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Home Page Content

You can find this section under Interface & Design > Home Page Content< in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

Home Page s are a critical element of an IRP and they are often (but not always) the first page that a potential customer will see. The following types of Home Pages are available within the IRP – all of these are available on both your desktop site and your mobile site:

  • Criteria Home Page: This type of Home Page displays a list of products based on a criteria that you can choose, for example Best Sellers, Newest In, Biggest Discounts or completely customised.
  • Product Home Page: This type of Home Page displays a list of manually-selected products. This option allows more customisation than criteria Home Pages.
  • Static Home Page: This is a pure HTML Home Page where everything displayed is created using HTML code, images and links.

The main HomePageContent.aspx screen includes several areas: Home Page settings at the top of the page and two tabs that you use to view and configure the Home Pages ('Home Page Configuration Summary' and 'Home Page Content Management'). These are described in the sections that follow. For details about setting up Home Pages, see the How to Add a Home Page and How to Edit a Home Page topics later in this section.

Home Page settings

The Home Page Settings area includes three functions: Display Settings, a Reset function, and a link to Application Settings:

Home Page Settings

These are described in the sections that follow.

Display Settings

You use these buttons to define the Home Page areas that will be available for you to configure in IRP Admin and for customers to view on your website. If you click the small arrow on the Display Settings button, you will be able to select from the following options:

  • Show Left Nav: Click to enable/disable the Left Navigation. If enabled, the Left Navigation (depending on which display style has been set) will appear on pages it is enabled on throughout the website. Note that you can switch the Left Navigation on or off on various other pages using additional settings. The following images illustrate the Home Page with the Left Nav enabled (left) and disabled (right):
    Home Page Left Nav
  • Show Product List In Right Hand Navigation: Click to enable/disable a generic 'Best Seller' list of products to appear on the website's Right Navigation menu (provided that no Right Nav Product List Home Pages have been added). Note that the 'Show Right Nav' setting must also be enabled in order for this Product List to appear. The following images illustrate the Home Page with the Right Nav Product List enabled (left – see the 'Best Sellers' section) and disabled (right – note that if you have enabled other right-side elements (such as News, Polls and Partner Links) then they will adjust to fill the space in the Right Nav):
    Home Page Product List In Right Hand Navigation
  • Show Right Nav: Click to enable/disable the Right Navigation on the home page. In other parts of IRP Admin you can use this to display Polls, Partner links, News items and so forth, in addition to the Product Listing described above. The following images illustrate the Home Page with the Right Nav enabled (left) and disabled (right):
    Home Page Show Right Nav
  • Show Home Page Scroller: Click to enable/disable the Home Page Scroller. The following images illustrate the Home Page with a 'Top Discounts' Scroller enabled (left) and disabled (right). Note that the right image includes a Right Nav enabled:
    Home Page Show Home Page Scroller

Note that if you make any changes to these settings, you should uncache your system in order to see the changes reflected on your website.

Reset Home Pages

If you click the Reset Home Pages button, you will be redirected to the 'Reload Settings' page (ReloadSettings.aspx ) where you will see the following settings highlighted in green:

  • Reset All Home Page Content Areas To System Generated: When you click the 'Reset' button for this setting, all Home Page configurations will be reset to show only system-generated Home Pages. ALL user-configured Home Pages will be removed. This CANNOT be undone.
  • Delete All Home Page Configuration and Content: When you click the 'Delete' button for this setting, ALL Home Page content will be deleted including all user-configured Home Page content. This CANNOT be undone.

(For more general information about reloading in the IRP, see the Reload Settings help topic.)

'Cog Wheel' Application Settings

If you click the 'cog wheel' icon, you will be redirected to the Home Page Application Settings page where you can configure the following settings:

  • Auto Home Pages Model Min Price: This is the minimum price that a model has to be in order to be included in the Auto Generated Home Pages. Note that this price takes the website's default currency into consideration and any foreign prices will be calculated from the exchange rate for the default currency.
  • Enable Homepage Recommendations Scroller: If enabled, a 'Recommendations' scroller will appear on the website's Home Page.
  • Home Page Display Discount Horizontal: This determines whether to show the discount or saving text horizontally or vertically on product-based Home Pages.
  • Home Page URL: This determines the URL that the LogoTop.Gif image will redirect to once clicked.
  • Show Homepage Header: If you enable this, Home Page Headers will display on the Home Page. If you disable this, only the actual Home Page will appear. Home Page headers allow a customer to switch between various Home Pages on the website's front end.
  • Home Page Number Of Tabs: This determines the number of Home Page Header tabs (and therefore the number of accessible Home Pages) that will display for customers.
  • Enable Home Page Scroller: If enabled, Home Page scrollers will display on the Home Pages.

Home Page Configuration Summary tab

The 'Home Page Configuration Summary' tab on the HomePageContent.aspx page shows all available Home Page areas that will be available for you to configure in IRP Admin and for customers to view on your website. The areas that are visible to you will change according to which Display Settings you have enabled. You can toggle all related Settings using the 'Display Settings' menu at the top of the page – the options are 'Show Left Nav', 'Show Product List In Right Hand Navigation', 'Show Right Nav' and 'Show Home Page Scroller'.

All areas are displayed by country, with each country showing all available Home Page areas and whether or not it has user-configured content or system-generated content. All areas will have system-generated content by default but you can edit them by clicking on the area or by selecting an area on the 'Home Page Content Management' tab.

The Home Page Configuration Summary Tab appears as follows:

Home Page Configuration Summary Tab

You can see the following search options under the tab:

  • Country: Select a country from the drop-down list.
  • Home Page Area: Select a Home Page Area — 'Desktop Central', 'Desktop Scrollers', 'Desktop Right Nav', 'Mobile', Trade' or 'All'. You can add Desktop Central content per country and for each front-end navigation tab for each country. The Application Setting 'Home Page Number of Tabs' determines how many Home Pages can be added to the Desktop Central and Trade areas. Desktop Scrollers, Right Nav and Mobile areas can all only display a single Home Page for each country.
  • Configuration: Select the type of content — user-generated, system-generated or All.

When you make a selection here, click the Apply Filters button to submit your search and display the results in the main grid.

Note also that you can see a message indicating the relative number of system-generated Home Pages versus user-generated Home Pages.

You can see the following details in the main grid (as noted previously, what you can see depends on the Display Settings you have enabled; therefore, for example, although 'Desktop Scroller' is shown in the screen capture below, this will not appear in your grid if you have disabled the Display Setting called 'Show Home Page Scroller'):

  • Country: This shows the flag and name of each country in the system.
  • 90-Day Sales: This shows the total value of sales in that country in the last 90 days.
  • Desktop Central: This shows details of what is configured for the 'Desktop Central' Home Page area and indicates whether the content is user-generated or system-generated.
  • Desktop Right Nav: This shows details of what is configured for the 'Desktop Right Nav' Home Page area and indicates whether the content is user-generated or system-generated.
  • Desktop Scroller: This shows details of what is configured for the 'Desktop Scroller' Home Page area and indicates whether the content is user-generated or system-generated.
  • Mobile: This shows details of what is configured for the 'Mobile' Home Page area and indicates whether the content is user-generated or system-generated.
  • Trade: This shows details of what is configured for the 'Trade' Home Page area and indicates whether the content is user-generated or system-generated.
  • View: Click one of the icons to see the country's Home Page on the front end – select Desktop, Mobile or Trade.
  • Edit: Click this button to edit the Home Page areas for any country. For more details, see How to Edit a Home Page later in this section.

System-generated Home Pages will show the following content by default:

  • Desktop Central – Best Sellers for country
  • Desktop Right Nav – Newest in
  • Desktop Scroller – Biggest discounts
  • Mobile – Best Sellers for country
  • Trade – Best Sellers for country

To edit system-generated Home Pages, simply click the grey 'bubble' and you can make changes on the 'Home Page Content Management' tab. For more details, see How to Edit a Home Page later in this section.

Home Page Content Management tab

As well as system-generated Home Pages, you also manage all user-configured Home Page content on the 'Home Page Content Management' tab. When adding new content you can:

  • Copy content from any other country that has user-configured content for the same area.
  • Create new content and then edit it.
  • For navigation tab Home Pages, copy the default content from the same country or another country.

Here is an example of content on the 'Home Page Content Management' tab:

Home Page Content Management Tab

You can see the following search options under the tab:

  • Country: Select a country from the drop-down list.
  • Home Page Area: Select a Home Page Area — 'Desktop Central', 'Desktop Scrollers', 'Desktop Right Nav', 'Mobile', Trade' or 'All'.
  • Navigation Tab: Select a top navigation tab from the ones configured on your NavigationTop.aspx page.

When you make a selection here, click the Apply Filters button to submit your search and display the results in the main grid.

In the main grid you can see the following tabs:

  • Country Content On Display: This shows all of the Home Page areas that have been configured for this country
  • Countries Where This Content Displays : This is where you can view and change the countries in which the Home Page appears.

For more details, see How to Add a Home Page and How to Edit a Home Page later in this section.

Home Page SEO tab

This tab allows you to enter distinct SEO content for the desktop, mobile and trade home pages, in addition to specific content for any Departments.

The tab appears as follows (note that 'Trade SEO' will appear only if you have enabled the Trade Site in Application Settings):

Home Page SEOTab

You can complete the following fields:

Setting Description
Desktop SEO
Page Title The default meta title for the desktop site. Click the 'Translate' button to enter a translation for any active language in your system.
Page Description The default meta description for the desktop site. Select a language from the drop-down list to enter a translation for any active language in your system.
Page Keywords The default meta keywords for the desktop site. Click the 'Translate' button to enter a translation for any active language in your system.
Mobile SEO
Page Title The default meta title for the mobile site. Click the 'Translate' button to enter a translation for any active language in your system.
Page Description The default meta description for the mobile site. Select a language from the drop-down list to enter a translation for any active language in your system.
Page Keywords The default meta keywords for the mobile site. Click the 'Translate' button to enter a translation for any active language in your system.
Trade SEO
Page Title The default meta title for the trade site. Click the 'Translate' button to enter a translation for any active language in your system.
Page Description The default meta description for the trade site. Select a language from the drop-down list to enter a translation for any active language in your system.
Page Keywords The default meta keywords for the trade site. Click the 'Translate' button to enter a translation for any active language in your system.
Department Desktop SEO Overrides
Page Title The default meta title for the department. Click the 'Translate' button to enter a translation for any active language in your system.
Page Description The default meta description for the department. Click the 'Translate' button to enter a translation for any active language in your system.
Page Keywords The default meta keywords for the department. Click the 'Translate' button to enter a translation for any active language in your system.

When you have made all your changes, click the Update SEO button.

How To Guides (3)

How to Add a Home Page

There are several steps involved in adding new Home Pages. There are some straightforward, generic initial configuration steps followed by specific steps for the type of Home Page you want to create – Criteria, Product or Static. All steps are described in the sections that follow.

Initial configuration steps

  1. Go to Interface & Design > Home Page Content in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. Use the Display Settings drop-down menu at the top of the page to make sure that the areas you want to work with are enabled.
  3. Use the Search filter to find the country that you want to create a Home Page for (if you want the Home Page to show for more than one country you can do this easily later in the configuration process, as described below).
  4. If no user-generated content has ever been configured for the country, then you will see only the default, system-generated areas in the main grid, for example:
    Example Home Page Showing Only System-Generated Content
  5. Click the Edit button. The Home Page Content Management tab will open.
  6. The left tab will show system-generated content. Click the Configure Content tab to proceed:
    Home Page Configure Content tab
  7. You can now choose whether to create new content or to copy content from another country. If you want to copy content, simply select the country you want to copy and then click the Copy Content button. This will immediately populate the country's Home Page with the content from the other Home Page.
  8. If you don't want to copy from another country, click the Create New Content button. The first thing that happens is that Default Best Sellers will be created for the country. You can edit this by clicking the 'cogwheel' on the tab and selecting one of the options:
    Home Page Edit Default
    For more details, see How to Edit a Home Page later in this section.
  9. To create new content, click the large green plus symbol. You will then see two options:
    Create New Home Page
  10. To use existing content, click the Use Existing button and then use the drop-down list to select the content that you want to use.
  11. To add new content, click the Create New button. You can then select from the following options:
    Create New Home Page Options - Criteria, Product or Static
  12. The options you have are as follows:
    • Criteria Home Page: This Home Page displays a list of products based on a criteria that you can choose, for example Best Sellers, Newest In, Biggest Discounts or completely customised.
    • Product Home Page: This Home Page displays a list of manually-selected products. This option allows more customisation than criteria Home Pages.
    • Static Home Page: This is pure HTML Home Page where everything displayed is been created using HTML code, images and links.

Configuring Criteria Home Pages

When you click the Create New button, select ‘Criteria’. You will then see the following section:

Create New Criteria Home Page

Proceed as follows:

  1. On the Content Information tab, enter values for the following settings:
    Home Page Content Details
    Title Enter a title for the Home Page. This will appear on the Home Page selector tab. You can translate the title into any language in your system by clicking the Translate button to the right of the box.
    Admin Name Enter a name for the Home Page that will be used to reference it within IRP Admin.
    Criteria Type If you select one of the commonly-used preset (Best Sellers, Newest In or Biggest Discounts) then you don't need to select any further options and you can proceed to click the Insert Home Page Content button, uncache the system and click the Preview button, as described in further steps below. If you select 'Custom' then you can proceed to enter values for the remainder of the settings described below.
    Criteria Specification
    Max Products To Show Specify the maximum number of Models to show on the Home Page. This can be a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 51.
    Must Have An Image Specify whether the Models in this Home Page have to have an image.
    In Stock Only Specify whether the Models displayed in this Home Page must be In Stock.
    Include Kits Specify whether to include Kits in this Home Page. Kits will not be included by default.
    Sort Results By Specify how Models within this Home Page should be ordered.
    Price Range Specify the Minimum Price of Models displayed in this Home Page.
    Discount (%) Specify the Minimum Discount between RRP and MinPrice for Models within this Home Page.
    Advanced Filters
    Filter By Model Name If you click Yes, enter a value in the 'Model Name Contains' box and proceed.
    Filter By Excluded Model IDs If you click Yes, enter a value in the 'Excluded Model IDs' box and proceed.
    Filter By Gender If you click Yes, select a value from the 'Product Gender' drop-down list and proceed.
    Filter By Year If you click Yes, enter a value in the 'Year' box and proceed.
    Filter By Season If you click Yes, select a value from the 'Season' drop-down list and proceed.
    Filter By Ordered Within Last If you click Yes, enter a value in the 'Ordered Within Last Days' box and proceed.
    Filtered By Offer Type If you click Yes, check the relevant 'Offer Type' boxes and proceed.
  2. Click the Insert Home Page Content button to save your configuration.
  3. Click the Brand and Category Restrictions tab.
  4. Use the boxes in the 'Brand Restrictions' and 'Category Restrictions' sections to define the brands and categories that are included or excluded from displaying on the Home Page.
  5. Click the Update Home Page Content button to save your configuration.
  6. Uncache the system and click the Preview button to see what the Home Page looks like on the front end of your website.

Configuring Product Home Pages

When you click the Create New button, select ‘Product’. You will then see the following section:

Create New Product Home Page

Proceed as follows:

  1. Enter values for the following settings:
    Title Enter a title for the Home Page. This will appear on the Home Page selector tab. You can translate the title into any language in your system by clicking the Translate button to the right of the box.
    Admin Name Enter a name for the Home Page that will be used to reference it within IRP Admin.
  2. Click the Insert Home Page Content button to save your configuration. Other tabs will now appear: 'Add Models' and 'Selected Models'.
  3. Click the Add Models tab:
    Create New Product Home Page Add Models
  4. Use the search filter to find models that you want to add to your Home Page.
  5. Check the box on the right side of the row belonging to the models that you want to add, then click the Add Selected Models button. You will then see these appear on the Selected Models tab (where you can remove any models again if necessary).
  6. Uncache the system and click the Preview button to see what the Home Page looks like on the front end of your website.

Configuring Static Home Pages

When you click the Create New button, select ‘Static’. You will then see the following section:

Create New Static Home Page

Proceed as follows:

  1. Enter values for the following settings:
    Title Enter a title for the Home Page. This will appear on the Home Page selector tab. You can translate the title into any language in your system by clicking the Translate button to the right of the box.
    Admin Name Enter a name for the Home Page that will be used to reference it within IRP Admin.
    HTML Content This is where you create the HTML content to be displayed on the Home Page. Use either the rich text editor or the pure HTML editor (click the 'Source' button). You can also translate the content into any language in your system by selecting active languages from the drop-down list.
  2. If necessary, you can include existing content by clicking the Upload Files button.
  3. If necessary, you can include Product Lists by clicking the Add Product List button. You will then be able to select any Custom Product Lists you have previously configured or create a new one.
  4. Click the Insert Home Page Content button to save your configuration.
  5. Uncache the system and click the Preview button to see what the Home Page looks like on the front end of your website.
How to Edit a Home Page
Improving Website Page Speed

FAQs (2)

How do I get a language-specific message to appear on a country-specific home page?
You can do this using the Languages section of IRP Admin by editing the ‘Welcome Message’ setting. This will appear in the top-centre of your home page.
Where do I update the SEO description and title of my home page?

You configure the default SEO (Title, Description and Keywords) for your home page by using the 'Home Page SEO' section as described above (and by using Small Translations, for example IDs 617 and 618). However if you have defined one particular Department as your default Department (see below for instructions), the SEO that you have configured for your Department pages (on the SEO tab of the CategoriesEdit.aspx page and in the Overrides section of the Home Page SEO tab) will replace the SEO in your Small Translations.

You can define a Department (and a Category) as the default one as follows:

  1. Go to Products > Categories in the IRP Admin left navigation menu. This takes you to the Categories.aspx page.
  2. Click the Other Actions button at the top of the screen.
  3. Select a Default Department and a Default Category using the drop-down lists.
  4. Click the Update Default Department And Category button.
  5. Now when a customer first lands on your website they will see the Department that you have set as default. Also the Product Options Bar (just below the top navigation tabs) will show the Category that you have set as the default. In addition, as the customer clicks the Departments in your top or left navigation, the title bar on their web browser will change to show the Department-specific SEO that you have configured on the CategoriesEdit.aspx page. Likewise, search engine results will display your Department-specific SEO Descriptions below the URLs of your pages.

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