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Site Scripts

You can find this section under Site Scripts in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

Site Scripts are programming code and can have severely adverse effects on site performance and security if implemented incorrectly. If you need to add a third-party script to your IRP, contact your IRP Account Manager with script details, instructions and the proposed use case. Your request will be reviewed and the script inserted as soon as it is approved.

The Site Scripts section holds various third-party scripts that you can use on your website. These include:

  • Pay per click/cost per click scripts
  • Remarketing scripts
  • Social networking scripts

You can enter these scripts in any language supported in your IRP.

You can add multiple contents to each script. To do so, make sure that each separate third-party script has its own starting and closing script tags.

The main SiteScripts.aspx page appears as follows:

IRP Admin image

The screen displays the following details:

Active Scripts tab

  1. 'Hover-Over' Help: Hover your cursor over the blue 'question mark' icon (?) in order to view help text for each script.
  2. ID: This is the unique identification number of each script.
  3. Script Type: This defines the primary purpose of each script. See the Script Types section below.
  4. Translated Versions: This shows the number of translated versions of each script.
  5. Length of Script: This shows the number of characters in each script.
  6. Last Updated By: This shows the name of the Admin User who last updated the script.
  7. Last Updated: This shows the date and time when the script was last updated.
  8. Preview: Click this button to preview the site script content and translated versions.
  9. Deactivate: Click this button to deactivate a site script. This will move it into the grid on the 'Inactive Scripts' tab, described below.
  10. Edit: Click this button to edit a site script. For more details see How To Edit a Site Script later in this section.

Inactive Scripts tab

  1. 'Hover-Over' Help: Hover your cursor over the blue 'question mark' icon (?) in order to view help text for each script.
  2. ID: This is the unique identification number of each script.
  3. Script Type: This defines the primary purpose of each script. See the Script Types section below.
  4. Translated Versions: This shows the number of translated versions of each script.
  5. Length of Script: This shows the number of characters in each script.
  6. Last Updated By: This shows the name of the Admin User who last updated the script.
  7. Last Updated: This shows the date and time when the script was last updated.
  8. Preview: Click this button to preview the site script content and translated versions.
  9. Edit: Click this button to edit a site script. For more details see How To Edit a Site Script later in this section.

Script Types

The following script types are available in the IRP:

Script ID Script Type Description
1 Criteo Tracking Basket Page Criteo script to be added to basket pages.
2 Criteo Tracking Conversion Page Criteo script to be added to order confirmation pages.
3 Criteo Tracking Home Page Criteo script to be added to the home page.
4 Criteo Tracking Listing Page Criteo script to be added to brand, brand-category and category-model listing pages.
5 Criteo Tracking Model Page Criteo script to be added to model and kit information pages.
6 Google Remarketing JavaScript Google remarketing script to be added to site pages for use in AdWord campaigns. ‘Standard’ remarketing allows you to show an advert to people who have previously visited your website. ‘Dynamic’ remarketing allows you to display multiple customer-specific and product-specific adverts to your previous customers. Dynamic remarketing adverts are explicitly associated with items that the customer has viewed on your site. This type of remarketing can be used only by advertisers with a Google Merchant Center account as the script uses details from the merchant catalogue.

When a visitor lands on your website, the Google remarketing script places a cookie on the visitor’s web browser. If the visitor leaves your site, they are tracked when they visit another website that also runs the remarketing script, as the script will recognise the cookie on the visitor’s browser. At this point the visitor will see your adverts and, in the case of dynamic remarketing, adverts showing the products (and related products) that they have viewed on your website. They will hopefully examine the adverts, click through to your site and pick up from where they left off — ideally to make a purchase.

To use standard or dynamic remarketing as part of a specific campaign, sign in to your Google account, locate the ‘standard’ Google remarketing script, copy the code snippet, then paste it into the ‘Google Remarketing Javascript’ box on the Site Scripts page. The IRP manages the ‘dynamic’ aspect of the script automatically. Once the script is added to your Admin, the IRP will automatically render the appropriate dynamic tag parameters depending on the page that the visitor is viewing on both your desktop and mobile site, including the basket page, models page, categories page, brands page, kits page, order conformation page and several others.

You can find general information about dynamic remarketing on the Think With Google site, the Google AdWords help page and on the IRP Strategy Centre.
7 Home Page Only Generic script for inclusion in the home page only.
8 Mobile Site Footer Script for inclusion in the bottom of mobile site pages.
9 Mobile Site Header Script for inclusion in the header of mobile site pages.
10 More 2 Order Confirmation Transaction Tracking More 2 script to be added to the order confirmation page (does not include mobile site).
14 Social Networking Home Page Social networking HTML and scripts to be added to the home page on top of the right navigation area.
15 Social Networking Social networking HTML and scripts to be added to front-end pages.
20 Social Networking Mobile Social networking HTML and scripts to be added to front-end mobile pages.
21 Top Of Main Site Page Generic scripts to be added to the header of all main site pages (mobile not included).
29 Before End Of Body Desktop Site Added right before the closing body tag on all pages of the Desktop site.
30 Before End Of Body Mobile Site Added right before the closing body tag on all pages of the Mobile site.
32 Order Confirmation In Head Tag This allows you to enter scripts in the Confirmation Pages across all three sites (Desktop and Mobile). There is also a collection of JavaScript variables listed on each Confirmation page. These are placed between two HTML comments: BEGIN IRP Order Values and END IRP Order Values. These can be used in this site script if required.
Note that AWIN Partner/SalePartner IDs and Rakuten Partner/SalePartner IDs can be designated in JavaScript arrays via the 'Order Confirmation In Head Tag' Site Script for use in determining first click/last click affiliate commission assignment in an effort to prevent de-duplication between both scripts.
  • AWIN Partner/SalePartner IDs should be set in an array named irpAWINPartnerIDs.
  • Rakuten Partner/SalePartner IDs should be set in an array named irpRakutenPartnerIDs.
Upon setting these arrays with corresponding Partner/SalePartnerID values, when AWIN and Rakuten scripts are rendered, a flag will be set on each to determine whether commission should be allowed or not depending on which Affiliate Partner obtained the credit for the sale.
33 After Opening Body Tag All Pages Added right after the opening
34 Models Page After Image And Add To Basket This script renders verbatim what is in the script, after the Images and Add To Basket functionality have rendered i.e. above Linked Models, Best Selling scrollers and so forth, on the Desktop platform.
35 Mobile Models Page After Image And Add To Basket This script renders verbatim what is in the script, after the Images and Add To Basket functionality have rendered i.e. above Linked Models, Best Selling scrollers and so forth, on the Mobile platform.

For more details, see the How To Edit a Site Script section of this help topic.

Site Script Audit History

Every update and insert is recorded, and visible on the Audit History tab on the SiteScriptEdit.aspx page, including updates to foreign language Script content.

How To Guides (2)

How To Activate Or Deactivate A Site Script
How To Edit a Site Script
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