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Web Services

You can find this section under Web Services in the left navigation menu.

Web services allow the IRP to interact dynamically with other services.

Currently there is one web service available to IRP users – a service that updates the foreign exchange rate from an internally-hosted system.

To run a web service:

  1. Go to the Web Services section in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. Browse for the service you want to run.
  3. Click the appropriate button to run the service, for example the Exchange Rates button looks like this:
    IRP Admin image

This particular web service then updates the exchange rates within the IRP. If successful, you should see the following message at the top of the screen:

Currencies Update Success message

Note: You can set up a Common Task to automatically update exchange rates. If you enable the Update Exchange Rates task, the current exchange rate value against 1 GBP for the currencies in your system will be updated when this task runs. This information is pulled directly from Currencylayer. This task is usually set to run every four hours or on a daily basis. For details, see the Common Tasks help topic.

FAQs (2)

What is the 'Get Latest Exchange Rates' Web Service?
You use the Exchange Rates Web Service to dynamically update the currency exchange rates within the IRP using a system hosted internally by your Systems Integrator.
Can I use a Common Task to update exchange rates automatically?
Yes, if you enable the 'Update Exchange Rates' Common Task, the current exchange rate value against 1 GBP for the currencies in your system will be updated when this task runs. The data is pulled directly from Currencylayer. This task is usually set to run every four hours or on a daily basis. For more details about configuring Common Tasks, see the Common Tasks help topic in the IRP Knowledge Base.
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