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Application Settings


You can find this section under Application Settings > Application Settings in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

Application Settings act as default settings for almost all of the features within the IRP. Although there are a large number of settings, it is unlikely that you will need to amend many of them as they are included so that an expert can fine-tune your IRP-based website.

Help topics in this Knowledge Base also reference Application Settings that are related to each IRP Admin section.

In general terms, the Application Settings section relates to the following areas:

  • How the website looks.
  • Configuration options for key payment systems such as PayPal and Worldpay.
  • Which features are enabled and which features are disabled.
  • How the IRP is run on a day-to-day basis.
  • Configuration options for third-party add-ins such as affiliates or scripts.
  • Other areas of the IRP.

The main Application Settings are defined when your IRP is being set up. After this, there is generally no requirement for you to change any of the settings unless new features are being added or switched on.

The default values are mostly ones that a default setup should use. Only someone who is qualified in IRP Administration should make changes to Application Settings. For changes to be effective, the Admin User must click the Application Settings button followed by the Uncache button in the bottom nav.

Note: Application Settings are grouped into multiple sections containing configuration options for each IRP feature. Each of the sections is listed in the following table. There are too many individual settings to cover in detail in this help topic, however most settings have a tool tip that provides detailed information on how to use the setting. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.

Gift Wrap Settings and Advanced Settings

This help topic provides an overview of the main IRP Application Settings. Advanced Settings and Gift Wrap Settings are available by clicking the Other Settings button at the top of the ApplicationSettings.aspx page – these are described in separate topics: How to Manage Advanced Settings and How to Manage Gift Wrapping.

Add to Basket

This group defines which elements are displayed as part of the add-to-basket controls. Some key settings are as follows:

Setting Description
Enable Ajax Add To Basket If enabled, the Buy button will work off an asynchronous AJAX post and not a post back. The effect of enabling this setting is that the customer will not immediately be redirected to the basket page when they click the Buy button; instead they will see a pop-up window that offers them the choice to go to the basket page or to continue shopping. On desktop product listings pages, stock availability is determined based on the stock 'out of stock' status in the same way as the desktop models page.
Enable Add To Basket From Stock Options Popup This setting affects the functionality of the stock pop-up control that is displayed when a customer hovers their cursor over 'Options Available' on products on a number of product listings on the front-end.
• When the setting is enabled, the stock pop-up control will display a drop-down list of stock options for that product and allow the selected stock option to be added to the customer's basket directly from the pop-up.
• If the setting is disabled, the default functionality displaying links to the stock options will be shown.
• If the 'Enable Ajax Add To Basket' setting is enabled alongside this functionality, the stock option will be added to the basket via an AJAX request and the add-to-basket confirmation lightbox will be shown.
• If 'Enable Ajax Add To Basket' is disabled, adding items to the basket from the stock pop-up will direct the customer to the basket page with the selected item added.
Enable Ajax Add To Basket Recommendations If enabled, recommendations will appear on the AJAX add-to-basket pop-up control when a customer clicks the Buy button on the models page.
Show Inactive Stock In Add To Basket If enabled, inactive stock items will be shown alongside active stock items on add-to-basket controls on the models page. Note that customers will not be able to add these inactive items to their basket.
Show Part Code In Add To Basket This has three possible values: 'Do Not Show', 'Part Code' or 'External Stock ID'. This assists IRP clients who wish to display External Stock IDs on their website front-end to tie in with their catalogues or to help shops quickly identify products for telesales.
Show Quantity Discounts Only When Present In Model If enabled, stock quantity discounts will only be displayed on add-to-basket controls on the models page if they are set up for that particular model. If disabled and stock quantity discounts are enabled, the add-to-basket controls will display quantity text boxes beside each stock item regardless of whether that particular model has stock quantity discounts set up. This should be enabled if you only want to allow quantity discounts on specific Models.
Show Stock ID In Add To Basket If enabled, the unique IRP Stock ID will be displayed in the add-to-basket control on the models page beside each stock item within that model.

Admin Settings

This group includes settings for Support tickets, the IRP Setup program and Receipts. Some key settings are as follows:

Setting Description
Enable IRP Support Tickets (This setting is not currently in use.) If enabled, you will be able to create IRP support tickets from your bottom navigation bar in Admin.
Show Images On Receipt And Invoice If enabled, product images will be rendered on the receipt and invoice sheets.
Show Setup Program (This setting is not currently in use.) If enabled, the setup bar will appear in the top navigation of IRP Admin for configuring basic settings on your IRP. (See the IRP Setup Wizard Knowledge Base help topic for more information.)

Advanced Pricing

This grouping includes settings for the Advanced Pricing help topic. Some key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Restrict Currencies To Display Currencies Only If enabled and a customer changes their shipping country via their front-end international settings, the currency will be set automatically to the country's default currency if the currency that the customer has selected is not permitted in the new shipping country. The currency remains untouched if the 'Restrict Currencies To Display Currencies Only' setting is not enabled. See Shipping Countries for more information.
Show Only Default Currency When No Display Currencies Available If enabled and you have not configured any additional display languages for shipping countries, then customers will ONLY be able to use their default country currency on your site. For example, this would mean that Canadian customers would only see the CAD option in the 'Currency' section. See Shipping Countries for more information.

Automatic Gift Vouchers

This group includes settings for configuring Automatic Gift Vouchers (see How to Set Up Automated eGift Vouchers for more information).

Setting Description
Enable Automatic Gift Vouchers This is the main switch for the Automatic Gift Voucher feature. When this is enabled, the IRP system will check for orders containing models marked as gift vouchers and will then attempt to generate the voucher codes and email them to the customer automatically by following the values of the other Application Settings in this section.
Automatic Gift Voucher Email Delay This defines the cooling-off period for automatically sending gift vouchers. Once this many minutes have passed since the time the order was placed, any Automatic Gift Vouchers will be generated and emailed to the customer unless prevented by one of the other Application Settings in this section.
Automatic Gift Voucher Email Ignore Delay For Varied Orders When this is enabled, any orders that contain a mixture of both 'normal' items and gift voucher items will not have the voucher codes generated and emailed to the customer even once it is aged past the 'Automatic Gift Voucher Email Delay' setting. Instead, the codes will only be emailed once the order has been moved to the 'Approved' status.
Automatic Gift Voucher Email Send When Approved When this is enabled, all orders will ignore the delay and voucher codes will only be generated and sent once the order has been moved to the 'Approved' status. Send Gift Voucher Immediately If 3D Secure Liability Shifted: When this setting is enabled and an order was paid for by card and has a full 3D Secure liability shift, gift vouchers in the order will be generated and sent the next time that the 'Process Automatic Gift Vouchers' Common Task runs. This setting overrides the 'Delay' and the 'Send When Approved' Application Settings.
Send Gift Voucher Immediately If 3 D Secure Liability Shifted If an order was paid by card and has a full 3D Secure liability shift, then gift vouchers in it will be generated and sent the next time that the common task runs. This overrides the delay and the 'Send When Approved' settings.
Send Gift Voucher Immediately If Amazon Pay When this setting is enabled and an order was paid for via Amazon Pay, gift vouchers in the order will be generated and sent the next time that the 'Process Automatic Gift Vouchers' Common Task runs. This setting overrides the 'Delay' and the 'Send When Approved' Application Settings.
Send Gift Voucher Immediately If PayPal When this setting is enabled and an order was paid for via PayPal, gift vouchers in the order will be generated and sent the next time that the 'Process Automatic Gift Vouchers' Common Task runs. This setting overrides the 'Delay' and the 'Send When Approved' Application Settings.
Automatic Gift Voucher Valid For Days This defines the number of days after an Automatic Gift Voucher has been generated that it remains available to spend.

B2B Settings

This group contains settings for Business-to-Business (B2B) sites. Some key settings are as follows:

Setting Description
Enable Customer Account Creation This is the main switch for allowing business customers to create an account on your website.
Hide Prices Until Logged In Checking this box means that your prices are not visible to anyone unless they have logged in as registered customers.


This group defines which selector buttons are available for Banner design. Some key settings are described below.

Setting Description
Enable Brand Banner Selectors If enabled, multiple brand banners will be selectable through fully-stylable selector buttons.
Enable Category Banner Selectors If enabled, multiple category banners will be selectable through fully-stylable selector buttons.
Enable Top Banner Selectors If enabled, multiple top banners will be selectable through fully-stylable selector buttons.


This group defines links and image controls for the customer basket. Some key settings are described below.

Setting Description
Enable Basket Link Hover If enabled, and the basket link is clicked, a summary of the customer's basket contents will be displayed.
Show Basket Additional Information Text Box If enabled, an 'Enter additional order information' text box will be displayed on the basket page for customers to enter notes. (Customers can always enter additional order information when they are on the order summary pages in checkout.)
Show Images In Basket If enabled, product images will be rendered in a customer's basket. If disabled, only the rroduct text will appear.
Show Empty Basket Link If enabled, an empty basket link will be rendered on the basket page allowing the customer to completely empty their basket.
Show Basket Link Hover Images This determines whether the basket summary drop-down displays images.


This grouping includes Blog Articles settings. The key setting is:

Setting Description
News Number Of Articles To Show The number of blog articles to display on the front-end Blog.aspx page (the default value is 12).

BMS Web Service

This group includes several settings for IRP Agencies to use when setting up IRP instances for customers.

These settings are generally not changed by customers. Talk to your Account Manager for more information if required.

Checkout Process

This group defines customer and guest checkout options and other purchasing options. For dull details about the checkout, see the IRP Checkout help topic. Some key settings are described below.

Setting Description
Address Finder Loqate Service Key If you have signed up with Loqate to use their Address Finder on the IRP, this is where you enter the service key provided by Loqate for their API. This will be a 16-digit code, with each set of 4 digits separated by a hyphen (XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX).
Address Finder Maximum Number Of Results This defines the maximum number of results to show when the customer starts typing their postcode, street or address into the Address Finder. (This value applies only to the first set of results shown, not when the customer subsequently selects a specific locality from the results.)
Checkout Display Style 2 Page Layout You can configure the checkout to have a single-column layout or a double-column layout for screens that are more than 768px wide – for screens smaller than this, a single-column layout will always be used.
Checkout Shipping Method Description Character Limit This determines the number of characters to display for shipping method descriptions in the checkout process. When the text displayed is limited by the Application Setting, an info icon will display the full text. To display the entire description, enter a value of 0 (in which case the info icon will not be displayed). The default value is 45.
Enable Address Finder Note: To use the Address Finder, you need to sign up for an appropriate plan with Loqate (see Loqate Pricing). You are charged only when a customer selects an address from the search results to autofill the address form. Your Loqate account keeps running with minimum fuss through automatic top-ups. When enabled, the Address Finder functionality will show in checkout.
Address Finder
1. You can disable the Address Finder for specific countries using the Enable Address Finder setting on the ShippingCountryEdit.aspx page in IRP Admin. For more details, see the Shipping Countries help topic.
2. The Address Finder is disabled in some countries by default due to Loqate having limited data about those regions. If required, you can still enable the Address Finder for these countries using the ShippingCountryEdit.aspx. For a list of these countries, see Address Finder Countries Disabled By Default.
Enable Checkout If enabled, the secure checkout will be available for customers to checkout their purchases. If disabled, the secure checkout will not be available.
Enable Checkout Phone Dialling Codes When enabled, an additional drop-down list displays in the checkout phone number text boxes allowing customers to select a country. This country is then used to append a dialling code to the phone number.
Checkout Phone Dialling Codes
1. You can set country dialling codes directly against shipping countries on the ShippingCountryEdit.aspx page in IRP Admin. For more details, see the Shipping Countries help topic.
2. The mobile version of the dialling codes drop-down list does not include the country flag in order to make use of the native drop-down selection on mobile devices.
Enable Credit Card Masking When this is enabled, credit card number entry will use masking rules to automatically add spacing between groups of numbers to mimic what is displayed on an actual credit card. The card type will be detected automatically and the relevant card image will be displayed in the box. You can add masking rules for card type valid lengths on the CardTypeEdit.aspx page – see the Card Types help topic for more information).
IRP checkout credit card Masking
Note that card icons may not be displayed when a customer enters their card number if the card types are not conventionally named on the CardTypeEdit.aspx page. If this is the case, you will need to update the checkout stylesheet with classes for each active card type that do not have the conventional names of 'visa', 'mastercard' and so forth. Make sure that the class names are the card type name with no spaces or special characters. For more details see the Standard Controls Stylesheet help topic. Therefore card icons will be displayed only if, 1) card IINs are set up correctly for all of your card types and 2) you have a CSS class in the checkout stylesheet for the card type.
Enable Expanded Checkout Payment Methods When enabled, all payment methods will display initially expanded, showing the payment method information on the PaymentDetails.aspx / /Mobile/Secure/MobilePaymentDetails.aspx checkout pages.
Enable Guest Checkout Enabling this allows customers to check out as guests rather than sign up for a full customer account.
Set Checkout Display Style 'Display Style 2' is the new improved IRP checkout flow. Display Style 2 has been professionally designed using best-practice UX principles and has the potential to:
  • Increase conversion rate
  • Reduce drop-out
  • Improve customer satisfaction
Show Additional Place Order Button At Top Of Page When enabled, an additional ‘Place Order’ button will be displayed under the ‘Order Notes’ section at the top of the Order Summary pages:
Note that if the customer’s Shipping Country requires Terms and Conditions, the new ‘Place Order’ button will not be displayed. In addition, if the customer is checking out via Amazon Pay, the new ‘Place Order’ button will not be displayed.

Click And Collect

This group defines several options for the Click And Collect feature. Some key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Click And Collect Maximum Locations To Display Before Search Required Search options will display on the basket and checkout pages for Click and Collect locations only when there are more than this number of available locations.
Enable Click And Collect This determines whether the Click And Collect functionality is active on the front end of the website.
Enable Click And Collect Pay In Store When enabled customers will be able to select "pay in store" as a payment method for click and collect orders, when disabled this won't be available. Note that this MUST NOT be disabled at the same time as Enable Click And Collect Pre Pay - at least one of these settings must be enabled for click and collect orders to be allowed.
Enable Click And Collect Pre Pay This setting determines whether or not a customer can choose to prepay for a click and collect order using a credit card.


This group includes settings for customer accounts and geo location. Some key settings are described below.

Setting Description
Enable Gender Enabling this function will ask your customers whether they are male or female when they sign up for an account on your site. This will also effect what results display on the Also Bought section.
Default Site Gender This setting is useful for websites that cater predominantly to shoppers of one particular gender. If you enable this setting, when a customer sets up an account or subscribes to a mailing list, the radio button that they use to indicate their gender will be pre-selected using the ‘Default Site Gender’ value.
Enable Customer Date Of Birth Entry This enables customers to add their date of birth to their account details.
Enable Customer Date Of Birth Year Entry When enabled, customers will have to enter their year of birth as well as the day and month during mailing list/customer sign-up. When disabled, customers will only need to enter their day and month of birth. Note that a year input will be displayed for the 'Date of Birth' setting on the CustomerEdit.aspx page in IRP Admin only if the 'Enable Customer Date Of Birth Year Entry' Application Setting is enabled.
Enable Geo Location Country Lookup This determines whether a customer’s initial location is determined from a stored IP Address in the Geo Locations Admin page or from the Country element of their browser session.

Deliver To Store

This group includes settings for configuring the Deliver to Store feature. Some key settings are described below.

Setting Description
Enable Deliver To Store This determines whether the Deliver To Store functionality is active on the front end of the website.


This grouping contains settings that should no longer be used on the IRP and are provided for reference purposes. Examples of deprecated settings include the following:

Setting Description
Enable Google Certified Shops (This feature has been replaced with the ‘Google Customer Reviews’ feature.) When enabled the Google certified shopping badge code and order confirmation module will be rendered throughout the IRP front end. All other Google certified shops application settings must be set for this to function correctly. If Google shopping or search feeds have been set up then the feed specifications must be flagged as Google shopping feeds and the suffix value that is used to uniquely identify the stock items for each feed must also be updated. This is used to supply the Google shopping product information in the badge and order confirmation content when required. This can be done on FeedSpecificationEdit.aspx.
Enable Large Image Popup On Models Page (This functionality has been replaced with the Application Settings 'Set Model Images Desktop Display Style', 'Set Model Images Desktop Popup Display Style', 'Enable Desktop Models Image Zoom Popup' and others; see the Models help topic for more details.) Works when the original model image is larger than the one on display on the main models page. It will ultimately allow the model image to be clickable - will open a light box showing the original full-sized image.


This group defines email-related settings including display name, profile and address properties (see also Email Settings). Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Enable Email Auditing When enabled every email send will be logged in the database.
Maximum Number Of Business Days After Order To Send Review Emails The Maximum Number of Days from an Order was placed to when it is Dispatched before a Trust Pilot Review Email is stopped from being sent. This will mean that Orders that take a longer than normal time to complete will not attract negative Reviews.
Offer Email Address The Offer Email Address that will appear as Default on the Administration Email Edit, and front-end Email Subscription pages.


These settings are for configuring Facebook Dynamic Product Adverts and Facebook conversion tracking. For more details about how to use the following settings, see the Feeds Knowledge Base help topic:

Setting Description
Enable Facebook Conversion Tracking This enables the rendering of the Facebook tracking code. Please note, you must also add the Facebook Conversion Pixel ID for this to work. Facebook Dynamic Product Ads are also served by this and you simply have to upload the appropriate Feed from the Feed Management section of IRP Admin into your Facebook account to take advantage of this.
Facebook Conversion Pixel ID This is the pixel ID, taken from your Facebook Business account, that you wish to track your traffic and conversions against.
Facebook Event Value Weighting Percentage Add Payment Info This is the percentage weighting you give to the event wherein a customer adds their payment details on either the desktop or mobile site.
Facebook Event Value Weighting Percentage Complete Registration This is the percentage weighting you give to the event wherein a customer completes their registration details on either the desktop or mobile site.
Facebook Event Value Weighting Percentage Default This is the default percentage weighting for Facebook pixel tracking events on either the desktop or mobile site. The weighting percentage values for the other settings will be based on this.
Facebook Event Value Weighting Percentage Initiate Checkout This is the percentage weighting you give to the event wherein a customer begins the checkout process on either the desktop or mobile site.
Facebook Event Value Weighting Percentage Add To Cart This is the percentage weighting you give to the event wherein a customer adds items to their basket on either the desktop or mobile site.
Facebook Conversion Tracking Use Total Price If you want Facebook Conversion Tracking to work off the Total Price of the order rather than the Sub Total, check this box.

General Site Settings

There are many settings in this group, controlling numerous aspects of the site — refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.
Some of the key settings are

Setting Description
Affiliate Window Include Tax In Totals When enabled, AWIN order totals will be calculated with tax included. When disabled, tax will be deducted from AWIN order totals. A country-level override setting called 'Affiliate Window Include Tax In Totals' is also available on the ShippingCountryEdit.aspx page, with possible values of 'Inherit, 'Yes' or 'No'.
Enable Customer Account Creation This enables customers to create accounts.
Enable Email Address DNS Validation This enables a validation check that the domain name portion of the email address entered by users actually exists. Note that using this will cause extra outbound traffic and potential delays.
Enable IRP Error Recording: This determines whether or not new errors generated by the IRP are recorded in the database and listed on the IRPErrors.aspx page (see IRP Errors for more details) and if the error spike detection Common Task is run. If it is disabled, any previously-recorded errors will continue to be displayed.
Enable Fraud Scoring This enables the fraud scoring feature.
Enable Lazy Image Loading The IRP supports lazy loading of images. 'Lazy loading' means that images are not loaded at page-load time but instead they are loaded as they are needed, for example as they become visible to a customer as they scroll down a web page. This should help to make your website faster and will also save data, processing time, battery power and other resources. By default, lazy loading is enabled on all sites (desktop, mobile and trade) but you can disable it if necessary using this Application Setting.
Enable Retail Site This enables the retail website. Either this or the trade site must be enabled for the IRP to work.
Enable Social Networking Links Enabling this will display your Social Networking links on various pages on your website. Note that you will need to also have the Site Script called 'Social Networking' correctly configured and activated in order for this Application Setting to take effect. In this case the Setting will write out what's in the script and replace the 'Email a Friend' link (so if there is nothing in the script, it will not render). For mobile sites, the 'Social Networking Mobile' site script needs to be configured and activated however in that case the Setting will not replace anything, it is simply on or off. (The same setting is visible on the NavigationSettings.aspx page when you enable the setting called 'Enable Right Navigation'.)
DNS Prefetch List All modern browsers support DNS prefetching via ‘link’ tags in the head section of the web page. In order for your browser to download a resource, such as a Google Analytics or an Affiliate Window script, it first has to carry out a DNS query on the domain name, to see where it needs to send its request. It then sends the request off to the IP address it got back from the DNS query. By enabling the browser to carry out the DNS query part before it needs to download the file, it can speed up the download of external resources, and therefore the overall page load time. You must enter each domain that you want to be prefetched on a new line, without the http:// or https:// prefix, and nothing after the domain name — not even a trailing slash. For example:
(NOT or
Set Sub Department Listing Type This determines the default setting of whether Level 3 (Sub Department) Categories show either the full list of products underneath, or an image based list of sub categories. This setting can be overridden at the category level. Please note that all category levels below and above this have pre-determined listing styles e.g. Departments will always show a category listing, Level 4 Categories will always show the list of products.

Google Analytics API

This includes several settings for the Google Analytics API, including the Profile ID and Service Account Email Address. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.

Google Customer Reviews

This group defines multiple settings for configuring Google Customer Reviews on your IRP. For more details of how to configure the Google Customer Reviews feature, see the Feeds help topic. Some of the key settings are:

Setting Description
Google Shopping Account ID This is the account ID from Google Merchant Center. This is the account ID that Google shopping results are listed under. This is required if you submit product or search feeds to Google.
Enable Google Customer Reviews When this setting is enabled the Google customer reviews badge script will be rendered on all front-end pages and the Google Customer Reviews opt-in script will be rendered on the desktop and mobile order confirmation pages.
Google Customer Reviews Badge Position The Google Customer Reviews badge can be added in one of the following locations:
‘Bottom Right’: Causes the badge to float in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.
‘Bottom Left’: Causes the badge to float in the bottom left-hand corner of the page.
The default position of the badge is ‘Bottom Right’.
Google Customer Reviews In Stock Ship Days This value is required by the Google Customer Reviews functionality to predict when an order will be dispatched if it is in stock. Google will survey customers to determine if items were dispatched and shipped on time so this value must be accurate or conservative. It should be the average number of days it will take to dispatch the order once it has been placed.
Google Customer Reviews Opt In Style This is required for the Google Customer Reviews functionality and specifies how the opt-in module's dialog box is displayed. Possible values are:
‘Center Dialog’: Displayed as a dialogue box in the centre of the view.
‘Bottom Right Dialog’: Displayed as a dialogue box in the bottom right-hand corner of the view.
‘Bottom Left Dialog’: Displayed as a dialogue box in the bottom left-hand corner of the view.
‘Top Right Dialog’: Displayed as a dialogue box in the top right-hand corner of the view.
‘Top Left Dialog’: Displayed as a dialogue box in the top left-hand corner of the view.
‘Bottom Tray’: Displayed in the bottom of the view.
The default value is ‘Center Dialog’.
Google Customer Reviews Out Of Stock Ship Days This value is required by the Google Customer Reviews functionality to predict when an order will be dispatched if it is out of stock. Google will survey customers to determine if items were dispatched and shipped on time so this value must be accurate or conservative. It should be the average number of days it will take to dispatch the order once it has been received when an item in the order is out of stock or not yet released.


This group enables or disables Site Help and defines how it is displayed. The key setting is:

Setting Description
Enable Help If set to true, Site Help will be available on the front end of the website. If set to false, the user’s browser will redirect to the home page if they attempt to access the front end Help page. Note that you can still add website Help even if Help is not enabled.


This group defines multiple Home Page settings, including URL, display options and enabling or disabling all-country home pages. Some of the key settings are:

Setting Description
Home Page URL This determines the URL that the Logo Top will redirect to once clicked.
Enable All Country Homepages If enabled, home pages that have been added for All Countries will take second preference to home pages added for a specific Shipping Country ID. Note that these home pages will be displayed before Auto Homepages are generated for a Country.
Enable Auto Generated Homepages This enables home pages to be created for Countries where no manual home pages have been set up. Auto home pages generate Best Selling Products for a given Shipping Country.


This group defines column and query settings for IRP Integration files. The key settings are:

Setting Description
Universal Integration Custom File Has Column Names This defines whether custom files have column names.
Universal Integration Stock File Has Column Names This defines whether stock files have column names.
Universal Integration Stock Levels File Has Column Names This defines whether stock level files have column names.


This group defines settings for IRP Interventions. The key settings are:

Setting Description
Enable Multiple Interventions Per Customer Session When enabled multiple interventions will be offered to customers within a single session. When this is disabled only one intervention will be offered to a customer per session - this is determined from the first applicable intervention that is triggered.

IRP Statistics

This group defines values relating to the analysis of cost and sales data. See Monthly Statistics for more information. The key settings are:

Setting Description
Default IRP World Shipping Country ID This is the Shipping Country ID (taken from the IRP World) that determines from where domestic and international sales derive. For example, if your company resided in Ireland, this would be the IRP World Shipping Country ID 105. The values are stored on the IRP World and should be set by your IRP Consultant.
IRP Statistics Auto Calculation Period This setting is used in the Common Task for auto-updating IRP statistics. The value determines how far back statistics will be calculated.
IRP World Company Account ID This setting defines your IRP World Company Account ID. This should be set by your IRP Consultant.


This grouping defines several Kits settings. The key setting is:

Setting Description
Enable Kits Confirmation Page Check this box to ensure that a confirmation dialog box is displayed when an IRP Admin User collects products into a kit.

Live Support

This grouping defines several Live Chat settings. The key setting is:

Setting Description
Live Support Enable In Top Nav This setting enables the Live Chat functionality on you website.

Loyalty Scheme

This group enables or disables reward card collection and defines discount settings. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.

Mailing List

This group defines multiple Mailing List settings, including display and voucher options. The key setting is:

Setting Description
Enable Mailing List Popup Enabling this will automatically show your customers a form to sign up to your Mailing List when they visit the home page. This popup can be animated and positioned in many ways.
Mailing List Show Date Of Birth When enabled, a date of birth input control will be rendered in all mailing list sign-up widgets, allowing customers to optionally enter their date of birth. The date of birth information can then be used within mailing list segments for remarketing email campaigns.

Marketplace – eBay

This grouping includes settings for the eBay Integration feature.

Marketplace – TradeTalk

Note: TradeTalk is not currently supported, therefore you should not enable this feature on the IRP.

Setting Description
Enable Trade Talk If enabled, TradeTalk operations and Marketplace functions will be available in your IRP.

Mobile Site

These are important settings for configuring your mobile site. For a full list, see IRP Mobile Website Overview. A selection of key settings are as follows:

Setting Description
Automatically Redirect Desktop Users From Mobile Site When this is enabled, non-mobile devices attempting to view the mobile site will be redirected to the desktop equivalent of the page. Note that mobile page previews are not redirected when you use the IRP Admin 'Preview' functionality (available on, for example CustomContentPages.aspx, Promotions.aspx, InterventionEdit.aspx, SplitTestEdit.aspx and so forth) and that if an IRP Admin 'Preview' link is used to preview a mobile page, the Admin User's site session will not adhere to the mobile site redirect until browser cookies are cleared.
Enable Mobile Menu If enabled, a clickable menu will be available on the mobile version of the website. This menu will contain the department and category structure for the website and allow customers to navigate similarly to how they would do on the full version of the website.
Enable Mobile Menu Brand Links Ordered By Best Selling When enabled the first 10 brands in the mobile menu brands list will be the best selling brands. When disabled all brands in the mobile menu will be ordered alphabetically.
Enable Mobile Menu Category Links Ordered By Display Order When enabled the mobile menu category links will be ordered by the category display ordering. When disabled the links will be ordered alphabetically.
Enable Mobile Models Image Zoom Popup When enabled, a modal popup will display on the mobile site when double tapping model images. When disabled, the modal popup will not display and double tapping the inline model image will zoom in on the image instead.
Enable Mobile Site If enabled, the mobile site will be accessible for mobile devices. If disabled, the customer will also be directed to the full version of the website regardless of their device type.
Mobile Product Data List Size This is the number of products to display on the mobile site listing pages by default.
Mobile Search Bar Display Option This determines which display style to use for the search bar of the mobile site:
• Always Hidden: The search bar is always hidden until the customer clicks the search icon. The search icon is always shown and acts as the switch to toggle the search bar on and off. Hidden When Scrolling: The search bar disappears as the customer scrolls down the page but the search icon always remains visible. When the customer clicks the search icon, the search bar appears. The search bar • will always be shown when the customer is at the top of the page.
See the IRP Header topic for more information.
Show Mobile Filter Menu When enabled, an Ajax filter menu will display on the mobile site. This functions in the same way as the desktop site left nav attributes menu but is designed for mobile browsing.

Models Page

This group defines multiple display settings for the Models page — refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.
Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Model Images Popup Initial Zoom Scale When opening the model image popup, this setting will determine the initial scale for the zoomed image. Values of 1, 1.2, 1.4 and 3 are used as the automatic zoom increments when double tapping on an image. The default value is '1'. See the Models topic for more information.
Set Add To Basket Display Style Choose the Default Add to Basket display style to be used on the Models.aspx pages on your site.
1) Shows lists all active Stock Options one after the other.
2) Shows a drop down list for all active Stock Options.
Show Size Chart On Models Page If set to true, any Size Charts connected to a particular Model will be displayed on the Models page otherwise the Size Charts section will be hidden.

Models Page Dispatch Message

This group includes settings for dispatch message display on the Models page — refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.
Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Closing Time This determines what appears on the Dispatch Message on the Models page. If someone places an Order before this time, the Dispatch Message will display that you are able to dispatch that Order on that day assuming there are no issues with it. The date part of this Date Time value is irrelevant and will be ignored although the Time part will be used to determine the Closing Time. The format of this setting is dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.
Set Dispatch Message Display Style The display style of the Dispatch Message to appear on the Models page (either 1 or 2).
1: A static Dispatch Message is displayed that can only be updated when the page is reloaded.
2: A Dynamic JavaScript enabled Dispatch Message is displayed and the time will tick down in seconds.

Navigation — Bottom

This group includes options for the bottom navigation on your website. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.
The key setting is:

Setting Description
Show Bottom Nav In Checkout This determines whether the Bottom Navigation is displayed on Checkout pages.

Navigation – History Menu

If set to true, the History Menu will be displayed below the Top Navigation. As shown in the example below, 'breadcrumbs' are shown on the left side of the page (note also that in this screen capture, a 'Recently Viewed Items' drop-down list is shown on the right side of the page because the 'Enable Recently Viewed' setting has been enabled in the 'Navigation - Top' group and the 'Set Recently Viewed Display Style' in the same group has been set to '3'):

Show History Menu

Navigation – Left

This group includes options for the bottom navigation bar on your website. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.
The key setting is:

Setting Description
Enable Left Nav If enabled, the Left Navigation (depending on which display style has been set) will appear on pages it is enabled on throughout the website. Note that the Left Navigation can be switched on or off on various pages using additional settings.

Navigation – Right

This group includes multiple options for attributes in the right navigation on your website. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.
The key setting is:

Setting Description
Show Right Nav If set to true, the website’s Right Navigation will appear on the home page.

Navigation – Top

This group includes multiple options for attributes in the top navigation on your website. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.
One setting to note is:

Setting Description
Enable Wish List If enabled, the wish list icon will appear in the header area at the top of your website and an add-to-wish list image will appear on all add-to-basket controls on listings and model pages. See How to Manage the Wish List for more information.
Header Desktop Display Style This determines which display style to use for the header area of the desktop site:
• Display Style 1: This is the legacy version of the header.
• Display Style 2: This is the all-new, improved header.
See the IRP Header topic for more information.
Header Mobile Display Style This determines which display style to use for the header area of the mobile site:
• Display Style 1: This is the legacy version of the header.
• Display Style 2: This is the all-new, improved header.
See the IRP Header topic for more information.


This group includes several options for displaying part codes, barcode IDs, images and EAN13 codes. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon. Some key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Enable Automatic Order Vouchers If enabled an active order automatic voucher will be offered to customers once they place an order (if their order contents matches what is applicable to the voucher). See Order Automatic Vouchers for more information.
Show Part Code In Orders Admin If set to true, the Part Code will be displayed rather than the Stock ID in the Orders Administration.


The key setting in this grouping is as followings:

Setting Description
Partner ID Expiry Time In Days If a customer comes through to a URL with a Partner ID attached, the number of days before that Partner ID will expire from that customer’s browser cookie.


This group includes multiple settings for configuring payments. The key settings include:

Setting Description
Enable Payment By Bank Transfer This allows your customers to place their Orders, and then initiate a Bank Transfer to complete payment. Bank Transfer Orders will be stored initially as New Offline. Please Note, ensure the details in Large Translation ID 18 are correct before enabling this Setting.
Enable Payment By Amazon Pay This allows your customers to place their orders using Amazon Pay. See the Amazon Pay help topic for more information.
Enable Payment By Apple Pay This allows your customers to place their orders using Apple Pay. See the How To Configure Apple Pay on the IRP help topic for more information.
Enable Payment By Cheque This allows your customers to place their Orders, and then post a Cheque to you afterwards. Bank Transfer Orders will be stored initially as New Offline. Please ensure the details in Large Translation ID 18 are correct if enabling this setting.
Enable Payment By Credit Card Setting this to true will enable customers to checkout their Orders using a Payment Card. The Enable Live Charging Application Setting should also be set once your Payment Processor Account has been set up.
Enable Payment By Google Pay This allows your customers to place their orders using Google Pay. See the How To Configure Google Pay on the IRP help topic for more information.
Enable Payment By Invoice Setting this to true will enable Customers to complete their Order before settling it at a later date once an Invoice has been sent. Bank Transfer Orders will be stored initially as New Offline.
Enable Payment By Klarna This allows your customers to place their orders using Klarna. See the Klarna Accounts help topic for more information.
Enable Payment By Pay Pal Credit Card Setting this to true will enable customers to checkout their Orders using a PayPal Payment Card. The Enable Live Charging Application Setting should also be set once your Payment Processor Account has been set up.

Payments – Amazon Pay

This group includes multiple settings for the Amazon Pay feature. The key settings in this group are:

Setting Description
Amazon Pay Use Sandbox If enabled, the Amazon Pay Sandbox Endpoints will be used rather than the Production ones. This will allow you to test Transactions with your Sandbox account before setting your Amazon Pay account live.
Enable Amazon Pay Whether Amazon Pay is enabled on your website. If you have valid, active Amazon Pay accounts in your IRP, and Shipping Countries set up to allow Amazon Pay, if this overall global setting is true, an Amazon Pay button will appear on the Basket and Payment Details page on the Desktop and Mobile versions of the site. Clicking this will prompt users to log in using their Amazon Account credentials. On successful login, an Address Book and Wallet widget will appear on the Order Summary pages in the Desktop and Mobile checkout inviting Customers to select a Delivery Address and Payment Method from those stored within their Amazon Account.

Payments – Finance

This group includes multiple settings for configuring finance payments. The key settings include:

Setting Description
Finance Allow Different Delivery Address Check this box to allow customers to set a different Delivery Address to their Billing Address when placing orders using Finance as their selected Payment Method. By default, any Finance orders will be shipped to the customer’s registered Billing Address.
V 12 Finance Authentication Key This is the Authentication Key provided by V12 for accessing their web service for Finance Applications.
V 12 Finance Retailer GUID This is the Retailer GUID provided by V12, needed for accessing their web service for Finance Applications.
V 12 Finance Retailer ID This is the Retailer ID provided by V12, needed for accessing their web service for Finance Applications.

Payments – Live Charging

This group includes multiple settings for configuring PayPal Express Checkout payments. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.
The key setting is:

Setting Description
Enable Live Charging This overall setting allows your website to process Card payments. Note that this should always be set to true once you have set up your Payment Processor.

Payments – PayPal Express Checkout

This group includes multiple settings for configuring PayPal Express Checkout payments. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon. The key setting is:

Setting Description
Enable Pay Pal Express Checkout Setting this to true will enable Customers to Pay for their Order using their PayPal account.

Payments – PayPal Website Payments Pro

This group includes multiple settings for configuring PayPal Website payments. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.
Most of these are also available on the PayPal Settings page.

Setting Description
Pay Pal Website Payments Pro Use I Frame When this setting is on, the credit card entry form is embedded in your website, so it maintains the look and feel.
When this setting is off, the customer will be redirected to PayPal's interface to complete their payment.

Payments – Worldpay

This section is no longer used. See Card Processors for more information.

Setting Description
World Pay Payment Service Url The Worldpay Payment Service URL for communicating with World Pay for alternative ways of Payment.


This group defines keyword file row limits, special character settings and also sitemap URL limits. For example Set Sitemap Url Limit defines the maximum number of URLs to be added to each section of the XML Site Map generated by the IRP. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon. The key setting is:

Setting Description
PPC File Format Select the appropriate file format from the drop-down list.

PPC – Finch

This group defines settings for the PPC Advanced feature. The key setting is:

Setting Description
Default Profit Margin The default profit margin.

Price Match

This group includes multiple configuration settings for the Price Match feature. The key setting is:

Setting Description
Enable Price Match When enabled, you are offering to match the Price a customer sees on another website to yours, under certain terms and conditions. Note that you can also enable or disable this on a Model level.

Product Filters

This group defines how the product filter on your website is displayed. There are multiple settings in this group that you use to order and sort the attributes in the menu. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.
Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Left Nav Attributes Menu Display Order Attribute Selector The Order in which the Attributes filter will appear on the Left Nav Attributes menu (value should be between 1 and 6).
Show Left Nav Attributes Menu If enabled, the Left Nav Attributes menu with Price Filter, Brands Filter, Categories Filter, Attributes Filter and Reviews Filter will appear on Listings pages.
If disabled, the standard Left Hand Navigation will appear on all but the Offers and Search Results pages where an enhanced Filter menu will appear.

Product Listing

These are settings for how products are listed on the website. The key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Always Show Swatches When Available When enabled swatches will display in product listings when applicable attributes are present even if there is only one variant. For more information, see the How to Add Colour Swatches on Listings Pages help topic.
Enable Overlaid Wishlist Icons When this is enabled, all wish list icons that are displayed on listings pages are overlaid on the corresponding model image container element. This allows the wish list icons to take up less space on product listings. You can change the exact positioning of the wish list icon by setting the top, left, bottom and right values of the '.wishlist-overlay-button' CSS class in the Wishlist Controls stylesheet on the CssStylesStandardControls.aspx page. For more information, see the How to Manage the Wish List help topic.
Hide Products Restricted From Shipping When enabled, any products with Shipping Restrictions against them will be hidden on listings pages. Note that when a listings page (for example the desktop and mobile versions of BrandCategory.aspx, Brands.aspx or Categories.aspx) cannot display any products (due to the Application Setting 'Hide Products Restricted From Shipping' being active and the customer being from a restricted Shipping Country), the page will display a product list of best sellers that ship to that country (if any exist) and a message informing the customer that the requested products cannot ship to them.
Product Listing Colour Swatch Attribute ID The ID of the attribute to use as the colour attribute for listing page colour swatches. Leave this value as zero to disable all colour swatches. For more information, see the How to Add Colour Swatches on Listings Pages help topic.
Set List Display Style The default display style of Product Lists on Listing pages (either 1 or 2). 1: List View will be applied rendering Models, 1 per row. The number of Models displayed per page when List View is enabled is 100. 2: Gallery View will be applied rendering Models 3 per row. The number of Models displayed per page when Gallery View is enabled is 96. Please Note, use the ‘Show List Choice’ Application Setting to allow Customers to switch between List View and Gallery View otherwise they will only ever be able to view Models in the List Style applied by this setting.
Show View Product Link In Gallery View Listings When enabled ‘View Product’ call to action links will display for products on all gallery view listings pages on the standard site (and on product based home pages). This can enhance site operation on tablet devices.
Product Data List Size Gallery View You use this to define the number of products that will be displayed on the product listing pages whenever 'Gallery View' is selected (assuming 'the 'Show List Choice' Application Setting is also enabled).
Product Data List Size List View You use this to define the number of products that will be displayed on the product listing pages whenever 'List View' is selected (assuming 'the 'Show List Choice' Application Setting is also enabled).

Product Options Bar

The key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Default Brand ID The ID of the Brand selected by Default in the Product Options bar (just below the website's Top Navigation Tabs). Brand IDs can be found on the Products -> Brands IRP Admin page.
Default Category ID The ID of the Category selected by Default in the Product Options bar (just below the website's Top Navigation Tabs). CategoryIDs can be found on the Products -> Categories IRP Admin page.


This group includes a large number of configuration settings for Products. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.
Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Enable Unbranded Site If enabled, Brand Names should be omitted from all areas of the front-end of the website. This can be used for websites that manufacture all their own products. Note that this setting should be used in conjunction with the 'Hide Brand Names' Application Setting.
Hide Brand Names If enabled, Brand Names will be hidden from every area on the front-end of the website.
Sales Rank Period

The default sales rank period on the system to be used for sorting product data lists. 

Accepted Values:

0: All Time
1: Last 30 Days
2: Last 7 Days

Sales Rank Weight to Quantity Sold/Unit Price. 

The weighting the quantiry sold/unit price has when determing sales rank for sorting product data lists.

By default, these vales are set to 100.00 and 1.00 respectively, meaning that quantity sold takes precedence over the total price. Consequently products that are lower in price but sell in higher quantities, remain competitive on the ranking, even when faced with a high value item, which perhaps has sold in much smaller quantities.  


Product A

10 quantity sold x 100 = 1000
5 unit price x 1 = 5
Weighted Value = (1000 x 5) = 5000

Product B

2 quantity sold x 100 = 200
50 unit price x 1 = 50
Weighted Value (200 x 50) = 10000

Based on this example, Product A, having the higher weighted value will place higher on the best selling list. 



Promotions And Vouchers

This group includes multiple configuration settings for Promotions and Vouchers. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.
The key setting is:

Setting Description
Enable Voucher Codes If enabled, customers will be able to add Promotional Voucher Codes at the Basket stage for discount on their Orders. If disabled, the entry text box for Voucher codes will not be available on the Basket page.
Promotions Basket Position The position of advertised Promotions in the Customer's Basket.
If set to top, advertised Promotion rows will appear above the Basket Items in the Customer's Basket.
If set to bottom, advertised Promotion rows will appear below the Basket Items in the Customer's Basket.


The key settings here are:

Setting Description
Enable Recommendations Basket If enabled, a recommendations scroller will appear on the Basket page.
Enable Recommendations Top If enabled, a message will appear above the Top Navigation (above the site logo) indicating that the IRP has recommendations for that customer.
Show Basket Recommendations Below Checkout Buttons If enabled (and assuming the 'Enable Recommendations Basket' Application Setting is also enabled), the Recommendations scroller on the Basket page will be displayed below the Checkout buttons. If disabled, the Recommendations scroller on the Basket page will be displayed above the Basket Items table as normal.

Reviews & Questions

This group includes multiple configuration settings for Reviews and Questions. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon. Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Enable Question And Answers If enabled, a Questions and Answers panel will appear on the Models page allowing Customers to ask Questions about Models.
Set Number Of Reviews To Show On Models Page The Number of Approved Reviews to show on the Models page.

Saved Payment Methods

This group includes settings that allow customers to save card details to their account so that it's easier for them to reuse their card while checking out. Note that currently this functionality is available only when using a Global Payments payment processor. For more details, see the Customers help topic.

Setting Description
Enable Saved Payment Methods When enabled, customers can save a payment card on the payment details page during checkout and through the 'Saved Cards' page in the customer's My Account section. Customers can also add new cards and delete saved cards using their 'Saved Cards' page. The last four digits of the card number, card type and expiry date are shown on the 'Saved Cards' page. There is also a check box to control the default status, with the card currently being the default. The 'Saved Cards' page is available on desktop (MyAccount/CustomerPaymentMethods), mobile (Mobile/MyAccount/MobileCustomerPaymentMethods) and trade sites (Trade/MyAccount/CustomerPaymentMethods), and is visible only when 'Enable Saved Payment Methods' is enabled.
Saved Payment Methods Required Card Security Digits Per Transaction When enabled, customers who select a previously-saved card during checkout will be required to enter their security code to proceed. If disabled, customers will not need to provide the code and they will be able to reuse the card with one click. In this case the card will be charged without the security code, provided it can be authenticated.


This group includes multiple configuration settings for how the Search feature works on your website. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon.
The key settings here are:

Setting Description
Enable Predictive Search Set to true to enable an AJAX predictive Search on the website front end. Search results will appear when any character is typed in the search box. The predictive search index should also be reloaded from the application settings > Reload Settings Admin page so that any updated values to appear in the predictive search box.
Enable Search Combinations When a search fails it uses this setting to determine whether or not to then look at the best possible combinations of the search terms. For example, if a customer searches for ‘Pro V1 New’ and no results are returned, this setting then will check for ‘Pro V1’, ‘V1 New’ and ‘Pro New’ together. If they also bring back no results, single search terms are then considered. This setting should be enabled by default. Possibly turn off if search is running slowly when a website has a large number of products.
Include External Stock ID In Searches When this is enabled, customers can search for stock items via their External Stock ID. If a match is found, the customer will be directed straight to the product detail page. As the External Stock ID will usually match a SKU in a third-party system, you should enable this setting only if you think that your customers will know the value of these. Note that, for Trade Site searches, enabling/disabling this setting will be reflected only when you rebuild the Search Indexes. You can do this via the 'Bulk Operations' page in the 'Products' section.


This group includes multiple configuration settings for security features. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon. Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Enable SSL If enabled, Secure areas of the site will be protected by the website's installed SSL.
Force Customer To Change Temporary Passwords If enabled, any temporary Passwords emailed to a Customer who has requested their Password to be reset will have to be changed when the Customer first logs in with that temporary value.
Temporary Customer Password Expiry In Hours The Number of Hours a Customer's temporary Password will expire after if they have requested their password be reset.

Security – Fraud Scoring

This group includes multiple configuration settings for fraud scoring on the IRP. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon. Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Fraud Scoring Score For 3 D Secure Eci Value The score to add to the overall fraud score when the a 3d secure order has not been liability shifted.
Fraud Scoring Score For AVS Address Fail The score added to the overall Fraud Score when an AVS Address Check fails.
Fraud Scoring Score For AVS Address Not Checked This is the fraud score that will be used when the AVS Address check is not performed for an order.
Fraud Scoring Score For AVS Postcode Fail The score added to the overall Fraud Score when an AVS PostCode Check fails.
Fraud Scoring Score For AVS Postcode Not Checked This is the fraud score that will be used when the AVS Postcode check is not performed for an order.
Fraud Scoring Score For Card Country Not Matching Billing Country The Score added to the overall Fraud Score when the Card Country does not match the Billing Country.
Fraud Scoring Score For Card Country Not Matching Delivery Country The Score added to the overall Fraud Score when the Card Country does not match the Delivery Country.

SendGrid Email Delivery

This group includes settings for multiple aspects of the SendGrid integration with the IRP. This replaces the standard IRP SMTP mail relay delivery method with SendGrid's Web API, which is much faster at sending sequential emails and also leverages SendGrid's expertise in maximising email delivery. Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Enable Send Grid Mail Sending This is the main switch for enabling or disabling the SendGrid functionality.
Send Grid API Key This is where you enter the API key used to authenticate. You can get this key from your SI (or from your SendGrid account).
Send Grid API Key For Transactional Email If you have a different API key to the one above which you want to route transactional (for example, Order Confirmations) email through, you can set this here.
Send Grid Use Sandbox Mode If necessary, you can enable SendGrid's sandbox mode in order to test the integration.
Send Grid IP Pool Name If you have a specific set of IP addresses you want your SendGrid emails to be routed through (for example, you also use your SendGrid account to send mail from other parts of your business), you can specify the name of the IP Pool set up in SendGrid here. Leaving this blank will mean that SendGrid will 'round-robin' your email around the IP addresses set up in your account.
Send Grid IP Pool Name For Transactional Email If you have an IP Pool set up in SendGrid for sending transactional mail only, you can set the name of that here.
For more information see Email Settings.


This group includes multiple settings for general aspects of Shipping — refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon. Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Enable Postage Label Silent Printing Enable this to print labels automatically from the Auto Dispatch page. If enabled, you will not be prompted to click 'Print' when a PDF label is opened through the Auto Dispatch functionality - the print action will perform automatically on your Default printer.
Shipping Cost Calculate From Sub Total Determines whether the Shipping Cost is calculated from the Basket Sub Total or the Basket Total.
If enabled, the Shipping Cost will be calculated from the summation of the items in the Basket before Discounts have been applied.
If disabled, the Shipping Cost will be calculated from the Basket Total, i.e. the summation of the items in the Basket and the application of Discounts.

Shipping – Intersoft

This group includes settings for Intersoft shipping — refer to Shipping Methods for details. Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Intersoft Password Your unique Intersoft password.
Intersoft User ID Your unique Intersoft User ID.

Shipping – Parcelforce

This group includes settings for Parcelforce shipping — refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon. Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Parcelforce Default Tracking URL The Default Tracking URL for Parcelforce packages. The URL will be sent out in Order Complete Emails so that a Customer can track their packages using the Tracking Code provided.
Parcelforce Express Link Web Service Url The Web Service URL value required for the Parcelforce ExpressLink Postage Integration. Please Note, there is usually a different URL for the Test and Live environment. Please ensure the correct URL is being used if you have problems connecting to the Parcelforce API.

Shipping – Royal Mail

This group includes settings for Royal Mail shipping — refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon. Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Royal Mail Account Number The Account Number to be displayed on Royal Mail manifests printed from the IRP Admin.
Royal Mail Default Tracking URL The Default Tracking URL for Royal Mail packages. The URL will be sent out in Order Complete Emails so that a Customer can track their packages using the Tracking Code provided.

Stock Control

This group includes settings for multiple aspects of the IRP Stock Control feature. Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Automatic Stock Reorder Leeway Days This is a discretionary period of time (in days) that is used in the calculation of how much stock to buy when automatically reordering products. Typically this will correspond to how long it takes for a purchase order to go through the process of being restocked.
Default Target Days To Sell Stock This is the period of time in which, ideally, all stock belonging to a product should be sold. This will be used for all products unless a model specific value has been provided.
Enable Out Of Stock Transfers When this setting is enabled stock transfers can be requested from stock locations that have insufficient levels of stock to cover the transfer. It is strongly advised that this setting is NOT enabled as it introduces the potential for stock levels to get out of synchronization and will make tracking accurate stock levels through the IRP functionality much more difficult. The purpose of the setting is to allow stock transfers to be added before stock has arrived at a requested location, or when stock levels are not accurately maintained.
Low Stock Threshold If a Stock Item’s In stock value falls below this Threshold, the Add to Basket controls on the Models page will display as Only x amount Left in Stock.
Stock Control Enable Order Messaging If enabled, a scan will be performed on the Order Manage and Orders Auto Dispatch page to check the Order's Stock standing for the Admin User's registered Stock Location.
Stock Sales Velocity Time Frame Days This is the interval at which to record sales velocities for products. For example if set to 7 this will record the sales velocities of products once every 7 days for the previous 7 days.
Stock Target Tolerance Lower Value This is a discretionary period of time (in days) that is used when determining if a stock holding is underweight (too little stock being held). For example if an item will sell out in 2 days’ time and takes 4 days to restock through purchase orders then it will be deemed underweight. If this value is set to 2 days or more however, then the same item will not be considered underweight.
Stock Target Tolerance Upper Value This is a discretionary period of time (in days) that is used when determining if a stock holding is overweight (too much stock being held). For example if an item will sell out in 6 days’ time and takes 4 days to restock through purchase orders then it will be deemed overweight. If this value is set to 2 days or more however, then the same item won’t be considered overweight.
Target Percentage CPA This is your target for overall CPA (cost per acquisition). Please Note, actual CPA values are considered negatively or positively based on whether they are higher or lower respectively than this value.

Stock Notifications

This group includes settings for several aspects of Stock Notification System Emails. Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Stock Notification Voucher Amount The amount offered in the voucher. This must be a positive number in order to use vouchers in Stock Notification System Emails.
Stock Notification Voucher Discount Type This can be a percentage or money-off a total basket value.
Stock Notification Voucher Duration Days This defines how long a voucher will be useable. This must be a positive number in order to use vouchers in Stock Notification System Emails.
Stock Notification Voucher Min Basket Total This defines the minimum value that a basket must have before a voucher can be offered.


This group includes several settings for VAT rates. Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Allow User Vat Status Changes This setting allows users to see the price of their items with or without any sales tax added. This is useful if you have business customers who will be more interested in the price without tax. By default, all prices are displayed with tax included.
Always Deduct VAT From RRP When VAT Free When enabled VAT will always be removed from RRP values for customers in VAT Free countries.
Tax Pricing Display How Prices are displayed as Default on the website (either 1 or 2).
1: Prices will be displayed inclusive of VAT.
2: Prices will be displayed exclusive of VAT.
Vat Rate This is the Default Tax Rate in the System used when no Default Tax rate has been set up on the Products -> Tax Rates Admin page.

Technical Settings

This group includes settings for caching, 404 handling, IP headers, caching of banners and stylesheets and so forth. Refer to the tool tips for details. You can view tool tips by hovering your cursor over the information icon adjacent to each setting: IRP help icon. Key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Allow Duplicate Model Names If enabled, models can be added where the model name already exists for that brand. If disabled, you will not be able to add models with the same brand and model name.
Allow Stock Option Edit If enabled, stock options will be editable, but only if they have not been previously ordered. If disabled, stock options will not be editable from the models edit page.
Cache Version Increasing the Cache Version will uncache all front-end elements such as banners, home pages and navigation elements (if you want to uncache only banners or only the desktop stylesheet or only the mobile stylesheet, see the other Application Settings described below). This can be incremented or changed automatically from the bottom nav by clicking the 'Uncache' button or from the Application Settings > Reload Settings page.
Cache Version Banners Increasing the Cache Version Banners value will uncache only front-end banner elements (not the whole site). This can be incremented and is changed automatically when a banner is inserted, or updated in IRP Admin. This is also incremented when a banner is scheduled to activate or deactivate. See Banners for more details.
Cache Version Stylesheet The Cache Version of the Website CSS Stylesheet. The Website CSS Stylesheet will be uncached when a style is changed in the IRP Admin section and you will notice that the value of this Application Setting will increase when those changes are made. This allows the Website CSS Stylesheet to be uncached separately from the whole site being uncached (uncaching the site generally will also cause the Website CSS Stylesheet to uncache but so will everything else).
Cache Version Mobile Stylesheet The Cache Version of the Mobile CSS Stylesheet. The Mobile CSS Stylesheet will be uncached when a style is changed in the IRP Admin section and you will notice that the value of this Application Setting will increase when those changes are made. This allows the Mobile CSS Stylesheet to be uncached separately from the whole site being uncached (uncaching the site generally will also cause the Mobile CSS Stylesheet to uncache but so will everything else).
Cache Version Trade Stylesheet The Cache Version of the Trade CSS Stylesheet. The Trade CSS Stylesheet will be uncached when a style is changed in the IRP Admin section and you will notice that the value of this Application Setting will increase when those changes are made. This allows the Trade CSS Stylesheet to be uncached separately from the whole site being uncached (uncaching the site generally will also cause the Trade CSS Stylesheet to uncache but so will everything else).
Enable Quantity Discounts If enabled, quantity discounts will be available when administering stock.
Enable Referrals If enabled, referral data will be recorded in your IRP. Referrals relate to links that customer have used to navigate to your website.
Jquery Version The version of the jQuery JavaScript Library to use on the front end of the site.
Enable 404 Handler If enabled, customers will be redirected to the 404.aspx page whenever they visit a link that does not exist within the website structure.
Enable 404 Redirect For Inactive Elements If enabled, customers will be redirected to the 404.aspx page whenever they visit a Model, Brand or Category that is now inactive on the website.
Systems Integrator Support Link Url The email address that IRP Agencies should use at which customers shoulg contact them.


This group defines Telesales opening and closing times and enables or disables basket references and checkout. The key settings are:

Setting Description
Enable Telesale Basket Reference If enabled, a unique reference will be printed on the Basket page so that a Telesales advisor can take full control of a Customer's Basket by entering the unique Telesales Basket Reference in the IRP Admin.
Enable Telesale Checkout If enabled, the Telesale Checkout will be available for customers and a Telesale Basket reference will be rendered on the Customer's Basket page so that a Telesales advisor can quickly gain access to their Basket.
Telesale Closing Time The date-time value for when the telesales service closes. The Date component of this is irrelevant - only the time component will be considered. If the time is later than the closing time and before the opening time, the telesale basket link on the baskets page will not display. Note that the format for this date-time value is dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.
Telesale Email Address The email address that will be set against a customer's order if it has been placed using the telesales functionality and they have not provided an email address.
Telesale Opening Time The date-timevalue for when the telesales service opens. The date component of this is irrelevant - only the time component will be considered. If the time is outside of the opening and closing times, the telesale basket link on the baskets page will not display. Note that the format for this date-time value is dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss.

Third Party – Affiliate Window

The key settings for AWIN are as follows:

Setting Description
Enable Affiliate Window This enables the Affiliate Window Tracking Script to be rendered on the Order Confirmation page..
Affiliate Window Confirmation Pixel URL The source of the Affiliate Window pixel image to be displayed on the Order Confirmation page. This image link is made up of the Pixel URL, the Affiliate Window Merchant ID, the Order ID, the Order Total.
Affiliate Window Merchant ID Part of the Affiliate Window pixel image to be displayed on the Order Confirmation page. Also used in the Affiliate Window Tracking script on the Basket, Brand Category, Brands, Categories, Contact Retailer to Buy, Custom Content Pages, Home Page, Help, Information, Job Details, Kits, Kits Confirm, Models, News Archive, Offers, Partner Links, Partner Set Up, Partner Set Up Complete, Postage Information, Recently Viewed, Recommendations, Reviews, Reviews Submit, Search Results, Site Map, Wish List and Mobile equivalent pages.
Affiliate Window Run In Test Mode Determines whether or not the Affiliate Window pixel image link is displayed in Test Mode.
Affiliate Window Tracking Script URL The URL of the Affiliate Window Tracking Script that is placed on the Basket, Brand Category, Brands, Categories, Contact Retailer to Buy, Custom Content Pages, Home Page, Help, Information, Job Details, Kits, Kits Confirm, Models, News Archive, Offers, Partner Links, Partner Set Up, Partner Set Up Complete, Postage Information, Recently Viewed, Recommendations, Reviews, Reviews Submit, Search Results, Site Map, WishList and Mobile equivalent pages.
Note that AWIN Partner/SalePartner IDs and Rakuten Partner/SalePartner IDs can be designated in JavaScript arrays via the 'Order Confirmation In Head Tag' Site Script for use in determining first click/last click affiliate commission assignment in an effort to prevent de-duplication between both scripts.
  • AWIN Partner/SalePartner IDs should be set in an array named irpAWINPartnerIDs.
  • Rakuten Partner/SalePartner IDs should be set in an array named irpRakutenPartnerIDs.
Upon setting these arrays with corresponding Partner/SalePartnerID values, when AWIN and Rakuten scripts are rendered, a flag will be set on each to determine whether commission should be allowed or not depending on which Affiliate Partner obtained the credit for the sale.
Affiliate Marketing Voucher Commission Group This value will be used to help determine the Commission Group of a product when rendered on Order Confirmation pages and is used when a free or club voucher has been used on the order. The setting works according to the following scenarios (and assuming that you have entered a value for the 'Affiliate Marketing Voucher Commission Group' Setting):
  • If an order has no voucher, the standard Commission Group will be used.
  • If a voucher has been used, compatible Affiliate Network scripts will be modified so that if a product has no specific Commission Group assigned to it via its Category (using the 'Commission Group' setting in the 'Advanced Information' section of the CategoriesEdit.aspx page), it will be assigned whatever value you have entered for the 'Affiliate Marketing Voucher Commission Group' Application Setting as its Commission Group, for example: 'VoucherCommissionGroupText'.
  • If the product does have a Category-specific Commission Group, the name of the new Commission Group will be composed of whatever value you have entered for the 'Affiliate Marketing Voucher Commission Group' Application Setting followed by a '-', followed by the value that you have entered for the Category-specific Commission Group, for example: 'VoucherCommissionGroupText-CategoryCommissionGroupText'.
If you have not entered a value for the 'Affiliate Marketing Voucher Commission Group' Setting, the following scenarios apply:
  • If an order has a voucher and the product does have a Category-specific Commission Group, the Category-specific Commission Group will be used, for example: CategoryCommissionGroupText'.
  • If an order has a voucher and the product does not have a Category-specific Commission Group, the standard Commission Group will be used.
NOTE: See below for some additional scenarios.
Affiliate Marketing New Customer Commission Group This value will be used to help determine the Commission Group of a product when rendered on Order Confirmation pages and is used when an order has been placed by a new customer. The setting works according to the following scenarios (and assuming that you have entered a value for the 'Affiliate Marketing New Customer Commission Group' Setting):
  • If an order is placed by an existing customer, the standard Commission Group will be used.
  • If a new customer has placed the order, compatible Affiliate Network scripts will be modified so that if a product has no specific Commission Group assigned to it via its Category (using the 'Commission Group' setting in the 'Advanced Information' section of the CategoriesEdit.aspx page), it will be assigned whatever value you have entered for the 'Affiliate Marketing New Customer Commission Group' Application Setting as its Commission Group, for example: 'NewCustomerCommissionGroupText'.
  • If a new customer has placed the order and the product does have a Category-specific Commission Group, the name of the new Commission Group will be composed of whatever value you have entered for the 'Affiliate Marketing New Customer Commission Group' Application Setting followed by a '-', followed by the value that you have entered for the Category-specific Commission Group, for example: 'NewCustomerCommissionGroupText-CategoryCommissionGroupText'.
  • If a new customer has placed the order and a free or club voucher has been used on the order and the product has a Category-specific Commission Group, the name of the new Commission Group will be composed of whatever value you have entered for the 'Affiliate Marketing Voucher Commission Group' Application Setting followed by a '-', whatever value you have entered for the 'Affiliate Marketing New Customer Commission Group' Application Setting followed by a '-', followed by the value that you have entered for the Category-specific Commission Group, for example: 'NewCustomerCommissionGroupText-VoucherCommissionGroupText-CategoryCommissionGroupText'.
If there is no voucher used and you have not entered a value for the 'Affiliate Marketing New Customer Commission Group' Setting, the following scenarios apply:
  • If the order is placed by a new or existing customer and the product does have a Category-specific Commission Group, the Category-specific Commission Group will be used, for example: CategoryCommissionGroupText'.
  • If the order is placed by a new or existing customer and there is no Category-specific Commission Group, the standard Commission Group will be used.
If there is a voucher used on the order and you have not entered a value for the 'Affiliate Marketing New Customer Commission Group' Setting, but you have entered a value for the 'Affiliate Marketing Voucher Commission Group' setting, the following scenarios apply:
  • If the order is placed by a new or existing customer and the product does have a Category-specific Commission Group, the name of the new Commission Group will be composed of whatever value you have entered for the 'Affiliate Marketing Voucher Commission Group' Application Setting followed by a '-', followed by the value that you have entered for the Category-specific Commission Group, for example: 'VoucherCommissionGroupText-CategoryCommissionGroupText'.
  • If the order is placed by a new or existing customer and there is no Category-specific Commission Group, whatever value you have entered for the 'Affiliate Marketing Voucher Commission Group' Application Setting will be used, for example, 'VoucherCommissionGroupText'.
NOTE: There are a large number of possible combinations of Application Setting values and Category-specific values and so the above representative examples are provided to give you a general understanding of how the functionality works.

Third Party – Commission Junction

This grouping includes the following settings:

Setting Description
Enable Commission Junction Conversion Tracking This is the key setting for enabling IRP support for Commission Junction.
Commission Junction Action ID This is the ActionID supplied by Commission Junction. Please contact Commission Junction directly for assistance on how to obtain this.
Commission Junction Container Tag ID This is the Container Tag ID supplied by Commission Junction. Please contact Commission Junction directly for assistance on how to obtain this.
Commission Junction Enterprise ID This is the Enterprise ID supplied by Commission Junction. Please contact Commission Junction directly for assistance on how to obtain this.

Third Party – Criteo

This grouping includes settings for Criteo remarketing. The key settings are as follows:

Setting Description
Enable Criteo This enables the Criteo Script to be rendered across pages that it has been enabled on.
Criteo Enable On Basket This determines whether the Criteo Script will appear on the basket page.
Criteo Enable On Home Page This determines whether the Criteo Script will appear on the home page.
Criteo Enable On Listing Pages This determines whether the Criteo Script will appear on listing pages.
Criteo Enable On Models Page This determines whether the Criteo Script will appear on model pages.
Criteo Enable On Order Confirmation This determines whether the Criteo Script will appear on the Order Confirmation page.
Criteo Loader Element URL This is the URL of the Criteo Loader Element Script to be rendered when Criteo is enabled.

Third Party – Emarsys

The Emarsys Marketing Platform “enables brands around the world to deliver truly personal customer interactions across email, mobile, social, SMS, and web – at scale”. Once you have an Emarsys Merchant account, you can complete the following Application Settings and then Emarsys tracking scripts will appear on all of your front end desktop and mobile pages:

Setting Description
Emarsys Merchant ID You can get this from your Emarsys account.
Enable Emarsys Web Extend This enables the Emarsys data collection module, which tracks visitor interactions on your website and processes this input to serve validated data to various Emarsys products (see Web Extend – Overview).

Third Party – Google AdWords

This grouping includes key settings for Google AdWords. Some key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Enable Google Adwords Conversion Tracking This determines whether Google Adwords Conversion Tracking is enabled on the Order Confirmation page.
Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Back Ground Color The Background Color (hexadecimal format) set on the Google Adwords Conversion Tracking script which is placed on the Order Confirmation page. Please omit the hash (#) from this value.
Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Format The Format set on the Google Adwords Conversion Tracking script which is placed on the Order Confirmation page. For further information on this, please refer to the Adwords Conversion Tracking documentation supplied by Google.
Google Adwords Conversion Tracking ID The Tracking ID set on the Google Adwords Conversion Tracking script which is placed on the Order Confirmation page.
Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Label The Tracking Label set on the Google Adwords Conversion Tracking script which is placed on the Order Confirmation page.
Google Remarketing Use Stock ID For Ecomm Prod ID When enabled, Stock IDs (including the Stock ID suffix from the Google Shopping feeds) will be used for the ecomm_prodid values for Google remarketing information on product, basket, and order confirmation pages. When disabled, Model IDs will be used. The suffix will be taken from the feed based on the country it is being viewed from. If there is no feed for the specific country then the default country suffix will be used. Enabling this setting can be useful if most models have only one or a few stock options.
Google AdWords Conversion Tracking – Global Site Tag (gtag.js)
The native IRP Google AdWords Conversion Tracking implementation also makes use of the Google gtag.js Global Site Tag in an effort to circumvent Intelligent Tracking Prevention 2.0. You use the following Application Settings to configure this feature:
Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Use Gtag This enables the use of the gtag.js Global Site Tag for use with Google AdWords Conversion Tracking.
Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Gtag Conversion ID The Google AdWords Account ID provided on creation of the Google AdWords account.
Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Gtag JSID This is used to uniquely identify the Global Site Tag and is optional. You can use this setting in the following ways:
– If you have two different AdWords accounts and you want the gtag to report to both accounts, you can set the value of 'Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Gtag JSID' to the first AdWords account and then also set the value of 'Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Gtag Conversion ID' to the second AdWords account.
– If you have only one AdWords account, then you should use only 'Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Gtag Conversion ID'.
Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Gtag Conversion Label The Google AdWords Account Conversion Label provided on the creation of the Google AdWords account.
Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Gtag Disable Send Page View This allows you to set the native Google AdWords tracking script to not send a page view to Google AdWords, with the intention that the new Application Setting is used in conjunction with a Dynamic Remarketing script to prevent duplicate tracking.
Google Adwords Conversion Tracking Gtag Use Charging Currency For Pricing When enabled, conversions tracked by Google AdWords will be recorded in the charging currency of the Order, otherwise they will be tracked in the default site Currency.

Third Party – Google Analytics

These are important settings for configuring Google Analytics, including Google Optimize, Google Enhanced Ecommerce and Google Tag Manager. Some key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Enable Google Analytics This determines whether the Google Analytics Tracking Script is rendered on the front end website pages.
Enable Google Analytics Order Information This determines whether the Google Analytics Order Information Script is rendered on the Order Confirmation page.
Google Analytics Tracking Code This is the Google Analytics Tracking Code set against the Google Analytics Tracking script which is placed on the Order Confirmation page.
Google Analytics Use Universal Analytics If you enable this, the Universal Analytics Tracking Script will be rendered instead of the Google Tracking Script. Please note that you cannot undo upgrading to Universal Analytics. Also, you must go through the update process in your Google Analytics account before the Universal Analytics scripts will record activity. If you do not upgrade your Google Analytics account — and still choose to enable this setting — then activity will not be recorded properly.
Google Analytics Gclid Dimension Variable Name This is the name of the dimension variable that is created when following step 1 of these instructions:
1. In your Analytics, go to Admin >> Property (in the middle) >> Custom Definitions >> Custom Dimensions. Create a new Custom Dimension. Name it 'gclid'. Set the scope to User. Make it Active. Note the dimension number.
2. In your analytics JavaScript on all pages, you'll need to add the highlighted section above the 'send','pageview'. In the line that says ga('set','dimension1',gclid) you'll need to edit dimension1 to be the dimension you created in step one.
In this case, you should enter dimension1 for this field. The IRP takes care of actually completing step 2.
Enable Google Optimize This is the main switch for enabling the Google Optimize functionality to work on IRP sites.
IMPORTANT: It's important to make sure that if you have turned on Google Optimize, you have turned it on for a reason (i.e. you are running strictly-defined tests on a specific user set and with a specific goal). NOTE ALSO that running Google Optimize will slow down your page load time. Always consult with your IRP Account Manager before enabling Google Optimize.
Google Optimize Container ID You can find this ID in your Google Optimize account settings by clicking 'View Snippet' in the container info panel and locating the code that reads 'GTM-XXXXXX' (with 'XXXXXX' replaced with your specific ID). NOTE: You should enter only the 'XXXXXX' part of the ID, not the 'GTM-' part. When Google Optimize is enabled (via the above setting) and a Google Optimize Container ID is set, additional Google Optimize tracking script code will be rendered along with the existing Google Analytics tracking script rendered natively on each page within the IRP.
Google Analytics Use Enhanced Ecommerce This enables the use of Google Analytics' 'Enhanced Ecommerce' to track site events. See How To Configure Google Enhanced Ecommerce On The IRP for more information.
Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce Use Charging Currency For Pricing When enabled, tracked site events will have pricing recorded in the currency being charged. For example, if a customer is using a currency different to that of the default site currency, and that currency is enabled for charging, this setting will enable the customer's events throughout the site to be tracked in their currency.
Google Analytics Tracking Code Trade This can be used to track Trade site on a separate Google Analytics account. If a value is not set, Trade customer event tracking will occur on the Google Analytics account set against the Google Analytics Tracking Code setting instead.
Enable Google Tag Manager This is the main switch that enables the use of Google Tag Manager to track site events. See How To Configure Google Tag Manager On The IRP for more information.
Google Tag Manager Tracking Code This is used to set the Google Tag Manager Tracking Code that is supplied when a Google Tag Manager account is initially created. This should be set with the 'GTM-' prefix included.
Google Tag Manager Use Charging Currency For Pricing When enabled, tracked site events will have pricing recorded in the currency being charged. For example, if a customer is using a currency different to that of the default site currency, and that currency is enabled for charging, this setting will enable the customer's events throughout the site to be tracked in their currency.
Google Tag Manager Render Data Layer Object When enabled, a data layer JavaScript object will be rendered on each tracked page for use with Google Tag Manager.

Third Party – Net Media Planet

The key setting is:

Setting Description
Enable Net Media Planet Mercury This enables the Net Media Planet PPC script to be rendered on the Order Confirmation page.

Third Party – Olapic

This section includes the following settings for the Olapic user-generated content platform (

Setting Description
Enable Olapic Checkout Code This is the main switch for enabling and disabling the checkout tracking code for the Olapic user-generated content platform. Combined with the Olapic Product Feed, and appropriate insertion of code via Site Scripts, Olapic will monitor various social media platforms and work to publish content about products to your site directly. This enhances the shopping experience with curated product enforcement from various media channels. (When rendering the Olapic checkout confirmation script, the Google feed suffix of the configured default country is appended to the Stock ID.)
Olapic API Key Enter the Olapic API Key (up to 100 characters allowed).

Third Party – Rakuten Marketing

This section includes the following settings for Rakuten Affiliate Marketing integration:

Setting Description
Enable Rakuten Marketing Integration When enabled the Rakuten marketing scripts will be rendered on the front end of the IRP. This will include the integration code which will be rendered on each page and the data layer which will be rendered on the order confirmation pages. Note - values must be added for ‘Rakuten Marketing Affiliate MID’, ‘Rakuten Marketing Publisher ID’ and ‘Rakuten Marketing Site Section’ before enabling this integration.
Rakuten Marketing Affiliate MID This value will be provided as part of the welcoming email from Rakuten. It is your uniquely assigned affiliate MID which distinguishes your account uniquely from other advertisers. This must be added before enabling the Rakuten integration.
Rakuten Marketing Publisher ID This is your publisher ID provided by Rakuten which must be included in the integration code that will be rendered on every front end page. This must be added before enabling the Rakuten integration.
Rakuten Marketing Site Section This should be 2 by default and should not be changed unless you are specifically instructed to by your Rakuten implementation consultant.
Enable Rakuten Fits Me Integration When enabled, the Rakuten marketing scripts will be rendered on the front end of the IRP. This will include the integration code which will be rendered on each page and the data layer which will be rendered on the order confirmation pages. May be used in conjunction with 'Enable Rakuten Marketing Integration', but 'Rakuten Marketing Publisher ID' and 'Rakuten Marketing Site Section' for both integrations should match. If you are unsure about these values and their relation to each integration, contact your Account Manager. Note: values must be added for 'Rakuten Fits Me Client External ID', 'Rakuten Marketing Publisher ID' and 'Rakuten Marketing Site Section' before enabling this integration. For more details about Fit Me, visit the Rakuten Fits Me Website.
Rakuten Fits Me Client External ID This is your Client External ID provided by Rakuten which must be included in the integration code that will be rendered on every front end page. This must be added before enabling the Rakuten 'Fits Me' integration.
You must add values to all of the Rakuten Application Settings before enabling the Rakuten integration. When enabled, the Rakuten global script code will be rendered on every front end IRP page and the Rakuten data layer code will be rendered on the Desktop and Mobile site OrderConfirmation.aspx pages (OrderConfirmation.aspx, OrderFinanceConfirmation.aspx, MobileOrderConfirmation.aspx and MobileFinanceOrderConfirmation.aspx). The confirmation script will be populated with all order and order item details in the charging currency.
Note that AWIN Partner/SalePartner IDs and Rakuten Partner/SalePartner IDs can be designated in JavaScript arrays via the 'Order Confirmation In Head Tag' Site Script for use in determining first click/last click affiliate commission assignment in an effort to prevent de-duplication between both scripts.
  • AWIN Partner/SalePartner IDs should be set in an array named irpAWINPartnerIDs.
  • Rakuten Partner/SalePartner IDs should be set in an array named irpRakutenPartnerIDs.
Upon setting these arrays with corresponding Partner/SalePartnerID values, when AWIN and Rakuten scripts are rendered, a flag will be set on each to determine whether commission should be allowed or not depending on which Affiliate Partner obtained the credit for the sale.

Third Party – Trust Pilot

This group includes settings for configuring the Trustpilot review feature (see System Emails). Some key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Order Confirmation BCC Email Address An email address that each Order Confirmation email should be BCC'd to. Leave blank to switch off this feature.
Trust Pilot Dispatch Email Address Email Address that the Order Complete Email is BCC'd to so that Trustpilot can prompt the customer to write a review of the site.
Trust Pilot Default Template ID When sending Trustpilot, emails this Template ID will be used if there is no Trustpilot Template ID for the shipping country or language of the customer.
Trust Pilot Preferred Send Time Delay In Days Trustpilot review emails will be sent to customers this number of days after their order has been completed.

Third Party – WebGains Affiliate Marketing

This group includes settings for configuring the WebGains Affiliate Marketing feature (see also Categories). Some key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Enable Webgains Affiliate Marketing Check to enable WebGains Affiliate Marketing.
Webgains Affiliate Marketing Default Event ID The is the default WebGains Affiliate Marketing Event ID. The Event ID that is used depends on other settings:
– If the category-specific setting 'Webgains Affiliate Marketing Event ID' is set, then the category Event ID will be used. If this is not set then:
– The value of the 'Web Gains Affiliate Marketing Override Event ID' Shipping Country setting will be used. If this is not set then:
– The value of the 'Webgains Affiliate Marketing Default Event ID' Application Setting will be used.
For more information, see the Categories and Shipping Countries help topics.
Webgains Affiliate Marketing Program ID The unique Program ID provided by WebGains.
Webgains Include Tax In Totals If enabled, order totals will be calculated with tax included. If not enabled, tax will be deducted from order totals.
Web Gains Include Tax In Totals When enabled, WebGains order totals will be calculated with tax included. When disabled, tax will be deducted from WebGains order totals. A country-level override setting called 'Web Gains Include Tax In Totals' is also available on the ShippingCountryEdit.aspx page, with possible values of 'Inherit, 'Yes' or 'No'.


This grouping includes settings to enable the IRP EPOS and configure some of its features. Some key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Epos Enable Till Pass Code Login This determines the EPOS till log-in method. If enabled, the user must enter their retail user code to log in, otherwise a list of users is made available, and they simply select who to log in as.
Epos Gift Voucher Stock ID This is a Stock ID set up by the system to represent a Gift Voucher, and enables the till to generate gift vouchers. If this is set to 0, the till creates inactive Brand, Category, Model and Stock entries automatically on login (if required), and updates the Application Setting.
EPOS Show EAN 13 Partcode In Product Information When enabled, the EAN 13 part code will display in the EPOS product information pop-up.
EPOS Show Part Code In Product Information When enabled the part code will display in the EPOS product information pop-up.
Retail Allow Split Payments This determines whether Split Payments are allowed on the till. Split Payments are Payments by different methods such as Card and Cash, Card and Cheque, etc.

Trade Site

This grouping includes settings for IRP B2B features. Some key settings include the following:

Setting Description
Default Trade Credit Limit Type This defines how the credit limit assigned to a customer operates:
Use Outstanding Balance: This means the customer can only ever have orders outstanding with you up to the value of their credit limit.
Single Max Order Value: This means the customer can place as many orders with you as they need to, but each order has the max value of their credit limit.
Enable Fixed Top Navigation Trade When enabled, the top navigation on the trade site will remain fixed to the top of the screen when scrolling.
Enable Trade Site Invoicing Enable this setting to enable Invoicing functionality to be made available on the front-end Trade site and within the Orders section of IRP Admin. When disabled, further Trade orders placed on Account will no longer affect customers' Credit Balance and invoicing functionality throughout the front-end Trade site and Orders section of IRP Admin site will no longer be available. Invoicing alerts will also be disabled.
Enable Purchase Of Out Of Stock Items Trade When disabled, this Application Setting will prevent the purchase of Stock items that are marked as Out Of Stock on the Trade site.

How To Guides (3)

How to Manage Advanced Settings
How To Configure Google Enhanced Ecommerce On The IRP
How To Configure Google Tag Manager On The IRP
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