Note: TradeTalk is not currently in use. You should NOT enable TradeTalk on your system.
You can find this section under Marketplaces > TradeTalk in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
TradeTalk is an online marketplace developed by IRP Commerce. It gives IRP customers the ability to list their products on the site.
When orders are placed on TradeTalk they will then be downloaded into the IRP to be processed as normal.
TradeTalk is not compulsory for all IRP customers but can be a good supplement to increase sales.
TradeTalk is enabled in the Marketplace Application Settings and can be managed in the IRP Admin.
TradeTalk Copier
TradeTalk Copier gives you the ability to copy images to TradeTalk of products created less than X amount of days ago.
To do this, go to Marketplaces in the IRP Admin left navigation menu. Then select the amount of days in the box below and press the Copy Images button. To copy all your images, enter 0 in the input box.