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Mobile Detection Strings

You can find this section under Server Management > Mobile Detection Strings in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use the Mobile Detection Strings section to view, edit or delete detection strings. This feature enhances the IRP’s ability to identify mobile device types. This information is primarily of use to development and support staff as many of the details are quite technical. However the data can be useful to other suitably-skilled staff examining, for example, customer orders.

You can see at a glance several details about each Mobile Detection String, including the device type (iPhone, Blackberry, etc.), the regular expression used to test the device’s user agent string against, and the entry type of the device (tablet, phone, browser, operating system, utilities).

Here is an example of what the page could look like:

Mobile Detection String main page

You can use the search feature to search for any detection string. If you expand Other Options under the Search bar, you can filter your results by detection type (tablet, phone, browser, operating system, utilities).

The page shows the following details for each detection string:

  • ID: This is the IRP database ID associated with a detection string.
  • Entry Type: This is the category of device: tablet, phone, browser, operating system or utilities.
  • Device Type: This is the precise make of device, for example iPhone, Blackberry, etc.
  • Regular Expression: The regular expression is what the detection module will test the User Agent string of the device against to see if it is a match for whatever you are trying to detect. For example, if you were trying to detect an operating system for any iOS device, you could use a regular expression such as “iPhone|iOS|iPad|iPod”.
  • Delete: If you want to delete a detection string, check the Delete box beside it, then click the Delete Selected Strings button.

How To Guides (3)

How to Add or Edit Mobile Detection Strings
How to Bulk Update Mobile Detection Strings
How to Test a User Agent String

To test user agent strings, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Server Management > Mobile Detection Strings in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. Click the Test User Agent String button above the Search bar.
    The MobileDetectionStringTestUserAgent.aspx page appears:
    Test User Agent String screen
  3. Complete the following details:
    User Agent String Enter the user agent string of the device that you want to test. The IRP automatically inserts the user agent string of the current device. You can determine the user agent of a device by visiting one of the many websites which will tell you what the user agent string of the current device is.
  4. Click the Test User Agent String button to run the test.
  5. The results are displayed in the Test Results section that appears. For example:
    Test Results section
  6. To run another test, click the Clear button and enter another user agent string.
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