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You can find this section under Promotions > Vouchers in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.

You use this section to create vouchers that can then be emailed to clients who can redeem them through the website.

The main Vouchers page (Vouchers.aspx) appears as follows:

Vouchers page

The page shows the following details for each voucher:

  • ID: This is the unique IRP identifier for the voucher.
  • Code: This is an auto-generated or custom code for the voucher.
  • Type: This can be Free, Club, Gift, Price Match or Promotion Trigger. For details, see the Voucher Types section below.
  • Single Use: A single use voucher can be used by no more than one single customer on one single order. This option is limited based on the voucher type.
  • Description: This describes the details of the voucher for the customer.
  • Discount: This shows the amount or percentage of money that will come off the basket total.
  • Min Spend: This shows the amount that the customer has to spend in order to receive the discount.
  • Valid From: This shows when the voucher can first be used.
  • Valid Until: This shows the final date for using the voucher.
  • Uses: This indicates the number of times that a voucher has been used.
  • Total Discount: This is the total amount of discount generated by the voucher.
  • Total Orders: This is the total amount of orders that the voucher has been used in.
  • Delete: If you want to delete a voucher, check the box to the right of the relevant row and click the Delete Selected Vouchers button.
  • Edit: If you want to edit a voucher, click the Edit button. For details, see the How To Add or Edit a Voucher topic in this section.

You can use the Search bar to search for particular vouchers by Voucher Code or Description. Expand Other Options in order to filter your results by Voucher Type and Date Range. You can also search by Promotion Trigger to find promotions that will be triggered when a customer enters a voucher code.

As with many other pages in IRP Admin, you can also export the contents of the grid using several different formats by clicking the Export icon under the Search bar.

Voucher Types

There are the following types of voucher available:

  1. Gift Voucher
    A gift voucher is one voucher that can be redeemed once by one customer. Gift vouchers are limited to money off basket totals; percentage-based discount types cannot be used. You can use Voucher Batches to create multiple gift vouchers.
    Note: You can configure the IRP to generate and send gift vouchers automatically when purchased. For more information, see the How to Set Up Automated eGift Vouchers help topic.
  2. Free (Generic) Voucher
    A generic voucher is a voucher that is available to multiple customers but can only be redeemed once per customer. You can use Voucher Batches to create multiple free vouchers.
  3. Price Match Voucher
    A price match voucher is issued when a valid price match claim is made for a product. The voucher is issued for the difference in value between your product and the price match product that is cheaper.
  4. Club Voucher
    A club voucher is a voucher that is available to multiple customers and can be redeemed multiple times.

Note that you can also use vouchers to trigger promotions using the Promotions section. Although you cannot create such Vouchers within the Vouchers section (only from the Promotions section), you can search for them here using the search bar.

Voucher Batches

You use Voucher Batches to create a specified number of vouchers in a batch. The voucher types that you can create are:

  • Gift vouchers
  • Free vouchers

When you have created a Voucher Batch, you can download the voucher codes in bulk using a CSV file. You do this by clicking the Voucher Batches button at the top of the main Vouchers.aspx page, which brings you to the VoucherBatches.aspx page:

Voucher Batches

See How To Add a Voucher Batch for more details.

Types of Discount Available for Vouchers

Free Vouchers and Club Vouchers can use both ‘percentage off basket total’ and ‘money off basket total’ discount types.

Gift Vouchers and Price Match Vouchers can use only ‘money off basket total’ discount types.

Note that Admin Users with the right permissions can issue vouchers to customers using the Live Chat feature. These are one-time use, free vouchers with the description 'Live Chat Voucher'. For more information, see Live Chat Active Sessions.

Date Range

You can set ‘Valid from’ and ‘Valid Until’ date ranges for each voucher created.

Voucher Codes

Vouchers are generated using codes. You can specify code lengths in the IRP when creating the vouchers. This will then generate a random code with the amount of characters specified in the code length.

You can also set a bespoke voucher code value. For example, if you want the voucher to be £5 off, you can set the voucher code to FIVE. In order for the customer to enter a code themselves, ensure that the Enable Voucher Codes application setting is enabled. For details, see the How To Add or Edit a Voucher topic in this section.

Voucher Descriptions

You can enter a description of the voucher in the description section. This is a short phrase highlighting what the voucher is. You can also set this for alternative languages, but this is not compulsory. The description appears in the customer’s basket details, for example:

Example Voucher Description

Voucher Restrictions

You can restrict vouchers to certain brands or categories or a combination of both. For details, see the How To Add or Edit a Voucher topic in this section.

Voucher Cancellations

Note that if a customer gets a voucher code but then cancels the order, the voucher can no longer be used. (If they try to use the voucher subsequently they should get an error message saying something like ‘The Gift Voucher code does not exist’.) The Admin User can always send the customer a new voucher if desired.

Remaining Gift Voucher Credit System Email

You can use the 'Remaining Gift Voucher Credit' System Email to automatically inform customers what the current balance is on their Gift Voucher. Each time that the customer uses the voucher as part of their order, they will receive the email at the same time as their Order Confirmation Email. Every time that the voucher is used, it will be shown as a separate row on the Vouchers.aspx page.

Note that currently this is the only way for a customer to know what the balance is on their voucher. It is possible that this functionality will be enhanced in the future.

How To Guides (2)

How To Add or Edit a Voucher

To add or edit a voucher, follow these steps:

Voucher Details Tab

  1. Go to Promotions > Vouchers in the IRP Admin left navigation menu.
  2. To add a voucher, click the Add New Voucher button above the Search bar.
  3. To edit an existing voucher, click the Edit button beside the voucher that you want to edit.
  4. Enter or edit the following details. If you see an asterisk (*) beside a setting it means that the setting is required.
    Voucher Details
    Voucher ID This is the unique, auto- generated IRP identifier for the voucher.
    Voucher Type The type of voucher determines how it can be used. This can be Free, Club, Gift or Price Match. For details, see the main Overview section.
    Single Use Only (This option is limited based on the voucher type.) If enabled, this will limit the voucher to be used by no more than one single customer on one single order.
    Include In Promotions Feed Check this box if you want the voucher to be included in the output of Feeds detailing available promotions, for example Google Merchant Promotions. NOTE that this setting is available only for Club and Free Vouchers (not Gift Vouchers or Price Match Vouchers).
    Discount Type Specify which type of discount applies to the voucher. Free Vouchers and Club Vouchers can use both 'percentage off basket total' and 'money off basket total' discount types. Gift Vouchers and Price Match Vouchers can use only 'money off basket total' discount types.
    Currency Select the Currency. This will have an effect on the Min Basket Sub Total as well as the Amount if you have selected a non-percentage Discount Type.
    Money Off (or Percentage Off) This will determine the monetary value or the percentage of discount to be applied.
    Min Sub Total The Minimum Sub Total value (before Shipping) of the Customer's Basket before this Voucher can be applied.
    Note also that there is an Application Setting available called Shipping Cost Calculate Excluding Gift Voucher Discount (in the 'Shipping' grouping). When this is enabled, gift voucher discounts which drop the basket total below shipping rule thresholds will be ignored, i.e. gift vouchers will be excluded from the shipping cost calculation. For more information, see the Shipping Overview help topic.
    Valid From This will determine what date and time the voucher is valid from.
    Valid Until This will determine what date and time the voucher is valid to.
    Description This is the description that will be displayed in the basket when the voucher is used. To translate this into another language, click the Translate link.
    Email Campaign If a voucher was generated as part of an Email Campaign, this shows the Email Campaign ID and Name.
    Number of Uses This shows how many times this Voucher has been used to by Customers.
    Order Total This shows the Total Value of Orders that this Voucher has been applied to.
    Discount Total This shows the Total Value of Discount following the application of this Voucher.
    Voucher Code
    Code Length How many characters in length the automatically generated voucher codes will be (up to 50 characters).
    Voucher Code This is the code that the customer enters in their basket to redeem the voucher. To generate a code, click the Auto Generate Code button. In order for the customer to enter a code themselves, ensure that the Enable Voucher Codes application setting is enabled.
  5. When you have entered or updated all of the details, click the Insert Voucher button or the Update Voucher button.

Product Restrictions Tab

You can add restrictions to restrict voucher usage for certain Brands, Categories or Brand-Category combinations for Free and Club Vouchers. Adding Restrictions means that only Models that fall into these combinations can be discounted using this voucher.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Select the Product Restrictions tab.
  2. Complete the following fields:
    Restriction Type Select a Restriction Type from the drop-down list: Brand Only, Category Only or Brand Category Combination.
    Brands / Categories / Brand Category Combination Use the boxes that appear underneath to add single or multiple Brands, Categories or Brand-Category Combinations.
  3. Click the associated 'Add' button to add the restrictions.

Country Restrictions Tab

You can restrict voucher usage to specific countries for Free and Club Vouchers. Proceed as follows:

  1. Select the Country Restrictions tab.
  2. If there are no existing restrictions, click the Add New Country Restriction button.
  3. Use the Add button to move countries from the 'Select Countries' box to the 'Countries Voucher Is Available In' box. Hold Ctrl or Shift to select multiple countries. If you want to remove a country from the 'Countries Voucher Is Available In' box, use the Remove button.
How To Add a Voucher Batch

FAQs (1)

Can I offer a voucher code for a single model?
You cannot limit voucher codes to stock, only to brands, categories and brand-category combinations. Instead you should use the Promotions Engine to create a promotion and set the basket restriction to the specific model/stock item.

Application Settings (3)

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