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IRP Errors

You can find this section under System Logs > IRP Errors in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use the System Logs section to view historic IRP error messages. This information is primarily of use to support and development staff. Some of the details are quite technical but they can be very helpful to suitably-skilled staff as a trouble-shooting aid.

(NOTE that the Enable IRP Error Recording Application Setting determines whether or not new errors generated by the IRP are recorded in the database and listed on the IRPErrors.aspx page and if the error spike detection Common Task is run. If the Application Setting is disabled, any previously-recorded errors will continue to be displayed.)

You can see at a glance several details about each error, including the page on which the error occurred, the IRP Admin user or customer involved and information about the user’s browser, device, IP address and so forth. If necessary, you can report the error to your IRP Agency.

Here is an example of what the screen could look like:

IRP Admin image

You can use the search feature to search by the type of exception or by the text of the message. If you expand Other Options under the Search bar, you can filter your results by site (standard, mobile or both) or date. To view every error message, click the Show All IRP Errors button above the Search bar.

The screen shows the following details for each error message. Note that you can sort any column in ascending or descending order by clicking the up or down arrows in the column head. You can also click on the column headers for Type, Http Code and Url in order to filter by the values in those columns.

  • ID: This is the ID of the error message in the database.
  • IP Address: This is the IP address of the user who experienced the error.
  • Type: This is the type of exception that occurred. This is primarily of use to support and development staff.
  • Exception: This is the exception or error that was generated in the code. This is primarily of use to support and development staff, but can be used to help determine what caused the error.
  • Http Code: This code can help determine the cause of HTTP errors.
  • IRP Version: This is the IRP version being used at the time of the error. This can help determine if a bug has been fixed in newer versions of the software.
  • Mobile: This indicates whether or not the user was viewing the site using a mobile device.
  • Url: This is the URL of the page on which the error occurred.
  • Timestamp: This is the date and time at which the error occurred and was recorded.

Deleting error messages

To delete the messages, click the green-coloured Clear Error Log button at the top of the screen.

Application Settings for error messages

To use this feature, you need to set some Application Settings:

  • EnableIRPErrorRecording: This is the master setting that activates and deactivates the IRP error recording feature.
  • MaxIRPErrorsPerMinute: (Advanced group) This is the maximum number of errors that will be recorded in the IRP database per minute. Note that you should not need to adjust this setting unless too many errors are coming through on an ongoing basis.

IRP error emails

Whenever an IRP generates an unhandled error, it is logged and an email is sent to This inbox will only accept mail at a certain rate that is set by Google. Anything could potentially cause an error and therefore it is not unusual for spikes in errors to result in some delays or bounceback emails ('Delivery Incomplete'). This does not indicate an issue with the email server and such emails can be ignored.

How To Guides (1)

How To View IRP Error Message Details

FAQs (1)

How do I use the 'IRP Errors' section?
You use this section to view any error messages that have been generated by the IRP. The details can be very helpful to suitably-skilled staff as a trouble-shooting aid. There are many details included for each error, for example the error type, exception details, the IRP Admin page involved and the IP address of the user's machine. This information is primarily of use to support and development staff. If necessary, you can report an error to your Systems Integrator.

Application Settings (2)

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