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Order Automatic Vouchers

You can find this section under Promotions > Order Automatic Vouchers in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use this page to offer customers free, automatically-generated, single-use vouchers immediately after they place an order (if their order contents meet the rules you have configured for the voucher). A new voucher is generated for each customer when they place a matching order. This feature can help you to increase the number of repeat customers you receive.

An example of the kind of automatic order you could create is: ‘Customers from France who have ordered Adidas products totalling at least €30 are automatically offered a voucher for €5 off their next order’.

When a customer places an order and all the offer conditions are met, they will see an offer message on their OrderConfirmation.aspx page after they click the ‘Place Order’ button, for example:

Order Automatic Vouchers displayed on order confirmation page

To accompany this feature there is a system email available called ‘Automatic Voucher Confirmation Email’. You can find this under Email Marketing > System Emails in the left navigation. If you have configured and activated that System Email, then the customer will receive that email after they place their order, in addition to the standard Order Confirmation Email. The voucher code shown to the customer on their OrderConfirmation.aspx page will be identical to the voucher shown in the email that they receive. For more details about System Emails, see the System Emails help topic.

Note that you can design Order Automatic Voucher Templates for use with Order Automatic Vouchers.

OrderAutomaticVouchers.aspx page

The main OrderAutomaticVouchers.aspx page appears as follows:

IRP Admin image
  • Active: This column indicates whether or not the offer is currently available to customers using your website. To activate the offer, check this box and click the Update Automatic Orders button. If you want to activate all the vouchers in the column, check the Active box in the column heading. Likewise to deactivate all vouchers, check the Active box again. Make sure that you click the 'Update Order Automatic Vouchers' button in order to save your changes after using this button.
  • Admin User: This is the name of the IRP Admin user who created the voucher.
  • Discount Amount: This is the amount of discount that is being offered to the customer if they use the voucher. This will be either a percentage or a monetary value depending on the ‘Voucher Discount Type’ that has been configured in IRP Admin.
  • First Purchase Only: This indicates whether the automatic voucher is offered to customers only on the first order they place when the voucher is enabled.
  • Valid for Days: The generated voucher will expire this number of days after it has been generated. The default value is 7 days.
  • Minimum Order Total: This is the minimum value of an order necessary for the automatic voucher to be offered to customers.
  • Has Restrictions: This shows whether or not there are any restrictions that apply to the voucher offer. To see what the restrictions are you need to click the Edit button (see the How To Add or Edit an Order Automatic Voucher article in this section; possible restrictions include country restrictions, brand, category or brand-category restrictions).
  • Number Offered: This is the number of vouchers that have been offered to customers.
  • Number Used: This is the number of vouchers that have been used by customers.
  • TimeStamp: This shows the date and time when the automatic voucher was created in IRP Admin.
  • Edit: Click the Edit button if you want to edit the details of an automatic voucher. For more details, see the How To Add or Edit an Order Automatic Voucher article in this section.

At the top of the page you can see the Add New Order Automatic Voucher button; for details of how to use this, see the How To Add or Edit an Order Automatic Voucher article in this section.

Conditions that must be met for Order Automatic Vouchers

A customer will receive an order automatic voucher as long as the following conditions are met:

  • The ‘Enable Automatic Order Vouchers’ Application Setting has been enabled.
  • The customer uses the offer voucher within the configured lifetime of the voucher.
  • The details of the voucher offer have been configured correctly including any country, brand and category restrictions.
  • The voucher offer is ACTIVE.
  • The customer has placed an order for a non-restricted shipping country and a non-restricted brand or category (or brand-category combination).
  • The customer’s order total is greater than or equal to the minimum threshold configured for the offer.
  • The customer has not made a previous (non-cancelled) purchase when the ‘First Purchase Only’ setting is true for an automatic voucher.

If an order is cancelled before the voucher has been used, the voucher can be used again by the same customer so long as the conditions described above still apply.

Note the following scenarios regarding cancellations:

  1. If a customer gets the voucher code but then cancels the order, the voucher can no longer be used. (If they try to use the voucher subsequently they should get an error message saying something like ‘The Gift Voucher code does not exist’.)
  2. If a customer gets the voucher code, places a second order to use the voucher, but then cancels the original order which generated the voucher, their second order stands, including the voucher.
  3. If a customer gets the voucher code, places a second order to use the voucher, but then cancels the second order, the voucher can no longer be used. In this case, the Admin User might consider sending the customer a new single-use voucher.

Note also that if you want the customer to receive the ‘Automatic Voucher Confirmation Email’ System Email (in addition to the standard Order Confirmation Email), you must have configured and ACTIVATED that System Email (make sure that you include at least the $$VoucherCode$$ by $$VoucherExpiryDate$$ placeholders). It is recommended that you keep the 'Email Subject' field non-specific so that it will be meaningful to all recipients.

Small Translations for Order Automatic Vouchers page

You can use the following Small Translations to alter the text and language for the automatic voucher functionality.

  • 2146: “Get {0} off your next purchase!” This translation is used when displaying a new order automatic voucher after a customer places an order. The {0} parameter will be used to display the voucher discount amount that you have configured.
  • 2147: “Use the voucher code below for additional discount off your next order.” This explanation accompanies the main order automatic voucher offer to the customer.
  • 2148: “Expires” This is used to display the expiry date to the customer for the order automatic voucher.

How To Guides (1)

How To Add or Edit an Order Automatic Voucher

Note: To use this feature you need to enable the Application Setting called ‘Enable Automatic Order Vouchers’. You can find this in the ‘Orders’ group of settings. You can enable this setting either before you create voucher offers or after creating them but before making them active. Either way, the vouchers will not be visible to your customers until you enable this setting.

To add or edit order confirmation vouchers, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Promotions > Order Automatic Vouchers in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. Click the Add New Order Automatic Voucher button located at the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Complete the following details on the OrderAutomaticVoucherEdit.aspx page:
    ID This shows the ID of the automatic voucher when known. This is added automatically by IRP Admin.
    Active Check this box after you have configured all aspects of the voucher offer (including any restrictions) and the automatic voucher will be activated on your website so that customers can avail of it.
    Automatic Voucher Type This is where you define when an automatic order voucher should be triggered. This can take one of the following values:
    • On Order Placement: The voucher will be emailed to the customer after the order has been approved.
    • Inclusion In Order Sheets: The voucher will be generated and included on the default customer receipt order sheet, as well on a custom order sheet if it includes the appropriate placeholders. See Order Sheet Templates for more information.
    Voucher Discount Type Select the type of discount that you want to offer using the automatic voucher. Choose from:
    • Money Off Total Basket Value - takes the value of a voucher off a customer's basket.
    • Percentage Off Total Basket Value - takes the percentage value of a voucher off a customer's basket.
    • Money Off Total Over Basket Value - takes the value of a voucher off a customer's basket only if its total exceeds the voucher's minimum Basket Total
    • Percentage Off Total Over Basket Value - takes the percentage value of a voucher off a customer's basket only if its total exceeds the voucher's minimum Basket Total.
    Discount Amount Enter the amount of discount that you want to offer using the automatic voucher. This will be either a percentage or a monetary value depending on the ‘Voucher Discount Type’ that you selected.
    Minimum Basket Total If the Order Automatic Voucher discount type is 'Money Off Total Over Basket Value' or 'Percentage Off Total Over Basket Value', enter the minimum basket total that should be applied to those vouchers.
    First Purchase Only Check this box if you want to offer the automatic voucher to customers only on the first order they place when the voucher is enabled.
    Minimum Order Total If you enter a minimum value for an order, the automatic voucher will be offered only to customers who have placed an order worth at least this amount.
    Voucher Code Length Enter the length of the generated voucher code, or leave it at the default value of 12 characters.
    Voucher Lifetime Days The generated voucher will expire this number of days after it has been generated. You can choose to leave this at the default value of 7 days.
  4. Click the Insert button to save the details you have configured.
    You can now configure shipping countries and restrictions for the order automatic voucher as described in the following sections.

Note on using tiers:

As an example of using tiers, if you wanted to offer a £10 voucher off £100 orders, £20 on £200 orders and £30 on £300 orders, you could configure the following:
1. Voucher Discount Type: Money Off Total Over Basket Value
Discount Amount: £10
Minimum Order Total: £100
2. Voucher Discount Type: Money Off Total Over Basket Value
Discount Amount: £20
Minimum Order Total: £200
3. Voucher Discount Type: Money Off Total Over Basket Value
Discount Amount: £30
Minimum Order Total: £300
Then, using the instructions below, you could include any desired country, brand or category restrictions.

Shipping Country Restrictions

The Shipping Countries section appears as follows:

IRP Admin image
  1. If you want the offer to apply to customers in all countries in your system, leave the right-side box (‘Selected shipping countries’) at the default value of ‘All Countries’.
  2. Otherwise, select a country or countries in the left-side box (‘Available shipping countries’) and click the Add Countries button to move them to the right-side box (‘Selected shipping countries’).
  3. If subsequently you want to remove countries from the list that the voucher applies to, highlight the country in the right-side box and click the Remove Countries button.
  4. Click the Update button to save your changes.

Brand and Category Restrictions

  1. In the Voucher Restrictions section, select a Restriction Type from the drop-down menu:
    • No Restriction: This means that the voucher offer will apply to all models.
    • Brand Only: Select this option if you want the voucher offer to apply to particular brands only. You can then select the brands you want to apply from a drop-down list that appears.
    • Category Only: Select this option if you want the voucher offer to apply to particular categories only. You can then select the categories you want to apply from a drop-down list that appears.
    • Brand Category Combination: Select this option if you want the voucher offer to apply to particular combinations of brands and categories. You can then select the brands and categories you want to apply from a drop-down lists that appear.
  2. If subsequently you want to delete any restrictions click the Remove Selected Restrictions button.
  3. Click the Update button to save your changes.

Remember, if you want customers to also receive an email containing the same voucher code, you must configure and ACTIVATE the ‘Automatic Voucher Confirmation Email’ System Email (make sure that you include at least the $$VoucherCode$$ by $$VoucherExpiryDate$$ placeholders and remember that all placeholders are case-sensitive when you are adding them). It is recommended that you keep the 'Email Subject' field non-specific so that it will be meaningful to all recipients. For more details, see the System Emails help topic.

Application Settings (1)

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