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System Emails

You can find this section under Email Marketing > System Emails in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use this section to create and edit system-generated emails. These emails are sent out automatically by the system at specific times, as described in the section below.

Overview video

Note: Currently videos are not maintained in line with each software release and therefore features may work slightly differently from the way they are shown.

Types of System Email

The following system-generated emails are included in this section:

Setting Description
Account Setup Email confirming the creation of a Customer Account on the Full site.
Amazon Pay Hard Decline Authorization This system email is pre-populated with a message in HTML format explaining to Amazon Pay customers that, unfortunately, Amazon Pay has declined the payment for their order and that they should contact you for more information.
Amazon Pay Soft Decline Authorization This system email is pre-populated with a message in HTML format explaining to Amazon Pay customers that Amazon Pay was not able to process your payment. Please go to your Amazon Pay Account and update the payment information for your order. Afterwards we will automatically request payment again from Amazon Pay and you will receive a confirmation email. Please update your payment method as soon as possible. If you haven't updated it by 'Amazon Pay Cancel Time', we will assume you no longer want to proceed with your order, and will cancel it for you. (The 'Amazon Pay Cancel Time' is a placeholder that will be automatically replaced with the correct date.)
Automatic Gift Voucher This is where you brand an Automatic Gift Voucher email. The default email included in the IRP is the template for the voucher codes to be emailed to the customer. The recipient of the gift vouchers will be the email address of the customer's account. For more information, see How to Set Up Automated eGift Vouchers.
Automatic Voucher Confirmation When activated, this email will be sent along with the standard order confirmation email when a customer has ordered from your site and the order matches the conditions that you have configured for the voucher. It is recommended that you keep the 'Email Subject' field non-specific so that it will be meaningful to all recipients.
Basket Retrieve This email is used for customers who click a link on the mobile site requesting that the contents of their basket is emailed to them. They can then view or progress their order at a later stage, perhaps on a desktop machine. Sent when a customer clicks the link on their mobile device.
Click And Collect Order Complete Email informing customers that their Click and Collect order is complete. This is sent instead of the usual 'Order Complete' email when a Click and Collect order status is moved from 'Complete Pending Email' to 'Complete'. By default, the email includes the following text: Thanks for collecting your order. If you have any further queries please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Click And Collect Order Ready For Collection Email informing customers that items they have ordered using the Click And Collect option are ready for them to collect at their chosen collection location. Sent when the items have been picked and are ready for collection by the customer.
Deliver To Store Notify Destination You use this to notify a destination that a Deliver To Store order has been dispatched to their location. A button is available on the OrderManage.aspx page to send this email.
Deliver To Store Ready For Collection You use this to notify customers when their orders can be picked up in the store if the customers have selected the ‘Deliver To Store’ option for delivery.
EPOS Account Setup Customer accounts created via EPOS will be assigned a new random temporary password which can be emailed to the customer's email address using this System Email. Important: this email content should be configured to include the $$CustomerPassword$$ placeholder which will be used to supply the customer with their temporary password for later usage. For more information, see How to Create a Customer Account Using the EPOS.
EPOS Receipt If you are using the IRP EPOS system and a customer provides an email address when making a purchase in store, this email will be sent to the address they provide.
Mailing List Signup Email confirming to customers that they have signed up to a Mailing List. Sent when the customer signs up. Remember to enable the ‘Enable Confirmation Email’ Application Setting for this email type to function (see Mailing List Settings for more information).
Order Confirmation Email containing the details of an Order. Sent out when an Order is placed on your site.
Order Confirmation Click And Collect Email containing the details of a Click And Collect Order. Sent out when a Click And Collect Order is placed on your site.
Order Exchange Email confirming that an item has been exchanged.
Order Items Cancelled You use this to notify customers when items in their order have been cancelled.
Order Return Processed Email confirming that a returned/refunded Order has been processed.
Order Update Cancelled Pending Email Email confirming the cancellation of an Order. Sent out when an Order is set to Cancelled.
Order Update Card Query Pending Email Email explaining an issue with Card Payment. Sent out if there is an issue obtaining payment with the card details provided when an Order is placed.
Order Update Complete Pending Email Email confirming complete shipment of an Order. Sent out when an Order is set to Complete. (The Trustpilot structured data snippet (see below for more information) can be included in the Order Complete email that is BCC’d to the address configured by the Application Setting ‘Trust Pilot Dispatch Email Address’.)
Order Update Part Shipped Pending Email Email confirming partial shipment of an Order. Sent out when an Order is set to Part Shipped.
Partner Confirmation Email containing instructions and details for partner setup on your site. Sent out after Partner Request is received.
Password Reset By Token When active, this is sent to a customer when they request a password reset on the site. It informs the customer that a password reset link has been generated for them and it displays the full date and time when the token will expire (e.g. “12:11 05/07/2021 (UTC)” (as defined by the 'Temporary Customer Password Expiry In Hours' Application Setting)), after which they will have to request another password reset email.
Password Reset By Token No Customer Account When active, this is sent only when a password reset request has been made to the IRP using an email address that is not associated with a customer account. This may apply to customers who used the Guest Checkout previously but chose not to upgrade to a full account at that time.
Password Reset By Token Successful When active, this informs the customer that they have successfully changed their password.
Price Match Request Accepted Email stating that a customer’s request for a price match has been accepted.
Price Match Request Declined Email stating that a customer’s request for a price match has been declined.
Product Review Email containing Product Review request sent out after the corresponding Common Task triggers or the Send Review Reminder Emails button is clicked on the Reviews.aspx page.
Remaining Gift Voucher Credit You use this to keep customers informed about the ongoing value of their gift voucher, if they have one.
Stock Notification You use this to notify customers when items they are interested in arrive in stock. You can further entice customers to purchase by including vouchers in the email (note that you have to configure some Application Settings to make vouchers available — see How To Add or Edit a System Email for details.
NOTE: Stock Notifications will be sent out only for Active items coming back into Stock. For a Stock Notification to be sent out for an item that has moved from a Stock Level of <= 0 to a Stock level > 0, it, its Model, its Brand and its Category must ALL be Active.
Subscription Cancelled You use this to keep customers informed that the subscription has been cancelled
Subscription Next Delivery Skipped You use this to keep customers informed that they have requested a skip deliver cycle and to show the next delivery date.
Subscription Recurring Order Failed Generic You use this to keep customers informed that the subscription has failed for the current delivery and the subscription has been suspended.
Subscription Recurring Order Failed Out Of Stock You use this to keep customers informed that there is insufficient stock supply to fulfil the order and that no billing will occur.
Subscription Recurring Order Failed Payment Failed You use this to keep customers informed that the payment method used to fulfil the order has failed and that payment details need to be updated before the order is processed.
Subscription Recurring Order Failed Suspended You use this to keep customers informed that there is an issue with subscription order items that cannot be resolved and the order has been cancelled.
Subscription Recurring Order Placed You use this to keep customers informed that the order has starting processing and that any changes from the customer need to be completed within a specific timeframe.
Subscription Recurring Order Placed No Shipping Method You use this to keep customers informed that the order processing has started but that the item(s) cannot be shipped to the address.
Subscription Recurring Order Placed Payment Issue You use this to keep customers informed that the order processing has started but the payment method is no longer valid.
Subscription Started You use this to keep customers informed that the subscription has been successful and showing the next delivery date.
Subscription Suspended You use this to keep customers informed that the subscription has been suspended for the listed items.
Subscription Updated You use this to keep customers informed that the subscription has been updated due to updates to the item details.
Trade Account Approved You use this to notify customers when their request for a trade account has been approved.
Trade Account Rejected You use this to notify customers when their request for a trade account has been declined.
Trade Account Requested You use this to notify customers when they request an account as a trade customer.
Trade Account Suspended You use this to notify trade customers when their account has been suspended.
Trade Order Confirmation You use this to notify trade customers when their order has been placed.
Trade Password Reset By Token When active, this is sent to a trade customer when they request a password reset on the site. It informs the customer that a password reset link has been generated for them and it displays the full date and time when the token will expire (e.g. “12:11 05/07/2021 (UTC)” (as defined by the 'Temporary Customer Password Expiry In Hours' Application Setting)), after which they will have to request another password reset email.

Activating System Emails

If you create only one instance of an email type (for example an ‘Order Confirmation’ email) the email will be activated on your system when you create it. However you can also create multiple emails for each email type.

For example, you could have Order Confirmation emails that you send only at specific times of the year, for example Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, and so forth. In this case, the IRP system will only send out the email that you have made active using the Activate button shown in the following example:

Email Templates

You can also activate a system email by clicking the Manage button and then clicking the Activate button at the bottom of the screen.

Email Templates

Deactivating System Emails

If you have configured only one System Email for a particular type, you should delete it rather than deactivate it. If you have configured more than one System Email for a particular type, when you click the Deactviate button, you will see a message stating: Are you sure you wish to activate this Mailing List Signup System Email? Any other active Mailing List Signup System Email will be deactivated.

Note that System Emails are not sent on schedule, although Reviews Emails and Flow Emails are. A Common Task (provided it has been set up to run) will determine when Reviews Emails and Remarketing System Emails are sent.


Each type of system email has a list of placeholders that you can insert into the Plain Text/HTML content to pull the relevant information from the database. For example, in the Order Confirmation Email, if you use the $$OrderID$$ placeholder, the Order ID will displayed in place of the $$OrderID$$ placeholder:

Order ID: $$OrderID$$

Order ID: 58796

When you are adding a new version of an email or editing an existing email, you can find details about the placeholders specific to that Email Type by examining the list of placeholders in the HTML Content section. For more details, see How To Add or Edit a System Email below.

Preview Emails

You can preview system emails directly from the System Email list by selecting the 'Preview' button in the Manage feature at the end of each system email.

Test Emails

You can send test emails to a specific email address by first navigating to the details of the system email using the 'Edit' feature in the Manage action at the end of each system email row. Use the 'Preview & Test' tab and enter your email address, then clicking the 'Send Test Email' button. You can use this to see what the email will look like in your email client/browser. You can also use the Language menu to view the translated version of the email.

Voucher Codes in Mailing List Signup Emails

Note that when a customer enters their voucher code on the front end at the basket stage, the IRP will display the customer’s email address rather than the discount amount . This is by design as it is intended to make it easy for IRP Admin Users to check that the email addresses signed up to the list are indeed the same ones using the vouchers. This prevents customers getting multiple email addresses just simply to keep joining a mailing list in order to get a discount on every order.

Personalised Product Details in System Emails

Personalised product details are displayed in all System Emails that include order details.

Trustpilot Review Emails

The Trustpilot structured data snippet (see here for more information) can be included in the Order Complete email that is BCC’d to the address configured by the Application Setting 'Trust Pilot Dispatch Email Address'. Note that Trustpilot's Automatic Feedback Service 2.0 is supported.

There are several values that are included in the Trustpilot email snippet; two to pick out for specific mention are these:

  • templateId: You can set a value for 'Trust Pilot Template ID' against: There is also an Application Setting called 'Trust Pilot Default Template ID'. When sending Trustpilot emails, this Template ID will be used if there is no 'Trust Pilot Template ID' for the Shipping Country or Language of the customer.
    When sending a Trustpilot email the values have the following priority:
    1. Value for Shipping Country.
    2. Value for Language.
    3. Default Application Setting value.

    The templateId is not included if none of the above values are available.

  • preferredSendTime: This value is always included and is set to the same time of day as when the order was placed (but for the next available day if this time is in the past). This uses the format "2016-02-29T13:37:00".
    There is also another Application Setting called 'Trust Pilot Preferred Send Time Delay In Days'. The Trustpilot review email will be sent to the customer this number of days after the order has been completed.

How To Guides (2)

How To Add or Edit a System Email
How To Understand and Configure SPF Records

In order for the IRP to effectively send mail to your customers, you need to make sure that for the domain your email comes from, an SPF (‘Sender Policy Framework’) record is set up correctly in order to let receiving mail servers know that the mail you’re sending is authorised.

An SPF is a TXT DNS record that is added in your domain control panel to indicate who is authorised to send email for your domain.

If your website sends emails from, say,, where is your website, then you will add the TXT record to the root of your domain. This is generally the standard situation. If, for some reason, your email will come from, where is your website, then you have to add the SPF for the subdomain ‘mail’. You will need to examine your domain’s control panel documentation for instructions on how to do this.

Basic SPF record format

The basic SPF record to start from is as follows:

v=spf1 mx ip4: -all

v=spf1 This is the start of the record to indicate its contents are that of an SPF record.
mx This states that any computer listed as being a Mail Exchanger, i.e. handling inbound and outbound mail, is allowed to send email on your domain’s behalf.
ip4: This states that the computer at this IP address can send mail for your domain. In this case, this is the outbound IP address of the IRP’s mail server.
-all This means that mail servers receiving mail from your domain only accept email from the sources listed in this record — it is instructed to reject anything else.

Specifying email origin locations

The ‘-all’ at the end gives extra credence to your SPF entry, as no other computer is allowed to send email for you, therefore you have to be absolutely certain that all locations from which your email can come from are listed in this record.

For example, if you use Trustpilot you will need to add this to your record:
In this case, the full record will be:
v=spf1 mx ip4: -all

As another example, if you use Google Apps to handle your domain email, you will need to add this to your record:
In this case, the full record will be:
v=spf1 mx ip4: -all

If you use any other third party which sends mail on your behalf, e.g. Basket Abandonment solutions, Bulk Marketing Mailshot services, these will probably need to be taken account of here. You will have to contact these third parties for what, if anything, is required for your SPF record.

Setting up your SPF record

In order to set up your SPF record, you will have to use your domain name’s control panel. Given how many there are out there, you will have to review their documentation as to how to do this. However, once you think you have completed your setup, you can test your setup at:

Just enter the domain name that your mail comes from and click SPF Record Lookup. The resulting summary will examine your SPF and tell you what it has found.

Other standard sources – ‘a’ and ‘ptr’

There two other standard records for the SPF Record that you will see; these are ‘a’ and ‘ptr’. In the standard SPF record mentioned above, they would look like this:

v=spf1 a ptr mx ip4: -all

a’ means that any computer that is listed as an A record – a record which points to a physical IP address – is authorised to send mail. For IRP, this is not necessary, as the IP address of your website will never be the same as the outbound IP address of any email it sends.

ptr’ means that any reverse mapping of an IP address to a DNS entry should be allowed. Again, this entry should NOT be included, for two reasons:

  1. These are slow to check, and can hinder your domain’s deliverability, even if you have no PTR records set up for your domain.
  2. These records can potentially be spoofed, and therefore weaken your SPF, rather than strengthen it.

Other potential sources

If at some point you wish to use a third-party mail service, such as Amazon SES, instead of the IRP internal mail array, you will need to replace the IP address of the IRP mail array,, with the outbound IP address of your website. This will not be your website IP address, so you will need to contact your Systems Integrator for this. You will also have to add any additional entries to the SPF to authorise your third-party service.

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