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Stock Transfers

You can find this section under Stock Control > Stock Transfers in the IRP Admin left navigation menu. Note that you will not see this section if you have only one Stock Location configured in your IRP (as the IRP cannot carry out a stock transfer) and so you will be redirected to the Stock Admin home page (StockAdminHome.aspx) when you click the link for ‘Stock Transfers’ in the IRP left navigation menu. You will also not see this section if the Admin User Group to which you belong doesn’t include the ‘Allow Stock Transfer’ special permission.

You use this section to view and request incoming and outgoing stock transfers between different stock locations:

  • Incoming Transfers are for stock items that you want to bring into your selected stock location.
  • Outgoing Transfers are for stock items that you want to send to other stock locations added to your IRP.

The main StockTransfers.aspx page appears as follows:

IRP Admin image

You can use the Search bar at the top of the page to locate any transfer in the system. Search by Admin User, Username, Stock Location or Reference. If you expand 'Other Options' you can also filter by stock location, 'outstanding only' and transfer status (usable only if you have unchecked 'outstanding only'). The transfer status can be one of the following:

  • Any Status: This returns all transfers, of any status, from the selected location.
  • Selecting Items for Transfer: This returns all newly-created transfers to or from the selected location.
  • Transfer Requested: This returns all transfers that have been requested from or to the selected location.
  • Processing: This returns all transfers that are in the process of being dispatched.
  • Dispatched: This returns all transfers that have been dispatched to or from the selected location.
  • Part-fulfilled: This returns all transfers that are still in-progress to or from the selected location.
  • Cancelled: This returns all transfers that have been cancelled to or from the selected location.
  • Complete: This returns all transfers that have been fully completed for the selected location.

The list of incoming and outgoing transfers contains the following fields:

  • ID: This is an ID number associated with the transfer operation.
  • Added By: This is the name of the IRP Admin user who made the request.
  • From Location: This is the location from which the stock is to be sent.
  • To Location: This is the location to which the stock is to be sent.
  • Products: This is the total number of models in the transfer request.
  • Transfer Quantity: This is the total number of items in the transfer request.
  • Reference: This is the reference number for the transfer operation.
  • Status: This is the status of the transfer operation (as described previously).
  • Created: This is the date and time when the request was made.
  • Projected Arrival: This is the projected arrival time.

Note: There is an Application Setting available in the Stock Control group called Enable Out Of Stock Transfers. When this setting is enabled stock transfers can be requested from stock locations that have insufficient levels of stock to cover the transfer. It is strongly advised that this setting is NOT enabled as it introduces the potential for stock levels to get out of synchronization and will make tracking accurate stock levels through the IRP functionality much more difficult. The purpose of the setting is to allow stock transfers to be added before stock has arrived at a requested location, or when stock levels are not accurately maintained.

If ‘Enable Out Of Stock Transfers’ is enabled, the following will occur:

  • You will be allowed to request items from locations where the level at that location is less than the level requested.
  • The incoming stock page populates the stock locations grid from all locations (other than the current location) regardless of the stock level of the item at the given location.
  • The stock fulfil page handles the scenario when a transferred item has been requested from a location that doesn’t have the item.
  • The outgoing stock page handles the situation in which out of stock transfers are initiated from the location that doesn't have the stock.

How To Guides (3)

How To Request a New Incoming Transfer
How To Add a New Outgoing Transfer
How to View and Fulfil a Transfer Request

Processing Incoming Transfers

To view details of an Incoming Transfer request and complete the transfer, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that you are set to the 'To' stock location (the stock location that is due to receive the Incoming Transfer).
  2. Go to Stock Control > Stock Transfers in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  3. Select the 'Incoming Transfers' tab.
  4. Once a transfer has been dispatched from the outgoing stock location, you will see the transfer listed on the StockTransfers.aspx page with a status of 'Dispatched'. When you are ready to progress, click the Receive button on the right side of the row of the transfer that you want to receive. (Note that you can also export the data from the main StockTransfers.aspx page.)
  5. The details of the transfer operation are displayed on the StockTransferEdit.aspx page. From here you can use the View Printable Version button at the top of the page. You can also add some notes using the Add Note section.
  6. You can click the Transfer Has Arrived button when appropriate.
  7. Use the Mark Transfer as Received drop-down menu at the top of the page to mark the Stock Transfer as Complete. Select an appropriate action for the 'Dispatched' items in this Stock Transfer:
    • Receive Dispatched Quantities: This marks any 'Dispatched' items as 'Complete' and sets the Quantity Received to the Quantity Dispatched.
    • Keep Receive Quantities as is: This marks any 'Dispatched' items as 'Complete' but does not alter the Quantity Received from its current value.
  8. Click the Complete button. You will see the following prompt: Are you sure you want to Mark this Stock Transfer as Complete? Please ensure you have selected the correct action for dispatched, non-complete Transfer Items. If you want to proceed, click 'OK'. The status will change to 'Complete'.

Processing Outgoing Transfers

To process an Outgoing Transfer, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that you are set to the 'From' stock location (the stock location that is due to send the transfer).
  2. Go to Stock Control > Stock Transfers in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  3. Select the 'Outgoing Transfers' tab. Any transfers awaiting processing will have a status of 'Transfer Requested'.
  4. Click the Edit button on the right side of the row of the transfer that you want to process. The details of the transfer operation are displayed. (Note that you can also export the data from the main StockTransfers.aspx page.)
  5. On the 'Transfer Details' tab, click the Mark Stock Transfer as Processing button. The status will change to 'Processing'.
  6. From here you can use the View Printable Version button at the top of the screen. You can also add some notes using the Add Note section.
  7. Use the Mark Transfer as Dispatched drop-down menu at the top of the page to mark the Stock Transfer as Dispatched so it can be received by the 'To Location'. Select an appropriate action for the undispatched items in the Stock Transfer:
    • Dispatch Requested Quantities: This marks any 'Processing' items as 'Dispatched' and sets the Quantity Dispatched to the Quantity Requested.
    • Keep Dispatch Quantities as is: This marks any 'Processing' items as 'Dispatched' but does not alter the Quantity Dispatched from its current value.
  8. Click the Dispatch button. You will see the following prompt: Are you sure you want to Mark this Stock Transfer as Dispatched? Please ensure you have selected the correct action for undispatched Transfer Items. If you want to proceed, click 'OK'. The status will change to 'Dispatched'.

FAQs (3)

What is an ‘Incoming’ Stock Transfer?
Requesting an ‘incoming’ transfer means that you want to make a request for stock to be sent from another stock location to your current stock location.
What is an ‘Outgoing’ Stock Transfer?
Adding an ‘outgoing’ transfer means that you want to send stock directly from your current stock location to one of your other stock locations.
Why can't I view the Stock Transfers page in IRP Admin?
You may not be able to view the Stock Transfers page (StockTransfers.aspx) for two reasons:
  1. If you have only one Stock Location configured in your IRP, the IRP cannot carry out a stock transfer and so you will be redirected to the Stock Admin home page (StockAdminHome.aspx) when you click the link for ‘Stock Transfers’ in the IRP left navigation menu.
  2. If the Admin User Group to which you belong doesn’t include the ‘Allow Stock Transfer’ special permission, you will not be able to view the Stock Transfers page.
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