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You can find this section under Products > Models in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

Models are the products that you will sell on your website. You can add as many products as you like using IRP Admin. Each model must be assigned a brand and category so it is important to add all required brands and categories before creating models.

Overview video

Note: Currently videos are not maintained in line with each software release and therefore features may work slightly differently from the way they are shown.

Models.aspx page

You can use the search bar at the top of the Models.aspx page to find any model:

Model Search Filters

You can use the search bar to enter any model-related term and you can see from the screen capture above that, if you expand 'Other Options', you can use the following filters:

  • Brand: Select a brand from the drop-down list.
  • Category: Select a category from the drop-down list.
  • Show: Check the radio button for Active, InActive or Both.
  • Offer Status: Select an offer status from the drop-down list.
  • Attribute: Select an attribute from the drop-down list.
  • Stock Custom Flag: (Only if you use the IRP Stock Control feature.) Select a Stock Custom Flag from the drop-down list.
  • [Various elements]: Check the box or boxes to filter by: No Description, No Image, Extra Images, Include Kits, No Reviews, Not in Product Group, Has Discount Has Items Out of Stock, Missing EANs, Missing Part Codes.
  • Created: Select a From date and a To date.

When you have selected your filters, click the Search button at the right side of the search bar.

The main grid on the Models.aspx page appears as follows:

Models Page Grid

This shows the following information:

  • ID: This is the unique ID of the model, added automatically by the IRP system. You can click the column heading to sort the grid alphabetically in ascending or descending order.
  • [Checkbox for Activating/Deactivating]: Check this box if you want to select a model to activate (or uncheck the box if you want to select the model to deactivate). Then click the 'Update All Models' button to carry out the activation or deactivation.
  • Image: This shows an image of the model, if available.
  • Brand: This shows the brand of the model. You can click the column heading to sort the grid alphabetically in ascending or descending order.
  • Model: This shows the name of the model. You can click the column heading to sort the grid alphabetically in ascending or descending order.
  • Price: This shows the web price of the model. You can click the column heading to sort the grid in ascending or descending order.
  • RRP: This shows the RRP of the model. You can click the column heading to sort the grid in ascending or descending order.
  • Stock: This area shows the following details:
    • ID: This shows the Stock ID of the item. You can click the value in the cell to go to the ModelsEdit.aspx page where you can view details of the stock.
    • Option: This shows the details of any size/colour text that has been configured for each stock item.
    • Stock: This shows the website level of the stock. Hover your cursor over the value in the cell to see a pop-up display of the stock levels across all stock locations, for example:
      Models Page Stock Levels Popup
    • Cost: This shows the supplier cost price for the stock item. It must be entered VAT free.
    • Price: This shows the web price for the stock item.
    • Margin: This shows the profit margin of the stock item calculated from the stock price and cost price.
    • Status: This shows the out-of-stock status of the stock item. (Stock items with an out-of-stock status of 'Normal' will appear as out of stock on the front-end of the website. 'Special Order' stock items will display as such and will prompt customers to request a stock alert. 'Discontinued' stock items will display as such. 'Available In' stock items will display as available in (0.5x - x Days).)
  • [Stats]: Click the 'chart' icon to go to one of the following pages:
    • If you are an Admin User with permission to use the IRP Stock Control features, you will be directed to the ProductStockAnalysis.aspx page. For more details see the Stock Log help topic.
    • If you do not have permissions to use the IRP Stock Control features, you will be directed to the EntityStats.aspx page where you can view sales statistics for the model. See How To View Statistics for a Stock Supplier in the Stock Control section of the Knowledge Base.
  • Rank: This shows the rank of each model based on the last 30 days' sales. Click on the column header to sort the ranks in ascending order (and click again if you want to view the ranks in descending order).
  • [Checkbox for Deleting]: Check this box if you want to select a model for deletion. Then click the 'Delete Selected Models' button to carry out the deletion.
  • Copy: Click this button to copy this model and all its properties (including stock items) to a new model.
  • Edit: Click this button to edit a model. For more information, see the How To Add or Edit a Model, How To Edit a Stock Item and How To Add Add-To-Basket Drop-Down Lists of Stock Options topics in this section.

Understanding stock options

The way in which models are configured will depend on whether they have a single stock option or multiple stock options.

Models with multiple stock options

Models consist of one of more stock items which allows you to offer different sizes, colours, options of the same model.

If a product comes in multiple size/colour options, the model will consist of multiple stock items, one for each separate option. For example, a Levis Classic One Pocket Shirt that comes in two colours (Blue, Grey), over four sizes (Small, Medium, Large, XLarge), will have eight stock items.

This model will have the following structure:

This model will have the following 'Basic Model Details' when added to the IRP:

And the following size/colour options:

Models with a single stock option

If a product only comes in one size/colour option, the model will consist of one stock item. For example, a pair of Ray Ban Wayfarer Sunglasses in one size, white colour only.

This model will have the following structure:

This model will have the following 'Basic Model Details' when added to the IRP:

And the following size/colour option:

Note that a model must always have at least one stock item. There is no upper limit on the number of stock items for a model. It is important to structure your product data as accurately as possible as it will have an impact on your conversion rates and, ultimately, sales and profits.

Note that when only one stock option is active for a model, the add to basket button is displayed by default and the 'Select an Option' control is not available in the drop-down menu. Only the single active stock option will be selected by default. You can also choose to show inactive stock to customers by enabling the Show Inactive Stock In Add To Basket Application Setting (in the 'Add to Basket' grouping). If you enable this, inactive stock items will be shown alongside active stock items on add to basket controls on the models page however the customer will not be able to add these inactive items to their basket. Also, only the single active stock option will be selected by default and the add-to-basket button will be displayed alongside it.

Key features

There is rich functionality available to you for displaying and managing your products using the IRP Commerce Cloud platform.

Brand banners and best sellers

You can use the following Application Settings (in the 'Models Page' grouping) to display brand banners or best sellers on model pages:

  • Show Brand Banners On Models Page: If enabled, any brand banners for a particular model's brand will be displayed on the models page.
  • Show Models Scroller Best Selling In Category: If enabled, a best-selling model-in-category scroller will appear on the models page.

Carousels and pop-ups

You can configure model images to be displayed either in an image carousel control or an image list control on desktop and tablet devices for all models and kits on B2B and B2C sites. You can also configure zoom functionality to provide your customers with an optimal user experience. For more details, see How to Manage Model Images in Carousels and Pop-Ups.

Wish lists

The wish list feature enables customers to save potential purchases for later. This is a particularly useful feature to have if you have a sizeable percentage of customers that regularly return to your website. For more details, see How to Manage the Wish List and How to Manage the Wish List.


You can add videos to models. These will be displayed in the image carousel and image list on desktop, mobile and trade sites. YouTube and Vimeo videos are currently supported and can display for all models and kits across all display styles. You add videos on the ModelEdit.aspx, KitEdit.aspx and FixedKitEdit.aspx pages in IRP Admin. A specific section on the 'Images' tab is available for configuring videos on these pages. For more details, see How To Add or Edit a Model and How To Add or Edit a Kit.

Colour swatches

You can display colour swatches on all listing pages on desktop, mobile and trade sites for products with associated colour attribute values. Models that are correctly set up will show the colour swatch on all listings pages, custom product lists and scrollers. For more details, see How to Add Colour Swatches on Listings Pages.

Gift wrapping

You can allow customers to select how their order is packaged, either at a basket or items level and determine if that packaging option comes with a cost or is free. This is easy to configure using IRP Shopper Admin. For more details, see How to Manage Gift Wrapping.

Rich snippets on model and kit pages

'' rich snippets are built in automatically to all IRP Model and Kit pages. Rich Snippets are small previews of relevant information on your website that display in the search results when someone does a search. For more information see Organic Search — Using Rich Snippets in the IRP Strategy Centre.

Application Settings for product listing pages and sales ranks

There are a large number of Application Settings you can use for product listing pages. These are located in the 'Product Listing' grouping. You can also use Application Settings for configuring sales rank data in the 'Products' grouping. There are too many individual settings to cover in this help topic, however most settings have a tool tip that provides detailed information on how to use the setting – hover your cursor over the help icon IRP help icon. You can also refer to the Application Settings help topic.

Note that for any of the ‘Sort By Default’ Application Settings (for example, ‘Sort By Default Brands Page’), although a value of 12 means that the default sort order will be used (falling back on sales rank), if an individual model has a 'Default Sort Order' value set (on the ModelsEdit.aspx page under 'Other Model Information'), that model will be displayed above those that do not have a value set for 'Default Sort Order'.

How To Guides (8)

How To Add or Edit a Model

With any new site setup, Model data is of key importance. It is important to get data correct from the start in terms of quality and integrity. The greater the volume of information held against a Product, the better.

To add or edit a Model, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Products > Models in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. To add a new Model, click the Add New Model button on the top right side of the screen.
    To edit an existing Model, click the Edit button at the right side of the Model you want to edit.

Then enter details on each of the tabs, as described in the sections that follow.

Basic Model Details

  1. Enter or edit the following details:
    Basic Model Details
    Model ID The Unique IRP identifier for this Model. This is automatically generated when adding a Model.
    Active Active Models will appear on the front end of the website. Inactive Models will not be visible to the Customer.
    Model Name The Name given to this Model. The Brand Name and Stock Option should not be included in the Model Name. Model Names should be an exact match to the manufacturer’s specification. This is vital for Google and SEO purposes. Click the Translate link to translate the name into any active language in your system.
    Category The bottom level Category (Level 4/5) which this Model falls under. If the Product Category does not exist, you can add it using the Add Category button.
    Brand The Brand or Manufacturer of this Model. If the Model does not exist, you can add it using the Add Brand button.
    Min Price (£) The Min Price to be displayed on Listings pages and home pages. To Auto-Calculate this value from the Size / Colour Options in this Model, tick the Auto Update Min Price Based On Stock check box. To override the minimum Size / Colour option price, leave the 'Auto Update Min Price Based On Stock' check box unticked and enter a valid value in the text box.
    RRP The Recommended Retail Price, specified by the Model’s manufacturer. Including RRPs with Models will highlight any potential discounts to Customers.
    Offer Status The Offer Status for this Model. This determines how the model appears on listing, models and offer pages with regards to Sale/Clearance icons. An image will be displayed on listings pages, beside stock items on the models.aspx page and on the yourIRP/offers.aspx page (desktop) and the yourIRP/MobileOffers.aspx page (mobile site). Options available include the following (the corresponding database code is shown in brackets):
    • (0) Not On Offer - No icon displayed
    • (1) Sale - /Interface/Icons/Sale.gif displayed
    • (2) Clearance - /Interface/Icons/Clearance.gif displayed
    • (3) Sale and Clearance - /Interface/Icons/SaleAndClearance.gif displayed
    • (4) Back In Stock - /Interface/Icons/BackInStock.gif displayed
    • (100) New - /Interface/Icons/New.gif displayed
    • (101) Custom Offer Type 1 - /Interface/Icons/CustomOfferType1.gif displayed
    • (102) Custom Offer Type 2 - /Interface/Icons/CustomOfferType2.gif displayed
    • (103) Custom Offer Type 3 - /Interface/Icons/CustomOfferType3.gif displayed
    • (104) Custom Offer Type 4 - /Interface/Icons/CustomOfferType4.gif displayed
    These images are stored in the Interface Folder section and you can also update them in the 'Offer Statuses' section of the Product Settings section and the Offer Status Content section. If you want to add images of your own to replace the default images, make sure that you give them exactly the same name as those described above (‘CustomOfferType3.gif’ and so forth) and make sure that you only use GIF images. Remember to back up the existing image files in case you want to reuse them at a later point.
    NOTE: that you can manage Offer Statuses and the default offers.aspx page content using the Offer Status Content section.
    If a Model Status is set to anything other than ‘Not on Offer’, the adjacent Offer Icon will appear next to the Model’s Main Image on Listing pages:
    NOTE: Customers can view all your offers on the yourIRP/offers.aspx page (desktop) and the yourIRP/MobileOffers.aspx page (mobile site). Typically you would link to this page from your top navigation or from a strategically-placed promotional banner. Note that this page also uses the 'In Stock Only' filter.
    Date Created The date and time that this Model was created.
    Size/Colour Options
    The following details will appear for each Stock Option within the Model. Other options will appear when you click the More button — for details of these, see the How To Edit a Stock Item article in this section. You can add new Stock Options using the Add New Size / Colour Option button.
    Stock Supplier For All Options Check this box to automatically assign the selected Supplier to all stock options within this Model.
    Show Local Prices in Editor Choose whether to show the Local Price column on the Stock Option Editor. Once the Local Prices are showing, you can update each value individually or in bulk.
    Show Cost Prices in Editor Choose whether to show the Cost Price column on the Stock Option Editor. Once the Cost Prices are showing, you can update each value individually or in bulk.
    Option Selector Here you can define whether customers can select stock items for this model using the Option Text or using a collection of up to four drop-down lists containing the attribute values below. If you select 'Attribute Values', the Option Text of the model will be set to the value of each of the selector attributes for that stock item, but will be cut off at 36 characters. Use the Add button to add more Attributes. Note that you must enter values for the Attributes in the fields below. The Attributes that you can select are the ones that have been configured at the Category level of the model (see Categories).
    For example, if you leave the Option Selector set to 'Option Text', then on the front end, the model options might look like the following example:
    Whereas if you set the Option Selector to 'Attribute Values' and subsequently add the Attributes, then on the front end, the model options might look like the following example:
    NOTE: See the Categories help topic for information about using the 'Default Option Selector' setting at the category level. Also see the Attributes help topic for more information about setting up Attributes and optionally changing the display names of Attributes using the 'Selector Text' setting.
    ID The unique IRP identifier of the option.
    Active This determines whether or not the Stock Option will appear on the front end. If no Stock Options are Active, the Model will not be accessible on the front end.
    Order The Display Order in which Stock Options will appear on the Models.aspx page. Lower Values will appear first.
    Size/Colour Text Size/Colour variations for the Stock Option/SKU. For Example, ‘Black - Large’, ‘Gold - 16cm’, ‘500ml’, ‘Pink - Size 12’, etc.
    Local Price (Shown only if Show Local Prices in Editor' is checked.) The Local Price of this Stock Item.
    Web Price The Website Price of this Stock Item, i.e. the Price displayed to the Customer on the front end of the website.
    RRP The RRP that appears on the front end of the site. Including RRPs with Stock Options will highlight any potential discounts to Customers.
    Cost Stock (Shown only if Show Cost Prices in Editor' is checked.) The Cost Price of this Stock Item.
    Local Stock The Stock Level for the Stock Option. This value is linked to the current user’s Stock Location.
    Out Of Stock Status The following types of stock status can be applied to a stock item:
    • Normal - Appears as Available if the item is in stock. Appears as Not In Stock if the item is out of stock.
    • Special Order - Appears as On Special Order if the item is out of stock.
    • Discontinued - Appears as Discontinued if the item is out of stock.
    • Available In - Appears as Available In x - y days if the item is out of stock. Where y is the maximum amount of days and x is y halved and rounded up.
    These statuses will appear as below on the front end:
    Weight The postage weight of the item. We advise that weights are entered as Volumetric Weights to avoid any issues with International Shipping.
    Part Code The Manufacturer’s Part Code of a Stock Option/SKU. This field is used in Search and can be useful when a Customer searches for a specific item.
    EAN The European Article Number or Barcode of a Stock Option/SKU. Required for Google Shopping.
    More Clicking the More button will open the corresponding Stock Edit lightbox for the Stock Item. Further Information on this page can be found in the How To Edit a Stock Item article.
    Automatically Set Model Min Price Check this box to automatically set this Model’s Min Price to that of the lowest priced stock option.
    Description The HTML or Text Description to be displayed on the Models page for this Model.
    HTML Descriptions can be high level descriptions containing any valid HTML (including imagery). Text Descriptions will display as such and line breaks can also be included. NOTE that you should not use XML (even if appears to be available in the drop-down menu).
    Note also that there is an Application Setting you can use called 'Enable Model Info Request Link' (in the 'Models Page' grouping); if enabled, and a description for a model does not exist, a link will appear allowing the customer to request product information for details on the model. The text is configurable and translatable using Small Translation 62 - the English default text is: Description coming soon - if you need details to purchase please click to email <website name> and request the product information.
    Auto Generate Short Description Automatically generate the Model’s Short Description from its Full Description. Note that there is an Application Setting (in the 'Models Page' grouping) called 'Short Description Max Length' - if the value of this Setting is set to anything greater than 350, it will be automatically set to 350 as that is the maximum allowed length for a Model Short Description.
    Short Description Short Description to appear in some areas on the website front-end such as listing pages when the List View is selected. This option only appears if the Auto Generate Short Description is not checked.
    Model Search Tags
    Language Select a language for the search tags from the drop-down list.
    Tags Enter search tags for any active languages. After the search indexes are rebuilt (via the 'Rebuild Search Index' Common Task'), these tags will be used when fetching the results of a customer's search. The boxes will expand to accommodate what you type and you can click the 'X' button to remove a tag. Extra boxes will appear as you type in order for more tags to be entered.
    Additional Information 1
    You can use this section to provide, for example, ingredient details, additional product information, or for any reason you desire. This will be shown in the same area as the product description and any other sections you have configured such as Reviews, Q&A, Price Match Requests, etc. See the example below for more information.
    Additional Information 1 Tab Title The title that you enter here will be used as the title of the Additional Information 1 tab/section (depending on the display style Application Settings you have configured) for this model only. If no content is currently saved then a Category-level title will be used if one exists (you configure this on the CategoriesEdit.aspx page). If no Category title exists then a Small Translation (2664) is used as a default. You can 'Translate' the title into any active language in your system.
    Additional Information 1 The content that you enter here will appear as an additional description section on the customer facing Models page. You can include images, text and video content using the HTML Editor and you can select any language from the drop-down list to indicate which country the section applies to.
    Additional Information 2
    As described above for 'Additional Information 1', you can use this section to provide additional product information or for any reason you desire. See the example below for more information.
    Additional Information 2 Tab Title The title that you enter here will be used as the title of the Additional Information 2 tab/section (depending on the display style Application Settings you have configured) for this model only. If no content is currently saved then a Category-level title will be used if one exists (you configure this on the CategoriesEdit.aspx page). If no Category title exists then a Small Translation (2665) is used as a default. You can 'Translate' the title into any active language in your system.
    Additional Information 2 The content that you enter here will appear as an additional description section on the customer facing Models page. You can include images, text and video content using the HTML Editor and you can select any language from the drop-down list to indicate which country the section applies to.
    In the following example, we have entered 'INGREDIENTS' for the 'Additional Information 1 Tab Title' setting and a list of ingredients for the 'Additional Information 1' setting. The tab appears as follows on the front end:
    Additional Information
    Custom SEO
    These Model-specific SEO values will be displayed on the Models.aspx, MobileModels.aspx and Trade/Models.aspx pages. If you do not enter any Model-specific values, the current SEO values will continue to appear (Title: Brand name + Model name; Description: Brand name + Model name + Category name + Small Translation 1266; Keywords: Brand name + Model name + Category name + Small Translation 1010).
    Page Title Enter the SEO Title for this Model. Select a language using the drop-down list above the text box. It’s generally recommended to keep these titles to 50-60 characters in length (including spaces). Normally you should use a nice logical format, such as: Primary Keyword | Secondary Keyword | Website Name.
    Page Description Enter the SEO Description for this Model. Select a language using the drop-down list above the text box. These descriptions can be any length within reason, but Google will often truncate these and display only 150-160 characters. So aim for that length and remember your goals: to provide value and drive clicks. Make sure these are relevant, engaging and a genuine reason to click through to your website. Note that if a model does not have a Page Description (or Trade Page Description for the Trade Site) set, the Short Description of the model will be used instead, if one exists.
    Page Keywords Enter the SEO Keywords for this Model. Select a language using the drop-down list above the text box.
    Trade Page Title (Only visible if you have enabled the Trade Site.) Enter the SEO Title for this Model on the Trade site. Select a language using the drop-down list above the text box.
    Trade Page Description (Only visible if you have enabled the Trade Site.) Enter the SEO Description for this Model on the Trade site. Select a language using the drop-down list above the text box.
    Trade Page Keywords (Only visible if you have enabled the Trade Site.) Enter the SEO Title for this Model on the Trade site. Select a language using the drop-down list above the text box.
    Other Model Information
    Gender The Gender specification, if applicable, for this Model.
    Age Group The Age Group specification, if applicable, for this Model.
    Season The Season specification, if applicable, for this Model.
    Year The Year specification, if applicable, for this Model.
    Enable Price Match for Model Customers can request a Price Match for this Model if this setting is enabled. The Price Match link will not appear on the Models page if this setting is disabled. NOTE that (currently), in order for Price Match voucher discounts to be applied to orders, you must also enable the 'Can Be Discounted' setting.
    Show Dispatch Message Enabling this setting will display an estimation for dispatch on the front end Models page. The Dispatch Time is governed by the following Application Settings:
    • Show Dispatch Message
    • Set Dispatch Message Display Style
    • Closing Time
    Can Be Discounted Discountable Models can be discounted with Vouchers, Loyalty Schemes or Site wide Discounts. Non-discountable Models will be ignored — customers will NOT be able to use vouchers and other promotions if this box is not checked. Pay particular attention if you have configured a model as a sale item; generally you will not want to make a sale item also discountable.
    Is Bundle Check this box if you want to identify this model as a bundle, particularly for Google shopping purposes.
    Exclude from Promotions If you check this box, this Model will be ignored for Products that are being offered as part of a promotion.
    Is Gift Wrappable Check this box if the model should be available for gift wrapping. Options are: Inherit, Yes or No. This overrides the category-level setting. For more details, see How to Manage Gift Wrapping.
    Requires ID For Shipping This setting is used for Parcelforce shipping methods. When enabled, it means that the age of recipients must be verified before a parcel is handed over. In the UK, it is a legal requirement for this setting to be enabled for any blades, knives, sharp objects and so forth.
    Has Manufacturer UPIs Related mostly to feed management, when this field is set to true, it indicates if any Unique Product Identifiers (e.g. EAN13), are actual manufacturer UPIs or not.
    In almost all cases, this should be left on. However a case may arise where you may be creating an ‘item’ which does not have a ‘barcode’. In this case, you should uncheck this item. Another example is your gift vouchers, which of course only have a part code in the context of your store.
    Hide Price In Listings Prices will be hidden on Listings pages if this setting is enabled. The customer will only be able to view the Price by clicking into the Models page. This is typically limited to the golf industry.
    Use Original Image If enabled, the original high-resolution image can be used on the models page for zooming functionality, otherwise no high-resolution image, and therefore no zooming functionality, will be available for this model. This is set automatically when uploading images based on the image resolution and is disabled automatically if the original image is not a higher resolution than the generated 'full' image.
    Note that zooming functionality is enabled separately at an application or category level via the Enable Desktop Models Image Zoom Popup and Enable Mobile Models Image Zoom Popup Application Settings and the Display Image Zoom Hover Box category setting.

    For more information: See the section called Displaying model images in carousels and pop-ups in the overview part of this help topic.
    Amazon Pay Restricted Determines whether this Model is available for purchase via Amazon Payments. Restrictions apply to the items that can be paid using Amazon Payments (e.g. weapons).
    – Select 'Yes' if this item cannot be purchased via Amazon Payments.
    – Select 'No' if this item can be purchased via Amazon Payments and to override any Brand or Category rules.
    – Leave as 'Inherit' if this item should adhere to any Brand or Category Rules there may be.
    Is Gift Voucher (Visible only if the 'Enable Automatic Gift Vouchers' Application Setting is enabled.) When you enable this setting, the model is designated as an item that the IRP should examine when processing gift vouchers. For more information, see the How to Set Up Automated eGift Vouchers 'how to' instructions within this help topic.
    Exclude From Finance This setting defines whether this model will be excluded from Finance. The default is to inherit the value of the 'Exclude From Finance' setting at brand or category level. If you select 'Yes' then customers who have any stock items from this model in their basket will not be able to select finance options at checkout.
    Product Listing Colour Swatch Attribute This determines which attribute represents colours (as used by the colour swatch functionality) for all products in this category. This value inherits from the category level value for this setting (and the 'Product Listing Colour Swatch Attribute ID' Application Setting value in the 'Product Listing' grouping) when a specific attribute is not selected. When set to a specific attribute, this value overrides the category level value for this setting (which in turn overrides the Application Setting value, thus allowing different models/categories to use different attributes for their swatches). The drop-down list of available attributes is populated from all available 'Is Colour' attributes (see Attributes).
    Add To Basket Display Style This setting provides you with an alternative means of displaying all available stock options for a model in a drop-down list instead of a standard list of all options one under the other. This will be useful in scenarios where there are many available stock options with off-putting amounts of text and details being displayed on the models page. The value of this parameter can override the ‘Set Add To Basket Display Style‘ Application Setting. For full details, refer to the How To Add Add-To-Basket Drop-Down Lists of Stock Options article in this section.
    Desktop Model Images Display Style If provided, this value will be used as the model images desktop display style for this model. Select 'inherit' to use the default category value (or default Application Setting value when no category value is set).
    Target Days To Sell Stock This is the number of days from the purchase of the stock items to when all stock items should ideally have been sold.
    Default Sort Order This setting allows you to control the positioning of individual models on all front-end listings via a custom value. This value will be used to control the order of product lists when option 12 ('Default') is selected for the 'Sort By Default' Application Settings (in the 'Product Listing' grouping) and also when 'Default' is selected for the value of the 'Default Sort By' setting at the Brand or Category level. If the model-specific 'Default Sort Order' is left empty, the sorting will fall back on the Sales Rank but any models that do have a 'Default Sort Order' value will display above those that don't. Note that you can also define the sorting orders of multiple products using the 'DefaultSortOrder' column in the data files available in the DataBulkUpdates.aspx and DataImportProducts.aspx sections of IRP Admin.
    Advanced Model Information
    Kit Status This determines the Kit Status of a Model. Options available include:
    • Not A Kit – Default value
    • Kit – This should be selected if this model is to be a Kit.
    • Kit Item Only – This model will only be available for purchase as part of a Kit. They will not appear on Product Listing pages on the front end, and as such, will not be purchasable on an individual basis. They will be available for selection within Kit Groups, in the back end.
    Redirect Type If this model is inactive, but a customer manages to navigate to it (via a cached Google search), a redirect can be applied:
    • No Redirect - No Redirect occurs.
    • Redirect To ID - A search is performed based on the Redirect Parameter. A different Model ID should be entered for the Redirect Parameter.
    • Redirect To Search - A search is performed based on the Redirect Parameter.
    Redirect Parameter Where the customer’s browser should redirect them should this Model be inactive. If the redirect type is set to Redirect To ID, this should be set to the ModelID of the item you want to redirect the browser to. If the redirect type is set to Redirect To Search, this should be set to the search term you would like the user to see the results for.
    Purchase Type Models will not be available for purchase through the website if ‘Contact Retailer’ is selected. These items will still be displayed on listings pages but may not be added to the customer’s basket. Instead the customer will see the ContactRetailerToBuy.aspx page on desktop and the MobileContactRetailerToBuy.aspx page on mobile. The content is configurable using Small and Large Translations.
    Model External The external identifier for this Model. This identifier may come from a third party or an external stock system.
    Harmonisation System Code This is an external reference, possibly used for integration purposes. The codes are used for classifying products on customs documents.
    Customs Description Of Goods For customs purposes, enter the appropriate Description Of Goods for this model. Note that this setting is also available at the Category level. This data will be used to auto-populate the 'Description of Goods' text box on the OrdersAutoDispatch.aspx page by compiling the distinct values into a comma-separated value so that Admin users do not need to manually enter the Description of Goods at dispatch time. See Auto Dispatch Orders for more information.
    Notes Supplementary notes held against the Model. These are not displayed on the website.
  2. When you have entered or edited the necessary details, click the Insert Model or Update Model button. If you are inserting a new Model, new tabs will appear Images, Attributes, Product Groups Personalised Versions, Linked Models and Marketplaces.


Click the Images tab. Here you can set the main images that will appear for the Model. Supported formats include Jpg, Gif and Png — Jpg is the generally recommended format. You can have any number of images per product.

Note: For more information about model images, see How to Manage Model Images in Carousels and Pop-Ups.

Upload Images tab

  1. Enter or edit the following details:
    Images for 'Model'
    Current Main Image This is the current main image that will appear for this Model, Kit or Fixed Kit. The recommended size for Model images comes directly from the 'Model Images Width For Larger Image' Application Setting (located within the 'Products' grouping). Therefore when you upload a main image against a model on the ModelsEdit.aspx page, the width and height of the image are compared against the value of the Application Setting and the 'Recommended Image Size' text will either be red or green depending on whether the image dimensions are larger or smaller than the Application Setting, for example:
    Product Image Order You can reorder images using drag and drop actions. The first image is the default main image for the Model. Images are ordered from left to right and determine the default order in which images are displayed on Model detail pages. To see the original version of an image, click the magnifying glass icon. Click the Delete button to remove an image. Note that when the main image is changed, the large popup of the image may be changed based on the new image size. The large image popup will show when the Model image is clicked. This will occur where the original model image uploaded is bigger than that displayed on the main Models page. If the original model image uploaded is the same size as the one displayed on the Models page, the large image popup will not appear. The application setting, ‘Enable Large Image Popup on Models Page’ will need to be enabled before the large image popup appears.
    You can also use this section to ‘tag’ images in your IRP with a description of up to 200 characters. The description will be displayed below the image and will also be shown when you change the image on the carousel. These tags can help customers better understand what the image is showing. To tag images, follow these steps:
    1. Click the right-side ‘tag’ icon. A text box opens to the right of the image:
      Image Tag editing screen
    2. Select the language for the tag using the drop-down list.
    3. Enter the text for the tag. You can separate distinct features with commas. Here is an example:
      Example Image Tag description
    4. Click the Update button to save the tag description.
    5. Check that the tag appears the way you want it to appear on the front end. Here's how the example from the previous step appears; you can see the description below the image:
      Example Image Tag on the IRP front end
    You can also use this section to display a different image from the main image when a customer hovers over their cursor over the main image. This applies to all listing pages (Brands, Categories, Search and so forth) on the site. This allows customers to see more aspects of a product without having to click through individually to each one that they are interested in.
    You can configure this feature at the Application Setting level by setting ‘Model Listing Hover Image Index’ (Product Listing group) to 0 (no hover image will show), 1 (the first additional image will show), 2 (the second additional image will show) and so forth. However you can override the Application Setting on the model level by ticking the box in the top-left corner of the image:
    Tick box for overriding Application Setting for image hover-over images
    Here is an example on the front end with Application Setting set to ‘1’ – this is before hovering the customer:
    Listing image before hovering the cursor on IRP front end
    Then when the cursor is hovered over the image, the following image is shown:
    Listing image after hovering the cursor on IRP front end
    Upload Additional Image Upload a new additional image for this Model, Kit or Fixed Kit. Additional images will be available in a carousel below the main image. NOTE: The maximum request size is 8 MB.
    Videos for 'Model'
    Video Platform Select the video platform (Vimeo or YouTube) that is hosting the video content and provides an option to embed the content. After you have selected the platform, you will see several more settings for each type of platform, however only the Video ID is required for each platform. This is the unique ID provided by the platform that identifies the video. Typically you can find the Video ID in the video URL, settings, or embed code.
    Note: The additional settings are listed below, however it is recommended that all other inputs use the default value; further details on what each value does can be found on the respective video platform's site.
    Vimeo settings
    • Video ID
    • Auto Pause
    • Autoplay
    • Allow Full Screen
    • Enable Tracking Cookies
    • Loop Video
    • Mute Video
    • Play Inline
    • Show Author
    • Show Author Portrait
    • Show Captions
    • Show Transparent Background
    • Show Title
    • Start Time
    Plus Account Settings:
    • Color
    • Is Background Video
    • Show Controls
    • Quality
    Pro Account Settings:
    • Show Speed Controls
    YouTube settings
    • Video ID
    • Autoplay
    • Allow Full Screen
    • Enable Keyboard Controls
    • Loop Video
    • Muted
    • Play Inline
    • Show Captions
    • Show Controls
    • Start Time
    • Use Privacy Enhanced Mode
    Upload Video Thumbnail (Optional) This is the thumbnail image that will display for the video in image carousels or when the video is loading. Note that the IRP will automatically display a 'play' icon on top of thumbnail images when displaying to customers. A default grey thumbnail will be used if you do not provide a custom thumbnail:
    IRP image
    All thumbnails will automatically display with a semi-transparent white play icon overlay. You can change this play icon on the CssStylesStandardControls.aspx page using the 'Upload Files' feature.

    Note: Videos will be displayed in the image carousel and image list on desktop, mobile, and trade sites. You can also add videos on the KitEdit.aspx and FixedKitEdit.aspx pages in IRP Admin. After you have added a video, you can edit the video platform settings by clicking the video button against the thumbnail in the image list. You can provide tags for thumbnail images and reorder them in the same way as normal model images, however video thumbnails cannot be the main image and cannot be used as the listing hover image.
  2. When you are finished, click the Update Model button.

Stock Images tab

  1. Click the Stock Images tab to relate stock items with images. The count on the Stock Images tab relates to the number of distinct stock items that are linked to an image.
  2. Drag a stock item from the list on the right into the area next to an image to create a relationship between the stock item and the image:
    Model Stock Images tab
    Only link images of stock options. This enables the system to display images of stock options instead of generic product images e.g. customer’s baskets, product look-ups, etc. This allows you to, for example, associate a green image with a green stock item; if this item is added to the basket, the correct image will then be displayed. When you are finished, click the Update Model button.
  3. When you have entered or edited the details in the remaining tabs, click the Update Model button.


Click the Attributes tab to add Attribute values to the Stock Items of this Model. The count on the Attributes tab relates to the number of Attributes available to the model in question.

Note that the Attributes tab will be hidden if no attributes have been configured for the product Category.

All current Attributes will be displayed, along with their corresponding values for the Stock Items, if any exist.

Enter any necessary Attribute values and click the Update Attribute Values button. You can also add Stock Attributes in bulk using the Import Stock Attributes section of IRP Admin.

Product Groups

Click the Product Groups tab to edit the Product Groups associated with this Model. All current Product Groups will be displayed.

Check the boxes for all Product Groups that you want to assign to the Model. When you are finished, click the Update Product Groups button and the Update Model button.

Personalised Versions

The Personalised Versions tab allows you to link Personalised Products to their equivalent standard Model. For example, if you have a t-shirt that can be customised by adding an image or logo to the front, but you also sell the same t-shirt without any customisation or personalisation options, you can link the two products using this setting.

Enabling this setting will cause a link to display on the front end Models.aspx page connecting the two Models (customisable and non-customisable).

Linked Models

Click the Linked Models tab to add links to other models on this model's page. This allows you to show ‘similar’ products to customers on your site. Relationships can be One Way or Two Way:

  • One Way: The linked model appears only on the current models page.
  • Two Way: The linked model will appear on the current model’s page and the current model will also appear on the linked models page.

You can choose to check the Allow Inactive box in order to allow an inactive model to be linked. Note that inactive linked models will not display for the customer on the front end.

When you have configured linked products, the products that are linked appear below the product description on the front-end model page. You can change the text that is displayed using Small Translation 2168 (by default the text is ‘Similar Products’).

Note that if a model has only a single stock option, then that option will be selected by default and the Add to Basket button will be displayed. This is in contrast to models that have more than one stock option which will prompt the user to select an option before displaying the Add to Basket button.


There are separate tabs in this section for Amazon and eBay. Here you can modify marketplace inclusion/exclusion rules for models, brands and categories.

For more details, see the Amazon and eBay help topics.

Links to reviews and questions about a model

At the top of the ModelsEdit.aspx page you can click the Q&As button to go to the Questions.aspx page where you can view any questions that customers have asked about the model. For more information, see the Questions & Answers help topic.

You can also click the Reviews button to go to the Reviews.aspx page where you can view any reviews of the model by customers. For more information, see the Reviews help topic.

How To Edit a Stock Item
How To Add Add-To-Basket Drop-Down Lists of Stock Options
How to Set Up Automated eGift Vouchers
How to Manage Gift Wrapping
How to Manage the Wish List
How to Add Colour Swatches on Listings Pages
How to Manage Model Images in Carousels and Pop-Ups

FAQs (15)

What does the MinPrice refer too?
This looks at all of the stock options within a particular active product which is the minimum priced one.
What does the purchase type refer to?
The retailer can sell the item through the website, or the customer can contact the retailer before purchasing.
Can I use a ‘+’ sign as an attribute value for a product?
No, currently you cannot do this. Instead you should simply enter ‘Plus’ as the attribute value. In your left-side navigation the product name will be displayed followed by ‘Plus’ and not ‘+’. Note that this does not affect customer searches on the front end – if they search for the product name and include a ‘+’ in the search, they will still find the product.
How do I indicate on my website that a customer should contact us if they want to purchase an item?
Open the model page in IRP Admin and in the ‘Advanced Model Information’ section, set the ‘Purchase Type’ to ‘Contact Retailer’. This will display a Small Translation or a Large Translation on the front end. If you use the IRP Admin search facility to search for the text that appears on the front end in the Small or Large Translations, you can edit it. This will display the same message for all products set to ‘Contact Retailer’ so it should be a default message that covers all products.
What are offers and what do they affect?
The offers provide a variety of options for a model. They affect how an offer is displayed and each offer will have an image associated with it.
What does the display time frame for dispatch on models page refer to?
This can be switched on/off on an individual model level. It is based on the closing time of the website for orders each day. You can change this in your Application Settings in the Closing Time section.
Why are some stock options not appearing on my website?
This could be because your translations of the Option Text are too long. This text has a maximum length of 36 characters. You can find this on the model page in the ‘Size / Colour Options’ section – click the More button to see all the details.
How do I show products that customers ‘Also Bought’?
You can display a scroller of products that have been bought by customers in addition to the model being viewed by enabling the Application Setting called ‘Enable Also Bought’ (‘Models Page’ grouping). Note that this is based upon purchase history and cannot be preconfigured, therefore a product with no previous sales will have no ‘Also Bought’ scroller on its page.
Why can customers not add an item to their shopping cart?
This could be because the model belongs to a brand which is not active, however the model is active. Normally when a brand is deactivated all models are also deactivated for that brand. It could be that the model in question has been manually reactivated at some point. To resolve the issue, either deactivate the model, or reactivate the brand.
What size should my product images be?
The bigger the image, the better; we recommend that your original images are at least 1200px by 1200px. The IRP will automatically optimise these images for the web. As such, it is always best to start with the highest quality images available. See Image Processing for more information.
How do I display a stock option in the ‘Add To Basket’ section as ‘In Stock’ as opposed to ‘Only X In Stock’?
The value of the Application Setting Low Stock Threshold determines when ‘Only X In Stock’ is displayed. If the stock level for an item is below this value then the ‘Only X In Stock’ label will display. If the value is changed to zero, then only ‘In Stock’ text will display.
How do I display 'Only X Left In Stock' against items on my website?
You can use the 'Low Stock Threshold' Application Setting (Stock Control group) to configure this. If an item's in-stock value falls below this threshold, the Add to Basket controls on the Models page will display as 'Only x amount Left in Stock'.
Where can customers see all the products that are on offer?
Customers can view all your offers on the yourIRP/offers.aspx page (desktop) and the yourIRP/MobileOffers.aspx page (mobile site). Typically you would link to this page from your top navigation or from a strategically-placed promotional banner. Note that this page also uses the 'In Stock Only' filter. If 'In Stock Only' is selected from the filter, only Promotional Products that have a positive Website Stock Level or have been set to 'Stock Held Externally' will appear in the Product List.
How do I display product Stock IDs for customers to see?
You can do this by enabling the Application Setting called 'Show Stock ID In Add To Basket' (Add to Basket grouping). When enabled, the unique IRP Stock ID will be displayed in the Add to Basket control on the Models page beside each Stock item within that Model.
How do I get an 'Enlarge Image' link to appear on a product page?
You can do this by ticking the box on the ModelsEdit.aspx page called 'Display Large Image Popup' ('Other Model Information' section). Note that the Application Setting, 'Enable Large Image Popup on Models Page' will override the 'Display Large Image' property set against a Model and will need to be enabled before the Large Image popup appears. Note also than you can change the width of the popup using the Application Setting called 'Model Images Width For Larger Image' ('Products' grouping).

User Questions (1)

Question Needs Answer
How do I set a product to trade active
Posted by
Feb 28 2022 19:48
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