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Order Sheet Templates

You can find this feature under Orders > Order Sheet Templates in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

This feature gives you the ability to have custom Receipts, Invoices, Charging, Returns and Picking and Packing documents. You can create HTML-based order sheets for Retail Orders, Trade Orders or both. One of the most powerful aspects of this feature is that you can create separate order sheets for different countries.

The main OrderSheetTemplates.aspx page appears as follows:

IRP Admin image

You can use the search options to find any Type of Template (Invoice, Picking & Packing, Charging, Receipts, Returns Management), any specific Country associated with a Template, a Retail Template or a Trade Template.

For more information, see the How To Add or Edit an Order Sheet Template article in this section.

How To Guides (1)

How To Add or Edit an Order Sheet Template

To add or edit a an Order Sheet Template, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Orders > Order Sheet Templates in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. To add a new template, click the Add New Order Sheet Template button at the top of the screen.
  3. To edit details of an existing Template, click the Edit button at the right side of the Template that you want to edit.
  4. Enter or edit the following details. If you see an asterisk (*) beside a setting it means that the setting is required.
    Template Details
    Template ID This is the unique ID for this Template, added automatically by IRP Admin.
    Active Active templates will be used by the system when creating Invoices for Orders - InActive templates will be ignored until they are activated.
    Template Name The Name of this Invoice Template. This will be used to quickly identify templates in the IRP admin.
    Retail or Trade This will determine that orders that this template will display for. This allows for trade and retail specific templates when the trade site is enabled.
    Sheet Type This is the order sheet template type. The selection here will determine which order sheet the current template is used for. For example if 'Invoice' is selected then the template will be used when printing the invoice order sheet. Select from Invoice, Picking And Packing, Charging, Receipts, Returns Management.
    HTML Body Content
    HTML The HTML Content of this order sheet template. Use the Available PlaceHolders to specify the placement of data. Note that the CSS does not have to be in-line and can be specified below. Select a language from the HTML drop-down list in order to translate the content into any active language in your system. If there is no translation set for the customer's language then it will automatically use the English version.
    Available PlaceHolders
    PlaceHolders Use the available placeholders to specify the placement of data. Note that the CSS does not have to be in-line and can be specified in the CSS Styles section below.
    NOTE 1: When you are creating the section in the template where ordered items are referenced by placeholders (for example, $$ItemDescription$$, $$OrderItemIDBarcode$$ and $$StockID$$), you MUST wrap the whole section containing all of the placeholders in the following comment placeholders:
    <!-- BEGIN ITEM ROW -->
    <!-- END ITEM ROW -->
    This is so that the IRP knows (a) where the content for items is and (b) what HTML to repeat for each one.
    NOTE 2: Picking And Packing templates: the $$PickingLocation$$ placeholder is used only for non-kits, as the picking location will always be included for kits anyhow. See the Orders help topic for more information on printing P&P sheets.
    There are a large number of palceholders available to you – here are a few that may require additional explanation:
    Admin Order Notes
    You can use the $$AdminOrderNotes$$ placeholder to include Admin Order Notes in templates. If no Admin Notes have been added to an order, the placeholder will be replaced with Small Translation 2604 (the default English translation is 'None').
    Attribute Values
    You can use the $$AttributeValue-AttributeID$$ placeholder to include Attribute Values in Order Sheet Templates. 'AttributeID' is the ID of the attribute you want to be displayed for each product and for each item row will display the value associated with the current product for the specified attribute. If no value exists the placeholder will simply be removed.
    Country Of Origin
    You can use the $$CountryOfOrigin$$ placeholder to display the Country Name of the Country Of Origin set against a stock item and the $$CountryISOOfOrigin$$ placeholder to display the Country ISO of the Country Of Origin set against a stock item.
    Currency ISO and Foreign Currency
    You can use the $$CurrencyISO$$ and $$TotalPriceForeignCurrency$$ placeholders. Note that $$TotalPriceForeignCurrency$$ must be added within BEGIN FOREIGN CURRENCY TOTAL ITEM and END FOREIGN CURRENCY TOTAL ITEM placeholders. The foreign currency order total will only be rendered for orders with a foreign currency that are not charged in a foreign currency, otherwise the section will be removed.
    Customer Receipt Types
    You can use the following placeholders for Customer Receipt Types only. You use these placeholders when you want to include order automatic vouchers in order sheets using the 'Automatic Voucher Type' setting on the OrderAutomaticVoucherEdit.aspx page. For more information, see Order Automatic Vouchers. Note that each of these must be within BEGIN ORDER VOUCHER and END ORDER VOUCHER placeholders:
    • $$OrderVoucherCode$$
    • $$OrderVoucherAmount$$
    • $$OrderVoucherMinimumBasketTotal$$
    • $$OrderVoucherLifetimeDays$$
    • $$OrderVoucherExpiryDate$$
    • $$OrderVoucherBrandCategories$$: A list of brands/categories the voucher applies to if only restricted by either. If brand category restrictions are in place then it returns a list of brands under each of which there is a list of categories.
    External Order ID
    The $$ExternalOrderID$$ placeholder is important for clients who need to differentiate different types of order using internal store codes.
    Harmonisation System Codes
    You can use the $$HSCode$$ placeholder to include item Harmonisation System Codes in Order Sheets. For more information, see the Categories and Models help topics.
    Model External
    You can use the $$ModelExternal$$ placeholder to display the 'Model External' value set against a model.
    Order ID Barcode Image URL
    You can use the $$OrderIDBarcodeImageUrl$$ placeholder to render the Order ID Barcode image file URL on the resultant Order Sheet. If an Order ID Barcode image does not exist for the URL, the image will be created before rendering the URL.
    Order Notes
    You can include customer Order Notes using the $$OrderNotes$$ placeholder.
    Payment Methods
    You can use the $$PaymentMethod$$ placeholder so that the payment method used is shown (for example, Amazon Pay).
    Personalised Products
    Using the $$PersonalisedProduct$$ placeholder, you can include personalised product details in Order Sheet Templates.
    Points-Based Loyalty Schemes
    You can include the following placeholders for points-based loyalty scheme details:
    • $$LineLoyaltyPointsRedeemed$$
    • $$LineLoyaltyPointsRewarded$$
    • $$LoyaltyPointsAccountBalance$$
    • $$TotalLoyaltyPointsRedeemed$$
    • $$TotalLoyaltyPointsRewarded$$
    • $$UnitLoyaltyPointsRedeemed$$
    • $$UnitLoyaltyPointsRewarded$$
    Shipping Manifests
    You can use the $$ShippingManifestName$$ placeholder to display the Manifest Name of the customer's selected Shipping Service, if present. If not present, this will default to the Display Name. This allows you to display the Admin or Manifest Name for a Shipping Method on your Picking and Packing Sheets so that your dispatchers know exactly what service was selected, rather than the customer-friendly Display Name as is displayed on the front end of the website.
    Small Translations for EU Member Countries
    For the $$BillingAddressIsEUMemberCountry$$ and $$DeliveryAddressIsEUMemberCountry$$ placeholders, you can use the following Small Translations:
    • 'Yes' - 2548
    • 'No' - 2549
    Tax Rates
    Include the $$TaxRate$$ placeholder to add the tax rate details to your Order Sheet Templates. Note: You MUST include the $$TaxRate$$ placeholder between the following comment placeholders:<!-- BEGIN TAX TOTALS -->
    <!-- END TAX TOTALS -->
    CSS Styles
    CSS The CSS classes referenced in the HTML above.
  5. When you have entered or updated all of the details, click the Insert Order Sheet Template button or the Update Order Sheet Template button to save the details.
  6. If required, you can now select specific countries to use this Template using the Countries Using This Template tab. Simply select a Country or Countries in the ‘Select Countries’ box and use the Add button to move them into the ‘Countries Using this Template’ box.
  7. Finally, click the Update Order Sheet Template button to save the details.
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