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You can find this section under Marketplaces > Amazon in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use this section of IRP Admin to add and edit marketplaces and monitor Amazon marketplace errors.

MarketplacesAmazon.aspx page

The main MarketplacesAmazon.aspx page appears as follows:

Amazon Marketplaces page

This displays the following information for the Amazon Marketplaces that you have in your system:

  • ID: The unique IRP identifier for this Amazon Marketplace.
  • Active: Indicates whether the Marketplace is active or not. Active Marketplaces upload products to the Marketplace for sale via Amazon. Inactive Marketplaces will not schedule any further uploads once the current process is complete. If there is no process currently running the next scheduled upload will be cancelled. If you make a change here, be sure to click the Update Amazon Marketplaces button.
  • Admin Name: This is the name of the Amazon marketplace.
  • Currency: This is the currency used by the Marketplace. This determines the exchange rate to apply to product prices before upload to the Marketplace.
  • Country: This is the primary country targeted by this Marketplace. This needs to be correctly set so that data formatting is correct e.g. currency values.
  • Stock Source: The source of Stock Level for this Amazon Marketplace (used to populate the 'Quantity' column in the Stock update file):
    — Web Stock Level: Website Stock Level used (independent of Stock Location levels unless a specific integration has been set up)
    — Country Stock Locations: Stock Locations in the selected Marketplace Country are summed to give a total quantity
    — Specific Stock Location: Specific Stock Location
    — Externally Managed: Stock will not be controlled by levels stored on your IRP and instead will be managed in your Amazon Seller Central account.
  • Fulfilment Location: The Stock Location that orders should be automatically assigned to when download via the Amazon Marketplace API. If 'Any Location' is selected here, new orders will not be assigned a Stock Location making them open to anyone with an Admin User account and access to the orders section to fulfil.
  • SKU Count: This shows the number of Stock Keeping Units that are associated with each Amazon Marketplace.
  • Order Values: This shows the number and value of all orders associated with each Amazon Marketplace.
  • Rejected Orders: This shows the number and value of all rejected orders associated with each Amazon Marketplace.
  • Automation Tasks: This indicates the number of Automation Tasks that are enabled for each Amazon Marketplace: Inventory Download, Stock and Price Update, Inventory Feeds, Order Download or Order Update. For more details, see the How To Add or Edit Amazon Marketplaces article.
  • Errors: This indicates the number of errors generated by each Amazon Marketplace.
  • Edit: Click this button to make changes to an Amazon Marketplace configuration. For more details, see the How To Add or Edit Amazon Marketplaces article in this section. Also make sure that you read the Amazon Integration Overview topic.

At the top of the screen you can use the following buttons:

  • 'Amazon Seller Central' Logo: Click this link to go to the Amazon Seller Central login page.
  • Orders Last 30 Days: Click this button to go to the Orders.aspx?MarketplaceType=1&Last30Days=true page in the Orders section of IRP Admin. From here you can manage orders in the same way that you manage all other orders in the IRP.
  • Errors: Click this button to go to the MarketplacesAmazonErrors.aspx page. On this page you can view all Amazon error messages and search for any error by marketplace or by Date Range. You can also delete Amazon Service Requests that are older than a configurable number of days.
  • Rejected Orders: Click this button to go to the MarketplacesAmazonRejectedOrders.aspx page. On this page you can see all rejected Amazon orders and search for any rejected order by Order ID, Error Detail, Marketplace or Date Range.
  • Add New Marketplace: Click this button to go to the MarketplaceAmazonEdit.aspx page where you can configure a new Amazon Marketplace. For more details, see the How To Add or Edit Amazon Marketplaces article in this section.

Amazon Alerts bar

You can see at-a-glance information about your Amazon Marketplaces using the Amazon bar at the top of your IRP Admin screen (this is visible only if you have enabled the Amazon Integration feature in the IRP):

Amazon alert bar

The bar shows the following details:

  • Marketplaces: This shows the number of Amazon Marketplaces that you have configured in the system. Click this button to take you to the MarketplacesAmazon.aspx page in IRP Admin. For more information, see the Amazon Marketplaces help topic.
  • Orders Last 30 Days: This shows the number of Amazon Orders that have been placed in the last 30 days. Click this button to take you to the Orders.aspx?MarketplaceType=1 page in IRP Admin. For more information, see the Orders help topic.
  • Total Last 30 Days: This shows the total value of all Amazon Orders that have been placed in the last 30 days. Click this button to take you to the Orders.aspx?MarketplaceType=1&Last30Days=true page in IRP Admin. For more information, see the Orders help topic.
  • Orders Overall: This shows the total number of Amazon Orders that have been placed. Click this button to take you to the Orders.aspx?MarketplaceType=1 page in IRP Admin. For more information, see the Orders help topic.
  • Total Overall: This shows the total value of all Amazon Orders that have been placed. Click this button to take you to the Orders.aspx?MarketplaceType=1&Last30Days=true page in IRP Admin. For more information, see the Orders help topic.
  • Products: This shows the number of models and stock items that you are selling on Amazon. This is for reference only (you cannot click through to a specific page).

For more details, see the How To Add or Edit Amazon Marketplaces article in this section. Also make sure that you read the Amazon Integration Overview topic.

How To Guides (4)

How To Add or Edit Amazon Marketplaces

To add or edit an Amazon Marketplace, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that you follow the sequence described in the main topic above entitled Recommended sequence for setting up and managing Amazon marketplaces on the IRP.
  2. Go to Marketplaces > Amazon in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  3. Click the Add New Amazon Marketplace button at the top of the screen.
  4. To edit an Amazon Marketplace, click the Edit button beside the Amazon Marketplace that you want to edit.
  5. The Add / Edit New Amazon Marketplace screen appears containing several tabs as shown in the sections that follow. Work through each tab and enter the details as described below. Note that you will see all of these tabs ONLY if you are editing an existing Amazon Marketplace; if you are creating a new one, only the initial 'Marketplace Settings' tab will be visible until you click the 'Insert Amazon Marketplace' button.

Note: Please ensure that your IRP sales email address is registered as an approved sender for this Amazon Marketplace in order for emails created by the IRP to be sent to customers via Amazon.

Marketplace Settings tab

The Marketplace Settings tab appears as follows:

Edit an Amazon Marketplace screen

Complete the following details:

Marketplace Settings
Marketplace ID The unique IRP identifier for this Amazon Marketplace. This is added automatically by the IRP.
Active This indicates whether the marketplace is active. Active marketplaces upload products to the marketplace for sale via Amazon. Inactive marketplaces will not schedule any further uploads once the current process is complete. If there is no process currently running the next scheduled upload will be cancelled.
Marketplace Select the appropriate Amazon Marketplace from the drop-down list.
Admin Name Enter an IRP Admin name for the Amazon Marketplace.
Integration Type Select either 'AWS' or 'Selling Partner'.
Country Select the primary country targeted by this marketplace. You need to set this correctly so that data formatting is correct, for example currency values.
Currency Select the currency used by the marketplace. This will determine the exchange rate to apply to product prices before upload to the marketplace.
Language Select the primary language used in this marketplace. You need to set this correctly so that data formatting is correct, for example currency values.
Traffic Partner Select the correct Traffic Partner for this market place. If you need to, you can select the Add New Traffic Partner option if you have not created one yet. This will automatically create a Traffic Partner and set it against the marketplace.
Stock Source The source of Stock Level for this Amazon Marketplace (used to populate the 'Quantity' column in the Stock update file):
— Allow Manual Set: values can be entered manually.
— Web Stock Level: Website Stock Level used (independent of Stock Location levels unless a specific integration has been set up)
— Country Stock Locations: Stock Locations in the selected Marketplace Country are summed to give a total quantity
— Specific Stock Location: Specific Stock Location
— Externally Managed: Stock will not be controlled by levels stored on your IRP and instead will be managed in your Amazon Seller Central account.
Order Settings
Lead Time The time, in days, between when you receive an order for an item and when you can ship the item.
Fulfilment Location The Stock Location that orders should be automatically assigned to when download via the Amazon Marketplace API. If 'Any Location' is selected here, new orders will not be assigned a Stock Location making them open to anyone with an Admin User account and access to the orders section to fulfil, otherwise downloaded orders will be auto-assigned to the selected location.
Fulfilment Tracking Number Required Check this box if you want fulfilled-order data to be sent to Amazon only when a tracking number has been assigned.
Download FBA Orders If checked, Amazon orders marked as AFN (Amazon Fulfillment Network) will be downloaded into your IRP. These orders will ordinarily be imported without PII data due to data restrictions. This setting is normally used when FBA orders are required for third-party reporting systems.
Update IRP Order Status from Amazon Order Status If checked, Order Statuses returned by Amazon will be mapped to their IRP equivalent:
Canceled > Cancelled
Unshipped >New
Unfillable | Pending | InvoiceUnconfirmed > OnHold
Shipped > Complete
PartiallyShipped > PartShipped
If unchecked:
– Orders marked as Shipped on Amazon will remain at their current IRP Order Status if the Order has been previously downloaded into the IRP. If a new Order, Shipped Orders will be marked as 'New' so they can flow through the full IRP Order process.
– Orders marked as Partially Shipped on Amazon will remain at their current IRP Order Status if the Order has been previously downloaded into the IRP. If a new Order, Partially Shipped Orders will be marked as 'New' so they can flow through the full IRP Order process.
– Orders marked as Cancelled on Amazon will be marked as 'Cancelled' regardless if the Order has been previously downloaded into the IRP.
Update Amazon Order Status and Tracking Details When enabled, orders will be fulfilled / cancelled on Amazon when they are processed on your IRP. Also, tracking information will be added on Amazon when set in the IRP. If unchecked, none of this information will be set on Amazon and any processing will need to be carried out manually in Amazon Seller Central.
Download Orders Placed After TimeStamp If checked, only orders placed after this timestamp for this marketplace will be downloaded into your IRP. Note that this setting will only be considered when there are no previous orders downloaded for this marketplace.
MWS Credentials
MerchantID This is the Merchant or Seller ID for your Amazon account for this marketplace. This is provided as part of the Amazon sign-up process. You can also find this information when you sign in to the marketplace-specific Amazon MWS (see Using the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS) below).
End Point Url The Amazon MWS endpoint URL to use for accessing the Amazon Marketplace Web Service.
Access Key ID Enter the Web Service Access Key, or AWS Access Key ID, for your Amazon account for this marketplace (a 20-character alphanumeric identifier). This is provided as part of the Amazon sign-up process. You can also find this information when you sign in to the marketplace-specific Amazon MWS (see Using the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS) below).
Secret Access Key Enter the Secret Key for your Amazon account for this marketplace (a 40-character password linked to your AWS Access Key). This is provided as part of the Amazon sign-up process. You can also find this information when you sign in to the marketplace-specific Amazon MWS (see Using the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS) below).
Auth Token Enter the Auth Token returned on Amazon Seller Central when authorising a 3rd party Developer against your MWS Marketplaces. Not required for clients who have self-registered Developer IDs within their Seller Central account. This can be found by clicking 'Settings > User Permissions >Developers' in Amazon Seller Central.

Note: If you are creating an Amazon Marketplace for this first time, click the Insert Amazon Marketplace button. If you are editing an existing marketplace, click Update Amazon Marketplace.

Products tab

Click the Products tab and you will see the following details:

Inventory Items

Note that when (and only when) there are items to update, you will be able to update Marketplace inventory Items in bulk by browsing to a saved inventory file and then clicking the Bulk Update Items button:

Amazon Bulk Update

The fields that can be updated are: Is FBA, Amazon Quantity, Standard Price, Minimum Price and Maximum Price. You can also download a template file for updates by clicking the Export Items button.

Click the Download Inventory button to submit an Inventory Report Request to Amazon for this Marketplace. This report request gets the latest Inventory Details from Amazon and downloads them into your IRP.

The Inventory Items Summary section contains the following details:

Amazon Inventory Items

You can see the following details:

Total Amazon SKUs This is the total number of SKUs that are in the Amazon inventory.
Matched Amazon SKUs This is the total number (and percentage) of matched Amazon SKUs that are in the Amazon inventory.
Unmatched Amazon SKUs This is the total number (and percentage) of unmatched Amazon SKUs that are in the Amazon inventory.
Last Inventory Download This is the date and time when the Amazon inventory was last downloaded.
Last Stock and Price Update This is the date and time when stock and price updates last occurred.
Matched IRP Models This is the total number of matched IRP Models that are in the Amazon inventory.
Matched IRP Stock Items This is the total number of matched IRP Stock Items that are in the Amazon inventory.

In the lower part of the screen you can search for inventory items and, if you expand 'Other Options' under the search bar, you can filter the search results according to whether they are Active, Inactive or both. The results are shown in the main grid.

Unmatched Items

Here you can see items within your current Amazon Inventory that have been downloaded but that have no match in the IRP.

Amazon Unmatched Items

Use the Automatic SKU Match Type drop-down list to select the IRP field to try and match unmatched Amazon Inventory items to IRP Stock items. Set this to 'None' if you want to manually match unmatched Inventory Items to IRP Stock items. In the screen capture above you can see that the ASIN, SKU, Match Type, Quantity and Price is listed. You can then use the 'Attempt Match on Selected Items' button to attempt a match. Note that usually Fulfilment By Amazon (FBA) items' SKU values are prefixed with 'FBA_' - you will have to exclude FBA items from your matched inventory using the Inventory Downloads tab. If FBA items have not been matched, they will not be included in the feed. Non-FBA items will be included as normal in the Inventory Feed.

Click the Attempt Item Match button.

Inclusion / Exclusion Rules

Amazon Inclusion / Exclusion Rules

You can see the following details:

Type Use the drop-down list to select the appropriate Inclusion / Exclusion Type: Brand Only, Category Only, Brand-Category, Model or Stock. Depending on the choice you make here, you can proceed to enter details for the settings described below.
Brand Select the Brand associated with the Brand Rule.
Category Select the Category associated with the Category Rule.
Model ID Enter the Model ID associated with the Model Rule.
Stock ID Enter the Stock ID associated with the Stock Rule.
Inclusion Status Select either 'Exclude' or 'Include'.

Click the Add Inclusion / Exclusion Rule button to save your details. The results will be shown in the lower section of the screen:

Amazon Inclusion / Exclusion Rules

You can change the Inclusion Status using the radio buttons in this section. If you make any changes, click the Update Inclusion / Exclusion Rule button to save your details.

You can also delete any rule by checking the box on the right side of the grid and clicking the Delete Selected Inclusion / Exclusion Rule button.

Price Rules

Amazon Price Rules

You can see the following details:

Rule Name Enter a name for the Price Rule.
Standard Price Select from the following: IRP Price, IRP RRP, Discount Amount Off IRP RRP, Discount Percentage Off IRP RRP, Discount Amount Off IRP Price, Discount Percentage Off IRP Price, Minimum Margin, Allow Manual Set or Externally Managed. For all options other than 'IRP Price', 'IRP RRP' and 'Allow Manual Set', enter the relevant value in the box that appears. If 'Externally Managed' is selected, the price returned in the feed will be blank when updating the marketplace Stock and Prices.
Minimum Price Select from the following: IRP Price, IRP RRP, Discount Amount Off IRP RRP, Discount Percentage Off IRP RRP, Discount Amount Off IRP Price, Discount Percentage Off IRP Price, Minimum Margin, Allow Manual Set or Externally Managed. For all options other than 'IRP Price', 'IRP RRP' and 'Allow Manual Set', enter the relevant value in the box that appears
Maximum Price Select from the following: IRP Price, IRP RRP, Discount Amount Off IRP RRP, Discount Percentage Off IRP RRP, Discount Amount Off IRP Price, Discount Percentage Off IRP Price, Minimum Margin, Allow Manual Set or Externally Managed. For all options other than 'IRP Price', 'IRP RRP' and 'Allow Manual Set', enter the relevant value in the box that appears

Click the Add Pricing Rule button to save your details.

The Default Price Rule for this Amazon Marketplace is shown in the main grid. If you create other Price Rules they will also show in the main grid and you will see the following options:

Amazon New Price Rules

You have the following options:

  • Make this the default rule by clicking the Make Default Price Rule button.
  • In the Select Inventory Items to Use this Price Rule box, use the 'Link Selected Items' or 'Unlink Selected Items' buttons to select items.
  • View the items that currently use the rule in the Inventory Items that use this Price Rule box.
  • To use the Price Rules for the Amazon Marketplace inventory, click the Apply Price Rules to Inventory Items button. This will submit a feed containing the current Prices and Stock Levels for the items in your Amazon Inventory. This will submit any price changes that may have taken place on your website as well as keeping Stock Levels up-to-date.
  • To delete a Price Rule, check the box in the top-right corner of the rule area and click the Delete Selected Price Rules button.

Feed Submissions / Report Requests

Inventory Downloads / Stock and Price Uploads

You can use the search function to find any Inventory Report downloads or Stock and Price Feed Uploads. If you expand 'Other Options' below the search bar, you can filter your search results by Submitted/Complete date, by Feed Processing Status or by Report Request Status. The results are shown in the main grid. You will see information regarding the ID, Type, Title, Request ID, Status, Success/Failure Report, Submitted Date and Completed Date.

Orders tab

On the Orders tab you will see the following details across two tabs, 'Marketplace Orders' and 'Feed Submissions':

Marketplace Orders

Amazon Marketplace Orders

You can see the following details:

  • Order Count: This show the total number of orders placed on this Amazon Marketplace.
  • Sales Total: This show the Total Sales value for all orders placed on this Amazon Marketplace.
  • Last Order Placed: This shows the date and time when the last order was placed on this Amazon Marketplace.
  • Last Order Download: This shows the date and time when the last order was downloaded on this Amazon Marketplace.
  • Rejected Orders: This shows the number of rejected orders on this Amazon Marketplace.
  • Average Order Value: This shows the Average Order Value for orders placed on this Amazon Marketplace.

To download orders, click the Download Orders button.

Rejected Orders

This shows details of any orders that have been rejected. You can use the search bar to find rejected orders according to their Amazon Order ID or by error detail.

Feed Submissions

Amazon Feed Submissions

This shows details of Amazon Feeds that have been submitted. You can search for any feed and, if you expand 'Other Options' under the search bar, you can filter the results by Date Range, Processing Status and Feed Type (Acknowledgement Feed, Adjustment Feed, Fulfilment Feed). The results are shown in the main grid.

Automation tab

The Automation tab appears as follows:

Amazon Automation Tasks

This shows the number of Automation Tasks that are enabled out of all of the available Automation Tasks for Amazon. You can see the following details:

  • ID: This is the unique ID of the Automation Task, assigned automatically by the IRP.
  • Enable: Check this box to enable/disable an Automation Task. If you make a change here, be sure to click the Update Automation Tasks button.
  • Task Type: This is the name of the Automation Task:
    • Inventory Download: This task downloads a report of the Inventory on the configured Amazon Marketplace. Any unmatched items will be listed in the 'Unmatched Items' tab for analysis. (This automated task is identical to the Common Task called 'Marketplace Amazon Inventory Download'.)
    • Stock and Price Update: This task submits a Stock and Price file to Amazon to update your Inventory for the Configured Marketplace:
      1) Removes Items that have been specifically Excluded (from your IRP) at Stock, Model, Brand-Category, Brand only or Category only level.
      2) Applies Stock Source Rules to the Stock Levels in your Inventory.
      3) Applies Price Rules to the Min, Max and Standard Prices in your Inventory.
      (This automated task is identical to the Common Task called 'Marketplace Amazon Stock And Price Update'.)
    • Inventory Feeds: This task is a combination of both the 'Inventory Download' and 'Stock and Price Update' Automation Tasks. Note: it is advised that if the 'Inventory Download' and 'Stock and Price Update' Tasks are enabled, the 'Inventory Feeds' Task Type should not be enabled. (This automated task is identical to the Common Task called 'Marketplace Amazon Submit Inventory Feeds'.)
    • Order Download: This task downloads the latest Orders from the configured Amazon Marketplace and updates or inserts them into your IRP. (This automated task is identical to the Common Task called 'Marketplace Amazon Order Download'.)
    • Order Update: This task updates Orders in your configured Amazon Marketplace that have been processed through your IRP. (This automated task is identical to the Common Task called 'Marketplace Amazon Order Update'.)
  • Repeat: This indicates when each Automation Task will be run: Daily, Hourly, Weekly or Every X Minutes (as defined in the 'Minutes' box).
  • Last Attempted: This states the date and time when the Automation Task was last attempted.
  • Last Completed: This states the date and time when the Automation Task was last completed.

If you have one or more Automation Tasks enabled, then you will see options on the right side of the grid to manually run each Automation Task or to delete them.

If you make any changes, click the Update Automation Tasks button to save the details.

Errors tab

If you click the Errors tab and you will see the following details:

Amazon Errors

The main grid shows errors encountered with this Amazon Marketplace. You can search for any error and, if you expand 'Other Options' under the search bar, you can filter the results by Date Range. You also have the option to 'Delete Errors Older Than x Days Old'.

How to Define Amazon Brand and Category Rules
How to Define Amazon Model Stock Item Inclusion / Exclusion
How to Use the Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS)
Live Market Data
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