You can find this section under Interface Translations > Categories in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
You use this section to translate particular product Categories within the IRP into different languages.
Overview video
Note: Currently videos are not maintained in line with each software release and therefore features may work slightly differently from the way they are shown.
TranslationsCategories.aspx page
The main TranslationsCategories.aspx page appears as follows:
Use the search bar to find any categories. If you expand Other Options under the search bar you can filter by Category Level and by Language. You can also find any categories that are missing a translation in a particular language.
The main grid contains the following information:
- ID: This is the unique IRP identifier of the category.
- Category Name: This is the name of the category as defined in the product Categories section.
- Foreign Name Translations: This is where you can translate the category data into any of the languages in your system.
As with many other pages in IRP Admin, you can click the Download icon between the Search bar and the main grid to export the category data in a format of your choosing.
You can use the buttons at the top of the screen to edit the following specific parts of the product categories:
- Category Names: Click this button to translate the name of the category as defined in the product Categories section.
- Descriptions: Click this button to translate the description of the category as defined in the ‘Category Description’ part of the main Categories section.
- Short Descriptions: Click this button to translate the short description of the category if you have enabled the ‘Auto Generate Short Description’ setting in the ‘Category Description’ part of the main Categories section.