How to Add or Edit a Marketing Campaign
To add or edit a marketing campaign, follow the steps described below.
Note: Remember that the remarketing flows exist independently of the email content that is sent to the recipients. You manage your email content on the RemarketingCampaignEmailTemplates.aspx page. It is advised that any email templates (and required content), and mailing list segments, are created before creating a remarketing email campaign flow. For more details, see the Email Templates and Segmentation help topics.
- Go to Email Marketing > Marketing Campaigns in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
- To add a new campaign, click the Add New Campaign button at the top of the page.
- To edit an existing campaign, click the Manage button to the right of the campaign that you want to edit.
The RemarketingCampaignEdit.aspx page appears. Complete the details on each of the tabs, as described in the sections that follow.
Campaign tab
- On the right side of the page, select an Event Type (the event that will cause the remarketing campaign to send emails) from the following list:
- Order Placed
- Order Completed
- Dropped Basket
- Mailing List Subscription
- Product View
- Special Occasion
- Mailshot
- Enter a Campaign Name to identify the campaign within IRP Admin.
- Use the Sending to drop-down list to select the type of recipients that this remarketing campaign will be sent to:
- Everyone
- Mailing List Segment
- Email Profile
- Report
- Email Send List
The number of recipients for the selected recipient type will be displayed against the Number of Recipients setting.
- On the left side of the page, add whatever Actions and Timings you require for the campaign by clicking the relevant box. Once an Action or Timing is placed, you can drag it to another position using the handle that is visible when you hover your cursor over it. You can also delete it if necessary. The available Actions and Timing steps will vary based on the event type you select. The following Actions are available:
- Event: The event type that will cause the remarketing campaign to send emails (Orders Placed, Orders Completed, Dropped Basket, Mailing List Subscriptions, Product View, Special Occasion, Mailshot).
- Send Email: Select the following:
- The template that will be used for the email send
- The 'From' address and Display Name
- The subject
- Voucher details (if selected)
- Product recommendations details (if selected)
The following Timings are available:
- Delay: How long after the event the action should be performed.
- Stop: The event that the campaign should stop on for each recipient. The following 'Stop Type' actions are available: Orders Placed, Orders Completed, Dropped Basket, Mailing List Subscription, Product Review, Customer Feedback, Password Reset, Customer Logged In, Email Opened, Email Clicked).
- Before: How long before the event the action should be performed.
- Schedule: The date & time on which the action should be performed, plus the time zone for a Mailshot's scheduled send date.
The following are the Actions and Timing steps available for each event type:
- Event Type: Orders Placed:
- Action: Send Email
- Timing: Delay, Stop
- Event Type: Orders Completed:
- Action: Send Email
- Timing: Delay, Stop
- Event Type: Dropped Basket:
- Action: Send Email
- Timing: Delay, Stop
- Event Type: Mailing List Subscriptions:
- Action: Send Email
- Timing: Delay, Stop
- Event Type: Product View:
- Action: Send Email
- Timing: Delay, Stop
- Event Type: Special Occasion:
- Action: Send Email
- Timing: Before, Delay, Stop
- Event Type: Mailshot:
- Action: Send Email
- Timing: Schedule
The following are key points to note:
- Mailshots can (and must) only consist of a single 'Schedule' and 'Email Send' (as 'Stop' Actions do not apply in this context). All other event types can have any number of allowed Timing events and Email Sends.
- Steps in the flow can be reordered or removed. Consecutive flow steps of the same type, such as two consecutive Delays, are not allowed (however the dropped basket event must have at least one delay before performing the 'Send Email' Action; other events do not require an initial delay.
- Recipients will enter into the flow of steps when they perform the initial action, such as dropping a basket. Then each step in the flow will be performed for the recipient, resulting in email sends at the corresponding times - unless the recipient performs one of the associated 'Stop' Actions.
- When a 'Stop' Action is performed, the recipient is removed from the flow. All non-mailshot events can have multiple 'Stop' Actions, and all except 'Special Occasion' require an 'Order Placed' 'Stop' Action. This will cause the recipient to leave the flow when they place an order; this is added automatically and cannot be removed.
- Click the Insert button or the Update button.
Preview tab
Here you can preview all emails within a campaign.
Test tab
Here you can easily test an email send by sending to an individual address or a test list.
Status tab
Here you can view the current status of the campaign. For remarketing campaigns, this can be 'Running' or 'Not Running'. For mailshots this can be 'Not Sent', 'Scheduled', 'Sending', 'Paused', or 'Complete'.
Send Stats tab
Here you can see the following statistics for each email in the campaign:
- Total Sent
- Total Opened
- Total Open Rate
- Total Clicks
- Total Click Rate
- Total Unsubscribes
- Total Orders
- Total Sales
You can use the search bar to filter by any email in the campaign and by date range.
Audit History tab
Here you can search by Campaign Name, Admin User or Audit Notes to find any log details for a campaign. If you expand 'Other options' under the search bar, you can also filter by campaign email, date range and errors/non-errors.
How to View Remarketing Campaign Audit History
To view remarketing campaign audit history, follow these steps:
- Go to Email Marketing > Marketing Campaigns in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
- Click the Audit History button at the top of the page.
The RemarketingCampaignAuditHistory.aspx page appears:
- Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for log entries by campaign name, Admin User or audit notes. If you expand 'Other Options' you can filter by campaign email, mailshot send, date range and show errors/non-errors. The results are displayed in the main grid:
- ID: The unique ID of the log event in IRP Admin.
- Admin User: The Admin User associated with the log event.
- Source: The source of the logged event. If this is a campaign, you can click through to the RemarketingCampaignEdit.aspx page.
- Notes: A description of the logged event.
- Is Error: Whether or not the log entry details an error (True/False).
- TimeStamp: The date and time of the log entry.
How to View Emails Online or Email a Friend
You can cater for customers who would like to view online versions of the emails that they receive from you by incorporating a link to the emailpreview.aspx page in your email, accompanied by the ID of the email (using a query). For example, you could include the following code in your HTML — note how the URL to the emailpreview.aspx page includes the query string ?emailid=6
(obviously you should use the ID number of the relevant email):
<div style="text-align: center;">
<a style="font-size:10px;"
href="">View this email online</a>
You could place this link in either the body of the email or in a specific Header that you are using for the email. Here is an example of how the email might look when viewed in the customer’s inbox — you can see the link at the top-centre of the email:
When customers click the ‘View this email online’ link in their email, they will open the emailpreview.aspx page in their default web browser:
If required, you can change the look of the emailpreview.aspx page using CSS. As you can see in the screen capture above, there is also an ‘E-mail Friend’ link in the top-right corner of this page (again, you can use CSS to change the styling and placement of this link). The text and tooltip of this link are controlled by Small Translations and are fully translatable:
- 37: This label is used as the text for the link which opens up the customer’s email program. The default English text is: E-mail Friend.
- 278: This label is used as the text for the tooltip on the link. The default English text is: E-mail a friend a link to this web page.
How to Understand Email Campaign Placeholders
You can use the following placeholders when you are creating or editing the HTML content of your Email Campaigns.
Placeholder | Description |
$$EmailAddress$$ |
The customer email address as plain text. |
$$UnsubscribeLink$$ |
The unsubscribe URL as plain text. |
$$ConfirmMarketingConsentLink$$ |
This placeholder, when added to an HTML hyperlink in your email source code (for example, <a href="$$ConfirmMarketingConsentLink$$">Yes I'd still like to receive your content</a>) , that link's href will be populated by a customer-specific link which, when clicked, will mark the record in the IRP database as confirmed. |
$$MailingListID$$ |
The mailing list ID as plain text. |
$$CustomerName$$ |
The full customer name as plain text. |
$$EmailCampaignEmailID$$ |
The ID of the email campaign as plain text. |
$$CurrentYear$$ |
The current year as plain text. |
$$SiteEmailAddress$$ |
The site email address as plain text. This is taken from the site configuration settings. |
$$BusinessName$$ |
The client name as plain text. This is taken from the site configuration settings. |
$$WebsiteName$$ |
The client website name as plain text. This is taken from the site configuration settings. |
$$ApplicationUrl$$ |
The website url as plain text. This is taken from the configuration settings and will be https when EnableSSL and ForceSiteUnderHTTPS are both enabled. |
$$ApplicationSecureUrl$$ |
The secure website url as plain text. This is taken from the configuration settings and will be https when EnableSSL is enabled. |
$$ApplicationTradeURL$$ |
The trade website url as plain text. This is taken from the configuration settings and will be https when EnableSSL and ForceSiteUnderHTTPS are both enabled. |
$$ApplicationSecureTradeURL$$ |
The trade website url as plain text. This is taken from the configuration settings and will be https when EnableSSL is enabled. |
$$VoucherCode$$ |
The generated voucher code as plain text. |
$$VoucherAmount$$ |
The voucher amount or percentage as plain text. This will include the following Small Translations:
'(No minimum spend)' - Small Translation ID 2633
'(Minimum Spend of {0})' – Small Translation ID 2634
'off' – Small Translation ID2635
'off the amount spent over the minimum spend' – Small Translation ID 2636
$$VoucherExpiryDate$$ |
The date of expiry of the voucher as plain text. |
$$VoucherMinimumSpend$$ |
The minimum spend value as a 2dp plain text number value. |
$$BasketUrl$$ |
The URL to the basket as plain text. |
$$BasketLink$$ |
An HTML link for the basket URL. |
$$ProductRecommendations-Template1$$ |
HTML content for the customer product recommendations. The structure is determined from a Custom Product List Template with the given Template ID (in this case 1) $$ProductRecommendations-Template1$$. These can be managed on the CustomProductListTemplates.aspx page. The placeholders can be added for applicable campaigns using the drop-down menus on the EmailCampaignEdit.aspx page. |
$$ProductList1-Template1$$ |
HTML content for a given Custom Product List and Custom Product List Template. The ProductList number is the ID of the Custom Product List to display $$ProductList1-Template1$$. The Template number is the ID of the Custom Product List Template to use $$ProductList1-Template1$$. These placeholders can be automatically generated using the drop-down menus on the EmailCampaignEdit.aspx page for applicable campaigns. |
$$BasketContentsTemplate1$$ |
HTML representing the customer's basket contents. The Template number corresponds to the Basket Content Template ID to use $$BasketContentsTemplate1$$. These can be managed on the BasketContentTemplates.aspx page. The placeholders can be added automatically via the drop-down menus for applicable campaigns on the EmailCampaignEdit.aspx page. |
Legacy Campaigns: Overview
The following Legacy Email Campaign Types exist:
Standard Mailshot Campaign
- Email contents can be added for one email only.
- A new partner can automatically be generated when inserting a new Campaign when 'Automatically create new traffic partner' is selected during configuration.
- The email is always manually sent either immediately or at a scheduled time by pressing the 'Send Email' button.
- A 'Scheduled Sends' tab displays on the EmailCampaignEdit.aspx page when a send is underway for the Campaign.
- Scheduled sends can be cancelled or paused/resumed when in progress.
- All Campaign Emails can include a voucher, voucher restrictions and any number of Custom Product Lists. The 'Minimum Spend' is text fully translatable using small translations 2633, 2634, 2635 and 2636.
Dropped Basket Campaign
You can use Dropped Basket Campaigns to remind customers that they have left one or more products in their basket. To become eligible to receive these emails, a customer must log into their account, add one or more products to their basket but then not purchase them.
- The Campaign emails will be sent automatically when customers with dropped baskets meet all of the criteria configured in the Campaign.
- Multiple email contents can be added to the Campaign.
- Additional emails can override the Partner of the Campaign so they are tracked independently.
- Additional emails can be sent at different time frames based on the number of minutes/hours/days/weeks after a basket has been dropped.
- Campaign emails can be deactivated.
- All email contents must include one of the following placeholders to allow a customer to retrieve their basket:
- Basket Content Templates can be added to the email HTML content.
- All Campaign Emails can include a voucher, voucher restrictions and any number of Custom Product Lists. The 'Minimum Spend' is text fully translatable using small translations 2633, 2634, 2635 and 2636.
Re-engagement Campaign
You can use Re-engagement Campaigns to approach customers who have not made a purchase in a specified period of time. An example would be if a customer has not ordered from you in 90 days, you could send an email with a 10% off voucher.
- The Campaign emails will be sent automatically when customers are inactive.
- Multiple email contents can be added to the Campaign.
- Additional emails can override the Partner of the Campaign so they are tracked independently.
- Additional emails can be sent at different timeframes based on the number of minutes/days/hours/weeks/ a customer has been inactive for.
- Campaign emails can be deactivated.
- Email content can include Product Recommendations.
- The Campaign emails are always sent to customers who are inactive - the recipients' selection can further filter these customers.
- You can configure campaigns to prevent customers from receiving re-engagement emails if they have subsequently placed an order.
- All Campaign Emails can include a voucher, voucher restrictions and any number of Custom Product Lists. The 'Minimum Spend' is text fully translatable using small translations 2633, 2634, 2635 and 2636.
Birthday Campaign
You use Birthday Emails to send emails to customers on their birthday, encouraging them to purchase more items, use a voucher, and so forth.
You will only know the customer’s birthday if they have voluntarily included the information in their account details. In order for the customer to have the opportunity to do this, you must enable the Application Setting Enable Customer Date Of Birth Entry.
- The Campaign Emails will be sent automatically on customer birthdays.
- You can add multiple email contents to the Campaign.
- Additional emails can override the Partner of the Campaign so that they are tracked independently.
- Additional emails can be sent at different timeframes based on the number of minutes/hours/days/weeks after a customer birthday. You can insert a negative value if you want emails to be sent for the hours, days or weeks before a customer birthday.
- Campaign emails can be deactivated.
- The Campaign Emails are always sent to customers on their birthdays - the recipients' selection can further filter these customers.
- All Campaign Emails can include a voucher, voucher restrictions and any number of Custom Product Lists. The 'Minimum Spend' is text fully translatable using small translations 2633, 2634, 2635 and 2636.
The send time for campaign emails is recorded. All campaign emails use the same tracking.
You can preview and test all Campaign Emails before sending them, with all placeholder content being fully replaced.
EmailCampaigns.aspx page
The main EmailCampaigns.aspx page includes tabs corresponding to the types of Email Campaign.
Standard Mailshots tab
You can use the search features at the top of the grid to find any email in the system, by Last Sent Date and by Status.
The main grid shows the following details on the 'Standard Mailshots' tab:
- ID: This is the ID of the Email Campaign. Note that there can only ever be one email in a Standard Mailshot Campaign (other types of Campaign, as described below, can have multiple emails within a Campaign).
- Campaign: This is the IRP Admin name of the Campaign.
- Subject: This is the subject of the email as defined when it was originally created. For details, see the 'How To' articles in this section.
- Status: This is the current status of the email:
- Not Sent
- Sending
- Sent
- Inactive
You may also see the following Email Sending Statuses:
- Not Sent
- Sending
- Complete
- Scheduled
- Gathering Addresses
- Paused
- Aborted
- Generating Vouchers
- Parsing Placeholders
- Verifying International Settings
- Generating Custom Product Lists
- Generating Email Body Text
For Mailshot campaigns that are not 'Complete' or 'Not Sent', the sending status will also be displayed (for example 'Sending – Gathering Addresses').
- Sent date: This is the date and time when the email was last sent.
- Sent: This is the total number of times that the email has been sent to customers across all sending sessions.
- Opened: This is the total number of times that the email has been opened by customers (as measured by the number of times they click the link in the email).
- Open Rate: This is the rate at which emails are opened by recipients (Opened emails / Sent emails).
- Clicks: This is
- Click Rate: This is the Click Through Rate: Read emails / Sent emails * 100. In other words, the percentage of times that a recipient opens your email and clicks the link to get through to your website.
- Unsubscribes: This is the number of customers who have received an email from an Email Campaign, used a link within the email to go to your website and then subsequently have unsubscribed from the Mailing List.
- Orders: This is the total number of orders made by customers who received the email and clicked through to your site.
- AOV: This is the Revenue / Orders. (This is often called the Average Order Value.)
- Revenue: This is the total amount of revenue generated by the email.
- [Check box]: Check this box if you want to select a standard mailshot campaign for deletion or check the box at the very top of the column to select all standard mailshot campaigns for deletion. Once you have made your selection, click the Delete Selected Campaigns button at the top or the bottom of the page to delete the campaigns.
- Preview: Click this button to see what the email will look like when it is sent to recipients.
- Edit: Click this button to Edit the email. For details, see the 'How To' articles in this section.
- Copy: Click this button to copy the email and then use it as the basis for another email.
- Send: Click this button to prepare to send an email. For details, see the How to Run a Standard Mailshot Campaign article in this section.
Dropped Basket Campaigns tab
You can use the search features at the top of the grid to find any email in the system, by Last Sent Date and by Status.
The main grid shows the following details on the 'Dropped Basket Campaigns' tab:
- ID: This is the ID of the Email Campaign. Note that there can be multiple emails within a Campaign - each one will have a different ID (as listed on the 'Email Content' tab).
- Campaign: This is the IRP Admin name of the Campaign.
- Emails:
- Subject: This is the subject of each individual email within a Campaign. For details, see the 'How To' articles in this section.
- Sent: This is the total number of times that each individual email within a Campaign has been sent to customers.
- Opened: This is the total number of times that each individual email within a Campaign has been opened by customers (as measured by the number of times they click the link in the email).
- Revenue: This is the total amount of revenue generated by each individual email within a Campaign.
- Status: This is the current status of the Campaign:
- Live (i.e. sending)
- Sent
- Inactive (i.e. paused)
- Date Sent: This is the date and time when the email was last sent.
- Sent: This is the total number of times that the emails have been sent to customers across all sending sessions for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Opened: This is the total number of times that emails have been opened by customers (as measured by the number of times they click the link in the emails) for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Open Rate: This is the rate at which emails are opened by recipients (Opened emails / Sent emails) for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Clicks: This is the number of times that emails have been clicked on for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Click Rate: This is the Click Through Rate: Read emails / Sent emails * 100. In other words, the percentage of times that a recipient opens your emails and clicks the link to get through to your website for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Unsubscribes: This is the number of customers who have received an email from an Email Campaign, used a link within the email to go to your website and then subsequently have unsubscribed from the Mailing List.
- Orders: This is the total number of orders made by customers who received the emails and clicked through to your site for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- AOV: This is the Average Order Value (Revenue / Orders) for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Revenue: This is the total amount of revenue generated by the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- [Check box]: Check this box if you want to select a dropped basket campaign for deletion or check the box at the very top of the column to select all dropped basket campaigns for deletion. Once you have made your selection, click the Delete Selected Campaigns button at the top or the bottom of the page to delete the campaigns.
- Preview: Click this button to see what the email will look like when it is sent to recipients.
- Edit: Click this button to Edit the email. For details, see the How to Run a Birthday Campaign article in this section.
- Copy: Click this button to copy the email and then use it as the basis for another email.
- Send: Click this button to prepare to send an email. For details, see the How to Run a Birthday Campaign article in this section.
Re-engagement Campaigns tab
You can use the search features at the top of the grid to find any email in the system, by Last Sent Date and by Status.
The main grid shows the following details on the 'Re-engagement Campaigns' tab:
- ID: This is the ID of the Email Campaign. Note that there can be multiple emails within a Campaign - each one will have a different ID (as listed on the 'Email Content' tab).
- Campaign: This is the IRP Admin name of the Campaign.
- Emails:
- Subject: This is the subject of each individual email within a Campaign. For details, see the 'How To' articles in this section.
- Sent: This is the total number of times that each individual email within a Campaign has been sent to customers.
- Opened: This is the total number of times that each individual email within a Campaign has been opened by customers (as measured by the number of times they click the link in the email).
- Revenue: This is the total amount of revenue generated by each individual email within a Campaign.
- Status: This is the current status of the Campaign:
- Live (i.e. sending)
- Sent
- Inactive (i.e. paused)
- Date Sent: This is the date and time when the email was last sent.
- Sent: This is the total number of times that the emails have been sent to customers across all sending sessions for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Opened: This is the total number of times that emails have been opened by customers (as measured by the number of times they click the link in the emails) for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Open Rate: This is the rate at which emails are opened by recipients (Opened emails / Sent emails) for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Clicks: This is the number of times that emails have been clicked on for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Click Rate: This is the Click Through Rate: Read emails / Sent emails * 100. In other words, the percentage of times that a recipient opens your emails and clicks the link to get through to your website for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Unsubscribes: This is the number of customers who have received an email from an Email Campaign, used a link within the email to go to your website and then subsequently have unsubscribed from the Mailing List.
- Orders: This is the total number of orders made by customers who received the emails and clicked through to your site for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- AOV: This is the Average Order Value (Revenue / Orders) for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Revenue: This is the total amount of revenue generated by the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- [Check box]: Check this box if you want to select a re-engagement campaign for deletion or check the box at the very top of the column to select all re-engagement campaigns for deletion. Once you have made your selection, click the Delete Selected Campaigns button at the top or the bottom of the page to delete the campaigns.
- Preview: Click this button to see what the email will look like when it is sent to recipients.
- Edit: Click this button to Edit the email. For details, see the How to Run a Birthday Campaign article in this section.
- Copy: Click this button to copy the email and then use it as the basis for another email.
- Send: Click this button to prepare to send an email. For details, see the How to Run a Birthday Campaign article in this section.
Birthday Campaigns tab
Note that Birthday Campaigns are listed under 'Others' at the top-right of the page.
You can use the search features at the top of the grid to find any email in the system, by Last Sent Date and by Status.
The main grid shows the following details on the 'Birthday Campaigns' tab:
- ID: This is the ID of the Email Campaign. Note that there can be multiple emails within a Campaign - each one will have a different ID (as listed on the 'Email Content' tab).
- Campaign: This is the IRP Admin name of the Campaign.
- Emails:
- Subject: This is the subject of each individual email within a Campaign. For details, see the 'How To' articles in this section.
- Sent: This is the total number of times that each individual email within a Campaign has been sent to customers.
- Opened: This is the total number of times that each individual email within a Campaign has been opened by customers (as measured by the number of times they click the link in the email).
- Revenue: This is the total amount of revenue generated by each individual email within a Campaign.
- Status: This is the current status of the Campaign:
- Live (i.e. sending)
- Sent
- Inactive (i.e. paused)
- Last Sent: This is the date and time when the email was last sent.
- Sent: This is the total number of times that the emails have been sent to customers across all sending sessions for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Opened: This is the total number of times that emails have been opened by customers (as measured by the number of times they click the link in the emails) for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Open Rate: This is the rate at which emails are opened by recipients (Opened emails / Sent emails) for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Clicks: This is the number of times that emails have been clicked on for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Click Rate: This is the Click Through Rate: Read emails / Sent emails * 100. In other words, the percentage of times that a recipient opens your emails and clicks the link to get through to your website for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Unsubscribes: This is the number of customers who have received an email from an Email Campaign, used a link within the email to go to your website and then subsequently have unsubscribed from the Mailing List.
- Orders: This is the total number of orders made by customers who received the emails and clicked through to your site for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- AOV: This is the Average Order Value (Revenue / Orders) for the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Revenue: This is the total amount of revenue generated by the Campaign as a whole (i.e. including all of the individual emails within the Campaign).
- Preview: Click this button to see what the email will look like when it is sent to recipients.
- [Check box]: Check this box if you want to select a birthday campaign for deletion or check the box at the very top of the column to select all birthday campaigns for deletion. Once you have made your selection, click the Delete Selected Campaigns button at the top or the bottom of the page to delete the campaigns.
- Edit: Click this button to Edit the email. For details, see the How to Run a Birthday Campaign article in this section.
- Copy: Click this button to copy the email and then use it as the basis for another email.
- Send: Click this button to prepare to send an email. For details, see the How to Run a Birthday Campaign article in this section.
Note that orders resulting from an email campaign and voucher usage are tracked independently in the IRP. If a customer clicks a link in an email, they are tracked as having that Partner ID, but a customer may choose to open the site via another method, meaning that the email is not tracked as the source of the order. For example, a voucher might have been used ten times according to the Admin. However of these, perhaps only two customers were brought to the website via the email (clicking a link in the email). The others may have come to the site either via Google Shopping or directly. Also customers may have placed orders after coming to the site via the email, but they may not have used the voucher code from the email. It may also be possible that voucher codes have been shared with other people without forwarding the email to them, or the people that the email was shared with did not click on a link in the email to access the site.
Legacy Campaigns: How to Manage a Legacy Birthday Campaign
To run a Birthday Campaign, follow these steps:
- Ensure that the Enable Customer Date Of Birth Entry Application Setting has been enabled.
- Go to Email Marketing > Marketing Campaigns in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
- Click the Legacy Campaigns button at the top of the page.
- To edit an existing Birthday Campaign, find the Campaign that you are interested in and click the Edit button at the right side of the row belonging to the Campaign that you want to edit.
- If you want to simply copy the Campaign and adjust some details to use it for another Campaign, click the Copy button.
- To add a new Campaign, click the Add Campaign button at the top of the screen.
- Complete the details on the tabs that appear, as described in the sections that follow.
Campaign Type tab
- Complete the following details on the Campaign Type tab (note that the tab will by default refer to 'Standard Mailshot' until you use the 'Campaign Type' setting to set the type of Campaign):
- Status: The current status of the email Campaign. For mailshot campaigns this can be one of 'Inactive', 'Scheduled', 'Sending' or 'Sent'. For re-marketing campaigns this can be one of 'Paused', 'Live' or 'Sent'.
- Campaign Name: Enter a name for the email Campaign that will be used to identify the Campaign throughout the IRP Admin.
- Campaign Type: Choose the type of email Campaign: Customer Birthday.
- Traffic Partner For Tracking: Select the traffic partner that will be associated with this Campaign. All sales placed as a result of this email will be tracked via this partner. To add n new traffic partner click the 'Add New' button.
- Click the Insert Campaign button.
- Move to the Email Content tab, as described in the section that follows.
Email Content tab
- Complete the following details on the Email Content tab:
- Email ID: The ID of the Email within the Campaign used by the IRP (created automatically).
- From Email Address: The email will appear to have been sent from this email address when viewed by the recipient customer.
- From Display Name: This will be the name displayed in the recipients' inbox as the name of the sender.
- Subject: The subject of the email that will display the in the inboxes of the recipient customers. Obviously this should be in whatever language is appropriate for the recipients of the email.
- Language: Select the language that will be used for any translatable content within the email such as unsubscribe links. For example, if this is a German email and you have configured a German translation ('abbestellen') for Small Translation 2504 (which is used for the 'unsubscribe' link within emails), you should select 'Deutsch' from the Language drop-down menu and click 'Update Campaign' . You can then click 'Preview' to see the German version of the unsubscribe link contained in the German version of the email and this is what will be used in the emails sent to the recipients.
- Complete the following details in the 'Email Content' section:
- Header & Footer: Select a (previously configured) a header and footer that will display above and below the email content. Make sure that this is in whatever language is appropriate for the recipients of the email. Click the 'Preview' button to see what these look like.
- HTML Version: Enter the HTML version of the email content that will be displayed to customers. Make sure that this is in whatever language is appropriate for the recipients of the email. Use any of the placeholders listed. Note that if you are incorporating Vouchers, you MUST include the Voucher-related placeholders.
NOTE: For more information see How to Understand Email Campaign Placeholders.
- Include Plain Text Version: When unchecked only an HTML version of the email will be sent to the customer. When checked both an HTML and text version of the email will be sent.
- To include existing content that you have saved elsewhere, click the Upload Files button.
- To include a Custom Product List, click the Add Product List button.
- Complete the following details in the 'Vouchers' section:
- Include Voucher: Check to include a voucher with this email. If selected a single-use free voucher will be added to the email for each customer who receives it. The amount, discount type and number of days it is valid for can all be set.
- Discount Type: The discount type that will be used for the voucher that is generated for this email. This can be money off or percentage off.
- Currency: The currency that will be used for the voucher that is generated for this email.
- Amount: The value amount of the voucher that will be generated for this email. For foreign currencies, the value is converted for non-percentage amounts only
- Minimum Spend: The amount the customer has to spend to receive the discount. The text fully translatable using small translations 2633, 2634, 2635 and 2636
- Valid For Days: The number of days that the voucher will be valid for. After this time the voucher will expire.
- Add Product Restriction: Select the type of restriction to add to this email voucher (No Restriction, Brand Only, Category Only, Brand Category Combination).
- Click the Update Campaign button.
- To preview the email content with test data, click the View Parsed Content button.
- Move to the Test tab, as described in the section that follows.
Test tab
- Select the email content to use for test using the Select Campaign Email drop-down list.
- Use the Send To setting to send to an individual email address or a test list.
- Click the Preview Email button to see what the email will look like.
- Click the Send Test Email button to send the email to the test recipients.
- Assuming all is as you want it, move to the Recipients (Matching Birthdays) tab, as described in the section that follows.
Recipients (Matching Birthdays) tab
- Complete the following details on the Recipients (Matching Birthdays) tab:
- Who are you sending it to: Select the type of recipients that this email will be sent to (Everyone, Email Profile, Mailing List Segment, Report, Private Sale Invitees).
- Include Unsubscribed Customers: Customers who have unsubscribed to the mailing list will be included in the recipients for this campaign email. This is not recommended unless issuing a product recall. Sending emails to unsubscribed customers will potentially cause you to be blacklisted as a spam sender.
- Birthday: When checked, this Campaign will only send emails between the provided dates, or 'any time'. Note that the 'Between Specific Dates' radio button is pre-selected and the current date is set as the default 'Date From' value when you insert a new Campaign.
- Date From / Date To: Emails will only be sent between the specified dates.
- Number Of Recipients: This is the number of people who will receive this email based on the selection above. Note that an exact count is not available for event based email campaigns as the number of recipients constantly changes based on customer activity e.g. how many customers drop baskets, etc.
- Click the Update Campaign button.
- Move to the Preview & Send tab, as described in the section that follows.
Preview & Send tab
- You can now configure the follows details:
- Send After: Set the time period to Minutes, Hours, Days or Weeks. Note that you can insert a negative value here if you want emails to be sent for the hours, days or weeks before a customer birthday.
- Active: Check the Active box if you have finished configuring the Campaign.
- Assuming all is as you want it, click the Start Campaign button.
Viewing campaign stats and adding emails to campaigns
You can use the Previous Send Stats tab to view key statistics about the emails you have sent. Stats include: Total Sent, Total Opened, Total Open Rate, Total Clicks, Total Click Rate, Total Unsubscribes, Total Orders, Total AOV and Total Revenue.
If you want to add more emails to the same Campaign (allowing you, if necessary, to track traffic partners independently), open the Email Content tab and click the orange 'plus' symbol (+) beside the tab for the Campaign.
Then proceed as described in the steps above. If you want to remove an email from a Campaign, click the Remove This Email button.
Note: If you want to delete a Campaign, click the Edit button for the Campaign and then click the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your decision, understanding that you cannot undo this action once it is done.
Legacy Campaigns: How to Manage a Legacy Re-engagement Campaign
To run a Re-engagement Campaign, follow these steps:
- Go to Email Marketing > Marketing Campaigns in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
- Click the Legacy Campaigns button at the top of the page.
- To edit an existing Re-engagement Campaign, find the Campaign that you are interested in and click the Edit button at the right side of the row belonging to the Campaign that you want to edit.
- If you want to simply copy the Campaign and adjust some details to use it for another Campaign, click the Copy button.
- To add a new Campaign, click the Add Campaign button at the top of the screen.
- Complete the details on the tabs that appear, as described in the sections that follow.
Campaign Type tab
- Complete the following details on the Campaign Type tab (note that the tab will by default refer to 'Standard Mailshot' until you use the 'Campaign Type' setting to set the type of Campaign):
- Status: The current status of the email Campaign. For mailshot campaigns this can be one of 'Inactive', 'Scheduled', 'Sending' or 'Sent'. For re-marketing campaigns this can be one of 'Paused', 'Live' or 'Sent'.
- Campaign Name: Enter a name for the email Campaign that will be used to identify the Campaign throughout the IRP Admin.
- Campaign Type: Choose the type of email Campaign: Re-engagement Campaign.
- Traffic Partner For Tracking: Select the traffic partner that will be associated with this Campaign. All sales placed as a result of this email will be tracked via this partner. To add a new traffic partner click the 'Add New' button.
- Click the Insert Campaign button.
- Move to the Email Content tab, as described in the section that follows.
Email Content tab
- Complete the following details on he Email Content tab:
- Email ID: The ID of the Email within the Campaign used by the IRP (created automatically).
- From Email Address: The email will appear to have been sent from this email address when viewed by the recipient customer.
- From Display Name: This will be the name displayed in the recipients' inbox as the name of the sender.
- Subject: The subject of the email that will display the in the inboxes of the recipient customers. Obviously this should be in whatever language is appropriate for the recipients of the email.
- Language: Select the language that will be used for any translatable content within the email such as unsubscribe links. For example, if this is a German email and you have configured a German translation ('abbestellen') for Small Translation 2504 (which is used for the 'unsubscribe' link within emails), you should select 'Deutsch' from the Language drop-down menu and click 'Update Campaign' . You can then click 'Preview' to see the German version of the unsubscribe link contained in the German version of the email and this is what will be used in the emails sent to the recipients.
- Complete the following details in the 'Email Content' section:
- Header & Footer: Select a (previously configured) a header and footer that will display above and below the email content. Make sure that this is in whatever language is appropriate for the recipients of the email. Click the 'Preview' button to see what these look like.
- HTML Version: Enter the HTML version of the email content that will be displayed to customers. Make sure that this is in whatever language is appropriate for the recipients of the email. Use any of the placeholders listed. Note that $$ProductRecommendations$$ MUST be included if you are completing the Product Recommendations section as described below. Also, if you are incorporating Vouchers, you MUST include the Voucher-related placeholders.
NOTE: For more information see How to Understand Email Campaign Placeholders.
- Include Plain Text Version: When unchecked only an HTML version of the email will be sent to the customer. When checked both an HTML and text version of the email will be sent.
- To include existing content that you have saved elsewhere, click the Upload Files button.
- To include a Custom Product List, click the Add Product List button.
- To include Product Recommendations, click the Add Recommendations button. This inserts a default Custom Product List Template. if you have created additional Custom Product List Templates for recommendations, then you can select one of them from the drop-down menu instead of the default.
- Complete the following details in the 'Vouchers' section:
- Include Voucher: Check to include a voucher with this email. If selected a single-use free voucher will be added to the email for each customer who receives it. The amount, discount type and number of days it is valid for can all be set.
- Discount Type: The discount type that will be used for the voucher that is generated for this email. This can be money off or percentage off.
- Currency: The currency that will be used for the voucher that is generated for this email.
- Amount: The value amount of the voucher that will be generated for this email. For foreign currencies, the value is converted for non-percentage amounts only
- Minimum Spend: The amount the customer has to spend to receive the discount. The text fully translatable using small translations 2633, 2634, 2635 and 2636
- Valid For Days: The number of days that the voucher will be valid for. After this time the voucher will expire.
- Add Product Restriction: Select the type of restriction to add to this email voucher (No Restriction, Brand Only, Category Only, Brand Category Combination).
- Complete the following details in the 'Product Recommendations' section:
- Add Product Recommendations: When checked, product recommendations will be included in the email content.
- Number of Products to Recommend: The Number of Products to Recommend in this email. Note that the maximum number of Products that can be recommended are 6.
- Based on Orders Placed in last (days): The time period over which the product recommendations should be based on. Recommendations will be based on customer activity within this number of days.
- Click the Update Campaign button.
- To preview the email content with test data, click the View Parsed Content button.
- Move to the Test tab, as described in the section that follows.
Test tab
- Select the email content to use for test using the Select Campaign Email drop-down list.
- Use the Send To setting to send to an individual email address or a test list.
- Click the Preview Email button to see what the email will look like.
- Click the Send Test Email button to send the email to the test recipients.
- Assuming all is as you want it, move to the Recipients (Matching Customers) tab, as described in the section that follows.
Recipients (Matching Customers) tab
- Complete the following details on the Recipients (Matching Customers) tab :
- Who are you sending it to: Select the type of recipients that this email will be sent to (Everyone, Email Profile, Mailing List Segment, Report, Private Sale Invitees).
- Reset Recipients on Order Placement: Tick this box if you want to remove customers from this email campaign, preventing them from receiving re-engagement emails if they have subsequently placed an order. When this is checked, any customer who places an order after an email campaign has been set up will be removed from subsequent sends.
- Include Unsubscribed Customers: Customers who have unsubscribed to the mailing list will be included in the recipients for this campaign email. This is not recommended unless issuing a product recall. Sending emails to unsubscribed customers will potentially cause you to be blacklisted as a spam sender.
- Number Of Recipients: This is the number of people who will receive this email based on the selection above. Note that an exact count is not available for event based email campaigns as the number of recipients constantly changes based on customer activity e.g. how many customers drop baskets, etc.
- Click the Update Campaign button.
- Move to the Preview & Send tab, as described in the section that follows.
Preview & Send tab
- You can now configure the follows details:
- Send After: Set the time period to Minutes, Hours, Days or Weeks.
- Active: Check the Active box if you have finished configuring the Campaign.
- Assuming all is as you want it, click the Start Campaign button.
Viewing campaign stats and adding emails to campaigns
You can use the Previous Send Stats tab to view key statistics about the emails you have sent. Stats include: Total Sent, Total Opened, Total Open Rate, Total Clicks, Total Click Rate, Total Unsubscribes, Total Orders, Total AOV and Total Revenue.
If you want to add more emails to the same Campaign (allowing you, if necessary, to track traffic partners independently), open the Email Content tab and click the orange 'plus' symbol (+) beside the tab for the Campaign.
Then proceed as described in the steps above. If you want to remove an email from a Campaign, click the Remove This Email button.
Note: If you want to delete a Campaign, click the Edit button for the Campaign and then click the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your decision, understanding that you cannot undo this action once it is done.
Legacy Campaigns: How to Manage a Legacy Standard Mailshot Campaign
To run a Standard Mailshot Campaign, follow these steps:
- Go to Email Marketing > Marketing Campaigns in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
- Click the Legacy Campaigns button at the top of the page.
- To edit an existing Standard Mailshot Campaign, find the Campaign that you are interested in and click the Edit button at the right side of the row belonging to the Campaign that you want to edit.
- If you want to simply copy the Campaign and adjust some details to use it for another Campaign, click the Copy button.
- To add a new Campaign, click the Add Campaign button at the top of the screen.
- Complete the details on the tabs that appear, as described in the sections that follow.
Campaign Type tab
- Complete the following details on the Campaign Type tab:
- Status: The current status of the email Campaign. For mailshot campaigns this can be one of 'Inactive', 'Scheduled', 'Sending' or 'Sent'. For re-marketing campaigns this can be one of 'Paused', 'Live' or 'Sent'.
- Campaign Name: Enter a name for the email Campaign that will be used to identify the Campaign throughout the IRP Admin.
- Campaign Type: Choose the type of email Campaign – Standard Mailshot.
- Traffic Partner For Tracking: Select the traffic partner that will be associated with this Campaign or choose to automatically create a new traffic partner. All sales placed as a result of this email will be tracked via this partner. To add n new traffic partner click the 'Add New' button.
- Click the Insert Campaign button.
- Move to the Email Content tab, as described in the section that follows.
Email Content tab
- Complete the following details on he Email Content tab:
- Email ID: The ID of the Email within the Campaign used by the IRP (created automatically).
- From Email Address: The email will appear to have been sent from this email address when viewed by the recipient customer.
- From Display Name: This will be the name displayed in the recipients' inbox as the name of the sender.
- Subject: The subject of the email that will display the in the inboxes of the recipient customers. Obviously this should be in whatever language is appropriate for the recipients of the email.
- Language: Select the language that will be used for any translatable content within the email such as unsubscribe links. For example, if this is a German email and you have configured a German translation ('abbestellen') for Small Translation 2504 (which is used for the 'unsubscribe' link within emails), you should select 'Deutsch' from the Language drop-down menu and click 'Update Campaign' . You can then click 'Preview' to see the German version of the unsubscribe link contained in the German version of the email and this is what will be used in the emails sent to the recipients.
- Complete the following details in the 'Email Content' section:
- Header & Footer: Select a (previously configured) a header and footer that will display above and below the email content. Make sure that this is in whatever language is appropriate for the recipients of the email. Click the 'Preview' button to see what these look like.
- HTML Version: Enter the HTML version of the email content that will be displayed to customers. Make sure that this is in whatever language is appropriate for the recipients of the email. Use any of the placeholders listed. If you are incorporating Vouchers, you MUST include the Voucher-related placeholders.
Note: For more information see How to Understand Email Campaign Placeholders.
- Include Plain Text Version: When unchecked only an HTML version of the email will be sent to the customer. When checked both an HTML and text version of the email will be sent.
- To include existing content that you have saved elsewhere, click the Upload Files button.
- To include a Custom Product List, click the Add Product List button.
- Complete the following details in the 'Vouchers' section:
- Include Voucher: Check to include a voucher with this email. If selected a single-use free voucher will be added to the email for each customer who receives it. The amount, discount type and number of days it is valid for can all be set.
- Discount Type: The discount type that will be used for the voucher that is generated for this email. This can be money off or percentage off.
- Currency: The currency that will be used for the voucher that is generated for this email.
- Amount: The value amount of the voucher that will be generated for this email. For foreign currencies, the value is converted for non-percentage amounts only.
- Minimum Spend: The amount the customer has to spend to receive the discount. The text fully translatable using small translations 2633, 2634, 2635 and 2636.
- Valid For Days: The number of days that the voucher will be valid for. After this time the voucher will expire.
- Add Product Restriction: Select the type of restriction to add to this email voucher (No Restriction, Brand Only, Category Only, Brand Category Combination).
- Click the Update Campaign button.
- To preview the email content with test data, click the View Parsed Content button.
- Move to the Test tab, as described in the section that follows.
Test tab
- Use the Send To setting to send to an individual email address or a test list.
- Click the Preview Email button to see what the email will look like.
- Click the Send Test Email button to send the email to the test recipients. The Scheduled Sends tab will indicate when the email is sent.
- Assuming all is as you want it, move to the Recipients tab, as described in the section that follows.
Recipients tab
- Complete the following details on the Recipients tab:
- Who are you sending it to: Select the type of recipients that this email will be sent to (Everyone, Email Profile, Mailing List Segment, Report, Private Sale Invitees).
- Exclude Previous Recipients: This will prevent a campaign email from being sent to any recipient who has already previously received the same email.
- Include Unsubscribed Customers: Customers who have unsubscribed to the mailing list will be included in the recipients for this campaign email. This is not recommended unless issuing a product recall. Sending emails to unsubscribed customers will potentially cause you to be blacklisted as a spam sender.
- Number Of Recipients: This is the number of people who will receive this email based on the selection above. Note that an exact count is not available for event based email campaigns as the number of recipients constantly changes based on customer activity e.g. how many customers drop baskets, etc.
- Click the Update Campaign button.
- Move to the Preview & Send tab, as described in the section that follows.
Preview & Send tab
Assuming all is as you want it, click the Send Email Now button. Otherwise, select 'Schedule' and define the time when you want the email to be sent.
You can use the Scheduled Sends tab to see details about the send. If necessary, you can cancel the email by clicking the Cancel Scheduled Email button (you can also use this button for any emails that (for whatever reason) are stuck with scheduled send times in the past). When you click the button, you should see a message stating Scheduled email has been removed.
In addition, you can use the Previous Send Stats tab to view key statistics about the emails you have sent. Stats include: Total Sent, Total Opened, Total Open Rate, Total Clicks, Total Click Rate, Total Unsubscribes, Total Orders, Total AOV and Total Revenue.
Note: If you want to delete a Campaign, click the Edit button for the Campaign and then click the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your decision, understanding that you cannot undo this action once it is done.
Legacy Campaigns: How to Manage a Legacy Dropped Basket Campaign
To run a Dropped Basket Campaign, follow these steps:
- Go to Email Marketing > Marketing Campaigns in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
- Click the Legacy Campaigns button at the top of the page.
- To edit an existing Dropped Basket Campaign, find the Campaign that you are interested in and click the Edit button at the right side of the row belonging to the Campaign that you want to edit.
- If you want to simply copy the Campaign and adjust some details to use it for another Campaign, click the Copy button.
- To add a new Campaign, click the Add Campaign button at the top of the screen.
- Complete the details on the tabs that appear, as described in the sections that follow.
Campaign Type tab
- Complete the following details on the Campaign Type tab (note that the tab will by default refer to 'Standard Mailshot' until you use the 'Campaign Type' setting to set the type of Campaign):
- Status: The current status of the email Campaign. For mailshot campaigns this can be one of 'Inactive', 'Scheduled', 'Sending' or 'Sent'. For re-marketing campaigns this can be one of 'Paused', 'Live' or 'Sent'.
- Campaign Name: Enter a name for the email Campaign that will be used to identify the Campaign throughout the IRP Admin.
- Campaign Type: Choose the type of email Campaign: Dropped Basket.
- Traffic Partner For Tracking: Select the traffic partner that will be associated with this Campaign. All sales placed as a result of this email will be tracked via this partner. To add n new traffic partner click the 'Add New' button.
- Click the Insert Campaign button.
- Move to the Email Content tab, as described in the section that follows.
Email Content tab
- Complete the following details on the Email Content tab:
- Email ID: The ID of the Email within the Campaign used by the IRP (created automatically).
- From Email Address: The email will appear to have been sent from this email address when viewed by the recipient customer.
- From Display Name: This will be the name displayed in the recipients' inbox as the name of the sender.
- Subject: The subject of the email that will display the in the inboxes of the recipient customers. Obviously this should be in whatever language is appropriate for the recipients of the email.
- Language: Select the language that will be used for any translatable content within the email such as unsubscribe links. For example, if this is a German email and you have configured a German translation ('abbestellen') for Small Translation 2504 (which is used for the 'unsubscribe' link within emails), you should select 'Deutsch' from the Language drop-down menu and click 'Update Campaign' . You can then click 'Preview' to see the German version of the unsubscribe link contained in the German version of the email and this is what will be used in the emails sent to the recipients.
- Track This Email Separately: (Available when more than one email is included in an overall Email Campaign.) Overriding the campaign traffic partner allows individual campaign emails to be tracked, including the number of emails opened and orders placed.
- Complete the following details in the 'Email Content' section:
- Header & Footer: Select a (previously configured) a header and footer that will display above and below the email content. Make sure that this is in whatever language is appropriate for the recipients of the email. Click the 'Preview' button to see what these look like.
- HTML Version: Enter the HTML version of the email content that will be displayed to customers. Make sure that this is in whatever language is appropriate for the recipients of the email. Use any of the placeholders listed. Note that $$BasketUrl$$ and $$BasketLink$$ MUST be included for Dropped Basket Emails. Also, if you are incorporating Vouchers, you MUST include the Voucher-related placeholders.
NOTE: For more information see How to Understand Email Campaign Placeholders.
- Include Plain Text Version: When unchecked only an HTML version of the email will be sent to the customer. When checked both an HTML and text version of the email will be sent.
- To include existing content that you have saved elsewhere, click the Upload Files button.
- To include a Custom Product List, click the Add Product List button and make your selection.
- To include a Basket Content Template, click the Add Basket Contents button and make your selection.
- To include product recommendations, click the Add Recommendations button. This will open a section where you can make further selections regarding the recommendations to use in the email. Select from the following options:
- Default Custom Product List Template
- 3 column without price
- 3 column with price and saving
- 2 column without price
- 2 column with price and saving
- Single Column Price and Saving
- Single Column No Price
- Default Custom Product List SCROLLER Template
- Any templates you have created will also be listed and available for selection.
When you have made your selection, click the Add To HTML button. A placeholder corresponding to the template you have selected will then be added to the email (ranging from $$ProductRecommendations-Template1$$ to $$ProductRecommendations-Template8$).
- Complete the following details in the 'Vouchers' section:
- Include Voucher: Check to include a voucher with this email. If selected a single-use free voucher will be added to the email for each customer who receives it. The amount, discount type and number of days it is valid for can all be set.
- Discount Type: The discount type that will be used for the voucher that is generated for this email. This can be money off or percentage off.
- Currency: The currency that will be used for the voucher that is generated for this email.
- Amount: The value amount of the voucher that will be generated for this email. For foreign currencies, the value is converted for non-percentage amounts only
- Minimum Spend: The amount the customer has to spend to receive the discount. The text fully translatable using small translations 2633, 2634, 2635 and 2636
- Valid For Days: The number of days that the voucher will be valid for. After this time the voucher will expire.
- Add Product Restriction: Select the type of restriction to add to this email voucher (No Restriction, Brand Only, Category Only, Brand Category Combination).
- Complete the Product Recommendations section:
- Add Product Recommendations: Yes or No. If you select Yes, the setting below will appear.
- Number of Products to Recommend: Select the number of products to recommend in the email. Note that the maximum number of products that can be recommended is 6.
- Click the Update Campaign button.
- To preview the email content with test data, click the View Parsed Content button.
- Move to the Test tab, as described in the section that follows.
Test tab
- Select the email content to use for test using the Select Campaign Email drop-down list.
- Use the Send To setting to send to an individual email address or a test list.
- Click the Preview Email button to see what the email will look like.
- Click the Send Test Email button to send the email to the test recipients.
- Assuming all is as you want it, move to the Recipients (Matching Baskets) tab, as described in the section that follows.
Recipients (Matching Baskets) tab
- Complete the following details:
- Who are you sending it to: Select the type of recipients that this email will be sent to (Everyone, Email Profile, Mailing List Segment, Report, Private Sale Invitees).
- Include Unsubscribed Customers: Customers who have unsubscribed to the mailing list will be included in the recipients for this campaign email. This is not recommended unless issuing a product recall. Sending emails to unsubscribed customers will potentially cause you to be blacklisted as a spam sender.
- Date From / Date To: Emails will only be sent between the specified dates. Note that Dropped Basket Campaigns will only consider baskets dropped within the previous month up to the 'Date To' value. Any baskets more than one month old will always be excluded.
- Number Of Recipients: This is the number of people who will receive this email based on the selection above. Note that an exact count is not available for event based email campaigns as the number of recipients constantly changes based on customer activity e.g. how many customers drop baskets, etc.
- Click the Update Campaign button.
- Move to the Basket Restrictions tab, as described in the section that follows.
Basket Restrictions tab
This tab allows you to target sends by differing criteria, for example:
- Only send this email if the basket value is greater than £x.
- Only send this email if the basket has a margin greater than y%.
- Only send this email if the basket contains 'item A' or 'category B'.
- Select the type of basket restriction to add to this email campaign using the Add Basket Restriction drop-down list. This will limit recipients to customers with baskets matching any provided restrictions. Note that when multiple restrictions are added to an email campaign, only baskets matching all of them will be valid recipients. Select from the following:
- Basket Value At Least (default currency): You can then complete the 'Basket Value At Least' amount. The recipients will be limited to customers with baskets with the provided minimum total value.
- Basket Margin At Least
You can then complete the 'Basket Margin At Least' amount. The recipients will be limited to customers with baskets with the provided minimum total margin.
- Model: You can then enter the 'Model ID'. The recipients will be limited to customers who have baskets containing the provided ModelID. If you tick 'Is Excluded', customer baskets that match this restriction will be excluded. When unchecked customer baskets that only match this restriction will be included.
- Brand Only: You can then select the 'Brand'. The recipients will be limited to customers who have basket items belonging to the selected brand. If you tick 'Is Excluded', customer baskets that match this restriction will be excluded. When unchecked customer baskets that only match this restriction will be included.
- Category Only: You can then select the 'Category'. The recipients will be limited to customers who have basket items belonging to the selected category. If you tick 'Is Excluded', customer baskets that match this restriction will be excluded. When unchecked customer baskets that only match this restriction will be included.
- Brand Category Combination: You can then select the 'Brand' and the 'Category'. The recipients will be limited to customers who have basket items belonging to the selected brand and category. If you tick 'Is Excluded', customer baskets that match this restriction will be excluded. When unchecked customer baskets that only match this restriction will be included.
- Click the Add Basket Restriction button.
- Move to the Preview & Send tab, as described in the section that follows.
Preview & Send tab
- You can now configure the follows details:
- Send After: Set the time period to Minutes, Hours, Days or Weeks.
- Active: Check the Active box if you have finished configuring the Campaign.
- Assuming all is as you want it, click the Start Campaign button.
Viewing campaign stats and adding emails to campaigns
You can use the Previous Send Stats tab to view key statistics about the emails you have sent. Stats include: Total Sent, Total Opened, Total Open Rate, Total Clicks, Total Click Rate, Total Unsubscribes, Total Orders, Total AOV and Total Revenue.
If you want to add more emails to the same Campaign (allowing you, if necessary, to track traffic partners independently), open the Email Content tab and click the orange 'plus' symbol (+) beside the tab for the Campaign.
Then proceed as described in the steps above. If you want to remove an email from a Campaign, click the Remove This Email button.
Note: If you want to delete a Campaign, click the Edit button for the Campaign and then click the Delete button. You will be asked to confirm your decision, understanding that you cannot undo this action once it is done.