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Overview - Legacy (Integration)

You can find this section under Integration > Overview - Legacy in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

The page presents you with an overview of ‘legacy’ integrations on the IRP. The page also provides you with summary log files that show what integration actions have been carried out and when they occurred, whether or not those actions were successful and details such as the name and IP address of the IRP Admin users who performed the integrations.

This is useful information because, if you notice that some data has been incorrectly formatted or that it is wrong in some way or other on your website, you need to know when the integration was carried out and by whom. You can then proceed to contact the user for more details, if necessary. You can then go on to correct the errors.

The overview page (UniversalIntegrationOverview.aspx) for legacy integrations appears as follows:

IRP Admin image

The information is grouped into the following sections:

Product integration overview

You use Product Integration to format and create recurring bulk imports of product data. This section includes the following summary information:

  • Is Integration Active: (Yes or No) This indicates whether product integration is ready to run, based on field mapping prerequisites and the presence of a product integration SQL query. If Integration is active, you will see a summary of information displayed in the lower part of the section (see ‘Integration Details’) below.
  • Product Data Last Integrated: This shows the date and time when the product integration was last performed. If not applicable, this will state ‘Not Integrated’. Click the Edit button to go to the Product section.

When setting up your Legacy Custom Integration for the first time you should follow these steps:

  • Set Data Manipulation Steps using the Manipulate Imported Data tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit Data Manipulation Steps article for details.
  • Set Data Field Mappings using the Map Imported Fields tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Edit Field Mappings for Product Integrations article for details.
  • Create Integration SQL Query using the Integration Query tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit an Integration Query article for details.
  • Perform the integration as described in the Legacy Integrations: How To Perform an Integration article.

After these steps have been completed, you do not need to perform them again unless the import file format changes.

Stock integration overview

Stock Integration is used to format and create recurring bulk imports of stock data. The section can also be used to update any value contained in the Stock table of your IRP database including Part Codes, EAN Codes, Postage Weights, prices, RRPs, etc. This section includes the following summary information:

  • Is Integration Active: (Yes or No) This indicates whether stock integration is ready to run, based on field mapping prerequisites and the presence of a stock levels integration SQL query. If Integration is active, you will see a summary of information displayed in the lower part of the section (see ‘Integration Details’) below.
  • Stock Data Last Integrated: This shows the date and time when the stock integration was last performed. If not applicable, this will state ‘Not Integrated’. Click the Edit button to go to the Stock section.

When setting up your Legacy Custom Integration for the first time you should follow these steps:

  • Set Data Manipulation Steps using the Manipulate Imported Data tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit Data Manipulation Steps article for details.
  • Set Data Field Mappings using the Map Imported Fields tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Edit Field Mappings for Stock Integrations article for details.
  • Create Integration SQL Query using the Integration Query tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit an Integration Query article for details.
  • Perform the integration as described in the Legacy Integrations: How To Perform an Integration article.

After these steps have been completed, you do not need to perform them again unless the import file format changes.

Custom integration overview

You can use this section for any type of custom integration, for example you may want to use it for Orders Integration — you could upload a file to the IRP from your EPOS system then run SQL on it to update your Order statuses. This section includes the following summary information:

  • Is Integration Active: (Yes or No) This indicates whether custom integration is ready to run, based on the presence of a stock integration SQL query. If Integration is active, you will see a summary of information displayed in the lower part of the section (see ‘Integration Details’) below.
  • Custom Data Last Integrated: This shows the date and time when the custom integration was last performed. If not applicable, this will state ‘Not Integrated’. Click the Edit button to go to the Custom section.

When setting up your Legacy Custom Integration for the first time you should follow these steps:

  • Set Data Manipulation Steps using the Manipulate Imported Data tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit Data Manipulation Steps article for details.
  • Create Integration SQL Query using the Integration Query tab. See the Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit an Integration Query article for details.
  • Perform the integration as described in the Legacy Integrations: How To Perform an Integration article.

After these steps have been completed, you do not need to perform them again unless the import file format changes.

Legacy integration details

If Integration is active, you will see a summary of information displayed in the lower part of the section. The details include:

  • File Last Uploaded: The date and time of the last Integration File Upload.
  • Number of Rows in Import Table: The Number of Rows in the Integration Import table following the Upload of a delimited file.
  • Data Last Staged: The last date and time that Integration data was staged prior to Integration.
  • Number of Rows in Staging Table: The Number of rows in the Integration staging table.
  • Pre-Requisite Field Mappings Assigned: Have the Pre-Requisite Field Mappings been set up for the Integration (Yes/No)?
  • Field Mappings: The Number of Field Mappings between Integration Import Fields and Integration Staging Fields (including the Pre Requisite Field Mappings).
  • Data Manipulation Steps: The Number of Active Manipulation Steps to be performed on Imported Integration data prior to it being Staged.
  • Integration SQL Query Set Up: Is there a Integration SQL Query set up for the Integration (Yes/No)?

Integration log

The Integration Log section includes the following summary information. You can use the search bar to find particular files and if you expand Other Options under the Search bar, you can search by Integration Type (Product, Stock or Custom):

  • Username: This shows the username of the IRP Admin user who carried out a stock levels integration.
  • Type: This shows the type of integration — Product, Stock or Custom.
  • Detail: This shows the action that the user carried out, for example, “Field Mappings Deleted”.
  • Success: This shows whether the action was successful (True) or unsuccessful (False).
  • IP Address: This shows the user’s IP address.
  • TimeStamp: This shows the date and time when the user carried out the action.

You can add Integrations by clicking the Add Product Integration, Edit Stock Integration, Add Custom Integration or Add New Dynamic Integration buttons at the top of the screen.

Also you can click the Dynamic Integrations button to go to the main IntegrationOverview.aspx screen where you can see an overview of dynamic integrations, as described at the start of this topic.

How To Guides (5)

Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit Data Manipulation Steps
Legacy Integrations: How To Edit Field Mappings for Product Integrations
Legacy Integrations: How To Edit Field Mappings for Stock Integrations
Legacy Integrations: How To Add or Edit an Integration Query

The Integration Query is the SQL Query which will run to import the data from the import file/staging table to the various tables in your IRP database. Without the query, Integration is not possible.

An understanding of SQL, IRP Database Structure and your data is required to create the import script. We advise that you contact your IRP Support Team regarding the creation of this query.

Note that this tab will be displayed only if your Admin User account has DBA status.

To add or edit an Integration Query, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Integration > Overview in the IRP left navigation menu.
  2. Click the Edit button for the type of legacy integration that you want to perform (Product, Stock or Custom).
  3. Click the Integration Query tab.
  4. We advise creating this query in an external editor and ensuring that it is valid before pasting it into the Query SQL field.
  5. Click the Update Integration Query button to save the query.

With the Data Manipulation steps, Field Mappings (not applicable to Custom Integrations) and Integration Query set, you can go on to perform the integration as described in the Legacy Integrations How To Add or Edit an Integration Query article.

Legacy Integrations: How To Perform an Integration
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