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Subscriptions requires an additional IRP licence. Please contact your CSM.

You can find this section under Subscriptions > Subscriptions in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

Subscriptions can increase Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) by allowing online shoppers to purchase products on a recurring basis. Subscriptions allow merchants to apply subscriptions at the stock item level.

Subscriptions Overview

Subscriptions allow you to add subscriptions to stock items and to determine the frequency and percentage% price discount to apply to the subscription.

Online shoppers can easily select products with subscriptions (with a clear understanding of recurring price and frequency), add them to their basket, checkout and manage the subscription through the lifetime of the subscription.

For example, an online shopper may wish to purchase a type of dog food on a recurring basis every month for a discount of 5% on the standard price.Then increase the quantity or merge other subscriptions into one delivery.

Important Application Settings

  • Application Setting - 'Enable Subscription Orders' must be enabled.
  • Common Tasks - Enable 'Process Subscription Orders' common task to run daily that checks for new subscription orders. The common task is essential in picking up subsequent subscription orders

Adding a Subscription to a Stock Item

  • Saved payment methods must be enabled in IRP Admin for subscriptions to work as at least one card payment method must be stored to the account profile. IRP Admin > Application Settings > Saved Payment Methods
  • Subscription can be restricted to specific Shipping Countries. IRP Admin > Shipping > Edit Shipping Country > Enable Subscription Orders

Subscriptions are added at the stock item level. Navigate to the ‘Size / Colour Options’ of the selected model and select the ‘More’ option.

From the popup modal window enable the stock item for subscription, select the Subscription Schedule and enter the Discount Amount (as a percentage).


Image: Adding a Subscription to a Stock Item

Static v Dynamic Subscriptions

There are two types of subscriptions. Static subscriptions are most commonly used as it is the same product that the shopper is purchasing on a recurring basis. But what if the merchants want to have a different product per month in the subscription like ‘Wine of the Month’ subscription?

This is called a dynamic subscription and uses Kit’s as its base. Merchants can set a Kit to 'dynamic' and set up a number of Current Component Products with different display orders to denote the sequence of products in each shipment of the subscription. If the setting ‘Use Most Recent Fulfilment Item is Missing’ is checked and there is no latest display order, then the subscription will use whatever products are there.

Image: Adding a Dynamic Subscription to a Stock Item

Subscription Schedules

Your IRP is loaded with a number of common default schedule ranges - Months and Weeks. These schedules contain durations that can be selected by the online shopper when selecting a product with a subscription. For example, the online shopper may wish to purchase a recurring toothpaste product with a 3 month duration between purchases.

Month and Week schedules may cover all the durations you need, but you have the ability to add new schedules or remove existing schedules to suit your business needs.

Navigate to Products > Subscriptions Overview, then select the button ‘Add Subscription Schedule’. Add the name of the new schedule and the required durations.

  • Schedule Name: The name of the schedule
  • Duration: The length of the duration in Days, Weeks, Months

Image: Subscription Schedules

Using Promotions with Subscription

Merchants may want to set a first subscription pricing rule that is different the default discount pricing rule. The example is when the merchant wishes to offer a larger subscription discount to entice the shopper to signup for a product subscription. E.g. The first subscription purchase has 10% discount rather than the standard 5%.

Step 1: Setup the Promotion

Setup the promotion with a % discount and add specfic basket messaging that will display in the models and basket page using promotion 'Get Initial Subscription Order At Percentage Discount’.

Step 2: Add a New Product Restriction Rule

Build a new 'Subscriptions' rule and select 'Specific Subscription Products' if you want to select the stock ID's to apply the rule. It is possible to add the rule to all subscriptions products by selecting 'Subscription Products Only'.

View the Subscription with the promotion applied

Navigate to the stock item with subscription/promotion applied in Shopper. The additional promotional discount is applied to the first subscription and displayed through the model, basket and checkout flows. It is not applied to any subsequent subscription for this product.

Merchants Subscription Admin Order Flow

Off the back of the first subscription order subsequent subscription orders land in the system as 'New Subscription' orders.

New Subscription is a waiting stage, to give the customer a chance to edit the order or cancel it if they no longer want it. It lasts for 3 days by default, controlled by an application setting. Once that time has passed it will then be charged and moved to New.

When the order is placed in New Subscription the customer gets an email that the merchant is preparing to process their order and if they want to change anything they have 3 days. Then 3 days later the customer receives an email saying the orders been placed and charged.

Merchants Subscription Overview Page

The Subscription Overview allows the administrator to track subscription and to identify any issues that may impact shipping, stock availability or dynamic subscriptions.

Administrators can view:

  • The number of subscribers for a stock option
  • The subscription type (either static or dynamic)
  • Duration
  • Stock availability
  • Stock needed next 7 days
  • Stock needed next 4 weeks

Image: Subscription Overview

Subscription Shopping

Online shoppers have the same great subscription experience across desktop and mobile devices.

On the Models page, models with at least one stock item subscription option have a ‘Subscription’ label assigned. They may also have a discount percentage value also displayed dependent on the subscription configuration.

Shoppers can continue to purchase one-time or choose the subscription option. The subscription option displays the price of the item plus additional delivery schedule information associated with the option. The shopper selects the duration option for the recurring subscription and adds it to the basket in the same ways as all other items.

The shopper may view the general details of subscriptions by clicking the ‘Subscription Information’ link. Including the restriction that card payments are the only form of payment allowed for subscriptions

Image: Model Attribute View

Image: Model Subscription Information

Image: Model Grid View

Subscription Checkout

The checkout flow is exactly the same as a normal checkout except that the shopper must login to proceed. There is no restriction to items in the basket being a mixture of one-time and subscription items.

It is important to note that although the shopper can add items to the basket as a non-logged in user they must login before proceeding to checkout. If the shopper is not logged in they will be forced to login at the Customer Details step of the checkout flow.

Online shoppers can track the subscription details through every step of checkout:

  • Basket - Displays subscription schedules and discounts applied
  • Cart Summary - Displays subscription schedules and discounts and also displays a summary of future recurring totals (excluding shipping). Recurring future total prices do not include shipping as the cost may vary over time and are calculated based on the best shipping price at the time of the next shipment.
  • Confirm Order - Specific terms and conditions information is displayed at this point and the shopper must accept these terms and conditions by selecting the checkbox before placing the order.
  • Confirmation - Recaps the subscription recurring total (excluding shipping).
  • Confirmation Email - Recaps the subscription recurring total (excluding shipping).

Supported Forms of Payment

The forms of payment allowed for subscription recurring payments is limited to card payments. This is the only payment method available in the checkout process. This is because the card used for the first subscription payment is used for all subsequent payments. The card details are stored in the shoppers account (except for the security code) as part of IRP’s PCI compliance.

Shoppers can manage their cards through their account and can update details, add cards or change the card used for subscription payment.

Shipping Costs

During the first purchase of the subscription item the shopper can select from the available shipping options. In subsequent recurring subscriptions the cheapest available shipping option is applied to the shipment.

Image: Basket

Image: Cart Summary

Image: Confirm Order

Image: Confirmation Summary

Managing Subscriptions through 'My Account'

Shoppers can manage their subscriptions through their account. Easily view the delivery schedule, next delivery, quantity and item price of each product.

Shoppers can align the delivery schedule of all their individual items into the same schedule and view the next delivery date.

Shoppers can view order history and see their subscriptions as part of their overall orders.

Image: My Subscriptions

Managing a Single Subscription Item


  • Payment Details
    • View Payment Details
    • Update dates for expired cards
    • Change the card used for payment
    • View a change to an item’s price
  • Shipping Address Details
    • View and change shipping address details
  • Frequency and Quantity
    • Change the frequency and quantity of delivery
    • Any change of quantity will also update the item total price
  • Skip Next Delivery
    • Will skip the sending of the next recurring delivery and the next delivery date will be shown
  • Deliver Now
    • The shoppers' next subscription order will be processed now. The delivery dates will be updated for today's date
  • Cancel Subscription
    • The subscription will be cancelled and no more orders will be issued
  • View Past Orders
    • The shopper can view all of their orders

Image: Subscription

Image: Subscription Payment Details

Image: Subscription Shipping Details

Image: Subscription Fequency and Quantity

Subscription Emails

Subscriptions comes with a new set of emails that cover all aspects of purchasing and managing subscriptions. Emails indicate when important actions have occurred to the subscription, including skipping a delivery schedule, cancelling a subscription or unexpected flows such as out of stock, payment failures or issue with shipping methods:

The list of subscription emails includes:

  • Subscription Started
  • Subscription Suspended
  • Subscription Cancelled
  • Subscription Next Delivery Skipped
  • Subscription Recurring Order Placed
  • Subscription Recurring Order Failed Out Of Stock
  • Subscription Recurring Order Placed Payment Issue
  • Subscription Recurring Order Failed Suspended
  • Subscription Recurring Order Placed No Shipping Method
  • Subscription Recurring Order Failed Payment Failed
  • Subscription Recurring Order Failed Generic
Live Market Data
Today v Yesterday 0.18%
February 2025 v February 2024 39.92%
YTD 2025 v 2024 20.03%
Arts and Crafts 2.01%
Baby & Child 0.14%
Cars and Motorcycling 2.36%
Electrical & Commercial Equipment 1.03%
Fashion Clothing & Accessories 0.08%
Food & Drink 0.74%
Health and Wellbeing 0.51%
Kitchen & Home Appliances 1.94%
Pet Care 0.18%
Sports and Recreation 1.10%
Toys, Games & Collectables 3.20%

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A Deloitte Fast 50 Company eight times: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2018, 2019 & 2020