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Admin Users
These appear when a new user group has been created. They grant further access to user groups with more behind-the-scenes audit type access.
No, you cannot grant or decline access for sub-sections of Admin pages. Access can only be granted or declined on a section level.
To change your password or other details go to the ‘Edit My Details’ section. You will be asked to confirm your password by entering it again. Then proceed to clicking ‘Update’ and your password will be changed. If you are in a management or supervisory role you will have the ability to reset the passwords of users in user groups in a sub department.
Unfortunately a username cannot be changed through the IRP Admin. However if you contact your Systems Integrator, they will be able to change it for you.
Application Settings
Yes, you can use the Automatic Activation Rules functionality to configure active versus inactive times for Live Support.
You use Small Translation 1896 to change the message – see the Small Translations help topic for details. Remember to enable the ‘Enable Mailing List Popup’ Application Setting, otherwise your pop-up will not be seen on the front end.
Common Tasks
Common tasks can run daily, hourly, weekly or can be custom built and the number of minutes can be determined.
Your Systems Integrator can create a custom task for you if it can be created through an SQL report. New common tasks can also be created by going to ‘Add New Common Task’ and then selecting from a number of options.
The task names are the same as the task types as they have been set to default. If tasks become custom built they will no longer be the same.
The model sales rank is a way to track the best-selling models, categories or brands. Its looks at the price and the total units purchased. A time period for this can be set.
The model review reminder is an automatic email sent to customers to review the product. This is currently at a default of 7 days after the product was dispatched.
The Search Index speeds up the website and search elements on the website. It is as if the Search Index takes a photograph of the product database in the form of a Common Task.
The Common Tasks procedure occurs only when someone logs into the IRP. Depending on when they were last run, and their schedules, some, all or none of the tasks may fire. The tasks can be set to run automatically when the user logs in to the IRP by selecting the option ‘Run On Next Login’.
Yes, you can view this in two sections of the IRP - the Orders section and the individual customer section.
This is basically a cookie identifier — the Globally Unique Identifier.
Data Imports / Exports
You can do this using the Data Imports / Exports section in IRP Admin:
1. Go to the Bulk Updates subsection of the Data Imports / Exports section.
2. Download a Model template file.
3. Assign the new Category IDs to the Models in question.
4. Re-upload the completed Model template file through the Bulk Updates subsection.
You can do this as follows:
  1. Go to Data Imports / Exports > Import Stock Attributes in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. Select the Create Template File tab.
  3. Under the Download Custom Template File subsection, click the Filter Selection checkbox.
  4. You will see several options for filtering the resultant dataset and then you will be given the chance to select only the columns that you want to see.

For larger datasets, it is recommended that you download the file in flat-file format (i.e. CSV, TSV or Pipe Delimited) as Microsoft Excel can sometimes create bulkier files.

Email Marketing
Yes this is easy to do. Just click the Batch Add to Mailing List button and make sure that each address is on a separate line. Then validate the addresses by clicking the Validate Email Address List button, assign the addresses to a profile, set the Language and Country and click the Import button. For full details see the How To Batch Add Customers to the Mailing List topic.
This message is controlled by Small Translation 898 and is displayed in the following scenarios:
  • The email address is already part of the mailing list.
  • A subscription to the mailing list has already been made within the current session, regardless of whether a different email has been entered into the form.
In both cases the customer is then redirected to a page on which they can start to manage their mailing list subscription.
Currently there is no safe mode built into the EPOS functionality. For training purposes users could place an order, then follow that with an ‘opposite’ order (i.e. refund the order just placed) to cancel out the initial order.
Labels are not printed as part of the EPOS functionality (although you can print Receipts). You can print Labels from within Stock Control (see Label Printing). These labels produce a barcode from the stock ID padded out with zeroes to 13 digits. The stock ID itself is also printed on the label.
The EPOS functionality searches by EAN barcode/partcode and, if this doesn’t find anything, then a general search is carried out by stock ID, names, etc. Therefore either the barcode that is on the product or the IRP stock label bar code can be scanned using a regular barcode scanner and the resulting product should be returned on the till. The stock ID or EAN could also be manually typed into the search bar or a search could be performed using the product name.
Although not visible in the Admin, you could see this breakdown by using a report. If necessary, contact your IRP Account Manager for assistance.
Interface & Design
You can do this using the Languages section of IRP Admin by editing the ‘Welcome Message’ setting. This will appear in the top-centre of your home page.

You configure the default SEO (Title, Description and Keywords) for your home page by using the 'Home Page SEO' section as described above (and by using Small Translations, for example IDs 617 and 618). However if you have defined one particular Department as your default Department (see below for instructions), the SEO that you have configured for your Department pages (on the SEO tab of the CategoriesEdit.aspx page and in the Overrides section of the Home Page SEO tab) will replace the SEO in your Small Translations.

You can define a Department (and a Category) as the default one as follows:

  1. Go to Products > Categories in the IRP Admin left navigation menu. This takes you to the Categories.aspx page.
  2. Click the Other Actions button at the top of the screen.
  3. Select a Default Department and a Default Category using the drop-down lists.
  4. Click the Update Default Department And Category button.
  5. Now when a customer first lands on your website they will see the Department that you have set as default. Also the Product Options Bar (just below the top navigation tabs) will show the Category that you have set as the default. In addition, as the customer clicks the Departments in your top or left navigation, the title bar on their web browser will change to show the Department-specific SEO that you have configured on the CategoriesEdit.aspx page. Likewise, search engine results will display your Department-specific SEO Descriptions below the URLs of your pages.

No, instead of uploading images to the Images Folder you should first host them on a site such as YouTube, Vimeo, and so forth. You can then link to the images using HTML iframes in any of the editable areas of IRP Admin, such as Custom Content Pages, Product Descriptions and so forth. Note: when specifying the width of the iframe, make sure that you use a value of 100%. This ensures that the video will display well on the mobile version of your site.
Check your CSS. Maybe you have made changes to your CSS, for example to padding or margins, and this is causing the issue. For example, too much padding might force a gap between a tab and hover tab.
Interface Translations
You need to reload the Small Translations into memory, either by clicking the Reload the Translations button at the top of the TranslationsSmall.aspx page or by going to the Reload Settings page and clicking the Reload the Translations button.
This could be because your IP address is listed as a crawler and is excluded from IRP Insights on the BlockedIPAddresses.aspx page. All interventions (including the previews) only display for non-crawlers. If the IP address is removed from the blocked list and the application is uncached then the Intervention should function normally.
On the Interventions.aspx page you can click the Total Order value/Number of Orders value in the 'Order' column to navigate to the Orders.aspx page with the Intervention filter applied automatically for the relevant Intervention. Also on the Orders.aspx page you can use the search filter to display orders that have been aided by a selected IRP Intervention.
You manage returns as normal, using the OrderManage.aspx and OrderActions.aspx pages.
Yes. Click & Collect works exactly the same for private sales as it does for regular sales.
Use the IRP’s ‘Ban from Click & Collect’ feature in the Customers section or the Orders > Cancelled Click & Collect Orders section of IRP Admin. You can also use the ‘Click And Collect Cancelled Order Ban Threshold’ application setting to ban customers automatically from Click & Collect when they have cancelled a certain number of Click & Collect orders. If you ban a customer from Click & Collect they will no longer be able to place Click & Collect orders on your website.
Yes. Click & Collect is optimised for use on your mobile site.
No. There is currently no way to charge for Click & Collect using the IRP.
When a customer initially makes a Click & Collect order on your website (i.e. the “Click” part of Click & Collect), your web stock level will be reduced by the number of items that they have ordered, however your actual stock location stock level will remain unaffected (as the customer has not collected their order at this stage). Then when the customer comes to collect their order (the “Collect” part of Click & Collect), the items are picked and you complete the sale, your stock location stock level will reduce to the same level as the web stock.
Click & Collect orders are always treated as web sales but they can be accessed and completed via the EPOS system as well as the order manage page in IRP Admin.
Click & Collect orders cannot be changed, therefore if a customer came into the shop asking for different items, the Click & Collect order would have to be cancelled and the new items would have to be put through as a new EPOS order.
Yes, IRP Admin adjusts the stock level accordingly.
There are two main methods of protection against Credit Card fraud. 1) Blocking IP Addresses - This approach is limited in its effectiveness. For details see the 'Excluded IPs' help topic. 2) Enabling 3DSecure - Please refer to the 'Card Processor Settings' help topic for more details. Also, you will have to discuss 3DSecure with your Credit Card processor (for example, Realex) and potentially your Merchant Bank Account provider. NOTE: You should be aware that turning on 3DSecure can negatively affect your conversion rate and therefore sales. If 3DSecure is not done correctly it can cause as much as a 30% drop in card sales.
Currently this ability is a permission set against an Admin User, grantable by either your Systems Integrator or another user that has the permission.
This is a setting on the Realex account, not the IRP. You need to change this setting with Realex - the account needs to allow multiple refunds per transaction (it is not on by default).
You can view the response that was returned from Realex by clicking the 'View XML Response' link on the 'Payments' tab on the Order Manage page.
There is no supported method of moving On Hold orders through the system other than to manually cancel each order that has not been fulfilled.
This is likely to be because you have not correctly configured your Tax Rates. For example, if you have left a Shipping Country with a Tax rate of 0, each of the items in an order will have the IRP Default Tax Rate of 20% (Application Settings > Vat Rate) subtracted from their prices.
If you have very large numbers of orders to print out, it is not advisable to try printing them all at the same time as time-outs could occur on your local machines. This is not an IRP issue, it's just a better idea to print in smaller batches.
Orders Tracking
Typically these are tasks that will be carried out by your IRP Account Manager, assisted by your Ecommerce Manager.
Costs should be entered and updated every month, shortly after month end for the previous month. You cannot enter costs again until a month has completely ended.
If you need to add a new Traffic Source, contact your Account Manager. You cannot do this yourself using IRP Admin. You can of course add as many Traffic Partners as you need.
See the following Knowledge Base help topic:
Enabling Google Analytics API with IRP
Payment Processing
This is likely to be because the card was not enrolled in the 3D Secure scheme. If an order is over the '3D Secure Order Value Threshold' Application Setting value it will trigger 3D Secure, however if a card is not enrolled in 3D Secure, the 3D Secure screen will be bypassed. In addition, a status of '3D Secure Verified' will be displayed after successful authentication, including when a customer is not enrolled in 3D Secure. If you place a test order that is over the threshold using a card that is enrolled in 3D Secure, you will see that it will display the 3D Secure screen.
An iframe is used only during the 3D Secure process. The IRP does not handle the data entered into the 3D Secure form (the form is supplied by the bank).
Yes, you can do this on the ‘Edit Currencies’ screen. Select the currency that you want to work with, click the Edit button and check the box for ‘Enable Price Match’. This will allow this currency to be available for a Price Match request to customers on the front end of the website. Having this unchecked will override any ‘Enable Price Match’ setting against models when a customer has their currency set to this currency.
Yes, on the ‘Add Finance Product’ page, you can check the box for ‘Show On Models Page’. If you check this box, the finance product will be visible on both the Models and Payment Details page if the criteria are met (The cheapest Finance Product available will be shown as the default drop-down option). If you don’t check this box, the finance product will only be visible from the Payment Details page if the criteria are met.
No, this is not possible. (It's like some mortgage products in which you are not allowed to make over payments.) Instead you would have to duplicate the finance product and increase the deposit amount. (In addition, for Finance Providers, it's more worthwhile to offer a small deposit amount so that the interest paid at the end of it makes more profit.)
This is likely to be because you have not set the Application Setting called ‘Pay Pal Express Checkout Redirect Url Mobile’ (also called ‘Express Checkout Redirect URL (Mobile Site)’). This defines the URL that the system will redirect to once the customer has started their PayPal checkout process on mobile devices.
Price Adjustments
Only if you have purchased a license for IRP Advanced Pricing. Otherwise, you can use the Product Discounts section in IRP Admin to change the web selling price (and optionally also the RRP) either up or down on a country-by-country basis. Discounts can be applied on a country, category or brand level — the possible combinations are listed in the Product Discounts help topic.
Price Adjustments are for editing the Prices (NOT RRPs) of Products for a finite period of time.
Only if you have purchased a license for IRP Advanced Pricing. Otherwise, if for some reason you need to hide potential discounts from customers, you could refrain from setting the RRPs for the relevant products.
NOTE: The Product Discounts section relates to editing the Price and not the RRP on a Country basis unless you tick the box called Apply to RRP. If you do tick the Apply to RRP box, when the discount is applied, the RRP value will be decreased by positive discount rates or increased by negative discount rates. (Likewise the Price Adjustments section is for editing the Prices (not RRPs) of Products for a finite period of time.)
You can enable the ‘Left Nav Attributes Menu Show In Stock Only Filter’ Application Setting (‘Left Nav Product Filter’ grouping ) which will display a check box in the left nav for filtering results by those that are in stock only. This in turn will filter the number of attributes in the left nav.
This refers primarily to other names which someone might call a brand. Its main purpose is to write integration programs between the IRP and the client’s own system.
The price match is a pop up on the front end which a customer can use to request a price-beater option on a product that a competitor might be selling at a cheaper price.
The brand description and logo appear at the bottom of the brands page, below all of the brand range models. The brand logo will also appear on the BrandList.aspx page and is also shown on the models pages.
The SEO tags are used for the site's meta data. This allows search engines to crawl the information. The easier this information is to find, the easier it will be to improve SEO, which should hopefully in turn increase sales. This is an area we advise clients to customise and change regularly. We will provide advice on this.
This allows you to restrict the sale of a brand in a particular country.
This is a quick way to take a set percentage off all products within a brand. This is limited however, as all models may not have an RRP.
This is likely to be because you have shipping restrictions in place and the Application Setting ‘Hide Products Restricted From Shipping’ is enabled. There is functionality (‘Redirect Type’, ‘Redirect Parameter’) on the Categories, Brands, and Brand-Categories pages that will redirect to the home page when ‘Hide Products Restricted From Shipping’ is enabled and when a shipping restriction exists for the given Category, etc.
When changes have occurred, you will see a message at the top of the screen informing you that your changes have been updated successfully. Furthermore, you can go onto the site itself and see if the change has occurred.
The model sales rank is a way to track the bestselling models, categories or brands. Its looks at the price and the total units purchased. You can set a time period for this.
These are used for your product feeds if you want to keep your own content rather than use all content and criteria.
When the search index is rebuilt, new models and images etc. will appear in the searches.
This refers to Affiliate Window tracking.
There is no specific way in which the children should be numbered, just as long as each child has a greater number.
Orphans refer to sub categories that do not have a parent or supercategory.
The price match is a pop up which allows a customer to request a price-beater option on a product that a competitor might be selling at a cheaper price.
The SEO tags are used for the site's meta data. This allows search engines to crawl the information. The easier this information is to find, the easier it will be to improve SEO, which should hopefully in turn increase sales.
Ensure that you have the category active and that you have active models within the category. This could also be because you have incorrectly configured your departments and categories. Normally you would use: Level 2 (Department) > Level 3 (Sub-Department) > Level 4 (Category) – if, for example, the Level 3 Sub-Department has not been configured as a child of the Level 2 Department, then the Level 4 Category will not be shown on the website. (Also, if you have entered a Category ID for the Application Setting 'Default Super Category ID' (under General Site Settings) you might need to delete it as this value becomes the Default Department ID that is set when a customer first visits the website.) If the category still does not appear on the site, you may need to uncache the site.
VAT operations allow you to set discounted rates and VAT rates for all countries as an alternative to setting individual country pricing.
You can do this using the Data Imports / Exports section in IRP Admin – see the Bulk Updates help topic for details.
This is likely to be because you have shipping restrictions in place and the Application Setting ‘Hide Products Restricted From Shipping’ is enabled. There is functionality (‘Redirect Type’, ‘Redirect Parameter’) on the Categories, Brands, and Brand-Categories pages that will redirect to the home page when ‘Hide Products Restricted From Shipping’ is enabled and when a shipping restriction exists for the given Category, etc.
These are different images used across the site from the home page to the model page. The term 'original' will be the largest of the images.
A kit group provides an option within a kit and is a collection of stock items / models.
The kits can appear as normal models or they will be in the category section.
To set up a kit simply create the kit, give it a package price, create the kit groups and then add these kit groups to your kit
The display name is the option or choice name that you are presenting to your site visitors.
This allows you to name the kit yourself, to suit your own preferences, and can also make it easier to search for specific kits in IRP Admin.
This refers to the order in which the choices will appear.
This allows a customer to still choose part of the kit even though it is not in stock. It is up to you to arrange the delivery of this with the customer if you wish to deliver all of the order together when all items become in stock again, or send it separately.
This is an item that must be purchased as part of the kit.
The web stock value of a fixed kit is determined by the value of the lowest web stock value of the fixed kits components.
You cannot make changes to the details if orders have already been placed for the kit, otherwise the changes would mess up previous orders. If you want to make changes, the best thing to do would be to create a new kit that includes the information you want to be offered to customers.
This looks at all of the stock options within a particular active product which is the minimum priced one.
The retailer can sell the item through the website, or the customer can contact the retailer before purchasing.
No, currently you cannot do this. Instead you should simply enter ‘Plus’ as the attribute value. In your left-side navigation the product name will be displayed followed by ‘Plus’ and not ‘+’. Note that this does not affect customer searches on the front end – if they search for the product name and include a ‘+’ in the search, they will still find the product.
Open the model page in IRP Admin and in the ‘Advanced Model Information’ section, set the ‘Purchase Type’ to ‘Contact Retailer’. This will display a Small Translation or a Large Translation on the front end. If you use the IRP Admin search facility to search for the text that appears on the front end in the Small or Large Translations, you can edit it. This will display the same message for all products set to ‘Contact Retailer’ so it should be a default message that covers all products.
The offers provide a variety of options for a model. They affect how an offer is displayed and each offer will have an image associated with it.
This can be switched on/off on an individual model level. It is based on the closing time of the website for orders each day. You can change this in your Application Settings in the Closing Time section.
This could be because your translations of the Option Text are too long. This text has a maximum length of 36 characters. You can find this on the model page in the ‘Size / Colour Options’ section – click the More button to see all the details.
You can display a scroller of products that have been bought by customers in addition to the model being viewed by enabling the Application Setting called ‘Enable Also Bought’ (‘Models Page’ grouping). Note that this is based upon purchase history and cannot be preconfigured, therefore a product with no previous sales will have no ‘Also Bought’ scroller on its page.
This could be because the model belongs to a brand which is not active, however the model is active. Normally when a brand is deactivated all models are also deactivated for that brand. It could be that the model in question has been manually reactivated at some point. To resolve the issue, either deactivate the model, or reactivate the brand.
The bigger the image, the better; we recommend that your original images are at least 1200px by 1200px. The IRP will automatically optimise these images for the web. As such, it is always best to start with the highest quality images available. See Image Processing for more information.
The value of the Application Setting Low Stock Threshold determines when ‘Only X In Stock’ is displayed. If the stock level for an item is below this value then the ‘Only X In Stock’ label will display. If the value is changed to zero, then only ‘In Stock’ text will display.
You can use the 'Low Stock Threshold' Application Setting (Stock Control group) to configure this. If an item's in-stock value falls below this threshold, the Add to Basket controls on the Models page will display as 'Only x amount Left in Stock'.
Customers can view all your offers on the yourIRP/offers.aspx page (desktop) and the yourIRP/MobileOffers.aspx page (mobile site). Typically you would link to this page from your top navigation or from a strategically-placed promotional banner. Note that this page also uses the 'In Stock Only' filter. If 'In Stock Only' is selected from the filter, only Promotional Products that have a positive Website Stock Level or have been set to 'Stock Held Externally' will appear in the Product List.
You can do this by enabling the Application Setting called 'Show Stock ID In Add To Basket' (Add to Basket grouping). When enabled, the unique IRP Stock ID will be displayed in the Add to Basket control on the Models page beside each Stock item within that Model.
You can do this by ticking the box on the ModelsEdit.aspx page called 'Display Large Image Popup' ('Other Model Information' section). Note that the Application Setting, 'Enable Large Image Popup on Models Page' will override the 'Display Large Image' property set against a Model and will need to be enabled before the Large Image popup appears. Note also than you can change the width of the popup using the Application Setting called 'Model Images Width For Larger Image' ('Products' grouping).
Yes, provided that the font is added to the stylesheet as in the following example:
@import url(' You Glory');
and that the font is added to the Product Customisation with the exact font family name provided by Google (‘Give You Glory’), then it will display correctly on the front end of the site. However this will not be reflected within the IRP Admin section.
Currently this is not possible.
Not using the rich text editor unfortunately, however you could use basic text, employ HTML knowledge to create a table, include an image from a manufacturer or get a designer to design a table.
It could be that you have copied and pasted the description for the product from the source code of another product. If so, the system-rendered HTML might reference CSS classes that are causing the issue, for example a class might be controlling show/hide settings. When you have corrected the HTML, the Description tab should function as expected.
Stock Notifications will appear in the Alerts menu only when stock items come back in stock. For example, a customer requests a Stock Notification when an item comes back into stock. This will not appear in the Alerts menu at this point. However, the next week you receive the item into stock. A Stock Notification will then be displayed in the Alerts menu, indicating that the item is now in stock.
On your desktop site go to
On your mobile site go to
You cannot limit voucher codes to stock, only to brands, categories and brand-category combinations. Instead you should use the Promotions Engine to create a promotion and set the basket restriction to the specific model/stock item.
No, it doesn't matter if you, or the site visitor, use upper-case or lower-case letters in the terms that are ignored.
No, currently search results do not include product descriptions. Search results can contain Brands, Level 3 & 4 Categories, Model names, Part codes, Model IDs and Stock IDs.
No, you cannot enter URLs in the search bar on the front end of the website.
The Search History page allows you to see what customers are searching for, including the number of searches on that term, the original search term results, the combination results, the date that the term was last searched for and the country setting used for entering the search term.
Yes, the Search feature works for both Level 3 and Level 4 categories. So, for example, if the customer types 'clothing' in the search bar, all products in the 'clothing' category will be listed in the search results (assuming that you have a category with the name 'Clothing').
You need to make sure that the Common Task type called 'Rebuild Predictive Search Index' is correctly configured and is active.
No, it doesn't matter if the 'Incorrect Word' is entered using upper-case or lower-case letters.
Generally you would use only single words in Word Replacements — for the 'Incorrect Word' setting you can only use single words. However you could enter multiple words for the 'Correct Word' setting in specific circumstances. For example, if you think that visitors might enter an ID number in the search, you could enter the category that it refers to, and so forth.
The SSL certificate on your website will try to encrypt all of the elements on the secure pages of your website, such as your checkout. If the certificate cannot encrypt all of the elements you might see a warning message for unsecured content or an icon of a broken padlock. Seeing these can reduce your customers' confidence and thus reduce your website's conversion rate. There are three common reasons for "unsecured content" messages appearing:
  1. Your links to locally-hosted images are using absolute URLs:
    If you have locally-hosted image links that use an absolute URL for the image location, the link will not be encrypted by your SSL certificate. An example of this is as follows:
    You should simply change this to a relative link by deleting the protocol and domain part of the URL as follows:
  2. Your links to externally-hosted images do not include 'https':
    If you have images that are hosted on an external web server you must ensure that you include 'https' in the URL (assuming that the server supports the https protocol), for example:
  3. Your links to JavaScript files are defined incorrectly:
    Links to files such as JavaScript files will also produce the 'unsecure' error message depending on the format of the links you are using for locally-hosted and externally-hosted files:
    – For files that are hosted locally, you should use only relative links.
    – For files that are hosted externally, you must ensure that you include 'https' in the link URL (assuming that the server supports the https protocol).
Server Management
Make sure that you have enabled the 404 Handler by clicking the box in the top-right of the screen labelled ‘Enable 404 Handler’.
The default shipping cost is used if the country in question has not been included with a Shipping Rule. Set to a negative value if shipping to this country is not possible. If Shipping Rules have been set up correctly, there is no need for this to be used.
The image will appear in the Settings Box at the top of the page, the Models page and the Postage Information page.
This shows on the delivery page of your site depending on your country settings.
For flat rate, there is a minimum and maximum order total (Value) and/or a minimum and maximum order weight total and then a flat price will be set for this. Price tables rely on restrictions but you don’t have an actual flat rate.
This is a large translation ID 32.
This is a message, in text format, that appears on the front end Models page for a Shipping Country. The message appears directly under the ‘Add to Basket’ Stock Option selector.
This could be because you are trying to print a label (e.g. a Royal Mail label) without having uploaded a label background for the Shipping Method. Please add a label background image before attempting to print Ad-Hoc labels.
If, for example, you are supplied with two shipping Contract IDs from Parcelforce, add the main one with the most services attached to it in the Parcelforce Application Settings, and the second code behind the other Shipping Method in the Shipping Methods section. You can edit the Shipping Method as follows:

1. In the ‘Parcelforce’ section of the ShippingMethodEdit.aspx screen, check the box for ‘Method has Unique Settings’.
2. Add the different setting, for example the Contract Number.
3. Click ‘Update Shipping Method’.

All default Parcelforce settings can be amended in this way if a particular method has a unique variant on the value.
Site Help

Yes, you can do this by checking the ‘Help’ box at the top of the ‘Help Topics’ screen in IRP Admin. This disables the main Help Application Setting. When set to false (the box is unchecked), the user's browser will redirect to your home page if they attempt to access the front-end Help page. When set to true (the box is checked), Site Help will be available on the front-end of the website.  Note that you can still add website Help even if the Help box is not checked is not checked.

Stock Control
This is the turn rate for all stock based on the average sales velocity over the previous 6 months. It will take approximately this period of time before you sell all stock items.
You should use the Stock Takes feature for this purpose.
These values are used when the IRP calculates distances for customers when they choose Click & Collect checkout. Click the 'Generate Latitude & Longitude' button to get the longitude of the stock location. Note: The values are calculated from the address and/or postcode values that you have entered — therefore make sure that you have configured those fields first in the ‘Location Details’ section.
Your web stock level is updated as soon as a customer places an order on your website.
Your local stock level us updated when an order is moved from Approved to Picking and Packing, depending on the Location of the User processing the order. Note that when kit order items are dispatched, auto-dispatched, cancelled or returned the stock location levels for the constituent kit items are adjusted by the ordered quantity. This will prevent stock location level synchronisation errors. Fixed Kit order items are also excluded from all stock location level adjustments.
This refers to any set credit limit provided by the Stock Supplier - if any. This figure can be useful when you are calculating how much stock to re-purchase.
Yes, you can do this on the StockSuppliersEdit.aspx page. In the 'IRP Settings' section, use the 'Star Rating' setting to enter a star rating representing the quality of, or your preference for, the Stock Supplier. This is only displayed for reference within the IRP.
Requesting an ‘incoming’ transfer means that you want to make a request for stock to be sent from another stock location to your current stock location.
Adding an ‘outgoing’ transfer means that you want to send stock directly from your current stock location to one of your other stock locations.
You may not be able to view the Stock Transfers page (StockTransfers.aspx) for two reasons:
  1. If you have only one Stock Location configured in your IRP, the IRP cannot carry out a stock transfer and so you will be redirected to the Stock Admin home page (StockAdminHome.aspx) when you click the link for ‘Stock Transfers’ in the IRP left navigation menu.
  2. If the Admin User Group to which you belong doesn’t include the ‘Allow Stock Transfer’ special permission, you will not be able to view the Stock Transfers page.
System Logs
You use this section to view any error messages that have been generated by the IRP. The details can be very helpful to suitably-skilled staff as a trouble-shooting aid. There are many details included for each error, for example the error type, exception details, the IRP Admin page involved and the IP address of the user's machine. This information is primarily of use to support and development staff. If necessary, you can report an error to your Systems Integrator.
When you click the 'Place Telesale' button you are redirected to the front end of your website with telesales functionality enabled - you can see the wide Telesales banner at the top of the screen. At the bottom of the screen you can see your IRP Admin username, a field for managing the customer's basket and a Logout button. From here you can manage the customer's order as described in the 'How To Place or Park a Telesales Order' article.
You set up Telesale Prompts to help IRP Admin users when they are processing a Telesales order. The prompts appear when the Admin user is on the screens that you have defined for each prompt, for example the Basket page, the Billing Address page, the Order Confirmation page, the Postage page and so forth. The prompts are reminders for the Admin person who is processing the Telesale and they can be whatever you think is necessary. You might, for example, create a prompt for the IRP Admin user to ask the customer the following question when they are on the Delivery Address page, "Can I confirm that your billing and dispatch address are the same address?"
Yes, you can translate the prompts into any language supported in your IRP. To do this, when you are creating or editing the prompt on the TelesalePromptEdit.aspx page, select the language using the drop-down list beside the 'Prompt' setting.
Trade Site
This is likely to be because you have set Product Restrictions on your Price Lists. You use Product Restrictions for products that you do not want to sell.
Web Services
You use the Exchange Rates Web Service to dynamically update the currency exchange rates within the IRP using a system hosted internally by your Systems Integrator.
Yes, if you enable the 'Update Exchange Rates' Common Task, the current exchange rate value against 1 GBP for the currencies in your system will be updated when this task runs. The data is pulled directly from Currencylayer. This task is usually set to run every four hours or on a daily basis. For more details about configuring Common Tasks, see the Common Tasks help topic in the IRP Knowledge Base.
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