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Stock Locations

You can find this section under Stock Control > Stock Locations in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use this section to view and edit all stock locations that are currently in the system. You should add any physical location where stock is held, for example in a warehouse or in a shop.

To ensure that there are no discrepancies between the level of stock recorded in the IRP and the level in the physical locations, ensure that you carry out regular Stock Takes.

The main Stock Locations page (StockLocations.aspx) shows several details for each of your locations in a separate row:


The information bar at the top of the page displays the following details:

  • Total Units: This is the total number of units in all of your stock locations.
  • Total Retail Value: This is the total retail value of units in all of your stock locations.
  • Total Cost: This is the total cost of units in all of your stock locations.
  • Total Tills: This is the total number of tills in all of your stock locations.
  • Total Personnel: This is the total number of staff employed at all of your stock locations.
  • Total Area: This is the total area of all of your stock locations in square metres.

The details shown in the main grid on the page include:

  • ID: This is a unique IRP identifier for this location, added automatically by the IRP.
  • Active: This indicates whether or not a stock location is active.
  • Name: This is the name of the location.
  • Address: This is the address of the location.
  • Deliver To Store: This indicates whether this location will be available for selection by customers placing ‘deliver to store’ orders (if you have enabled this feature). Note that stock levels are not taken into consideration for deliver to store orders (unlike click & collect).
  • Is Click & Collect: This indicates whether a location can be selected when placing Click & Collect orders (if you have enabled this feature).
  • Stock Available For Web: (True/False) This indicates whether the stock levels for this location will contribute to the overall web stock levels.
  • Click & Collect Exclusions: This shows any categories, brands or models that are excluded from the Click & Collect feature if enabled for this location. To add or modify exclusions, click the number in the cell in the grid. For more details, see the How To Add or Edit a Click & Collect Exclusion in this section.
  • Phone: This is the telephone number of the location.
  • Units: This is the total number of units stored at the location.
  • Retail Value: This is the total retail value of all the items stored at the location.
  • Stock Cost: This is the total cost of all stock stored at the location.
  • Tills: This is the total number of tills at the location.
  • Email: This is the email address of the location. You can click the envelope icon to open a new email message to the address using your default email application.
  • Edit: Click this button to make changes to Stock Location details. See How To Add or Edit a Stock Location for more details.

Note that your registered stock location as defined on your Admin User page is shown at the far right side of the bottom nav. If you have permissions to use the Stock Control section of IRP Admin, you can change your location by clicking this button and selecting another location.

How To Guides (2)

How To Add or Edit a Stock Location

To add or edit a Stock Location, follow the steps below. If you are closing a Stock Location, see the note below called Note on Deleting Stock Locations.

  1. Go to Stock Control > Stock Locations in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. To add a new location, click the Add New Stock Location button at the top of the page.
    To edit an existing location, click the Edit button on the right side of the row belonging to the location that you want to edit.
  3. Enter or edit the details in the tabs described in the sections that follow.

Location Details tab

Use the Location Details tab to enter the key information about the Stock Location:

Location Details
Stock Location ID This is a unique IRP identifier for this location, added automatically by the IRP.
Active Inactive locations will not be available within certain areas of the IRP Admin. Stock locations should be deactivated if they are closed or no longer used instead of deleting the location.
Location Name Enter a recognisable name that will be visible throughout the IRP.
Stock Available For Web When this is ticked, the stock levels for this location will contribute to the overall web stock levels. When an order (including an EPOS order) is fulfilled from a Stock Location that has 'Make Stock Available For Web' enabled, then the InStock value (which determines if something is available on the B2C site) will remain the same. When an order is fulfilled from a Stock Location that has 'Make Stock Available For Web' disabled, then the InStock value will be readjusted to the correct value rather than being deducted twice, etc. Note that, if this is not enabled, stock won't be included in the web stock level value and any products that only have levels in this particular location won't appear in stock on the front end - they would have to have a stock level at another location which has 'Stock Available For Web' enabled.
Deliver To Store Location When ticked, this location will be available for selection by customers placing ‘deliver to store’ orders. Note that stock levels are not taken into consideration for deliver to store orders (unlike click & collect orders).
Address Details
Address Line 1 Enter the first line of the location address.
Address Line 2 Enter the second line of the location address.
City Enter the town or city of the location address.
County Enter the region or county of the location address.
Country Select the country of the location address from the drop-down menu. You can also select sub countries
Postcode Enter the postal or zip code for the location address.
Main Contact Details
First Name Enter the first name of the default main contact for this location.
Surname Enter the surname name of the default main contact for this location.
Email Address Enter the default email address for this location.
Telephone Enter the location telephone number.
Fax (Optional) Enter the fax number for the location.
Other Phone (Optional) Enter an alternate contact phone number for the location.
Copy Stock
Copy Stock From Location Copy all stock from the selected location (listed in the drop-down menu) to the location that you are currently editing. The stock will be added with a level of zero. You can update the stock levels in bulk by performing a stock take. Click the Copy button when you have made your selection.
Other Location Details
Currency Enter the EPOS till currency used at this stock location.
External Stock Location ID Enter an external identifier for this Stock Location that can be used for third-party integrations.
Transfer Average Lead Time (days) Enter the average number of lead days required for stock transfers.
Shipping Return Address The address for returning items dispatched from this Stock Location. Please include line breaks if this address is to be printed on Royal Mail labels.
Notes Enter any notes relating to the location.
Main Location for Unassigned Back Order Calculations This affects the on-order calculations for automatic and manual Stock Purchase Orders. If this box is checked, this location will be accommodated on order items that have yet to be assigned a stock location. The on-order calculation is currently calculated via: Local ReOrder Quantity + On Order Value (for Location). When this setting is checked, that on-order value will also include orders where the stock location has yet to be assigned. Note: only one location can be the Main Location for Unassigned Back Order Calculations therefore if you are checking this setting, all other locations will be set to false.
Send Click And Collect Order Confirmation Email To Location Check this box if you want order confirmation emails from customer orders to be sent as a BCC to the email address set against the stock location for click and collect orders. (This is enabled by default.)
Send Deliver To Store Order Confirmation Email To Location Check this box if you want order confirmation emails from customer orders to be sent as a BCC to the email address set against the stock location for deliver to store orders. (This is enabled by default.)
No. Personnel Enter the number of personnel employed at the location.
No. Square Metres Enter the floor area of the location in square metres.

Click the Update Stock Location button to save the details.

Epos tab

Use the Epos tab to enter the key information about the Epos at the Stock Location:

Epos Settings
Hide In EPOS Tick this checkbox if you do not want this location to appear in your EPOS setup. This means that the location will not be available when you are creating a new till, nor will the location appear on the Epos/ProductInformation.aspx page. It will also mean that any tills in that Stock Location can no longer be used.
Receipt Logo Browse and upload the receipt image used by tills at this stock location.
Voucher Prefix Enter the prefix code to use on vouchers generated by EPOS tills in this location.
Receipt Bottom Text Use the HTML Editor to enter text that will appear at the bottom of the printed EPOS receipts on tills at this location. If you leave this blank, Large Translation 23 will be used. By default the English version of Large Translation 23 is:
EPOS Receipt Large Translation

Click the Update Stock Location button to save the details.

Click & Collect tab

If you have enabled Click & Collect on your IRP, use the Click & Collect tab to enter the key information about this feature at the Stock Location:

Settings tab
Is Click & Collect Location Check this box to allow customers to reserve items at this stock location (only applicable if you have enabled the ‘Enable Click And Collect’ application setting).
Display Location Name The name of the location as it will display on the front end of the website.
Opening Time The opening time after which customers can collect items that they have reserved at this location.
Closing Time The closing time after which customers will no longer be able to collect items that they have reserved.
Latitude Click the Generate Latitude & Longitude button to get the latitude of the stock location. This will be used when calculating distances for customers when they choose click and collect checkout. Note: The value is calculated from the address and/or postcode values that you have entered — therefore make sure that you have configured those fields first in the ‘Location Details’ section.
Longitude Click the Generate Latitude & Longitude button to get the longitude of the stock location. The longitude of the stock location. This will be used when calculating distances for customers when they choose click and collect checkout. Note: The value is calculated from the address and/or postcode values that you have entered — therefore make sure that you have configured those fields first in the 'Location Details' section.
Closures tab
You use this section to let your customers know if some days their chosen Click & Collect collection location will be closed, or if the location will be open for pick-ups only between certain times and so forth. Click the Add New Closure button to save the details.
Start Time Enter the start time of the closure. To set the location as closed for an entire working day, you should set these values to the corresponding opening and closing times of the selected stock location (or earliest opening and latest closing times if applied to all stock locations).
End Time Enter the end time of the closure. To set the location as closed for an entire working day, you should set these values to the corresponding opening and closing times of the selected stock location (or earliest opening and latest closing times if applied to all stock locations).
Repeat Select how often this closure will be repeated (no repeat, weekly, monthly, yearly). If you set a closure to ‘weekly’ for closure times of Saturday and Sunday, the location will be closed on all weekends.
Notes Add any notes for this Click & Collect closure.
Exclusions tab
You use this section to exclude any categories, brands or models from the Click & Collect feature if enabled for this location. For details of how to use this tab, see the How To Add or Edit a Click & Collect Exclusion help topic.

Click the Update Stock Location button to save the details.

Purchase Orders tab

This tab will be visible only if there is one or more Purchase Orders against the Stock Location. You use this tab to view and potentially edit any Purchase Orders. For more details, see the Stock Purchase Orders help topic.

Trade Fulfilment Countries tab

This tab will be visible only if the Trade site has been enabled. You use the 'Trade Fulfilment Countries' tab to allow the stock in a stock location to contribute to the stock levels shown in more than one country. For example, you could have a location in France show its stock to all countries in the EU by adding all EU countries to its Trade Fulfilment Countries.

You can add Trade Fulfilment Countries using either of the following methods:

  • Add groups of countries: Use the 'Add All Countries/States In' setting to select all countries and/or states in the group selected. If you have sub-countries set up (for example, the individual states in the USA), these will all be added in one go. Click the Add Countries From Group button to add the selected group.
  • Add individual countries: Select countries in the 'Available Countries' box and click the Add button to move them to the 'Fulfil Orders For These Countries' box.

Note on deleting Stock Locations

Sometimes you may close a Stock Location and, although there is an option to delete a Stock Location (by clicking the ‘Delete Stock Location’ button on the StockLocationEdit.aspx page), this is generally NOT recommended. This is because, once a Stock Location is deleted, other information relating to that location will also be removed or will no longer make sense in the system. Instead, you can deactivate a stock location by unchecking the ‘Active’ box. If relevant, you could also update the closed location so that it is not a Click & Collect or Deliver to Store location. Once a location is deactivated it will no longer appear in certain lists within the IRP Admin such as within Stock Control and in certain areas of the front end such as Click and Collect locations or Deliver to Store locations.

As regards the IRP EPOS, you can deactivate tills on the EposTillEdit.aspx page. This is recommended for old Stock Locations as this will keep the historical information for reporting.

How To Add or Edit a Click and Collect Exclusion

FAQs (3)

What are the 'Latitude' and 'Longitude' buttons used for on the 'Edit Stock Location' page?
These values are used when the IRP calculates distances for customers when they choose Click & Collect checkout. Click the 'Generate Latitude & Longitude' button to get the longitude of the stock location. Note: The values are calculated from the address and/or postcode values that you have entered — therefore make sure that you have configured those fields first in the ‘Location Details’ section.
At what point is my web stock level updated after customers order items?
Your web stock level is updated as soon as a customer places an order on your website.
At what point is my local stock level updated?
Your local stock level us updated when an order is moved from Approved to Picking and Packing, depending on the Location of the User processing the order. Note that when kit order items are dispatched, auto-dispatched, cancelled or returned the stock location levels for the constituent kit items are adjusted by the ordered quantity. This will prevent stock location level synchronisation errors. Fixed Kit order items are also excluded from all stock location level adjustments.
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