You can find this section under Data Imports/Exports > Export Data in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
You use this section to export data from a selected export table. You can export from most of the tables in IRP Admin, using several different formats. You can also select specific columns in the tables to export and save the export for future use.
This is one of the rich features in the IRP that allows you to view and manipulate your data in a way that suits you. For example, you might want to export all of your marketing campaign data to a spreadsheet and then analyse the data to see how successful your campaign was. You could then make changes to the data and upload it again to the IRP. Or maybe you want to export all your stock-related data to a text file so that you can print it out and distribute it at a meeting with your Suppliers.
Whatever reason you might have, this IRP feature allows you to export large amounts of data effortlessly. All you need to do is select the columns in the table that you are interested in, choose your format and then export the data with the click of a button.
Overview video
Note: Currently videos are not maintained in line with each software release and therefore features may work slightly differently from the way they are shown.
DataExport.aspx page
The DataExport.aspx page appears as follows (note that the exact display depends on the table that you have selected; also you might see additional information displayed if there have been previous exports):
As shown in the screen capture above, there are several settings:
- Export Table: You use this drop-down list to select the IRP Admin table that you want to export data from.
- File Format: You use this drop-down list to select the format of the export file: .tsv (tab delimited), .csv (comma delimited), .txt (pipe delimited) .xml (Extensible Markup Language ) or Microsoft Excel.
- Columns: You use this section to check boxes against the columns in the table that you want to export. Alternatively you can check the Select All Columns box.
- Save Export for Future Use: Check this box if you are likely to use the export again in the future.
For more details, refer to the How To Export Data article in this section.