP.
    2. If however there are a range of weights and prices for this Shipping Rule, enter or edit the following details:
      Pricing for this Rule
      Use Price Tables Check this to use a table to specify a range of Weights and Prices for this Shipping Rule. This allows you to create a price table for this rule using the New Weight Limit (g) and New Price (£) options.
      New Upper Weight Limit (g) The Weight Limit value in grams, for the Currency set in the New Price (£) option.
      New Price The Price value in GBP, for the Weight Limit set in the New Weight Limit (g) option.
      To add a row to the price table, enter the Weight Limit and the corresponding Price value in the respective fields and click the Add Price Table Entry button. Complete this for each weight and price band for the Shipping Rule. For example, the Shipping Rule for Royal Mail Airmail for the European Union has four weight and price bands:
      • For packages weighing up to 500g, the cost is £2.90.
      • For packages weighing up to 1000g, the cost is £4.90.
      • For packages weighing up to 1500g, the cost is £6.90.
      • For packages weighing up to 2000g, the cost is £8.90.
      When added to this Shipping Rule, the Price Table will appear as follows:

      Note that this Shipping Rule will not be available for baskets which exceed a weight of 2000g. In this case, a different Rule which is capable of dealing with baskets of over 2000g will be available if there is one present in the IRP Admin. If a Rule which caters to basket weights of over 2000g for the European Union does not exist in IRP Admin, the Default Shipping Cost for the selected Shipping Country will be applied at the basket and a Postage Exception will be generated to alert you.

      You can edit Price values by changing them and clicking the Update Shipping Rule button or by using the Adjust Prices functionality which appears after adding a row to the Price Table. Here, you can enter a Positive Percentage if you want to increase the Prices in this Price Table or a Negative Percentage if you want to decrease the Prices in this Price Table:

  6. When you have entered or edited all of the details, click the Update Shipping Rule button.
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